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Micheler analyses the German, Austrian and English law of
securities, addressing the rules governing transfers of securities,
including unauthorised transfers, equities arising out of defective
issues, and the holding of securities through intermediaries. The
book presents an account of the current English, German and
Austrian regimes. It has been written with a view to explaining the
German and Austrian regime to readers with a common law background
and to explaining the English regime to readers with a civil law
background. Micheler also aims to determine whether globalisation
will cause the two different approaches to converge. It concludes
that the respective rules in all three jurisdictions have
historically evolved consistently with incumbent legal doctrine.
This pattern of change is likely to continue. Convergence will
occur on a functional rather than doctrinal level. Moreover, recent
reform initiatives advanced by the UNIDROIT and the EU will lead to
functional rather than doctrinal convergence.
This book develops a new framework for conducting postmortems
guided by a normative model of anticipatory foreign policy. It is
the first assessment of the performance of three leading European
polities in providing estimative intelligence during an era of
surprise. The comparative analysis focuses on how the UK, the EU
and Germany handled three cases of major surprises: the Arab
uprisings, the rise to power of the Islamic State (ISIS), and the
Russian annexation of Crimea. It considers government intelligence
assessments, diplomatic reporting and expert open sources, and how
organisational leaders received these assessments. The book tests
and develops new theories about the causes of strategic surprises,
going beyond a common focus on intelligence versus policy failures
to identify challenges and factors that cut across analyst and
decision-maker communities. Drawing on insights and chapters
provided by former senior officials, the book identifies lessons to
learn from European polities to better anticipate and prepare for
future surprises.
This book advances a real entity theory of company law, in which
the company is a legal entity which acts autonomously in law, and
company law establishes procedures facilitating autonomous
organisational decision-making. The theory builds on the insight
that organisations or firms are a social phenomenon outside of the
law and that these are autonomous actors in their own right. They
are more than the sum of the contributions of their participants
and they act independently of the views and interests of their
participants. This occurs because human beings change their
behaviour when they act as members of a group or an organisation;
in a group we tend to develop and conform to a shared standard, and
when we act in organisations habits, routines, processes, and
procedures form and a culture emerges. These take on a life of
their own affecting the behaviour of the participants. Participants
can affect organisational behaviour but this takes time and effort.
Company law finds this phenomenon and supplies it with a structure
supporting autonomous action by organisations. The real entity
theory advanced in this book explains company law as it stands at a
positive level. Legal personality overcomes the problems that
organisations are social rather than brute facts and that there is
no unique physical manifestation permanently associated with an
organisation. The corporate constitution is not a contract - it is
best characterised as an instrument adopted on a statutory basis
through private action. Shareholders cannot limit the capacity of
companies or the authority of the board to bind the company in
contract and companies are liable in tort and crime. The statute
creates roles for shareholders, directors, a company secretary, and
auditors and so facilitates a process leading to organisational
action. The law also integrates the interests of creditors and
This book is to share my story of how I overcame my past of guilt
and shame of all my poor choices through the love and power of
Jesus Christ.