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Robotics is a highly interdisciplinary research topic, that
requires integ- tion of methods for mechanics, control engineering,
signal processing, planning, graphics, human-computer interaction,
real-time systems, applied mathematics, and software engineering to
enable construction of fully operational systems. The diversity of
topics needed to design, implement, and deploy such systems implies
that it is almost impossible for individual teams to provide the
critical mass required for such endeavours.To facilitate
interaction and progresson s- sor based intelligent robotics the
organisation of inter-disciplinary workshops is necessarythrough
which in-depth discussion can be used for cross dissemination
between di?erent disciplines. The Dagstuhlfoundation has organiseda
number of workshopsonModelling and Integration of Sensor Based
Intelligent Robot Systems. The Dagstuhl s- inars are all organised
over a full week in a beautiful setting in the Saarland in Germany.
The setting provides an ideal environment for in-depth presen-
tions and rich interactions between the participants. This volume
contains the papers presented during the third workshopheld over
the period September 28 - October 2, 1998. All papers have been
reviewed by one-three reviewers over a relativly short period. We
wish to thank all the reviewers for their invaluable help in making
this a high quality selection of papers. We gratefully acknowledge
the support of the Schloss Dagstuhl Foundation and the sta? at
Springer-Verlag. Without their support the production of this
volume would not have been possible.
Experts from university and industry are presenting new
technologies for solving industrial problems and giving many
important and practicable impulses for new research. Topics
explored include NURBS, product engineering, object oriented
modelling, solid modelling, surface interrogation, feature
modelling, variational design, scattered data algorithms, geometry
processing, blending methods, smoothing and fairing algorithms,
spline conversion. This collection of 24 articles gives a
state-of-the-art survey of the relevant problems and issues in
geometric modelling.
This volume presents the proceedings of the Seventh International
Workshop on Computational Geometry, CG'91, held at the University
of Berne, Switzerland, March 21/22, 1991. Computational geometry is
not a precisely defined field. Often, it is understood as a nearly
mathematical discipline, dealing mainly with complexity questions
concerning geometrical problems and algorithms. But often too, and
perhaps increasingly, questions of more practical relevance are
central, such as applicability, numerical behavior and performance
for all kinds of input size. Topics considered in CG'91 include: -
Generalizations and applications of the Voronoi diagram - Problems
with rectangular objects - Path determination - Moving objects -
Visibility questions - Layout problems - Representation of spatial
objects and spatial queries - Problems in higher dimensions -
Implementation questions - Relations to artificial intelligence.
One ofthe most important aspects in research fields where
mathematics is "applied is the construction of a formal model of a
real system. As for structural relations, graphs have turned out to
provide the most appropriate tool for setting up the mathematical
model. This is certainly one of the reasons for the rapid expansion
in graph theory during the last decades. Furthermore, in recent
years it also became clear that the two disciplines of graph theory
and computer science have very much in common, and that each one
has been capable of assisting significantly in the development of
the other. On one hand, graph theorists have found that many of
their problems can be solved by the use of com puting techniques,
and on the other hand, computer scientists have realized that many
of their concepts, with which they have to deal, may be
conveniently expressed in the lan guage of graph theory, and that
standard results in graph theory are often very relevant to the
solution of problems concerning them. As a consequence, a
tremendous number of publications has appeared, dealing with
graphtheoretical problems from a computational point of view or
treating computational problems using graph theoretical concepts."
The International Workshop CG '88 on "Computational Geometry" was
held at the University of WA1/4rzburg, FRG, March 24-25, 1988. As
the interest in the fascinating field of Computational Geometry and
its Applications has grown very quickly in recent years the
organizers felt the need to have a workshop, where a suitable
number of invited participants could concentrate their efforts in
this field to cover a broad spectrum of topics and to communicate
in a stimulating atmosphere. This workshop was attended by some
fifty invited scientists. The scientific program consisted of 22
contributions, of which 18 papers with one additional paper (M.
Reichling) are contained in the present volume. The contributions
covered important areas not only of fundamental aspects of
Computational Geometry but a lot of interesting and most promising
applications: Algorithmic Aspects of Geometry, Arrangements,
Nearest-Neighbor-Problems and Abstract Voronoi-Diagrams, Data
Structures for Geometric Objects, Geo-Relational Algebra, Geometric
Modeling, Clustering and Visualizing Geometric Objects, Finite
Element Methods, Triangulating in Parallel, Animation and Ray
Tracing, Robotics: Motion Planning, Collision Avoidance,
Visibility, Smooth Surfaces, Basic Models of Geometric
Computations, Automatizing Geometric Proofs and Constructions.
Das Buch enthalt eine Einfuhrung in graphentheoretische
Grundbegriffe und Basissatze. Graphen werden als
Modellierungswerkzeuge fur verschiedene Anwendungen aus dem Bereich
der Standortplanung, Logistik, Verkehrsplanung, des Scheduling und
der Planung von Kommunikationsnetzen vorgestellt. Fur die
entstehenden graphentheoretischen Probleme werden effiziente
Verfahren vorgestellt und rigoros analysiert. Fur
komplexitatstheoretisch "schwierige" Probleme enthalt das Buch
effiziente Naherungsverfahren, die schnell Losungen mit beweisbarer
Gute liefern."
Die Sensitivitatsanalyse bei diskreten Optimierungsproblemen ist
ein ebenso schwieriges wie reizvolles Objekt der
Unternehrnensforschung. In dieser Arbeit versucht der Verfasser,
wenigstens fur die einfachsten Problernklassen - diskrete lineare
Programme mit pararnetrischen Ziel- funktions- bzw.
Restriktionenvektoren - eine einheitliche Darstellung zu geben und
grundlegende Ergebnisse zu forrnulieren, die sich nicht zwangsweise
an den verfugbaren Algorithmen orientieren, sondern starker den
mathematischen Sachverhalt herausstellen. Einige Ideen lassen sich
ohne Schwierigkeiten auf den Fall pararnetri- scher
Koeffizientenmatrizen und auch auf nichtlineare, parametrische
Problemstellungen Ubertragen. Mein besonderer DanK gilt Herrn
Prof.Dr.Rudolf Henn, der mein Inter- esse an den mathematischen
Methoden in den Wirtschaftswissenschaften weckte und mir mit
Anregungen wertvolle Hilfe leistete. Mein Dank gilt ferner Herrn
Prof.Dr.D.Bierlein und Herrn Privatdozent Dr.W.Fieger fur die mir
erwiesene unterstutzung. Besonderen Dank schulde ich auch Frau
Wurz, die mit groBer Sorgfalt das Manuskript tippte. AbschlieBend
mochte ich der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft fur die mir wahrend
mehrerer Jahre gewahrte finanzielle Unterstutzung meinen Dank
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