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Over the past decade there has been an increasing demand for
suitable material in the area of mathematical modelling as applied
to science, engineering, business and management. Recent
developments in computer technology and related software have
provided the necessary tools of increasing power and sophistication
which have significant implications for the use and role of
mathematical modelling in the above disciplines. In the past,
traditional methods have relied heavily on expensive
experimentation and the building of scaled models, but now a more
flexible and cost effective approach is available through greater
use of mathematical modelling and computer simulation. In
particular, developments in computer algebra, symbolic manipulation
packages and user friendly software packages for large scale
problems, all have important implications in both the teaching of
mathematical modelling and, more importantly, its use in the
solution of real world problems. Many textbooks have been published
which cover the art and techniques of modelling as well as specific
mathematical modelling techniques in specialist areas within
science and business. In most of these books the mathematical
material tends to be rather tailor made to fit in with a one or two
semester course for teaching students at the undergraduate or
postgraduate level, usually the former. This textbook is quite
different in that it is intended to build on and enhance students'
modelling skills using a combination of case studies and projects.
When we first invited the group of distinguished scholars
represented here to contribute to a new volume on Austrian
economics, four themes were stressed: tensions, new directions,
selectivity, and criticism. In this brief introduction we will
explain why those themes were emphasized and thereby shed light on
our intentions and aspirations for the volume. The subtitle
"Tensions and New Directions" indicates clearly the intent of the
volume desired. If we take the 1871 publication of Carl Menger's
Principles of Economics (Grundsiitze der Volkswirthschaftslehre) as
mark ing its birth, the Austrian tradition is now well over one
hundred years old. The origins of the so-called "Austrian Revival"
are more difficult to pinpoint precisely, but many would accept two
decades as a reasonable estimate of its lifespan. In any case,
since the mid-1970s several collections of articles written by
Austrians have been published. The intent of these collections
appeared to be to educate, persuade, and inspire various audiences.
Uninformed readers needed to be told about the specifics of the
Austrian position, to be shown how it differed from and improved
upon its rivals. The initiated needed to be reassured that their
commitment to a novel program was justified. As such, much of the
recent Austrian literature has consisted either of exegetical
accounts of the views of past figures, or of critical assessments
of the positions of alternative research programs in economics from
an Austrian perspective."
Over the past decade there has been an increasing demand for
suitable material in the area of mathematical modelling as applied
to science and engineering. There has been a constant movement in
the emphasis from developing proficiency in purely mathematical
techniques to an approach which caters for industrial and
scientific applications in emerging new technologies. In this
textbook we have attempted to present the important fundamental
concepts of mathematical modelling and to demonstrate their use in
solving certain scientific and engineering problems. This text,
which serves as a general introduction to the area of mathematical
modelling, is aimed at advanced undergraduate students in
mathematics or closely related disciplines, e.g., students who have
some prerequisite knowledge such as one-variable calculus, linear
algebra and ordinary differential equations. Some prior knowledge
of computer programming would be useful but is not considered
essential. The text also contains some more challenging material
which could prove attractive to graduate students in engineering or
science who are involved in mathematical modelling. In preparing
the text we have tried to use our experience of teaching
mathematical modelling to undergraduate students in a wide range of
areas including mathematics and computer science and disciplines in
engineering and science. An important aspect of the text is the use
made of scientific computer software packages such as MAPLE for
symbolic algebraic manipulations and MA TLAB for numerical
In recent years, mathematical modelling allied to computer
simulation has emerged as en effective and invaluable design tool
for industry and a discipline in its own right. This has been
reflected in the popularity of the growing number of courses and
conferences devoted to the area. The North East Polytechnics
Mathematical Modelling and Computer Simulation Group has a balanced
representation of academics and industrialists and, as a Group, has
the objective of promoting a continuing partnership between the
Polytechnics in the North East and local industry. Prior to the
present conference the Group has organised eight conferences with a
variety of themes related to mathematical modelling and computer
simulation. The theme chosen for the Polymodel 9 Conference held in
Newcastle upon Tyne in May 1986 was Industrial Vibration Modelling,
which is particularly approp riate for 'Industry Year' and is an
area which continues to present industry and academics with new and
challenging problems. The aim of the Conference was to calIon and
use the modelling experience of eminent academics and
industrialists who are deeply involved in the solution of vibration
problems. To this end the following four sessions were organised:
(1) Vehicular Vibrations led by keynote speaker Dr S King (Westland
Helicopters Ltd) (2) Acoustics led by Dr M Petyt (Southampton
University) (3) Fluid/Structural Vibrations led by G T Willshare
(British Maritime Technology) (4) Special Problems and Developing
Areas to include nonlinearities, ultrasonics, transients, elastic
stability, etc.
Originally published in 1989. The pursuit of excellence is much
discussed with reference to education, but the question remains,
'How can a school become excellent?' This book demonstrates that
excellence depends on good management which, in turn, depends not
only on a clear understanding of good management theory, but on the
ability to translate theory into practice. The authors offer
profound insights into three crucial areas of leadership: culture,
structure, and public accountability. Drawing on areas outside
education, such as advertising and business, they discuss many
innovations that are already current - flexitime, the vertical
curriculum, mastery learning, community support - and depict ways
in which these can be brought together into a total educational
experience. More strikingly, however, they look ahead, examining
the potential changes to our concept of schooling: for instance
those brought about by the growth of information technology. This
book emphasises that at the heart of outstanding schooling are
visionary leadership, a clear sense of purpose, and creatively
conceived and flexible support structures.
Much has been written about globalization and the challenge of
preparing young people for the new world of work and life in times
of complexity and continuous change. However, few works have
examined how globalization has and will continue to shape education
in the East. This volume discusses education within the context of
globalization and examines what is occurring in schools and systems
of education in the People's Republic of China, Hong Kong, Chinese
Taipei, Singapore, and Australia. Closer examination of recent
developments and current trends reveal the same turbulence and a
range of common issues in areas such as assessment, curriculum,
leadership, management of change, pedagogy, policy, professional
capacity and technology. This volume demonstrates the commonalities
and differences and offers tremendous insight into the way things
are done in places where student achievement is high but there is
also a sense of urgency in continuing an agenda of change.
Much has been written about globalization and the challenge of
preparing young people for the new world of work and life in times
of complexity and continuous change. However, few works have
examined how globalization has and will continue to shape education
in the East. This volume discusses education within the context of
globalization and examines what is occurring in schools and systems
of education in the People's Republic of China, Hong Kong, Chinese
Taipei, Singapore, and Australia. Closer examination of recent
developments and current trends reveal the same turbulence and a
range of common issues in areas such as assessment, curriculum,
leadership, management of change, pedagogy, policy, professional
capacity and technology. This volume demonstrates the commonalities
and differences and offers tremendous insight into the way things
are done in places where student achievement is high but there is
also a sense of urgency in continuing an agenda of change.
This landmark book presents a careful selection of the most
important literature in the philosophy and methodology of economics
- an area that has grown explosively in the last twenty years. This
important and timely three volume reference collection contains the
best of the recent work together with a number of classic articles
by economists and philosophers. It focuses in the main on articles
and papers that have not been previously reprinted and presents in
an accessible form important material that is scattered throughout
the literature.
This text provides an analysis of the efforts to establish systems
of self-managing schools around the world. The core of this book is
the description of the transformation of the education system in
the state of Victoria, Australia, from dependence in a highly
centralized and bureaucratized structure to one that values local
decision making and the creation of a system of self-managing
schools. The text goes on to show how these and similar programmes
in other nations could lay the foundations for similar reform. The
authors propose that there must be changes in the role of key
stakeholders, including government, community and profession;
traditional approaches must be challenged and new ways to fund
schools to be canvassed.
This text provides an analysis of the efforts to establish systems
of self-managing schools around the world. The core of this book is
the description of the transformation of the education system in
the state of Victoria, Australia, from dependence in a highly
centralized and bureaucratized structure to one that values local
decision making and the creation of a system of self-managing
schools. The text goes on to show how these and similar programmes
in other nations could lay the foundations for similar reform. The
authors propose that there must be changes in the role of key
stakeholders, including government, community and profession;
traditional approaches must be challenged and new ways to fund
schools to be canvassed.
This is a book on the good practice of mentoring written by
scholars and practitioners in education, health and industry. It
considers the roles of the mentor-mentee in changing workplaces
affected by external forces including technology, the economy and
the dismantling of middle- management structures, and offers
guidelines for those who seek good practice, and the nurturing of
the individual in a caring and collaborative culture.; A brief
history of mentoring and its subsequent usage is presented, with
special attention paid to the gender issues. New concepts such as
"shadowing" and "reflective interviewing" are introduced and
explained, and strategies are presented in such a way that they can
be applied and adapted in any setting. The whole process,
therefore, aims to empower the professional in a school, university
or industrial level, and with others, towards a more effective and
perceptive practice.; All those involved in education and training
of individuals at a school, college or industrial level training
will find this useful.
Caldwell and Spinks' sequel to the highly successful The
Self-Managing School deals with leadership responsibilities on two
levels - as head of a school responsible for local management and
as a director in a Local Education Authority responsible, in turn,
for the local framework within which local management should
proceed. Guidelines for action at both levels are provided.
This work is a sequel to The Self-Managing School and deals with leadership responsibilities on two levels - as head of a school responsible for loca management and as a director in a Local Education Authority responsible
Offers a model for self-management based on research in effective
schools. Guidelines and illustrations based on successful adoption
are offered throughout. The aim is quality in education, with the
beneficiary being the pupil.
The Self-Transforming School combines an insightful meta-analysis
of factors contributing to the success of schools, and an
examination of powerful mega-trends that are shaping developments
in education, to offer the first mega-analysis in education policy
and practice. The book spans fifty years, beginning with Caldwell
and Spinks' ground-breaking work The Self-Managing School which
advocated innovative approaches that are now accepted as preferred
practice, before offering a prognosis and plan for the future. The
book argues that all schools in all settings can secure success for
all students in an era where society and the economy are changing
constantly and dramatically. Although schools find some support in
local and global networks, externally designed re-structuring,
re-staffing, or command-and-control direction isn't sufficient to
achieve transformation. Instead of replicating particular
approaches to achieve modest improvement, leadership of the highest
quality needs to be deeply embedded in schools and their systems.
Caldwell and Spinks propose three important points that need to be
taken into consideration: -schools are often at different stages of
self-transformation -self-transformation requires a high level of
professionalism, and must include teacher education and on-going
professional development -funding is critically important, and
efforts to build a capacity for self-transformation are constrained
by what is available. The book gives particular attention to
developments in Australia, Brazil, Canada, England, Finland, Hong
Kong, India, New Zealand, Shanghai, Singapore and the United
States. It will be of key interest to school leaders, policy
makers, and academics and postgraduate students engaged in research
on equity, student performance in highly disadvantaged settings and
education policy.
When we first invited the group of distinguished scholars
represented here to contribute to a new volume on Austrian
economics, four themes were stressed: tensions, new directions,
selectivity, and criticism. In this brief introduction we will
explain why those themes were emphasized and thereby shed light on
our intentions and aspirations for the volume. The subtitle
"Tensions and New Directions" indicates clearly the intent of the
volume desired. If we take the 1871 publication of Carl Menger's
Principles of Economics (Grundsiitze der Volkswirthschaftslehre) as
mark ing its birth, the Austrian tradition is now well over one
hundred years old. The origins of the so-called "Austrian Revival"
are more difficult to pinpoint precisely, but many would accept two
decades as a reasonable estimate of its lifespan. In any case,
since the mid-1970s several collections of articles written by
Austrians have been published. The intent of these collections
appeared to be to educate, persuade, and inspire various audiences.
Uninformed readers needed to be told about the specifics of the
Austrian position, to be shown how it differed from and improved
upon its rivals. The initiated needed to be reassured that their
commitment to a novel program was justified. As such, much of the
recent Austrian literature has consisted either of exegetical
accounts of the views of past figures, or of critical assessments
of the positions of alternative research programs in economics from
an Austrian perspective."
The Self-Transforming School combines an insightful meta-analysis
of factors contributing to the success of schools, and an
examination of powerful mega-trends that are shaping developments
in education, to offer the first mega-analysis in education policy
and practice. The book spans fifty years, beginning with Caldwell
and Spinks' ground-breaking work The Self-Managing School which
advocated innovative approaches that are now accepted as preferred
practice, before offering a prognosis and plan for the future. The
book argues that all schools in all settings can secure success for
all students in an era where society and the economy are changing
constantly and dramatically. Although schools find some support in
local and global networks, externally designed re-structuring,
re-staffing, or command-and-control direction isn't sufficient to
achieve transformation. Instead of replicating particular
approaches to achieve modest improvement, leadership of the highest
quality needs to be deeply embedded in schools and their systems.
Caldwell and Spinks propose three important points that need to be
taken into consideration: -schools are often at different stages of
self-transformation -self-transformation requires a high level of
professionalism, and must include teacher education and on-going
professional development -funding is critically important, and
efforts to build a capacity for self-transformation are constrained
by what is available. The book gives particular attention to
developments in Australia, Brazil, Canada, England, Finland, Hong
Kong, India, New Zealand, Shanghai, Singapore and the United
States. It will be of key interest to school leaders, policy
makers, and academics and postgraduate students engaged in research
on equity, student performance in highly disadvantaged settings and
education policy.
During the past few years the rapid development of computer tech
nology has made high power computing facilities more readily
accessible to a greater proportion of our industrial and academic
community. This development coupled with the recent upsurge in
mathematical modelling and computer simulation has led to signif
icant developments in electromagnetic field theory and its applic
ations to industry. In view of such developments and the present
high interest to both academics and industry the theme chosen for
the Polymodel 6 Conference held at Newcastle upon Tyne in May 1983
was Industrial Electromagnetics Modelling. To date the North East
Polytechnics Mathematical Modelling and Computer Simulation Group
has organised five successful Polymodel. conferences each with a
different theme. The objectives of the Polymodel group include the
promotion of collaborative research between Newcastle, Sunderland
and Teesside Polytechnics and industry in the areas of mathematical
modelling and computer simulation. The aim of the Polymodel 6
Conference was to call on and use the modelling and
computer.simulation expertise of eminent academics and
industrialists who are deeply involved in the area of electro
magnetics. These proceedings have a twofold purpose in that they
contain current analytical and numerical techniques relevant to
electromagnetic field problems and useful ideas on the modelling
and simulation techniques which are most appropriate. It was also
felt important to include implications. of. computer developments
(both hardware and software) on such work."
In recent years, mathematical modelling allied to computer
simulation has emerged as en effective and invaluable design tool
for industry and a discipline in its own right. This has been
reflected in the popularity of the growing number of courses and
conferences devoted to the area. The North East Polytechnics
Mathematical Modelling and Computer Simulation Group has a balanced
representation of academics and industrialists and, as a Group, has
the objective of promoting a continuing partnership between the
Polytechnics in the North East and local industry. Prior to the
present conference the Group has organised eight conferences with a
variety of themes related to mathematical modelling and computer
simulation. The theme chosen for the Polymodel 9 Conference held in
Newcastle upon Tyne in May 1986 was Industrial Vibration Modelling,
which is particularly approp riate for 'Industry Year' and is an
area which continues to present industry and academics with new and
challenging problems. The aim of the Conference was to calIon and
use the modelling experience of eminent academics and
industrialists who are deeply involved in the solution of vibration
problems. To this end the following four sessions were organised:
(1) Vehicular Vibrations led by keynote speaker Dr S King (Westland
Helicopters Ltd) (2) Acoustics led by Dr M Petyt (Southampton
University) (3) Fluid/Structural Vibrations led by G T Willshare
(British Maritime Technology) (4) Special Problems and Developing
Areas to include nonlinearities, ultrasonics, transients, elastic
stability, etc.
Over the past decade there has been an increasing demand for
suitable material in the area of mathematical modelling as applied
to science, engineering, business and management. Recent
developments in computer technology and related software have
provided the necessary tools of increasing power and sophistication
which have significant implications for the use and role of
mathematical modelling in the above disciplines. In the past,
traditional methods have relied heavily on expensive
experimentation and the building of scaled models, but now a more
flexible and cost effective approach is available through greater
use of mathematical modelling and computer simulation. In
particular, developments in computer algebra, symbolic manipulation
packages and user friendly software packages for large scale
problems, all have important implications in both the teaching of
mathematical modelling and, more importantly, its use in the
solution of real world problems. Many textbooks have been published
which cover the art and techniques of modelling as well as specific
mathematical modelling techniques in specialist areas within
science and business. In most of these books the mathematical
material tends to be rather tailor made to fit in with a one or two
semester course for teaching students at the undergraduate or
postgraduate level, usually the former. This textbook is quite
different in that it is intended to build on and enhance students'
modelling skills using a combination of case studies and projects.
Over the past decade there has been an increasing demand for
suitable material in the area of mathematical modelling as applied
to science and engineering. There has been a constant movement in
the emphasis from developing proficiency in purely mathematical
techniques to an approach which caters for industrial and
scientific applications in emerging new technologies. In this
textbook we have attempted to present the important fundamental
concepts of mathematical modelling and to demonstrate their use in
solving certain scientific and engineering problems. This text,
which serves as a general introduction to the area of mathematical
modelling, is aimed at advanced undergraduate students in
mathematics or closely related disciplines, e.g., students who have
some prerequisite knowledge such as one-variable calculus, linear
algebra and ordinary differential equations. Some prior knowledge
of computer programming would be useful but is not considered
essential. The text also contains some more challenging material
which could prove attractive to graduate students in engineering or
science who are involved in mathematical modelling. In preparing
the text we have tried to use our experience of teaching
mathematical modelling to undergraduate students in a wide range of
areas including mathematics and computer science and disciplines in
engineering and science. An important aspect of the text is the use
made of scientific computer software packages such as MAPLE for
symbolic algebraic manipulations and MA TLAB for numerical