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This book introduces readers to essential facilitation techniques
for leadership in the contexts of project and network management.
It provides method-based messages, a facilitator curriculum, and a
veritable arsenal of 50 carefully selected and 'reality-tested'
tools for facilitation in non-hierarchical contexts. As such,
readers will benefit just as much from learning by doing as from
doing by learning. This book is also intended for all managers who
are responsible for successful communication and co-operation in
projects in and across organisations or networks of organisations,
and who want to know how to share their plans effectively and
improve collaboration. Though the book employs scientific
principles, it is chiefly a practical guide, and draws on the
authors' extensive experience in consultancy and management.
In recent years, social innovation has experienced a steep career.
Numerous national governments and large organisations like the
OECD, the European Commission and UNESCO have adopted the term.
Social innovation basically means that people adopt new social
practices in order to meet social needs in a different or more
effective way. Prominent examples of the past are the Red Cross and
the social welfare state or, at present, the internet 2.0
transforming our communication and cooperation schemes, requiring
new management concepts, even empowering social revolutions. The
traditional concept of innovation as successful new technological
products needs fundamental rethinking in a society marked by
knowledge and services, leading to a new and enriched paradigm of
innovation. There is multiple evidence that social innovation will
become of growing importance not only concerning social
integration, equal opportunities and dealing with the greenhouse
effects but also with regard to preserving and expanding the
innovative capacity of companies and societies. While political
authorities stress the social facets of social innovation, this
book also encompasses its societal and systemic dimensions,
collecting the scientific expertise of renowned experts and
scholars from all over the world. Based on the contributions of the
first world-wide science convention on social innovation from
September 2011 in Vienna, the book provides an overview of
scientific approaches to this still relatively new field. Forewords
by Agnes HUBERT (Member of theBureau of European Policy Advisers
(BEPA) of the European Commission) and Antonella Noya (Senior
Policy Analyst at OECD, manager of the OECD LEED Forum on Social
Personal stress has an enormous impact on organizational and
employee performance. This book introduces the web-based diagnostic
tool IMPRESS, which provides employees, managers and HR
professionals with information about potential stress factors. The
book describes the underlying methodology for this integrated
approach and presents the tools and learning modules to support the
methodology. A series of case studies from pilot implementations in
companies and universities illustrate the application of the
approach in a variety of work environments. The book is based on an
international research project for a holistic approach to stress
prevention by combining Human Systems Audit with the European
Excellence approach as promoted by the Common Assessment Framework
(CAF) and the EFQM Excellence Model. This approach is intended to
contribute to organizational development that supports effective
employee stress management.
The title of the book derives from the theme of the 20th Conference
on Applied Social Sciences of the Professional Association of
German Sociologists, held in Munich in May 2019. The question of
what concrete contributions social innovations can make to the
transition to forms of sustainable coexistence and economic
activity is as much the focus of this book as the question of what
contribution the social sciences can make. Thus, on the one hand,
it is about concrete social innovations that help us to achieve the
goal of living and doing business sustainably, but on the other
hand, it is also about the way in which the social sciences - not
least through appropriate theoretical and methodological training -
can be made socially responsible for the success of such socially
innovative processes.
1 1. 1 The book The book in your hand is not a scientific book,
although it is based just as much on science as on my own
experience in consultancy and management. As its title suggests, we
want to build a bridge between the leadership that is typical of
facilitation techniques and that of pr- ect and network management.
Therefore this book does more than p- vide you with insights into
the mainly methodical Messages we want to transmit. It will also
make suggestions for how to train facilitators, and in the centre
of the book you will find a wealth of 40 carefully selected and
reality-proof Tools, many of which have never been pre- ously
published in English, and in some case have never been published at
all. With all of these you will find a presentation of our way of
using them. Our sole objective is to offer our views and experience
in impr- ing communication for effective co-operation, i. e. we
want people who collaborate in some way to find and decide on the
best courses of action, then share and implement these decisions
better. We want to promote learning by doing, just as well as doing
by learning. So this book is for people who in some way are
responsible for s- cessful co-operation in projects, in and across
organisations or networks of organisations. Action Learning has
many fathers (but few mothers) and roots.
In recent years, social innovation has experienced a steep career.
Numerous national governments and large organisations like the
OECD, the European Commission and UNESCO have adopted the term.
Social innovation basically means that people adopt new social
practices in order to meet social needs in a different or more
effective way. Prominent examples of the past are the Red Cross and
the social welfare state or, at present, the internet 2.0
transforming our communication and cooperation schemes, requiring
new management concepts, even empowering social revolutions. The
traditional concept of innovation as successful new technological
products needs fundamental rethinking in a society marked by
knowledge and services, leading to a new and enriched paradigm of
innovation. There is multiple evidence that social innovation will
become of growing importance not only concerning social
integration, equal opportunities and dealing with the greenhouse
effects but also with regard to preserving and expanding the
innovative capacity of companies and societies. While political
authorities stress the social facets of social innovation, this
book also encompasses its societal and systemic dimensions,
collecting the scientific expertise of renowned experts and
scholars from all over the world. Based on the contributions of the
first world-wide science convention on social innovation from
September 2011 in Vienna, the book provides an overview of
scientific approaches to this still relatively new field. Forewords
by Agnes HUBERT (Member of the Bureau of European Policy Advisers
(BEPA) of the European Commission) and Antonella Noya (Senior
Policy Analyst at OECD, manager of the OECD LEED Forum on Social
Personal stress has an enormous impact on organizational and
employee performance. This book introduces the web-based diagnostic
tool IMPRESS, which provides employees, managers and HR
professionals with information about potential stress factors. The
book describes the underlying methodology for this integrated
approach and presents the tools and learning modules to support the
methodology. A series of case studies from pilot implementations in
companies and universities illustrate the application of the
approach in a variety of work environments. The book is based on an
international research project for a holistic approach to stress
prevention by combining Human Systems Audit with the European
Excellence approach as promoted by the Common Assessment Framework
(CAF) and the EFQM Excellence Model. This approach is intended to
contribute to organizational development that supports effective
employee stress management.
Dieser Band macht konkrete soziale Innovationen zum Gegenstand. Der
Schwerpunkt liegt bei den Kommunen von Stadt und Land, sei es beim
Carsharing oder bei der Bewaltigung der zahlreichen
Erscheinungsformen des demografischen Wandels, bei neuen Wohnformen
oder Schulen als Innovationszentren. Der Band soll das Verstehen
sozialer Innovationsprozesse erleichtern, fur das Verhalten in
solchen Prozessen qualifizieren und den Diskurs uber die Rolle der
Sozialwissenschaften in, fur und bei sozialen Innovationsprozessen
vor Ort befoerdern. Gezeigt wird, wie vielfaltig involviert
Sozialwissenschaft mit ihren Theorien und Methoden praktisch wird,
wie sie soziale Veranderungsprozesse unterstutzt, verbessert und
bereichert; auch, wie sie ihr theoretisches Verstandnis sozialer
Prozesse und ihre methodische Kreativitat an ihnen scharft; und, zu
guter Letzt, wie SozialwissenschaftlerInnen selbst als
wissenschaftliche Begleitung solcher Prozesse von deren Beobachtung
und Analyse lernen, daran wachsen koennen. Der
InhaltDiffusionsprozesse sozialer Innovationen beobachten und
begleiten * OEkosysteme sozialer Innovation entdecken und
entwickeln Die HerausgeberDr. Hans-Werner Franz ist Mitglied des
Geschaftsfuhrenden Vorstandes des BDS (Berufsverband Deutscher
Soziologinnen und Soziologen) und Permanent Advisor of ESSI
(European School of Social Innovation) mit Sitz in Wien. Dr.
Christoph Kaletka ist Senior Researcher und Mitglied der
Geschaftsfuhrung der Sozialforschungsstelle, zentrale
wissenschaftliche Einrichtung der TU Dortmund.
Der 22. Deutsche Soziologentag fand vom 9. bis 12. Oktober 1984 in
Dortmund statt. Sein Thema lautete: "Soziologie und
gesellschaftliche Entwicklung." Der vorliegende Band dokumentiert
die Arbeit der Sektionen und der Ad-hoc-Gruppen. "Sektionen" sind
innerhalb der Deutschen Gesellschaft fur Soziologie langfristig
institutionali sierte Arbeitszusammenhange, die sich mit jeweiligen
"Bereichssoziologien" beschaftigen. "Ad hoc-Gruppen" sind von einem
oder mehreren Interessenten zu einem bestimmten Thema initi ierte
Arbeitskreise, die zunachst nur im Rahmen eines Soziologentages
stattfinden, u.U. aber auch danach noch weiter zusammenarbeiten und
eventuell auf einem folgenden Soziologentag wieder vertreten sind.
Die Referenten der Sektionen und Ad-hoc-Gruppen wurden vom
Herausgeber gebeten, maximal funfseitige Kurzfassungen ihrer
Beitrage anzufertigen. Ich danke allen Autoren, dass sie es
ermoglicht haben, eine nahezu vollstandige Dokumentation der
Sektions- und Ad-hoc Gruppen-Arbeit des Soziologentages vorzulegen.
Der Band gibt zugleich einen Eindruck von der Vielfalt und
Bandbreite der gegenwartigen soziologischen Arbeit in der
Bundesrepublik Deutsch land, wobei die Beitrage aus Nachbarlandern
eine Bereicherung darstellen. Danken muss ich den Autoren auch fur
ihr Verstandnis, wenn ich aufgrund der grossen Fulle von Beitragen
und des damit verbundenen Umstandes, alles setzen lassen zu mussen,
in etlichen Fallen rigide um Einhaltung des vorgegebenen
Umfanglimits nachsuchen musste. In einigen Fallen konnte ich die
uberschreitung des Limits dulden, weil andere Beitrage ausfielen
oder aufgrund von Absprachen unter den Autoren entsprechend gekurzt
wurden. Dass die an nahernd 1.400 Seiten Manuskrfpt gesetzt werden
konnten, wurde durch einen Zuschuss der Stadt Dortmund ermoglicht,
fur den ich auch an dieser Stelle danken mochte."
Der Titel des Buches geht auf das Thema der 20. Tagung fur
Angewandte Sozialwissenschaften des Berufsverbandes Deutscher
Soziologinnen und Soziologen zuruck, die im Mai 2019 in Munchen
durchgefuhrt wurde. Die Frage, welche Beitrage soziale Innovationen
beim UEbergang zu Formen des nachhaltigen Zusammenlebens und
Wirtschaftens konkret leisten koennen, steht in diesem Buch ebenso
im Mittelpunkt wie die Frage, welchen Beitrag die
Sozialwissenschaften leisten koennen. Es geht also zum einen um
konkrete soziale Innovationen, die uns bei dem Ziel, nachhaltig zu
leben und zu wirtschaften, weiterhelfen, zum anderen aber auch
darum, in welcher Weise die Sozialwissenschaften - nicht zuletzt
durch entsprechende theoretische und methodische Ausbildung - in
die gesellschaftliche Verantwortung fur das Gelingen solcher
sozialinnovativen Prozesse genommen werden kann.
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