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Rather than dwell on evil doings, 'A Voyage to Infinity' series
seeks to illustrate lifestyles that focus on singular, physical
aspects and individual desires in a life. The events and conduct of
incarnate souls, whether unwitting or premeditated, builds into a
story that goes on to reveal how others' actions might affect the
lives of other people around them, and the disadvantages it could
mean for the perpetrators in the life beyond. In this second book
of the series, 'A Rendezvous with Evil', Vicky and Jamie adhere to
a preconceived plan, initiated in the first book, and which is
gradually revealed to them by their spiritual guides in this second
work. As they grow up, they are drawn together, and become aware of
the purpose for their lives on this world. The deeper they get
involved with each other, they sense aspects from a previous life
that ties them to the Infinite One, and other chosen souls. As
proven souls from this previous life, other similar souls begin to
home in on them, and together they set about bringing their plan to
Clinton Williams has been an officer in the Union Army, sheriff of
a small town in New Mexico Territory, and a transporter of five
escaped slaves across free and slave states. Now it is time for a
new adventure! War is fast developing between the northern and
southern states and Clint is soon caught up in the conflict. He was
heading home to Indiana when he discovered that his friends in
Arkansas had been victimized by a band of guerillas and had stolen
his horse! Trailing his missing friend (and horse), Clint soon
found himself pressed into service in the camp of Colonel Ulysses
S. Grant in the union army. Newly promoted General Grant is out to
make a name for his self and Brevet Captain Clint Williams is along
for the ride!
Book one of the Cyannian Trilogy, 'Cataclysm Earth', progressively
takes the reader through a fantasy of predictive science fiction.
It begins on a factual note, submitting the idea that Earth's
inhabitants have interfered with their planet's delicate ecology.
Research and experimentation, affluent life-styles, immorality,
deforestation all combine to depreciate Earth's environment. During
his civilisation's collapse a journalist, Tristram Velby and his
family, struggle against appalling odds. Having experienced three
dreams, he soon realises the first's similarity to the cataclysmic
event taking place. The second dream takes them, and others lifted
from Earth, on a voyage to a strange alien world. The third reveals
secrets of a 'Universal Technology' locked in a temple that will
take Earth into the 'Celestial Realm'.
As they entered the chamber, Jamie straightaway looked for the
Faceless Beings, but there were no signs of them, only the shape of
a Celestial Window materialising in one section of the chamber.
Jamie stared into it, describing a blazing inferno around which
several glowing hot objects were orbiting. In the gaseous matrix,
solidifying masses were constantly bombarding the orbiting objects;
each object absorbing the impacting fragments. Jamie and Vicky were
spellbound, instinctively sensing they were witnessing the
aftermath of a genesis; a divine snap-shot displaying the infant
period in the creation of a planetary solar system in progress.
Jamie and Vicky felt infinitesimal, humbled as witnesses to the
Infinite One at work.
As Vicky and Jamie complete their plan on Sanctus, the remainder of
their lives there are spent preparing their daughter, Sasha, for
her task in life. In Sophie, the daughter of Sam and Kenny, Sasha
realises a faithful companion, and together they take up the
challenge begun by their parents. Making their transitions back to
the spiritual dimension, Jamie, Vicky, Sam and Kenny gaze down
through the Celestial Window, and soon discover their lives there
have given them the power to guide and protect their children. The
evil minions, ever present, sense this and cunningly begin to draw
their plans against the ageing Sasha and Sophie. Constantly gazing
towards Sanctus's celestial horizon, Jamie sees a confusion of
events looming for the elderly women. What gives him heart is the
development of mediumistic skills in both Sasha and Sophie a
priceless resource that will give them access to the home
dimension. With this access to spiritual knowledge, the onus, once
again, rests on humanity's ability to accept on faith what Sasha
and Sophie offer. With their second incarnate period behind them,
Vicky and Jamie feel secure in their knowledge; basking in the
increasing spiritual companionship with each incarnation. Dedicated
to the Infinite One, they have submitted to a greater understanding
of his plan; consequently, Sasha and Sophie, both proven souls in
their own right, have been prepared by their parent hosts. Drawn
together by this conscientious guidance from their parents, they
gradually move towards their own kindred, spiritual companions once
joined together, they will begin the next stage of their
destinies... CJB.
This research monograph provides a synthesis of a number of
statistical tests and measures, which, at first consideration,
appear disjoint and unrelated. Numerous comparisons of permutation
and classical statistical methods are presented, and the two
methods are compared via probability values and, where appropriate,
measures of effect size. Permutation statistical methods, compared
to classical statistical methods, do not rely on theoretical
distributions, avoid the usual assumptions of normality and
homogeneity of variance, and depend only on the data at hand. This
text takes a unique approach to explaining statistics by
integrating a large variety of statistical methods, and
establishing the rigor of a topic that to many may seem to be a
nascent field in statistics. This topic is new in that it took
modern computing power to make permutation methods available to
people working in the mainstream of research. lly-informed=""
audience,="" and="" can="" also="" easily="" serve="" as=""
textbook="" in="" graduate="" course="" departments="" such=""
statistics,="" psychology,="" or="" biology.="" particular,=""
the="" audience="" for="" book="" is="" teachers="" of=""
practicing="" statisticians,="" applied="" quantitative=""
students="" fields="" medical="" research,="" epidemiology,=""
public="" health,="" biology.
In the final book of the Cyannian Trilogy, I infer that humanity on
the virgin world, Avataria, will follow a life-style similar to
Earth. Not simply because the people of Earth have seeded it, but
that I am influenced in my belief that the basic constituents and
mechanisms to support the physical life exist everywhere in the
universe. The three books of the Cyannian Trilogy, describe an
evolutionary cycle of events that suggest the inhabitants of Earth
are descendants of a successfully proven civilisation. Having
seeded Earth, this civilisation is then governed by a universal
protocol that forbids them to interfere with the learning processes
on this new world. The final book takes the reader into the
spiritual dimension, where they witness the lives of the young
spirits undergoing their trials on this new world. Their spiritual
guides are now proven souls who had lived on Earth in the first two
The primary purpose of this textbook is to introduce the reader to
a wide variety of elementary permutation statistical methods.
Permutation methods are optimal for small data sets and non-random
samples, and are free of distributional assumptions. The book
follows the conventional structure of most introductory books on
statistical methods, and features chapters on central tendency and
variability, one-sample tests, two-sample tests, matched-pairs
tests, one-way fully-randomized analysis of variance, one-way
randomized-blocks analysis of variance, simple regression and
correlation, and the analysis of contingency tables. In addition,
it introduces and describes a comparatively new permutation-based,
chance-corrected measure of effect size. Because permutation tests
and measures are distribution-free, do not assume normality, and do
not rely on squared deviations among sample values, they are
currently being applied in a wide variety of disciplines. This book
presents permutation alternatives to existing classical statistics,
and is intended as a textbook for undergraduate statistics courses
or graduate courses in the natural, social, and physical sciences,
while assuming only an elementary grasp of statistics.
All of my books, and in particular Sixty Psychic Years, relate my
concerns for Earth, its inhabitants and the creatures on it.
Listening to the various scientific bodies located around our
world, I contemplate their submissions of doom. The diversity of
opinion seems, at times, contradictory, and yet as Earth reveals in
her changing moods a threat to humanity's future, the majority of
us continue to ignore her warning. There are two over-powering
reasons that should influence us to pause and rethink the strategy
to live our lives here. First is the transient aspect of it,
second, our inevitable transition into the next world when it ends.
'Sixty Psychic Years' describes a life-time of psychic experiences
I have witnessed both from seances, held by my mother; a practicing
spiritual medium over that period, and many inexplicable events
that have occurred throughout my life.
The focus of this book is on the birth and historical development
of permutation statistical methods from the early 1920s to the near
present. Beginning with the seminal contributions of R.A. Fisher,
E.J.G. Pitman, and others in the 1920s and 1930s, permutation
statistical methods were initially introduced to validate the
assumptions of classical statistical methods. Permutation methods
have advantages over classical methods in that they are optimal for
small data sets and non-random samples, are data-dependent, and are
free of distributional assumptions. Permutation probability values
may be exact, or estimated via moment- or resampling-approximation
procedures. Because permutation methods are inherently
computationally-intensive, the evolution of computers and computing
technology that made modern permutation methods possible
accompanies the historical narrative. Permutation analogs of many
well-known statistical tests are presented in a historical context,
including multiple correlation and regression, analysis of
variance, contingency table analysis, and measures of association
and agreement. A non-mathematical approach makes the text
accessible to readers of all levels.
This research monograph utilizes exact and Monte Carlo permutation
statistical methods to generate probability values and measures of
effect size for a variety of measures of association. Association
is broadly defined to include measures of correlation for two
interval-level variables, measures of association for two
nominal-level variables or two ordinal-level variables, and
measures of agreement for two nominal-level or two ordinal-level
variables. Additionally, measures of association for mixtures of
the three levels of measurement are considered: nominal-ordinal,
nominal-interval, and ordinal-interval measures. Numerous
comparisons of permutation and classical statistical methods are
presented. Unlike classical statistical methods, permutation
statistical methods do not rely on theoretical distributions, avoid
the usual assumptions of normality and homogeneity of variance, and
depend only on the data at hand. This book takes a unique approach
to explaining statistics by integrating a large variety of
statistical methods, and establishing the rigor of a topic that to
many may seem to be a nascent field. This topic is relatively new
in that it took modern computing power to make permutation methods
available to those working in mainstream research. Written for a
statistically informed audience, it is particularly useful for
teachers of statistics, practicing statisticians, applied
statisticians, and quantitative graduate students in fields such as
psychology, medical research, epidemiology, public health, and
biology. It can also serve as a textbook in graduate courses in
subjects like statistics, psychology, and biology.
This is the second edition of the comprehensive treatment of
statistical inference using permutation techniques. It makes
available to practitioners a variety of useful and powerful data
analytic tools that rely on very few distributional assumptions.
Although many of these procedures have appeared in journal
articles, they are not readily available to practitioners. This new
and updated edition places increased emphasis on the use of
alternative permutation statistical tests based on metric Euclidean
distance functions that have excellent robustness characteristics.
These alternative permutation techniques provide many powerful
multivariate tests including multivariate multiple regression
Book two of the Cyannian Trilogy continues the fantasy. It
describes the development of a Universal Technology needed to
provide another platform for the supernatural and physical
dimensions to interact. Over the years, following their return from
Cyan, Tristram teaches his people to submit their allegiance to the
Infinite One and take Earth into the celestial realm. They achieve
this, allowing him to complete the first stage of his great plan.
Before making his transition to the spiritual dimension, he begins
the second stage. Set now in their belief in the spiritual life
beyond, Tristram is able to guide his people from the celestial
window. They develop the Universal Technology, and from Earth, now
settled in the higher physical life-plane, provide Tristram with
the platform that will allow him to seed a virgin world out in the
"The Spiritual Inception" opens in a divine part of the
universe. In a place known as the Hallowed Sanctum, two proven
spirits, Sarah and John, await the birth of a young soul. Having
partnered each other on their voyage to infinity across several
physical planes in the universe, they have achieved perfection.
What stands between them and entering the Infinite One's Eternal
Land, is the task of mentoring this young spirit on its own voyage
to infinity. The success of this assignment offers them the
opportunity to enter a world of unimaginable joy and happiness
together. As the first chapter ends, the scene is set on a world
called Orburn. Similar to Earth, it is a world that will provide
the young soul with the means to learn the Infinite One's truth of
Benford's Law is a probability distribution for the likelihood of
the leading digit in a set of numbers. This book seeks to improve
and systematize the use of Benford's Law in the social sciences to
assess the validity of self-reported data. The authors first
introduce a new measure of conformity to the Benford distribution
that is created using permutation statistical methods and employs
the concept of statistical agreement. In a switch from a typical
Benford application, this book moves away from using Benford's Law
to test whether the data conform to the Benford distribution, to
using it to draw conclusions about the validity of the data. The
concept of 'Benford validity' is developed, which indicates whether
a dataset is valid based on comparisons with the Benford
distribution and, in relation to this, diagnostic procedure that
assesses the impact of not having Benford validity on data analysis
is devised.
Narrative Science examines the use of narrative in scientific
research over the last two centuries. It brings together an
international group of scholars who have engaged in intense
collaboration to find and develop crucial cases of narrative in
science. Motivated and coordinated by the Narrative Science
project, funded by the European Research Council, this volume
offers integrated and insightful essays examining cases that run
the gamut from geology to psychology, chemistry, physics, botany,
mathematics, epidemiology, and biological engineering. Taking in
shipwrecks, human evolution, military intelligence, and mass
extinctions, this landmark study revises our understanding of what
science is, and the roles of narrative in scientists' work. This
title is also available as Open Access.
This research monograph provides a synthesis of a number of
statistical tests and measures, which, at first consideration,
appear disjoint and unrelated. Numerous comparisons of permutation
and classical statistical methods are presented, and the two
methods are compared via probability values and, where appropriate,
measures of effect size. Permutation statistical methods, compared
to classical statistical methods, do not rely on theoretical
distributions, avoid the usual assumptions of normality and
homogeneity of variance, and depend only on the data at hand. This
text takes a unique approach to explaining statistics by
integrating a large variety of statistical methods, and
establishing the rigor of a topic that to many may seem to be a
nascent field in statistics. This topic is new in that it took
modern computing power to make permutation methods available to
people working in the mainstream of research. lly-informed=""
audience,="" and="" can="" also="" easily="" serve="" as=""
textbook="" in="" graduate="" course="" departments="" such=""
statistics,="" psychology,="" or="" biology.="" particular,=""
the="" audience="" for="" book="" is="" teachers="" of=""
practicing="" statisticians,="" applied="" quantitative=""
students="" fields="" medical="" research,="" epidemiology,=""
public="" health,="" biology.
Many health benefits have been attributed to selenium that include
preventing various forms of cancer (e.g., colon cancer, prostate
cancer, lung cancer and liver cancer), heart disease and other
cardiovascular and muscle disorders, inhibiting viral expression,
delaying the progression of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome
(AIDS) in human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-positive patients,
slowing the aging process, and having roles in mammalian
development, including male reproduction and immune function. The
purpose of the book is the same as the first two volumes which is
to bring an up to date status of current research in the rapidly
developing selenium field centered around the health benefits
attributed to this element and how this element makes its way into
In 1982, three conservationists in the United States discussed a
growing concern they shared about the long-term biological
consequences of nuclear war; they wondered what such a war would do
to the air, the water, the soils 1 the natural systems upon which
all life depends. I was one of those three; the others were
executives of two philanthropic foundations, Robert L. Allen of the
Henry P. Kendall Foundation and the late Robert W. Scrivner of the
Rockefeller Family Fund. Together we began trying to find out what
the scientific community was doing about the problem and what steps
could be taken to alert the environmental movement to the need to
address the subject. We knew that a large-scale nuclear war might
kill from 300 million to a billion people outright and that another
billion could suffer serious injuries requiring immediate medical
attention, care that would be largely unavailable. But what kind of
world wouldisurvivors face? Would the long-term consequences prove
to humanity and survival of all species than the to be even more
serious immediate effects? We found that comparatively little
scientific research had been done about the envifonmental
consequences of a nuclear war of the magni tude that toda, y's huge
arsenal could unleash . ."
This is the second edition of the comprehensive treatment of
statistical inference using permutation techniques. It makes
available to practitioners a variety of useful and powerful data
analytic tools that rely on very few distributional assumptions.
Although many of these procedures have appeared in journal
articles, they are not readily available to practitioners. This new
and updated edition places increased emphasis on the use of
alternative permutation statistical tests based on metric Euclidean
distance functions that have excellent robustness characteristics.
These alternative permutation techniques provide many powerful
multivariate tests including multivariate multiple regression