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The four articles of the present volume address very different
topics in nuclear physics and, indeed, encompass experiments at
very different kinds of exp- imental facilities. The range of
interest of the articles extends from the nature of the
substructure of the nucleon and the deuteron to the general
properties of the nucleus, including its phase transitions and its
rich and unexpected quantal properties. The first article by
Fillipone and Ji reviews the present experimental and theoretical
situation pertaining to our knowledge of the origin of the spin of
the nucleon. Until about 20 years ago the half-integral spin of the
neutron and p- ton was regarded as their intrinsic property as
Dirac particles which were the basic building blocks of atomic
nuclei. Then, with the advent of the Standard Model and of quarks
as the basic building blocks, the substructure of the - cleon
became the subject of intense interest. Initial nonrelativistic
quark m- els assigned the origin of nucleon spin to the fundamental
half-integral spin of its three constituent quarks, leaving no room
for contributions to the spin from the gluons associated with the
interacting quarks or from the orbital angular momentum of either
gluons or quarks. That naive understanding was shaken, about
fifteen years ago, by experiments involving deep-inelastic
scattering of electrons or muons from nucleons.
Multi-Quark Systems in Hadronic Physics; Bakker, Narodetskii. The
Third Generation of Nuclear Physics with the Microscopic Cluster
Model; Larganke. The Fermion Dynamical Symmetry Model; Wu, et al.
The three articles of the present volume pertain to very different
subjects, all ofconsiderable current interest. The first reviews
the fascinating history ofthe search for nucleon substructure in
the nucleus using the strength ofGamow- Teller excitations. The
second deals with deep inelastic lepton scattering as a probe ofthe
non-perturbative structure of the nucleon. The third describes the
present state ofaffairs for muon catalyzed fusion, an application
of nuclear physics which many new experiments have helped to
elucidate. This volume certainly illustrates the broad range
ofphysics within our field. The article on Nucleon Charge-Exchange
Reactions at Intermediate Energy, by Parker Alford and Brian
Spicer, reviews recent data which has clarified one of the greatest
puzzles of nuclear physics during the past two decades, namely, the
"missing strength" in Gamow-Teller (GT) transitions. The
nucleon-nucleon interaction contains a GT component which has a
low-lying giant resonance. The integrated GT strength is subject to
a GT sum rule. Early experiments with (n, p) charge exchange
reactions found only about half of the strength, required by the
sum rule, in the vicinity of the giant resonance. At the time, new
theoretical ideas suggested that the GT strength was especially
sensitive to renormalization from effects pertaining to nucleon
substructure, particularly the delta excitation of the nucleon in
the nucleus.
This volume presents five pedagogical articles spanning frontier
developments in contemporary nuclear physics ranging from the
physics of a single nucleon to nucleosynthesis in the Big Bang.
Although the objectives of Advances in Nuclear Physics have been
and will continue to be quite distinct from those of conventional
conference proceedings, the articles in this volume are carefully
edited and expanded manuscripts based on an outstanding series of
lectures delivered at the VI J. A. Swieca Summer School in Brazil.
Starting at the smallest scale, the first article by Dan Olof Riska
addresses realistic chiral symmetric models of the nucleon. Since
the analytic tools are not yet developed to solve nonperturbative
QCD directly, significant effort has been devoted in recent years
to the development of models which incorporate and are constrained
by the approximate chiral symmetry manifested in QCD. This article
provides a clear introduction to chiral symmetry and the Skyrme
model, and discusses the Skyrme model's relation to the chiral bag
model, its extensions, and its application to nucleons and
For the first half of the 20th Century, low-energy nuclear physics
was one of the dominant foci of all of science. Then accelerators
prospered and energies rose, leading to an increase of interest in
the GeV regime and beyond. The three articles comprising this
end-of-century Advances in Nuclear Physics present a fitting and
masterful summary of the energy regimes through which nuclear
physics has developed and promises to develop in future. One
article describes new information about fundamental symmetries
found with kV neutrons. Another reviews our progress in
understanding nucleon-nucleus scattering up to 1 GeV. The third
analyzes dilepton production as a probe for quark-gluon plasmas
generated in relativistic heavy-ion collisions.
This volume of Advances in Nuclear Physics addresses two very
different frontiers of contemporary nuclear physics - one highly
theoretical and the other solidly phenomenological. The first
article by Matthias Burkardt provides a pedagogical overview of the
timely topic of light front quantization. Although introduced
decades ago by Dirac, light front quantization has been a central
focus in theoretical - clear and particle physics in recent years
for two majorreasons. The first, as discussed in detail by
Burkardt, is that light-cone coordinates are the natural
coordinates for describing high-energy scattering. The wealth of
data in recent years on nucleon and nucleus structure functions
from high-energy lepton and hadron scattering thus provides a
strong impetus for understanding QCD on the light cone. Second, as
theorists have explored light front quantization, a host of deep
and intriguing theoretical questions have arisen associated with
the triviality of the vacuum, the role of zero modes, rotational
invariance, and renormalization. These issues are so compelling
that they are now intensively investigated on their own merit,
independent of the particular application to high-energy
scattering. This article provides an excellent introduction and
overview of the motivation from high-energy scattering, an
accessible - scription of the basic ideas, an insightful discussion
of the open problems, and a helpful guide to the specialized
literature. It is an ideal opportunity for those with a spectator's
acquaintance to develop a deeper understanding of this important
This volume contains two major articles, one providing a historical
retrosp- tive of one of the great triumphs of nuclear physics in
the twentieth century and the other providing a didactic
introduction to one of the quantitative tools for understanding
strong interactions in the twenty-first century. The article by
Igal Talmi on "Fifty Years of the Shell Model - the Quest for the
Effective Interaction," pertains to a model that has dominated
nuclear physics since its infancy and that developed with
astonishing results over the next five decades. Talmi is uniquely
positioned to trace the history of the Shell Model. He was active
in developing the ideas at the shell model's inception, he has been
central in most of the subsequent initiatives which expanded, cl-
ified and applied the shell model and he has remained active in the
field to the present time. Wisely, he has chosen to restrict his
review to the domin- ing issue: the choice of the effective
interactions among valence nucleons that determine the properties
of low lying nuclear energy levels. The treatment of the subject is
both bold and novel for our series. The ideas pertaining to the
effective interaction for the shell model are elucidated in a
historical sequence.
This volume contains two major articles, one providing a historical
retrosp- tive of one of the great triumphs of nuclear physics in
the twentieth century and the other providing a didactic
introduction to one of the quantitative tools for understanding
strong interactions in the twenty-first century. The article by
Igal Talmi on "Fifty Years of the Shell Model - the Quest for the
Effective Interaction", pertains to a model that has dominated
nuclear physics since its infancy and that developed with
astonishing results over the next five decades. Talmi is uniquely
positioned to trace the history of the Shell Model. He was active
in developing the ideas at the shell model's inception, he has been
central in most of the subsequent initiatives which expanded, cl-
ified and applied the shell model and he has remained active in the
field to the present time. Wisely, he has chosen to restrict his
review to the domin- ing issue: the choice of the effective
interactions among valence nucleons that determine the properties
of low lying nuclear energy levels. The treatment of the subject is
both bold and novel for our series. The ideas pertaining to the
effective interaction for the shell model are elucidated in a
historical sequence.
The three articles of the present volume pertain to very different
subjects, all ofconsiderable current interest. The first reviews
the fascinating history ofthe search for nucleon substructure in
the nucleus using the strength ofGamow- Teller excitations. The
second deals with deep inelastic lepton scattering as a probe ofthe
non-perturbative structure of the nucleon. The third describes the
present state ofaffairs for muon catalyzed fusion, an application
of nuclear physics which many new experiments have helped to
elucidate. This volume certainly illustrates the broad range
ofphysics within our field. The article on Nucleon Charge-Exchange
Reactions at Intermediate Energy, by Parker Alford and Brian
Spicer, reviews recent data which has clarified one of the greatest
puzzles of nuclear physics during the past two decades, namely, the
"missing strength" in Gamow-Teller (GT) transitions. The
nucleon-nucleon interaction contains a GT component which has a
low-lying giant resonance. The integrated GT strength is subject to
a GT sum rule. Early experiments with (n, p) charge exchange
reactions found only about half of the strength, required by the
sum rule, in the vicinity of the giant resonance. At the time, new
theoretical ideas suggested that the GT strength was especially
sensitive to renormalization from effects pertaining to nucleon
substructure, particularly the delta excitation of the nucleon in
the nucleus.
This volume of Advances in Nuclear Physics addresses two very
different frontiers of contemporary nuclear physics - one highly
theoretical and the other solidly phenomenological. The first
article by Matthias Burkardt provides a pedagogical overview of the
timely topic of light front quantization. Although introduced
decades ago by Dirac, light front quantization has been a central
focus in theoretical - clear and particle physics in recent years
for two majorreasons. The first, as discussed in detail by
Burkardt, is that light-cone coordinates are the natural
coordinates for describing high-energy scattering. The wealth of
data in recent years on nucleon and nucleus structure functions
from high-energy lepton and hadron scattering thus provides a
strong impetus for understanding QCD on the light cone. Second, as
theorists have explored light front quantization, a host of deep
and intriguing theoretical questions have arisen associated with
the triviality of the vacuum, the role of zero modes, rotational
invariance, and renormalization. These issues are so compelling
that they are now intensively investigated on their own merit,
independent of the particular application to high-energy
scattering. This article provides an excellent introduction and
overview of the motivation from high-energy scattering, an
accessible - scription of the basic ideas, an insightful discussion
of the open problems, and a helpful guide to the specialized
literature. It is an ideal opportunity for those with a spectator's
acquaintance to develop a deeper understanding of this important
For the first half of the 20th Century, low-energy nuclear physics
was one of the dominant foci of all of science. Then accelerators
prospered and energies rose, leading to an increase of interest in
the GeV regime and beyond. The three articles comprising this
end-of-century Advances in Nuclear Physics present a fitting and
masterful summary of the energy regimes through which nuclear
physics has developed and promises to develop in future. One
article describes new information about fundamental symmetries
found with kV neutrons. Another reviews our progress in
understanding nucleon-nucleus scattering up to 1 GeV. The third
analyzes dilepton production as a probe for quark-gluon plasmas
generated in relativistic heavy-ion collisions.
This volume presents five pedagogical articles spanning frontier
developments in contemporary nuclear physics ranging from the
physics of a single nucleon to nucleosynthesis in the Big Bang.
Although the objectives of Advances in Nuclear Physics have been
and will continue to be quite distinct from those of conventional
conference proceedings, the articles in this volume are carefully
edited and expanded manuscripts based on an outstanding series of
lectures delivered at the VI J. A. Swieca Summer School in Brazil.
Starting at the smallest scale, the first article by Dan Olof Riska
addresses realistic chiral symmetric models of the nucleon. Since
the analytic tools are not yet developed to solve nonperturbative
QCD directly, significant effort has been devoted in recent years
to the development of models which incorporate and are constrained
by the approximate chiral symmetry manifested in QCD. This article
provides a clear introduction to chiral symmetry and the Skyrme
model, and discusses the Skyrme model's relation to the chiral bag
model, its extensions, and its application to nucleons and
Nuclear many-body theory provides the foundation for understanding
and exploiting the new generation of experimental probes of nuclear
structure that are now becoming available. The twentieth volume of
Advances in Nuclear Physics is thus devoted to two major
theoretical chapters addressing two fundamental issues:
understanding single-particle properties in nuclei and the
consistent formulation of a relativistic theory appropriate for
hadronic physics. The long-standing problem of understanding
single-particle behavior in a strongly interacting nuclear system
takes on new urgency and sig nificance in the face of detailed
measurements of the nuclear spectral function in (e, e'p)
experiments. In the first chapter, Mahaux and Sartor confront
head-on the ambiguities in defining single-particle properties and
the limitations in calculating them microscopically. This
thoughtful chapter provides a thorough, pedagogical review of the
relevant aspects of many body theory and of previous treatments in
the nuclear physics literature. It also presents the author's own
vision of how to properly formulate and understand single-particle
behavior based on the self-energy, or mass operator. Their approach
provides a powerful, unified description of the nuclear mean field
that covers negative as well as positive energies and consistently
fills in that information that cannot yet be calculated reliably
microscopically by a theoretically motivated phenomenology.
Particular emphasis is placed upon experiment, both in the
exhaustive comparisons with experimental data and in the detailed
discussion of the relations of each of the theoretical quantities
defined in the chapter to physical observables."
The quest for many-body techniques and approximations to describe
the essential physics of strongly interacting systems with many
degrees of freedom is one of the central themes of contemporary
nuclear physics. The three articles in this volume describe
advances in this quest in three dif ferent areas of nuclear
many-body physics: multi quark degrees of freedom in
nucleon-nucleon interactions and light nuclei, multinucleon
clusters in many-nucleon wave functions and reactions, and the
nuclear-shell model. In each case the common issues arise of
identifying the relevant degrees of freedom, truncating those that
are inessential, formulating tractable approximations, and
judiciously invoking phenomenology when it is not possible to
proceed from first principles. Indeed, the parallels between the
different applications are often striking, as in the case of the
similarities in the treatment of clusters of quarks in
nucleon-nucleon interactions and clusters of nucleons in nuclear
reactions, and the central role of the resonating group
approximation in treating both. Despite two decades of effort since
the experimental discovery of quarks in nucleons, we are still far
from a derivation of nucleon structure and nucleon-nucleon
interactions directly from quantum chromodynamics."
Review articles on three topics of considerable current interest
make up the present volume. The first, on A-hypernuclei, was
solicited by the editors in order to provide nuclear physicists
with a general description of the most recent developments in a
field which this audience has largely neglected or, perhaps, viewed
as a novelty in which a bizarre nuclear system gave some
information about the lambda-nuclear intersection. That view was
never valid. The very recent developments reviewed
here-particularly those pertaining to hypernuclear excitations and
the strangeness exchange reactions-emphasize that this field
provides important information about the models and central ideas
of nuclear physics. The off-shell behavior of the nucleon-nucleon
interaction is a topic which was at first received with some
embarrassment, abuse, and neglect, but it has recently gained
proper attention in many nuclear problems. Interest was first
focused on it in nuclear many-body theory, but it threatened
nuclear physicists'comfortable feeling about nonrelativistic
potential theory, and many no doubt hoped that it would remain
merely an esoteric diversion within the many-body cult. In the
editors' opinion, this subject is now emi nently respectable and a
review of it indeed timely. The third topic, nuclear charge
distributions, is one which almost every nuclear physicist believed
had been weIl in hand for some years."
The four articles of the present volume address very different
topics in nuclear physics and, indeed, encompass experiments at
very different kinds of exp- imental facilities. The range of
interest of the articles extends from the nature of the
substructure of the nucleon and the deuteron to the general
properties of the nucleus, including its phase transitions and its
rich and unexpected quantal properties. The first article by
Fillipone and Ji reviews the present experimental and theoretical
situation pertaining to our knowledge of the origin of the spin of
the nucleon. Until about 20 years ago the half-integral spin of the
neutron and p- ton was regarded as their intrinsic property as
Dirac particles which were the basic building blocks of atomic
nuclei. Then, with the advent of the Standard Model and of quarks
as the basic building blocks, the substructure of the - cleon
became the subject of intense interest. Initial nonrelativistic
quark m- els assigned the origin of nucleon spin to the fundamental
half-integral spin of its three constituent quarks, leaving no room
for contributions to the spin from the gluons associated with the
interacting quarks or from the orbital angular momentum of either
gluons or quarks. That naive understanding was shaken, about
fifteen years ago, by experiments involving deep-inelastic
scattering of electrons or muons from nucleons.
The two comprehensive reviews in this volume address two
fundamental problems that have been of long-standing interest and
are the focus of current effort in contemporary nuclear physics:
exploring experimentally the density distributions of constituents
within the nucleus and understand ing nuclear structure and
interactions in terms of hadronic degrees of freedom. One of the
major goals of experimental probes of atomic nuclei has been to
discover the spatial distribution of the constituents within the
nucleus. As the energy and specificity of probes have increased
over the years, the degree of spatial resolution and ability to
select specific charge, current, spin, and isospin densities have
correspondingly increased. In the first chapter, Batty, Friedman,
Gils, and Rebel provide a thorough review of what has been learned
about nuclear density distributions using electrons, muons,
nucleons, antinucleons, pions, alpha particles, and kaons as
probes. This current understanding, and the limitations thereof,
are crucial in framing the questions that motivate the next
generation of experimental facilities to study atomic nuclei with
electromagnetic and hadronic probes. The second chapter, by
Machleidt, reviews our current understanding of nuclear forces and
structure in terms of hadronic degrees of freedom, that is, in
terms of mesons and nucleons. Such an understanding in terms of
hadronic variables is crucial for two reasons. First, since
effective hadronic theories are quite successful in describing a
broad range of phenomena in low-energy nuclear physics, and there
are clear experimental signatures of meson exchange currents in
nuclei, we must understand their foundations."
The present NATO Advanced Study Institute held in CARGESE (Corsica)
from Au- gust 8th to August 18th, 1989 was devoted to Hadronic
Physics. We tried to give this school a key educational role in
this new and rapidly developing interdisciplinary field. We hope
that the combination of the lectures and the open atmosphere of
scientific exchange and inquiry afforded by the Cargese format has
provided a unique educational and scien- tific opportunity for
students and has brought together all the relevant concepts and
issues for frontier research in this field. We would like to
express our gratitude to NATO for its generous financial support
which made this Institute possible. We also wish to thank Dr. Luis
V. Da Cunha, Director of the Scientific Affairs Division, for his
valuable comments and advice. We acknowledge the support of the
Institut de Physique Nucleaire et de Physique des Particules
(France), the Commissariat a l'Energie Atomique (France), and the
U.S. National Science Fundation, for the attribution of travel
grants. Our special appreciation is due to Frederique Dykstra for
her oustanding organiza- tional work throughout the preparation and
duration of this conference It is also a pleasure to thank the
Universite de Nice for making available the facilities of the
Cargese Scientific Institute. The pictures of the lecturers
included in the present volume were kindly provided by one of the
participants, Dr.R.Janner.
"Analytic Insights into Intermediate-Energy Hadron-Nucleus
Scattering," by R. D. Amado, presents a review of optical
diffraction leading into discussions of elastic scattering, single-
and multistep inelastic scattering, spin observables, and
directions indicated for further research. "Recent Developments in
Quasi-Free Nucleon-Nucleon Scattering," by P. Kitching, W. J.
McDonald, Th. A. J. Maris, and C. A. Z. Vascon cellos, opens with a
comprehensive review of the theory, going on to detail frontier
research advances in spin dependence in (p, 2p) scattering, isospin
dependence, and other quasi-free reactions. The final chapter,
"Energetic Particle Emission in Nuclear Reactions" by D. H. Boal,
explores new findings regarding direct interactions in the nucleus,
thermalization and multiple scattering in nucleon emission, light
fragment formation, and production of intermediate-mass fragments.
A valuable and instructive trio of papers, Volume 15 of Advances in
Nuclear Physics will be of interest to nonspecialists as well as
specialists in the fields of nuclear physics, high-energy physics,
and theoretical physics."
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