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Parliamentary cabinets are supposed to be collective bodies, taking
their decisions on the basis of agreements among all the members.
Yet much has been made of the growth of the role of prime
ministers, not just in Britain, but all over Western Europe. Much
has also been made of the trend towards letting cabinet decisions
be taken by committees or even by individual ministers.;These are
the issues which this study examines, on the basis of the replies
of over 400 cabinet ministers across Western Europe. The result is
an empirical analysis of a subject on which what has been known so
far has tended to be speculation.;Other works by Jean Blondel
include "Voters, Parties and Leaders", "An Introduction to
Comparative Government", "Comparative Legislatures", "Political
Parties", "The Discipline of Politics", "World Leaders", "The
Organisation of Governments", "Government Ministers in the
Contemporary World", "Political Leadership" and "Cabinets in
Western Europe". Ferdinand Mueller-Rommel is the author of "New
Politics in Western Europe", "Cabinets in Western Europe" and
"Gruene Parteien in Westeuropa".
A fully-updated second edition of the presentation of the structure
and workings of the national cabinets in Western European countries
today. This book is based on a common framework which enables the
reader to compare the origins, structure, composition and
activities of these cabinets and to draw lessons from this
comparison. Emphasis is placed on the leadership and on the
character of coalitions. When West European ministers are working
ever more closely together, a knowledge of the life of national
cabinets is vital as is an understanding of the differences between
types of cabinet decision-making in the context of the reforms
proposed of Western European governments.
By the late 1990s Green parties had entered national governments in
five Western European countries - Finland, Italy, Germany, France
and Belgium.This book analyzes the performance of Green parties in
these five governments by answering the following questions: what
are the political conditions under which Green parties have gained
effective office? How do Green parties behave in government? What
is the impact of Green parties on the policy performance of the
national government? What is the effect of government participation
on the electoral and organizational stability of the Greens?
This book examines the changes in the career experiences and
profiles of 350 European prime ministers in 26 European democracies
from 1945 to 2020. It builds on a theoretical framework, which
claims that the decline of party government along with the increase
of populism, technocracy, and the presidentialization of politics
have influenced the careers of prime ministers over the past 70
years. The findings show that prime ministers' career experiences
became less political and more technical. Moreover, their career
profiles shifted from a traditional type of 'party-agent' to a new
type of 'party-principal'. These changes affected the recruitment
of executive elites and their political representation in European
democracies, albeit with different intensity and speed.
This edited collection, in honour of the late political scientist
Peter Mair, contains original chapters that are directly linked to
his theoretical and/or methodological ideas and approaches. Peter
Mair demonstrated that political parties have traditionally been
central actors in European politics and an essential focus of
comparative European political science. Though the nature of
political parties and the manner in which they operate has been
subject to significant change in recent decades, parties remain a
crucial factor in the working of European liberal democracies. This
volume analyses recent developments and current challenges that
European parties, party systems and democracy face. The volume will
be of key interest to students and scholars of comparative
politics, democracy studies, political parties, and European
politics and European Union studies.
This edited collection, in honour of the late political scientist
Peter Mair, contains original chapters that are directly linked to
his theoretical and/or methodological ideas and approaches. Peter
Mair demonstrated that political parties have traditionally been
central actors in European politics and an essential focus of
comparative European political science. Though the nature of
political parties and the manner in which they operate has been
subject to significant change in recent decades, parties remain a
crucial factor in the working of European liberal democracies. This
volume analyses recent developments and current challenges that
European parties, party systems and democracy face. The volume will
be of key interest to students and scholars of comparative
politics, democracy studies, political parties, and European
politics and European Union studies.
This truly comparative volume examines the "life cycle" of party
governments in Europe from 1990 onwards, and analyses its role and
function in contemporary European parliamentary democracies. The
life and the performance of party governments in Europe became more
and more volatile and publicly contested. In some cases, it has
even challenge the democratic quality of the state. This book
presents comparative analyses of party governments from formation
and duration, to performance. It brings together some of the
foremost scholars researching on party government to evaluate
existing theories and compare both the developments in the Western
and the 'new' Eastern Europe in an empirically-grounded comparative
analysis. The book discusses the interaction between various
institutions, political parties and policies, and evaluates how
institutional change and party behaviour can drive the "life cycle"
of party government. Party Government in the New Europe will be of
interest to students and scholars of Comparative Politics,
Democracy, Government and European Politics.
This truly comparative volume examines the "life cycle" of party
governments in Europe from 1990 onwards, and analyses its role and
function in contemporary European parliamentary democracies.
The life and the performance of party governments in Europe
became more and more volatile and publicly contested. In some
cases, it has even challenge the democratic quality of the state.
This book presents comparative analyses of party governments from
formation and duration, to performance. It brings together some of
the foremost scholars researching on party government to evaluate
existing theories and compare both the developments in the Western
and the new Eastern Europe in an empirically-grounded comparative
analysis. The book discusses the interaction between various
institutions, political parties and policies, and evaluates how
institutional change and party behaviour can drive the "life cycle"
of party government.
Party Government in the New Europe will be of interest to
students and scholars of Comparative Politics, Democracy,
Government and European Politics.
This book provides an introduction to the green party phenomenon in
Western Europe that will enable the student of comparative politics
to acquire detailed understanding of the green parties and to
compare them meaningfully across countries.
This book provides an introduction to the green party phenomenon in
Western Europe that will enable the student of comparative politics
to acquire detailed understanding of the green parties and to
compare them meaningfully across countries.
By the late 1990s Green parties had entered national governments in
five Western European countries - Finland, Italy, Germany, France
and Belgium.This book analyzes the performance of Green parties in
these five governments by answering the following questions: what
are the political conditions under which Green parties have gained
effective office? How do Green parties behave in government? What
is the impact of Green parties on the policy performance of the
national government? What is the effect of government participation
on the electoral and organizational stability of the Greens?
Political executives have been at the centre of public and
scholarly attention long before the inception of modern political
science. In the contemporary world, political executives have come
to dominate the political stage in many democratic and autocratic
regimes. The Oxford Handbook of Political Executives marks the
definitive reference work in this field. Edited and written by a
team of word-class scholars, it combines substantive stocktaking
with setting new agendas for the next generation of political
executive research.
This volume brings together some of the foremost scholars of European party politics to discuss the challenges currently faced by western European political parties. Each contributor provides a concise, critical review of the theoretical and methodological 'state of the art' in respect of a specific aspect, and also reviews the latest empirical findings in that area.
A fully-updated second edition of the presentation of the structure and workings of the national cabinets in Western European countries today. This book is based on a common framework which enables the reader to compare the origins, structure, composition and activities of these cabinets and to draw lessons from this comparison. Emphasis is placed on the leadership and on the character of coalitions. When West European ministers are working ever more closely together, a knowledge of the life of national cabinets is vital as is an understanding of the differences between types of cabinet decision-making in the context of the reforms proposed of Western European governments.
Parliamentary cabinets are supposed to be collective bodies, taking
their decisions on the basis of agreements among all the members.
Yet much has been made of the growth of the role of prime
ministers, not just in Britain, but all over western Europe. Much
has also been made of the trend towards letting cabinet decisions
be taken by committees or even by individual ministers. It is
indeed true that twenty men and women, meeting only a few hours a
week, cannot take all the decisions of the State. These are the
issues which this study examines, on the basis of the replies of
over 400 cabinet ministers across western Europe. The result is the
first truly empirical analysis in a subject on which what has been
known so far has tended to be speculation.
A presentation of the structure and workings of the national
cabinets in Western European countries today, based on a common
framework which enables the reader to compare their origins,
structure, composition and activities. Emphasis is placed on the
leadership and on the character of coalitions.
Holger Meyer zeigt, dass sich der Einfluss der EU nicht in allen
umweltrelevanten Bereichen qualitatsverbessernd auswirkt, und weist
auf alarmierende Fehlentwicklungen hin, da die neuen
Mitgliedslander umweltdegradierende Verhaltensweisen der alten
Mitgliedsstaaten aufgreifen.
Diese Einfuhrung in die umweltorientierten Sozialwissenschaften
bietet einen leichten uberblickartigen Einstieg in die Thematik.
Dabei werden die wichtigsten sozial-umweltwissenschaftlichen
Disziplinen wie Umweltpolitologie, Umweltplanung,
Umweltpsychologie, Umweltbildung vorgestellt. Der Schwerpunkt liegt
auf den theoretischen Grundlagen dieser Forschungsfelder.
Praxisbezuge werden aber vielfach angefuhrt und verdeutlichen die
Relevanz dieses umweltwissenschaftlichen Teilgebiets. Der Aufbau
des Buches orientiert sich an den verschiedenen Forschungsfeldern,
die einerseits eine tiefgehende Analyse des jeweilige Teilgebiets
liefern und andererseits weiterfuhrende Handlungspotentiale
aufzeigen. Das Buch wendet sich in erster Linie an Studierende der
Umweltwissenschaften, die ihr oekologisches Wissen in
sozialwissenschaftliche Handlungsbezuge setzen moechten. Aber auch
anderen interessierten Lesern vermittelt es ein Grundverstandnis
uber sozialwissenschaftliche Zusammenhange.
Der Band gibt einen Uberblick uber die Geschichte aller Grunen
Parteien in Westeuropa uber einen Zeitraum von mehr als 10 Jahren.
Ferner wird empirisch uberpruft, unter welchen
gesellschaftspolitischen Rahmenbedingungen die Grunen in Europa
hohe bzw. niedrige Wahlergebnisse erzielen. Dabei werden im
einzelnen folgende Faktoren untersucht: das soziookonomische
System, das politische System, das Parteiensystem, die
ausserparlamentarischen Krafteverhaltnisse, die politischen Werte
und Einstellungen der Wahler sowie die Parteiorganisation der
Grunen in 15 westeuropaischen Landern. Abschliessend werden die
Schwierigkeiten und Grenzen von landervergleichender
Parteienforschung unter theoretischen und methodischen
Gesichtspunkten thematisiert."
Entwicldung und Stellenwert der Vergleicbenden Politikwissenscbaft
Die Vergleichende Politikwissenschaft ist hiufig als "KOnigsweg"
des Faches insgesamt bezeichnet worden (z. B. Massing 1969: 286).
Zum einen, well sie auf eine altehrwiirdige Tradition, die
zumindest bis zu Autoren wie Thukydides und Aristoteles reicht,
zuriick blicken kann und sich komparative Aussagen in Werken nahezu
alIer klassischen Autoren des Faches finden. Zum andem, well die
ihr in newohnende methodische Perspektive in die Lage versetzt, die
je wells eigenen politischen Verhiltnisse kritisch am Beispiel
anderer zu iiberpriifen und potentiell zu universal giiltigen
Aussagen zu ge langen. Auf diese Weise kann sie auch per
Uberwindung der jeweili gen Subjektivitiit und Ethnozentriertheit
beitragen (Dogan und Pe lassy 1984: Sff. ). Der Vergleich wird oft
auch als "Quasi-Experi ment" herangezogen, das
Erkenntnisfortschritte unter ahnlich kontrollierbaren Bedingungen
wie in den Naturwissenschaften er moglichen soIl. 1m folgenden soIl
auf einige Etappen dieses Weges, aber auch aufweiterbestehende
Probleme und Grenzen des Ansatzes kurz eingegangen werden. Der
aktuelle Stand und konkrete Perspek tiven in zentralen Bereichen
der Vergleichenden Politikwissenschaft werden dann in den
Einzelbeitriigen dieses Bandes verdeutlicht. Eine gewisse Konfusion
besteht bereits in den jeweils verwendeten Begrlffen. Der im
angelsachsischen Raum lange Zeit vorherr schende Terminus
"comparative government" wird im Deutschen meist als "vergleichende
Regierungslehre" iibersetzt (vgl. z. B. Stammen 1976). Er steht
aber auch in enger Beziehung zur ilteren deutschen "Staatslehre"
und "Polizeywissenschaft" (Maier 1966)."
The scope and intensity of the challenges currently faced by West
European political parties is exceptionally great, threatening the
viability of the manner in which they have traditionally operated
and causing them to seek new behaviours and strategies. This volume
brings together some of the foremost scholars of European party
politics, whose evaluation of political parties in 'the new Europe'
is organised under four broad headings: 'Parties and Society';
'Parties as Purposive Organizations'; 'Parties and National
Government' and 'Parties, the Nation State, and Beyond'. The
contributors review the latest empirical findings and provide a
concise, critical review of the theoretical and methodological
'state of the art'. They also highlight the analytical challenges
confronting party researchers and suggest new avenues for party
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