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This book contains the contributions from the" RILEM International Symposium on Materials and Joints in Timber Structures "that was held in Stuttgart, Germany from October 8 to 10, 2013. It covers recent developments in the materials and the joints used in modern timber structures. Regarding basic wooden materials, the contributions highlight the widened spectrum of products comprising cross-laminated timber, glulam and LVL from hardwoods and block glued elements. Timber concrete compounds, cement bonded wood composites and innovative light-weight constructions represent increasingly employed alternatives for floors, bridges and facades. With regard to jointing technologies, considerable advances in both mechanical connections and glued joints are presented. Self-tapping screws have created unprecedented options for reliable, strong as well as ductile joints and reinforcement technologies. Regarding adhesives, which constitute the basis of the jointing/laminating technology of modern timber products, extended options for tailor-made bonding solutions have to be stated. Apart from melamine-urea and phenolic-resorcinol adhesives, one-component-polyurethanes, emulsion isocyanate polymers and epoxies offer a wide range of possibilities. The contributions dealing with experimental and numerical investigations on static, cyclic and seismic behavior of structures clearly reveal the enhanced potential of modern timber construction for reliable and sustainable buildings and bridges of the new millennium. The book is structured in nine thematic areas, being I) Structures II) Mechanical Connections III) Glued Joints and Adhesives IV) Timber and Concrete/Cement/Polymer Composites V) Cyclic, Seismic Behavior VI) Hardwood, Modified Wood and Bamboo VII) Cross-Laminated Timber VIII) Properties and Testing of Wood IX) Glulam"
Testing concrete while construction is underway enables decisions to be made which can improve the quality of the finished structure. The book covers testing and measuring techniques for fresh concrete and concrete during the first few days after placing, and for reinforcement and prestressing tendons. Many examples are given of practical methods which can be applied directly during concrete construction to improve quality. It forms the Proceedings of the International RILEM Workshop in Mainz, Germany, March 1990.
This book contains the contributions from the RILEM International Symposium on Materials and Joints in Timber Structures that was held in Stuttgart, Germany from October 8 to 10, 2013. It covers recent developments in the materials and the joints used in modern timber structures. Regarding basic wooden materials, the contributions highlight the widened spectrum of products comprising cross-laminated timber, glulam and LVL from hardwoods and block glued elements. Timber concrete compounds, cement bonded wood composites and innovative light-weight constructions represent increasingly employed alternatives for floors, bridges and facades. With regard to jointing technologies, considerable advances in both mechanical connections and glued joints are presented. Self-tapping screws have created unprecedented options for reliable, strong as well as ductile joints and reinforcement technologies. Regarding adhesives, which constitute the basis of the jointing/laminating technology of modern timber products, extended options for tailor-made bonding solutions have to be stated. Apart from melamine-urea and phenolic-resorcinol adhesives, one-component-polyurethanes, emulsion isocyanate polymers and epoxies offer a wide range of possibilities. The contributions dealing with experimental and numerical investigations on static, cyclic and seismic behavior of structures clearly reveal the enhanced potential of modern timber construction for reliable and sustainable buildings and bridges of the new millennium. The book is structured in nine thematic areas, being I) Structures II) Mechanical Connections III) Glued Joints and Adhesives IV) Timber and Concrete/Cement/Polymer Composites V) Cyclic, Seismic Behavior VI) Hardwood, Modified Wood and Bamboo VII) Cross-Laminated Timber VIII) Properties and Testing of Wood IX) Glulam
Testing concrete while construction is underway enables decisions to be made which can improve the quality of the finished structure. The book covers testing and measuring techniques for fresh concrete and concrete during the first few days after placing, and for reinforcement and prestressing tendons. Many examples are given of practical methods which can be applied directly during concrete construction to improve quality. It forms the Proceedings of the International RILEM Workshop in Mainz, Germany, March 1990.
Bei der Erstellung eines Bauwerkes konnen Architekten und Bauingenieure auf gewachsene Erfahrungen im Bereich der Planung, Bemessung und Bauausflih- rung zuruckgreifen. 1m Gegensatz dazu existieren bis heutc noch keine inte- grierten Planungsinstrumente bzw. kaum objektive Planungsgrundlagen, die es ermoglichen, umweltliche Aspekte von Anfang an in die Entscheidungsfindung bei der Bauwerksplanung einflie&en zu lassen. Okobilanzen stellen heute ein t1tabliertes und standardisiertes Verfahren zur um- weltlichen Bewertung von Produkten und Dienstleistungen dar. In der Vergan- genheit wurden Okobilanzen flir die unterschiedlichsten Baustoffe erstellt. Ein Vergleich dieser Bilanzen untereinander ist jedoch vielfach nicht moglich. Dies liegt zum einen an der uneinheitlichen Anwendung der Methodik, zum anderen an der inkonsistenten Verwendung von Basisdaten. Der Inhalt dieses Buches zeigt das Ergebnis einer interdisziplinaren Zusammen- arbeit mehrerer Institute unter enger Einbeziehung der Industrie. Die Vielzahl der Projektteilnehmer machte es moglich, aktuelle und reprasentative Daten zu erheben. Methodisch entstand eine Systematik zur okologischen Bilanzierung von Baustoffen, Bauteilen und Gebauden, wobei der Bilanzrahmen im Konsens mit allen Projektpartnem festgelegt wurde. Den Lesern dieses Buches, ob Planer, Architekten, Bauherren, Interessenvertreter oder Entscheidungstrager in Politik und Wirtschaft wollen wir folgende Hinweise zum Gebrauch der Informationen geben: - Was Sie vergleichen, muB auch aus Sicht der technischen und wirtschaftlichen Kriterien vergleichbar sein. Dies bedeutet, da& sich Bauprodukte nur in der Anwendung von vergleichbaren Konstruktionen gegentiberstellen lassen. - Gebaude sind flir eine lange Nutzung als Lebens-oder Arbeitsraume ausgelegt. Vergessen Sie deshalb nicht, die Nutzungsphase in Ihren Betrachtungen zu be- rucksichtigen. Diese dominiert oft die Umwelteinwirkungen im Lebenszyklus.
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