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On the one hand, the concept of truth is a major research subject
in analytic philosophy. On the other hand, mathematical logicians
have developed sophisticated logical theories of truth and the
paradoxes. Recent developments in logical theories of the
semantical paradoxes are highly relevant for philosophical research
on the notion of truth. And conversely, philosophical guidance is
necessary for the development of logical theories of truth and the
paradoxes. From this perspective, this volume intends to reflect
and promote deeper interaction and collaboration between
philosophers and logicians investigating the concept of truth than
has existed so far.Aside from an extended introductory overview of
recent work in the theory of truth, the volume consists of articles
by leading philosophers and logicians on subjects and debates that
are situated on the interface between logical and philosophical
theories of truth. The volume is intended for graduate students in
philosophy and in logic who want an introduction to contemporary
research in this area, as well as for professional philosophers and
This book describes a new approach to teaching foreign languages
for primary and secondary school that shifts the attention from
learning the language to communicate skillfully in the foreign
language. The approach focuses on developing students' literacy
skills as a way to discover language and make it meaningful. In the
first four chapters the rationale for the approach is explained and
illustrated with examples from different units of work in different
languages (French, English and Spanish). Chapter 5 talks the reader
through a complete unit of work based on a YouTube video, while
chapter 6 looks at how this approach can be integrated into an
existing curriculum. The book ends by looking at teachers and their
difficulties in implementing this approach, and finally sets the
Literacy Approach against recent developments in education. This
volume will be of interest to academics, students and teachers in
fields including foreign language education, literacy development,
and CLIL.
This reference provides detailed coverage of dendritic spines, the
fascinating neuronal components that modulate synaptic
transmission, development, strength, and plasticity and are
involved in the function of multiple areas of the nervous system.
The density, shape, and function of spines may indicate the
cellular connectivity and synaptic plasticity in normal and
pathological conditions. This field has undergone dramatic advances
in terms of techniques and experimental findings from in vitro to
in vivo data, from animal models to human neurons, and
computational models using artificial intelligence. To address
these cutting-edge findings, the book provides state-of-the-art,
comprehensive coverage with chapters written by the leading
international researchers in the field. The authors consider the
multiple implications for the study of dendritic spines with broad
implications in the neurosciences and related areas. Â
It remained for Nazi Germany to design the most satanic
psychological experi ment of all time, the independent variables
consisting of brutality, bestiality, physical and mental torture on
an unprecedented scale. What were the effects of this massive
assault on the human spirit, on man's ability to assimilate such
experiences, if he survived physically? While the terror of the
Nazi concentration camps has been indelibly engraved in the history
of Western civilization as its most shameful chapter, little
systematic study has been addressed to the subsequent lives of that
minority of inmates who were fortunate enough to escape physical
annihilation and lived to tell about their nightmare. Dr. PAUL
MATUSSEK, a respected German psychiatrist, aided by a small group
of collaborators, performed the task of identifying a group of
victims (mostly Jews but also political prisoners), who, following
their liberation, had settled in Germany, Israel, and the United
States. By careful interviews, questionnaires, and psychological
tests he brought to bear the methods of sensitive clinical inquiry
on the experiences of those who dared to reminisce and who were
sufficiently trusting to share their feelings and memories with
clinical investigators. It is a telling commentary that many
people, even after the passage of years, refused to respond."
This book has an objective and a focus. It provides the reader
with: * an in-depth acquaintance with the theory of the firm
developed by Erich Gutenberg * an insight into a coherent body of
current German research in the theory of the firm. The book is
divided into two parts. The first part lays the foundations. It
presents Gutenberg's theory of the firm to the English speaking
reader. Considering the great importance that Erich Gutenberg has
had in Germany and taking into consideration the impact that the
translations of his path-breaking three volumes "Principles of
Management" have had in France, the Spanish speaking countries, and
in Japan, it was felt that it was necessary, on the occasion of his
tOOth anniversary, to present a concise summary of his
contributions to the theory of the firm to an English speaking
scientific community. Six papers present Gutenberg's theory in the
light of the theoretical advances that he stimulated as well as in
the framework of other theoretical developments like capital market
theory, transaction cost theory, principal agent theory, and
contract theory. The papers show that Gutenberg's theory is highly
relevant for theory and highly influential in the practice of
The Logic Manual is a clear and concise introduction to logic for
beginning philosophy students. It offers a complete introductory
course, guiding the reader carefully through the topics in logic
that are most important for the study of philosophy. It covers
propositional and predicate logic with and without identity. It
includes an account of the semantics of these languages including
definitions of truth and satisfaction. Natural deduction is used as
a proof system. Volker Halbach introduces the essential concepts
through examples and informal explanations as well as through
abstract definitions.
The Logic Manual provides the best entry to the general abstract
way of thinking about language, logic, and semantics which is
characteristic of contemporary philosophy. Exercises, examples, and
sample examination papers are provided on an accompanying website.
Since 1973, the European Institute for Advanced Studies in
Management in Brussels has organized regular workshops in the area
of management science. The aim of these workshops is to organize a
European network of research in the area in order to improve the
jOint research on an international basis. Some of these workshops
were directed towards the development of certain specialities. The
meeting in November 1974 was arranged around the theme "Production
Theory and its Applications." It was divided into two sub-sections.
One sub-section concerned "Industrial Production Problems" while
the other was on "Production Problems in Universities." All
presentations were supposed to present applied research in the area
of production. The workshop was a great success. The papers were
well developed and discussed. Most of the discussion was spent not
so much on the analysis but on the assumptions behind the utilized
analysis. However, the re actions presented by the audience of the
workshop were a good base for the final outlay of the written
material. The proceedings presented here contain the collection of
papers in their final versions. By putting them together into one
format we think we can present a document of high interest to
people doing research in the area of production and to operations
researchers solving practical production problems."
Agents & Spies Short Stories (Hardcover)
Martin Edwards; Contributions by Sara Dobie Bauer, Joseph Cusumano, David Downing, Shane Halbach, …
Discovery Miles 5 270
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Ships in 12 - 17 working days
Daring tales of kidnap and rescue, assassination and revenge, the
politics of death and espionage, these are the themes of this
latest volatile concoction of classic and new writing. The days of
empire and traditional war have been replaced by cyber warfare but
the subtle, lethal methods of agents and spies remain the same, and
so has the power of great writing, with stories here to chill and
intrigue every reader. Classic authors include Arnold Bennett,
Ernest Bramah, John Buchan, G.K. Chesterton, Joseph Conrad, Arthur
Conan Doyle, R. Austin Freeman, Rudyard Kipling, Maurice Leblanc,
Arthur B. Reeve, Sapper, Ellen Wood.
At the centre of the traditional discussion of truth is the
question of how truth is defined. Recent research, especially with
the development of deflationist accounts of truth, has tended to
take truth as an undefined primitive notion governed by axioms,
while the liar paradox and cognate paradoxes pose problems for
certain seemingly natural axioms for truth. In this book, Volker
Halbach examines the most important axiomatizations of truth,
explores their properties and shows how the logical results impinge
on the philosophical topics related to truth. In particular, he
shows that the discussion on topics such as deflationism about
truth depends on the solution of the paradoxes. His book is an
invaluable survey of the logical background to the philosophical
discussion of truth, and will be indispensable reading for any
graduate or professional philosopher in theories of truth.
An exceptionally clear, concise, and affordable introduction to
logic, The Logic Manual carefully walks beginning philosophy
students through the fundamentals, offering them a real
understanding of how and why logic works. Author Volker Halbach
presents essential concepts through examples, informal
explanations, and abstract definitions. Topics covered include
propositional and predicate logic (with and without identity) and
an account of the semantics of these languages, including
definitions of truth and satisfaction. In addition, natural
deduction is used as a proof system.
Extensively class-tested, The Logic Manual provides the best
introduction available to the general, abstract approach to
thinking about language, logic, and semantics that is
characteristic of contemporary philosophy. A Companion Website
provides exercises, examples, and sample examination papers.
Wie ein Mensch den Terror der nationalsozialistischen
Konzentrationslagerhaft uberstehen konnte, beschaftigte seit
Kriegsende die Wissenschaft. Die Medizin inter- essierte sich vor
allen Dingen fur die Frage nach den vorubergehenden oder bleiben-
den Gesundheitsschaden der uberlebenden. Deren Erforschung fuhrte
aber zu keinem einheitlichen Ergebnis. Das lag nicht zuletzt an der
durch arztliche Gesichtspunkte bedingten Auswahl der Falle.
Entweder sah der Arzt den Kranken wegen der Be- handlung irgend
eines Leidens oder, was bei den in der Literatur veroeffentlichten
Fallen haufiger war, wegen einer gutachterlichen Untersuchung. Um
die mit dieser Vorauswahl gegebenen Fehlerquellen zu vermeiden,
bemuhten wir uns um die Zusammenstellung einer weitgehend
auslesefreien Gruppe von ehe- maligen KZ-Haftlingen. Es dauerte
Jahre, bis wir eine ausreichende Anzahl solcher Personen interviewt
hatten. Die psychiatrische Literatur uber die Spatschaden ist nicht
nur durch das arztlich- gutachterliche Auswahlprinzip, sondern auch
durch die Beschrankung auf klinisch relevante Tatbestande
gekennzeichnet. Das fuhrte zu einer Vernachlassigung klinisch
schwerer fassbarer Randerscheinungen". Gerade die letzten aber
werden in den schriftstellerischen Eigenberichten ehemaliger
KZ-Haftlinge besonders stark hervor- gehoben. Diese Personen fuhlen
sich von einer Psychiatrie nicht verstanden, die in einem
langjahrigen Berentungsverfahren die verschiedensten diagnostischen
Etiketten verteilt, ohne auf die aktuellen Schwierigkeiten des
Betreffenden eingehen zu koennen. Wir haben uns daher bemuht, die
Auswirkung der Haft auf bestimmte Daseins- bereiche wie Kontakt,
Ehe, Beruf und Weltanschauung eigens und unabhangig von der
psychiatrischen Diagnose zu untersuchen.
Anlasslich des 65. Geburtstages von Hans Paul Kunzi haben sich
Weggefahrten, Mitarbeiter und Schuler aus den Jahren seines Wirkens
als Hochschullehrer zusammengetan, um wenigstens punktuell aufzu
zeigen, wie und wohin in den letzten zwei Jahrzehnten verschiedene
theoretische und empirische Entwicklungen verlaufen sind, die der
Jubilar zumindest in der Schweiz und zu einem guten Teil auch
daruber hinaus mitaufgebaut und in den Anfangen beeinflusst hat. Zu
diesem Vorhaben fanden die Herausgeber vielseitige Unterstutzung.
Zunachst von den beteiligten Autoren, die mit spontanen Zusagen und
in vorbildlicher Weise ihre Beitrage termingerecht fertiggestellt
haben. Daruber hinaus hat ein groesserer Kreis von
Persoenlichkeiten mit Rat und Tat die Entstehung der Schrift
gefoerdert, wobei besonders auch auf ein grosses Entgegenkommen des
Springer-Verlages zu verweisen ist. Allen moechten wir fur die
Hilfe aufrichtig danken. Angesichts der Tatsache, dass Hans Paul
Kunzi bereits vor fast zwei Jahrzehnten seine wissenschaftliche
Laufbahn zugunsten einer anderen Verpflichtung aufgegeben hat,
liegt die Frage nahe, warum wir -nach wie vor der akademischen Welt
verbunden -heute noch von der Persoenlichkeit Kunzi beeindruckt
sind. Dazu sei kurz auf sein damaliges Wirken als Professor an der
Universitat Zurich und an der ETH Zurich zuruckgeblendet.
Wirtschaftswachstum und Strukturwandel kennzeichnen hochentwickel
te Volkswirtschaften. Der Wettbewerb steuert die Evolution, er
fuhrt die Produktionsfaktoren einer effizienten Verwendung zu,
gestaltet den Ak kumulationsprozess und organisiert das
gesellschaftliche Suchverfahren, das Invention, Innovation und
Imitation und damit den technischen Fort schritt generiert. Dies
ist das zentrale Thema des wissenschaftlichen Werkes von Ernst
Helmstadter: Erforschung der Bedingungen wirtschaftlicher Evolution
(im weitesten Sinne). Zu Beginn seiner wissenschaftlichen Laufbahn
war es die Allokation und der Akkumulationsprozess, die ihn
besonders interessiert haben. Heu te ist es vor allem der
dynamische Wettbewerb als Determinante des techni schen
Fortschritts. Ernst Helmstadter zahlt zu denjenigen Okonomen, die
Wirtschafts theorie, empirische Wirtschaftsforschung und die
Anwendung der For schungsergebnisse in der Wirtschaftspolitik als
Einheit sehen. Ausgangs punkt und in den verschiedenen Stadien der
Erkenntnisgewinnung immer wieder anzuleuchtender Fixpunkt ist die
okonomische Fragestellung. Die abstrakte theoretische Analyse ist
Vorstufe zur konkretisierenden empiri schen Forschung und diese
Vorstufe zur wirtschaftspolitischen Anwen dung. Nur eine
Personlichkeit wie Ernst Helmstadter vermag ein so weites Feld
wissenschaftlicher Aktivitat auch auszufullen. Das
wissenschaftliche Werk Ernst Helmstadters um fasst 14 Monogra phien
und uber 100 Aufsatze. Die Beitrage aus der Feder des Jubilars
beste chen durch Originalitat, sprachliche Brillanz und eine
unubertroffene Technik der graphischen Analyse bei der Darstellung
okonomischer Pro bleme, die hochsten asthetischen Anspruchen
genugt. In inhaltlicher Hin sicht konnen wir nur einen Uberblick
uber die Fulle der Beitrage geben, wobei aber die Dissertation und
die Habilitationsschrift als Meilensteine im Werdegang des Jubilars
besonders gewurdigt werden sollen."
Collected volume of studies on the stage representation of Jews in
European theatre between 1830 and 1940. The way in which Jews are
represented on the stage stretches between the poles of
anti-Judaism and anti-Semitism on the one side and Jewish
renaissance and Zionism on the other. The individual studies all
consider the boundary conditions given by cultural and mental
history. This volume is the first attempt to view both the spoken
word and musical theatre from this point of view.
Es besteht kein consensus omnium, ob der nie zuvor gekannte
Wohlstand der westlichen Industrienationen durch oder trotz
Keynesianischer Wirtschaftspolitik entstanden ist. Ein Kon- sens
scheint eher in der Auffassung zu liegen, daB die Wirt-
schaftspolitik, so wie sie in den vergangenen zehn Jahren in den
meisten Industrielandern betrieben wurde, kaum Erfolge fUr die
Zukunft verspricht. Allein die Verneinung des Keynesianismus bringt
jedoch noch keine theoretische Grund- lage fUr kUnftige
Wirtschaftspolitik hervor. Der Vorteil der Keynesianischen
Wirtschaftstheorie fUr die Konzeption einer Wirtschaftspolitik lag
nicht zuletzt in der Simplizitat der ihr im Kern zugrunde liegenden
makrookonomi- schen Verhaltensannahmen. Die Keynesianische Theorie
hat je- doch den Nachteil, eine im Ursprung statische Theorie zu
sein, deren Dynamisierung nur formal Uberzeugen kann. Der Keynesia-
nismus hatte und konnte seine BlUte wohl auch nur zu einer Zeit
relativ stabiler Makroverhaltensfunktionen erreichen. Mit der
Renaissance der Gedanken von Max Weber und Joseph A. Schumpeter ist
in den letzten Jahren wieder die Frage ge- stellt worden, was
Menschen letztlich zur Arbeit, zum Produ- zieren veranlaBt. In
Koinzidenz entstand in der Wirtschafts- theorie eine neue
Problemsicht, in der der Markt als System von incentives aufgefaBt,
und die Anreiz-Kompatibilitat wirtschaftspolitischer Eingriffe etwa
auf moral hazard- Verhalten und Arbeits/Freizeit-Entscheidungen
untersucht wird. Vielleicht ist es wichtiger, statt nach der Grenz-
leistungsfahigkeit des Kapitals nach der Grenzleistungs- willigkeit
des Menschen zu fragen.
This is an EXACT reproduction of a book published before 1923. This
IS NOT an OCR'd book with strange characters, introduced
typographical errors, and jumbled words. This book may have
occasional imperfections such as missing or blurred pages, poor
pictures, errant marks, etc. that were either part of the original
artifact, or were introduced by the scanning process. We believe
this work is culturally important, and despite the imperfections,
have elected to bring it back into print as part of our continuing
commitment to the preservation of printed works worldwide. We
appreciate your understanding of the imperfections in the
preservation process, and hope you enjoy this valuable book.
On the one hand, the concept of truth is a major research subject
in analytic philosophy. On the other hand, mathematical logicians
have developed sophisticated logical theories of truth and the
paradoxes. Recent developments in logical theories of the
semantical paradoxes are highly relevant for philosophical research
on the notion of truth. And conversely, philosophical guidance is
necessary for the development of logical theories of truth and the
paradoxes. From this perspective, this volume intends to reflect
and promote deeper interaction and collaboration between
philosophers and logicians investigating the concept of truth than
has existed so far.Aside from an extended introductory overview of
recent work in the theory of truth, the volume consists of articles
by leading philosophers and logicians on subjects and debates that
are situated on the interface between logical and philosophical
theories of truth. The volume is intended for graduate students in
philosophy and in logic who want an introduction to contemporary
research in this area, as well as for professional philosophers and
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Nadine Gordimer
Discovery Miles 1 680