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This book introduces spectral analysis as a means of investigating
wave propagation and transient oscillations in structures. After
developing the foundations of spectral analysis and the fast
Fourier transform algorithm, the book provides a thorough treatment
of waves in rods, beams, and plates, and introduces a novel matrix
method for analysing complex structures as a collection of
waveguides. The presentation includes an introduction to
higher-order structural theories, the results of many experimental
studies, practical applications, and source-code listings for many
programs. An extensive bibliography provides an entry to the
research literature. Intended as a textbook for graduate students
of aerospace or mechanical engineering, the book will also be of
interest to practising engineers in these and related disciplines.
This book deals with the computational analysis of thin-walled structures such as aircraft, ships, and containment vessels. Building on the author's earlier book Static and Dynamic Analysis of Structures, it shows how to use computational methods to tackle some of the fundamental problems of structural mechanics, with particular emphasis on nonlinear phenomena. Where the earlier book dealt with linear systems, the central theme running through this volume is the notion that unstable equilibria are associated with motions and large displacements and therefore require a full nonlinear analysis. The discussion begins with an overview of the basic mechanics of deformable bodies, including variational formulations, and then considers the large deflection behavior of shell and frame structures using a finite-element analysis. The second part of the book begins with a summary of linear vibrations of structures, including an introduction to modal analysis; it continues with computational formulations of nonlinear dynamic analyses of structures and refines the concept of dynamic equilibrium in the context of large deflections. The book concludes with a discussion of stability, including the difficult problem of stability of motions in the large. By describing the methods on which commercial software pakckages are based, this book allows an engineer to evaluate the results these computations produce. It therefore should be useful to practicing engineers and graduate students.
This book introduces spectral analysis as a means of investigating
wave propagation and transient oscillations in structures. After
developing the foundations of spectral analysis and the fast
Fourier transform algorithm, the book provides a thorough treatment
of waves in rods, beams, and plates, and introduces a novel matrix
method for analysing complex structures as a collection of
waveguides. The presentation includes an introduction to
higher-order structural theories, the results of many experimental
studies, practical applications, and source-code listings for many
programs. An extensive bibliography provides an entry to the
research literature. Intended as a textbook for graduate students
of aerospace or mechanical engineering, the book will also be of
interest to practising engineers in these and related disciplines.
The study of wave propagation seems very remote to many engineers,
even to those who are involved in structural dynamics. I think one
of the reasons for this is that the examples usually taught in
school were either so simple as to be inapplicable to real world
problems, or so mathematically abstruse as to be intractable. This
book contains an approach, spectral analysis, that I have found to
be very effective in analyzing waves. What has struck me most about
this approach is how I can use the same analytic framework to do
predictions as well as to manipulate experimental data. As an
experimentalist, I had found it very frustrating having my
analytical tools incompatible with my experiments. For example, it
is experimentally impos sible to generate a step-function wave and
yet that is the type of analytical solution available. Spectral
analysis is very encompassing - it touches on analysis, numerical
meth ods, and experimental methods. I wanted this book to do
justice to its versatility, so many subjects are introduced. As a
result some areas may seem a little thin and I regret this. But I
do hope, nonetheless, that the bigger picture, the unity, comes
across. To encourage you to try the spectral analysis approach I
have included complete source code listings to some of the computer
programs mentioned in the text."
Mechanical engineering, an engineering discipline born of the needs
of the Industrial Revolution, is once again asked to do its
substantial share in the call for industrial renewal. The general
call is urgent as we face the profound issues of productivity and
competitiveness that require engineering solutions, among others.
The Mechanical Engineering Series is a new series, featuring
graduate texts and research monographs, intended to address the
need for information in contemporary areas of mechanical
engineering. The series is conceived as a comprehensive one that
will cover a broad range of concentrations important to mechanical
engineering graduate education and research. We are fortunate to
have a distinguished roster of consulting editors, each an expert
in one of the areas of concentration. The names of the consult ing
editors are listed on page vi. The areas of concentration are
applied mechanics, biomechanics, computational mechanics, dynamic
systems and control, energetics, mechanics of materials,
processing, thermal science, and tribology. We are pleased to
present Nonlinear Analysis of Thin-Walled Structures by James F.
Doyle. Austin, Texas Frederick F. Ling Preface This book is
concerned with the challenging subject of the nonlinear static,
dynamic, and stability analyses of thin-walled structures. It
carries on from where Static and Dynamic Analysis of Structures,
published by Kluwer 1991, left off; that book concentrated on
frames and linear analysis, while the present book is focused on
plated structures, nonlinear analysis, and a greater emphasis on
stability analysis."
This book tackles the question: how can an engineer with a powerful
finite element program but modest background knowledge of mechanics
solve unfamiliar problems? Engineering educators will find this
book to be a new and exciting approach to helping students engage
with complex ideas. Practising engineers who use finite element
methods to solve problems in solids and structures will extend the
range of problems they can solve as well as accelerate their
learning on new problems. This book's special strengths include: *
A thoroughly modern approach to learning and understanding
mechanics problems * Comprehensive coverage of a large collection
of problems ranging from static to dynamic and from linear to
nonlinear, applied to a variety of structures and components *
Accompanying software that is sophisticated and versatile and is
available for free from the book's website * Ability to complement
any standard finite element textbook.
This book tackles the question: how can an engineer with a powerful
finite element program but modest background knowledge of mechanics
solve unfamiliar problems? Engineering educators will find this
book to be a new and exciting approach to helping students engage
with complex ideas. Practising engineers who use finite element
methods to solve problems in solids and structures will extend the
range of problems they can solve as well as accelerate their
learning on new problems. This book's special strengths include: *
A thoroughly modern approach to learning and understanding
mechanics problems * Comprehensive coverage of a large collection
of problems ranging from static to dynamic and from linear to
nonlinear, applied to a variety of structures and components *
Accompanying software that is sophisticated and versatile and is
available for free from the book's website * Ability to complement
any standard finite element textbook.
This third edition builds on the introduction of spectral analysis
as a means of investigating wave propagation and transient
oscillations in structures. Each chapter of the textbook has been
revised, updated and augmented with new material, such as a
modified treatment of the curved plate and cylinder problem that
yields a relatively simple but accurate spectral analysis. Finite
element methods are now integrated into the spectral analyses to
gain further insights into the high-frequency problems. In
addition, a completely new chapter has been added that deals with
waves in periodic and discretized structures. Examples for phononic
materials meta-materials as well as genuine atomic systems are
Nonlinear Structural Dynamics Using FE Methods emphasises
fundamental mechanics principles and outlines a modern approach to
understanding structural dynamics. This will be useful to
practising engineers but also students who will find advanced
topics presented in an accessible manner. The book successfully
presents the fundamentals of structural dynamics and infuses them
with finite element (FE) methods. First, the author establishes and
develops mechanics principles that are basic enough to form the
foundations of FE methods. Second, the book presents specific
computer procedures to implement FE methods so that general
problems can be 'solved' - that is, responses can be produced given
the loads, initial conditions and so on. Finally, the book
introduces methods of analyses to leverage and expand the FE