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When 19-year-old Matt Carney saved his girlfriend, Raine, from the
crossfire between the government's increasingly ruthless Homeland
Security and March22, a terrorist group taking steps to strike a
new, legitimate path, he thought his work was done. Was he ever
wrong. Kidnapped by the brutal Dark Fiber militia, Matt is shocked
to discover he's been betrayed by those he trusted most. Stranded
in an isolated location in the middle of Michigan, far away from
the girl he fought so hard to regain, Matt is made March22's point
man in a plot to get control over a cache of thousands of stolen
ground-to-air missiles. As time runs out, he's their last-and
best-hope of sparing the country of a heinous attack on commercial
aviation that could quickly turn the United States into a permanent
war zone. In this action-packed, explosive follow-up to Saving
Raine, the first book in Frederick Lee Brooke's The Drone Wars,
Matt Carney finds himself at the center of a firestorm of stolen
missiles, stolen drones, and stolen dirty nukes, tormented by
stinging betrayals, clinging to a last hope for love. Sure, he was
able to save Raine-but as the inferno rages around him, can he find
a way to save the country from further violent chaos...and a way to
save himself?
If you wouldn't "dream" of ever reading a zombie book, Zombie Candy
might be for you.
Did you ever get the feeling your partner changed overnight with
no warning? Research shows this befalls women much more often than
men. You stand there thinking, I have to spend the next thirty
years with this moron? Fact is, there are 10 sure signs you're
married to a zombie.
He gives short guttural answers like "I dunno," or "Unh uh," when
you'd like to have a conversation. The TV is more important to him
than listening to you. MUCH more important. He consults his iPhone
repeatedly during meals. When he gets home from work, too tired to
talk, he just wants a beer. He doesn't come home from work till
late, and claims his phone was dead. He criticizes your cooking by
putting cilantro (or hot sauce, or pepper) on everything you serve.
He falls asleep during lovemaking, just when you're about to start
feeling something. If you want to watch a movie together, you have
to sit through his zombie movies. He thinks it's normal to watch
them again and again. He flatly refuses to watch romantic movies.
10. He doesn't even notice your new clothes, shoes or hairstyle,
much less say anything nice about them.
Zombie Candy is a case study of the modern zombified husband. Note
to zombie freaks: there are NO REAL ZOMBIES in this book. Note to
lovers of a good satire, with elements of mystery, and the romance
of a vacation in beautiful Tuscany, you will be entertained.
As a professional cook who gives cooking classes, Candace is
highly offended when her husband Larry sprinkles fresh cilantro on
her culinary creations. But that's nothing compared to Candace's
shock at finding a small black bra while unpacking a suitcase from
Larry's last business trip. A bra that's far too small to be hers.
It turns out Larry's a serial cheater.
Candace confronts Larry and deals with his betrayal in a uniquely
creative way, using his fixation with zombies. Aided by her best
friend, Annie Ogden, Candace sets up the ruse of the century in a
picturesque hilltop town in Italy, luring Larry there and torturing
him in a way that's a tad juvenile and cruel, but wickedly
The solution to all the problems listed above is to sit down and
talk together, but if he's so far gone he won't talk despite all
your begging and pleading? The way Candace handles it might not be
every woman's cup of tea, but it ultimately cures Larry. Might be
worth looking into ... ZOMBIE CANDY
Praise for Zombie Candy
"With action that takes us from the suburbs of Chicago to the
forests of Tuscany, and lessons in Italian cooking and zombie
movies along the way, Zombie Candy is a recipe for delicious fun.
Just go easy on the cilantro."
Chris Jay Becker Author of Death in the Fast Lane (A King Leary
Crime Novel)
"Zombie Candy is a tasty morsel of revenge, regret, renewal,
friendship and love with a zombie invasion that's as good and fun
as a box of Good & Plenty."
Lynn Messina Author of The Girl's Guide to Dating Zombies
"This book has all the ingredients of a perfect noir comedy - well
formed characters, international locations, a fast moving plot with
no brakes, and of course zombies. Revenge is a dish best served
cold - and as a betrayed wife, master chef and cookery instructor,
Candace cooks up the perfect recipe for the ultimate gazpacho."
Emma Calin Author of Knockout (A Passionate Police Romance)
Product Description "From Reviews on Amazon and Goodreads" "I have
read a great many Indie books recently and every once in a while
you find a true gem. DOING MAX VINYL is one of those gems" "Read
this book--you won't be disappointed. BTW, I may just add Annie
Ogden to my five-top-people-to-have-lunch-with list " "I
particularly enjoyed two of the male characters, Ike and Tranny, a
couple of ex-cons that work for Max Vinyl. The way that they fought
like an old married couple as they dealt with the plot's unexpected
twists had me in stitches throughout the book." "Like Hiassen, who
writes from an abiding affection for South Florida, Brooke's satire
of reckless polluting is rooted in a love and knowledge of Chicago
and Lake Michigan." "Annie Ogden, a war veteran home after 3 tours
of duty in Iraq, is trying to find her place in life. A
self-sufficient, strong willed woman, she takes matters into her
own hands to see justice achieved. The topic of returning veterans
and their struggle to fit back into society is handled in a
genuine, unique and passionate way." Discover why Doing Max Vinyl
(An Annie Ogden Mystery) currently ranks 1 on Goodreads Best
Mysteries/Thrillers/Suspense Novels of 2011 Doing Max Vinyl (An
Annie Ogden Mystery) Earth first. Okay, maybe second. Third? She'll
KILL you Max Vinyl's type of success story can only happen in
America. Rising from humble beginnings, he has reached the height
of the computer recycling racket. Problem is, he's using Lake
Michigan as his own personal profit center. Even that wouldn't have
been a problem if his environmentalist girlfriend Tris hadn't found
out his dirty secret. And while Max is devastated by his love
crashing down around him, he's about to learn that the rage of a
woman scorned packs far more firepower and potential for
destruction than he had ever imagined. Iraq War veteran Annie Ogden
has spent three tormented months living in a cabin alone trying to
re-discover her purpose in life. When two of Max's thugs threaten
Annie's sister, she is dragged into his corrupt world in an
unwitting alliance with the environmentalist, Tris. Which is really
lousy news for Max. Will he hold up under the coordinated attacks
of two furious women? As things spin completely out of control and
complications mount, it's all Max can do to stay one step ahead
until it's all he can do to stay alive A farce full of hysterics
and chicanery, Frederick Lee Brooke's first installment of the
Annie Ogden mysteries is an incisive examination of corporate
lunacy, greed and modern disconnection. Having received multiple
four and five-star reviews on Amazon and Goodreads.com, Doing Max
Vinyl: An Annie Ogden Mystery is loaded with razor-sharp dialogue,
ingenious plotting and so much fun it should be illegal
"Matt, Raine went to California because her parents thought it was
safe. It's not. You've got to get her out as soon as possible. She
could die, Matt." When 19-year-old Matt Carney gets a cryptic
message from his father telling him to go to California and save
his girlfriend, Raine, he doesn't hesitate-he grabs his AK-47, revs
up his blue pickup, and gets ready to make the 2,300-mile roadtrip.
But cross-country travel in 2021 isn't easy-or, sometimes, even
possible. The U.S. has become a near-military state: 17,000
checkpoints severely restrict interstate movement, Predator drones
target innocent civilians without cause, and explosions rock cities
daily. Matt and his stepbrother, Benjy, face deadly attacks from a
corrupt government, ruthless local law enforcement, and
bloodthirsty terrorist groups as they embark on their trek. They're
about to find out that their trip is much more than a private
journey, and their success could change the face of the
country-forever. Can Matt and Benjy outrun the drone missiles
raining down on their heads? Can they avoid assassination by
government officials hell-bent on taking over what little is left
of the country? Can they outsmart the deadly schemes set in motion
against them? Break the rules. Save the girl. He only gets one
chance before she's gone forever.
A love story. When Annie Ogden's ex-boyfriend Michael Garcia
reappears, she has to confront a lie dating back to her time in
Iraq. Will she go back to hot, passionate Michael, who has
developed a disturbing interest in meth, or stick with her pudgy PI
partner and fiance, Salvatore? A murder. The calculus changes when
Michael is arrested for murder. When Salvatore refuses to help
investigate, Annie is forced to try to find the killer herself.
Meanwhile her sister's creepy husband, Todd, is making more of an
ass of himself than usual. An obsession. Annie's problems with
three obsessive men suddenly pale in significance when she realizes
the killer has set his sights on her. Having changed his mind about
helping her, Salvatore finds himself in a desperate race against
time, the only man capable of finding the killer before it's too
Eine Liebesgeschichte. Als Annie Ogdens Ex Michael Garcia wieder
auftaucht, muss sie eine Lugengeschichte aus der Zeit ihres
Irak-Dienstes beichten. Wird sie zu Michael, dem feurigen,
leidenschaftlichen Rebell mit einem beangstigenden Hang zu Meth,
zuruckkehren oder bei ihrem pummeligen Detektivpartner und
Verlobten Salvatore bleiben? Ein Mord. Die Vorzeichen andern sich,
als Michael wegen Mordes festgenommen wird. Als Salvatore sich
weigert, bei der Untersuchung des Falls zu helfen, muss Annie wohl
oder ubel selbst nach dem Morder suchen. Derweil macht sich Todd,
der Versager, der ihre Schwester sitzen gelassen hat, noch mehr zum
Affen als sonst. Eine Besessenheit. Annies Arger mit drei
besessenen Mannern wird plotzlich nebensachlich, als sie
feststellen muss, dass der Morder sie selbst im Visier hat.
Salvatore, der es sich anders uberlegt hat und ihr zu Hilfe eilt,
gerat in einen verzweifelten Wettlauf gegen die Zeit. Er ist der
einzige, der den Morder finden kann, bevor es zu spat ist.
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