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Atmosfire (Hardcover): Jan Braai Atmosfire (Hardcover)
Jan Braai
R590 R425 Discovery Miles 4 250 Save R165 (28%) In Stock

This book is an all-encompassing guide to everything Jan Braai currently knows about braaing. It is a celebration of this wonderful South African tradition, in which 15–20 million South Africans participate each year on 24 September on National Braai Day. To celebrate the 20th anniversary of this cultural event, Jan Braai has put together more than 200 recipes that can be cooked over and enjoyed alongside a wood fire.

Divided into 20 chapters, the book includes recipes for traditional favourites such as classic potjies, steaks, burgers and ribs, to less conventional dishes prepared on the braai, including pasta, pizza, salads and desserts. Every dish is delectable and the accompanying photography will have your mouth watering, and your family and friends clamouring for a get-together around the braai fire while you put your braai skills to the test. Jan Braai’s clear instructions and no-nonsense attitude to the art of braai will ensure that even newbie braaiers will easily pull off these recipes.

There is something for everyone in this book. Readily available ingredients mean it’s a breeze to put the meals together, as most items are probably on hand already, or can be sourced with minimal effort or a quick trip to the supermarket.

Also available in Afrikaans, as 'Atmosvuur'.

Prisoner 913 - The Release Of Nelson Mandela (Paperback): Riaan de Villiers, Jan-Ad Stemmet Prisoner 913 - The Release Of Nelson Mandela (Paperback)
Riaan de Villiers, Jan-Ad Stemmet
R399 R343 Discovery Miles 3 430 Save R56 (14%) Ships in 5 - 9 working days

This book brings to life the untold story behind the release of Nelson Mandela, as revealed in previously top-secret records.

Kobie Coetsee, Minister of Justice at the time, kept an archive on ‘Prisoner 913’, on which the authors – a historian and a journalist – draw to retell the story. This is history as it actually happened, as opposed to how it has been portrayed up to now, even in writings by Mandela himself. 

Prisoner 913 sets right the historical record.

Atmosvuur (Afrikaans, Hardcover): Jan Braai Atmosvuur (Afrikaans, Hardcover)
Jan Braai
R590 R425 Discovery Miles 4 250 Save R165 (28%) Ships in 6 - 11 working days

Hierdie boek is ’n universele gids oor alles wat Jan Braai tans oor braai weet. Dit is ’n viering van hierdie wonderlike Suid-Afrikaanse tradisie waaraan 15–20 miljoen Suid-Afrikaners elke jaar op 24 September op Nasionale Braaidag deelneem. Om hierdie kulturele gebeurtenis se 20ste herdenking te vier het Jan Braai meer as 200 resepte bymekaargesit wat oor ’n houtvuur gaargemaak en daar langsaan geniet kan word.

Die boek is in 20 hoofstukke verdeel en sluit resepte in vir tradisionele gunstelinge soos klassieke potjies, steaks, burgers en ribbetjies, tot minder konvensionele geregte wat op die braai voorberei word, soos pasta, pizza, slaai en nagereg. Elke gereg is smaaklik en die meegaande fotografie sal jou mond laat water en jou familie en vriende geesdriftig op ’n samekoms langs die vuur laat aandring terwyl jy jou braaivaardighede ten toon stel. Jan Braai se duidelike instruksies en nugter houding teenoor die braaikuns sal verseker dat selfs groentjiebraaiers hierdie resepte maklik baasraak.

Daar is iets vir almal in hierdie boek, en die maklik verkrygbare bestanddele beteken dis verspot maklik om die maaltye saam te stel, aangesien die meeste items waarskynlik reeds byderhand is, of met min moeite of ’n vinnige rit na die supermark in die hande gekry kan word.

Ook beskikbaar in Engels, as 'Atmosfire'.

Die Verevrou (Afrikaans, Paperback): Jan van Tonder Die Verevrou (Afrikaans, Paperback)
Jan van Tonder
R375 R322 Discovery Miles 3 220 Save R53 (14%) Ships in 5 - 9 working days

Liora word groot op ’n volstruisplaas in Algerië, naby die Sahara. Sy is omring deur mense wat lief is vir haar, Maman en haar tante, oom Moshe, en haar pa, wanneer hy in die rondte is. Van kleins af bring sy tyd deur in haar tante se pluimery, ’n magiese omgewing waar volstruisvere omskep word in kostuums vir die filmbedryf en die verhoë van Parys.

Maar Liora loop haar telkens in grense vas wat sy moet oor. En in Algerië broei onrus. Eers verhuis sy na die oorloggeteisterde Algiers waar sy leer om dokter te word, maar dan word sy gedwing om inderhaas landuit te vlug, Parys toe.

Jare later kom Liora, steeds verwonderd oor die skoonheid van volstruisvere, in die Klein-Karoo aan om oom Moshe te besoek. Hier ontmoet sy Candice, ook behep met volstruisvere, ’n priester, ’n kunstenares en ander Kannalanders. Haar lewe word opnuut omgedop, en weer eens lê daar ’n grens voor haar – en sy moet besluit of sy dit sal oorsteek.

Business Logistics Management (Paperback, 5th Revised edition): Wessel Pienaar, John Vogt, Cobus Cronje, Anneke de Bod, Jan... Business Logistics Management (Paperback, 5th Revised edition)
Wessel Pienaar, John Vogt, Cobus Cronje, Anneke de Bod, Jan Havenga, …
R620 R573 Discovery Miles 5 730 Save R47 (8%) Ships in 6 - 10 working days

What is the relationship between logistics and supply chain management? What factors need to be taken into account when designing a supply chain? How do you forecast your supply chain requirements? What inventory concepts do you need to know?

Business Logistics Management fifth edition covers concepts and theories relating to the movement of goods, and the coordination of the supply chain.


  • The text is based on South African expertise and research
  • South African legislation and local industry examples are incorporated throughout the text
  • New chapter on customer service
  • New content that deals with strategic logistics management
Celebrations (Hardcover): Jan Kohler Celebrations (Hardcover)
Jan Kohler
R450 R351 Discovery Miles 3 510 Save R99 (22%) Ships in 6 - 11 working days

A cookbook focused on different holiday celebrations – including recipes for Christmas, summer parties, seaside holiday favourites, family occasion meals, and Easter, Halloween and Heritage Day themes.

Jan Kohler is a self-taught cook whose passion for good food was strongly influenced during her childhood. Growing up, produce was home-grown, shopping was a social experience and time and effort was put into the preparation of the food. These things still resonate with her today and have inspired her “cook-from-scratch” approach.

Jan loves to share her love of food with others, often entertaining and striving to develop new recipes and ideas.

Grootgeluk (Afrikaans, Paperback): Jan van Tonder Grootgeluk (Afrikaans, Paperback)
Jan van Tonder 1
R360 R309 Discovery Miles 3 090 Save R51 (14%) Ships in 5 - 9 working days

Tijs Velaat is gebore op die plaas Grootgeluk in die distrik Oudtshoorn. As dit nie was vir die ongeluk met die treppie toe hy sestien word nie, het sy lewenslot dalk gelyk soos dié van die ander werksmense op die plaas. Maar ’n mens wat weet hoe om stom te wees, kry soms die hef in die hand. Tot baas Anneries weet nie aldag hoe hy dit het met Hessie se klong nie.

Tijs en sy mame woon naby die Schoemans se opstal, so naby dat hy snags die honde kan hoor snork. Hy is getuie van als wat reg én verkeerd loop op die werf: Nooi Hendrien se jaloesie wanneer Maria haar pa se guns wen, die dag toe Maria die Skotse beeldhouer ontmoet, en al die verkeerde paaie daarna. Miskien as Tijs nooit die skilpad op sy dop gekeer het nie, kon daar minder kronkels op die pad gewees het: op syne, én Maria en die Skot, én nooi Hendrien s’n.

Hierdie historiese roman speel af in ’n onstuimige era: die 1850’s tot 1914. Twee vertellers is aan die woord: Tijs Velaat en Hendrien, Andries Schoeman se vrou.

Spieeltjie, Spieeltjie (Afrikaans, Paperback): Jan Vermeulen Spieeltjie, Spieeltjie (Afrikaans, Paperback)
Jan Vermeulen
R300 R258 Discovery Miles 2 580 Save R42 (14%) Ships in 8 - 12 working days

Nou kyk ons nog in ’n dowwe spieël ...

Doktor Olaf Demeyer herstel nog van sy vierdubbele hartomleiding en die trauma van vorige ondersoeke waarby hy betrokke was. Om die waarheid te sê, hy moes lankal aftree as forensiese profileerder van die SAPD. Maar dan kom vra Lucida Winterbach sy hulp. Sy glo ’n moordenaar teiken studente van haar Elegant Queens Academy, ’n skool vir skoonheid en modelwerk. Al die meisies is minderjarig, met blinkoogdrome van skoonheidstitels en modelkontrakte. Tot van hulle naak op die bodems van swembaddens in die omgewing gevind word. Olaf se lewenslange beskermingsdrang teenoor die weerloses motiveer hom om gehoor te gee aan haar versoek. Gou besef hy egter dat dit hier gaan oor soveel meer as die feite en bewyse wat ’n mens kan sien en hoor. Olaf twyfel aan sy oordeel en instinkte. Hy word geteister deur verwronge beelde van die meisies en homself.

Uiteindelik weet hy: Ons sal altyd alles slegs ten dele ken, en ons moet ’n manier vind om elke dag saam met dié wete te leef. Vir Olaf is dit daardie wete wat dreig om hom na jare in die bedryf van sy kop af te dryf.

Sagie Se Storie: 'n Drieluik - Is Sagie / Is Weer Sagie / Sagie Is (Afrikaans, Paperback): Jan van Tonder Sagie Se Storie: 'n Drieluik - Is Sagie / Is Weer Sagie / Sagie Is (Afrikaans, Paperback)
Jan van Tonder
R330 R284 Discovery Miles 2 840 Save R46 (14%) View more sellers Ships in 5 - 9 working days

Die storie van Sagie, seun van die Klein-Karoo, wat oor soveel jare heen in soveel harte gekruip het, word eindelik hier in een band klaar vertel. Van begin tot einde.

Is Sagie het die eerste keer in 1987 verskyn, Is weer Sagie in 2013, en nou, tien jaar later, verskyn die slot in dié besonderse trilogie: Sagie is.

Vlug Van Gister (Afrikaans, Paperback): Jan Bonthuys Vlug Van Gister (Afrikaans, Paperback)
Jan Bonthuys
R290 R249 Discovery Miles 2 490 Save R41 (14%) View more sellers Ships in 8 - 12 working days

Waarheen vlug jy as huis nie meer huis is nie?

Na jare se afpersing, agterdogtigheid en alkoholmisbruik, slaan Emma se man, Gert, haar byna in die hospitaal in. By hom kan sy nie verder bly nie, dit sal haar lewe kos. Sy vlug vanuit hulle klein myndorpie in Mpumalanga met nie veel meer as die klere aan haar rug nie. Maar waarheen en wat gemaak sonder geld, 'n werk, of familie wat haar kan ondersteun? So kies Emma koers Kaap toe, en bid vir die beste.

Die tog suid is angstig en eensaam, en uiteindelik gee haar motor die gees naby Stilbaai. Nes dit lyk of haar gebede op dowe ore val, kom 'n plaaslike boer, Dewald, tot haar redding. Noodgedwonge nooi hy haar om by hom op die plaas te bly terwyl sy wag vir die kar se herstel. Maar iets skort op Dewald se werf; die plaas boer agteruit, die olyfboorde is oorgroei, en die foto's van hom as gelukkige jonggetroude staan nog die huis vol. Dewald is te jonk om 'n wewenaar te wees, maar dis sy lot in die lewe.

Vir hom bring Emma se aankoms nuwe lig, vir haar kan hy die heenkome wees wat sy nog altyd gesoek het. Maar as hulle die liefde wat tussen hulle ontstaan wil kans gee, gaan albei eers moet vrede maak met die verlede. Want Gert het nog nie vir Emma laat gaan nie, en oudvriendin Julia wil vir Dewald hê, en sal doen wat sy moet om hierdie onverwagse inkommer uit die weg te ruim.

Vlug van gister is 'n hartroerende verhaal van tweede kanse en oorbegin wat lesers weer sal laat glo in ware liefde.

Blood And Silver - A True Story Of Survival And A Son's Search For His Family Treasure (Paperback): Jan Glazewski Blood And Silver - A True Story Of Survival And A Son's Search For His Family Treasure (Paperback)
Jan Glazewski
R360 R309 Discovery Miles 3 090 Save R51 (14%) Ships in 5 - 9 working days

When Jan Glazewski was born in Paarl in 1953, he nearly died of severe haemophilia. He survived – only to discover, at the start of his career, that he is HIV-positive from receiving contaminated blood products.

Despite this, Jan goes on to have a remarkable career but it is only after retirement that he has the opportunity to indulge his lifelong obsession: to recover the family silver.

He travels to Ukraine armed only with a hand-drawn map and the help of a few shady characters. Many misadventures ensue.

The White Bushman (Paperback): Peter Stark The White Bushman (Paperback)
Peter Stark; Translated by Jan Schaafsma
R248 Discovery Miles 2 480 Ships in 6 - 10 working days

In this fascinating and entertaining memoir, the legendary White Bushman, Peter Stark, writes about his experiences in the former German South West Africa: first as a farm manager and lion hunter, and later as nature conservationist.

Stark's fearless personality and phenomenal knowledge of the veld, combined with an intimate knowledge of the San people and their culture make for stories and experiences that most people can only dream of. Whether it's about lions chasing San trackers, elephants trampling a campsite or the spearing of 32 scorpions with a kebab-skewer - Stark's stories are bound to awe and entertain.

With Peter Stark's unique and genial narrative voice, The White Bushman presents an important cultural-historical perspective on the country that became Namibia. The photographs, taken either by Stark himself or his fellow game wardens, contribute greatly to enhancing the images conjured up by these captivating adventures and anecdotes.

Marketing Research (Paperback, 4th Edition): Jan Wiid, Colin Diggines Marketing Research (Paperback, 4th Edition)
Jan Wiid, Colin Diggines
R598 R527 Discovery Miles 5 270 Save R71 (12%) In Stock

Marketing Research, now in its fourth edition, provides a methodical introduction to the basic concepts of marketing research.

Marketing research can be a daunting subject if not taught correctly. The mere mention of inferential statistics or statistical significance causes many students to close their minds and develop a mental block towards the topic. This is largely because most texts spend too little time teaching students the basic concepts before ploughing into the analysis of data and associated statistical formulas.

Marketing Research follows a simple layout that is easy to read with text that is written in understandable, plain English. It will equip undergraduate marketing students with the skills necessary to plan and conduct basic marketing research projects in an efficient and effective manner, in a business world which demands more and more information on which to base decisions.

Shisanyama: Braai Resepte van Suid-Afrika (Afrikaans, Paperback): Jan Braai Shisanyama: Braai Resepte van Suid-Afrika (Afrikaans, Paperback)
Jan Braai 1
R480 R412 Discovery Miles 4 120 Save R68 (14%) Ships in 5 - 9 working days

Mzanzi se beste braairesepte, spesiaal uitgesoek en getoets deur die alombekende Jan Braai. As jy wil weet wat Suid-Afrikaners geniet, en hoe hulle braai, is dit die boek vir jou! Shisanyama is gepak met eenvoudige resepte met maklik bekombare bestanddele en dek alles van ou staatmakers tot vars nuwe braai-idees. Nog 'n Jan Braai-wenner.

Klein JAN Cookbook - A Memoir of the Tables from my Childhood and my Journey to the Kalahari (Hardcover): Jan Hendrik van der... Klein JAN Cookbook - A Memoir of the Tables from my Childhood and my Journey to the Kalahari (Hardcover)
Jan Hendrik van der Westhuizen
R550 R399 Discovery Miles 3 990 Save R151 (27%) Pre-order

The inspiration behind Restaurant Klein JAN did not come from a desire to create a fine dining experience in the middle of the Kalahari. It came from the heart – from the tables of my childhood – memories that I have taken with me into an unknown land. Although I hadn’t been to the Kalahari before visiting Tswalu for the first time, I instantly connected with this place. I felt my grandmother’s presence at Boscia House, I fell in love with the people of the Northern Cape and was overwhelmed by their hospitality, and the more time I spent in the Kalahari, the deeper my roots spread through the endless red earth. This book is my homage to losing your heart to a special place, and making your dreams come true.

Creating Klein JAN has been Chef Jan Hendrik van der Westhuizen’s great homecoming project. Growing up on a farm in South Africa’s rural Mpumalanga province, he felt an instant connection to the vastness of the Kalahari and knew that the time had come to return the spirit of JAN – his Michelin-star restaurant in Nice – to home soil.

Klein JAN is situated on one of South Africa’s leading private game reserves, Tswalu Kalahari, a refuge – untamed, untouched, unspoiled – that celebrates the simple, authentic splendours of this magical region.

Klein JAN tells the story

Gold First New Edition Coursebook with FCE MyLab Pack (Paperback, 2nd edition): Jan Bell, Amanda Thomas Gold First New Edition Coursebook with FCE MyLab Pack (Paperback, 2nd edition)
Jan Bell, Amanda Thomas
R1,300 Discovery Miles 13 000 Ships in 12 - 17 working days

The coursebook is filled with interesting topics and gives learners plenty of opportunity for discussion. It builds students' confidence by combining carefully graded exam preparation for their Cambridge English exam with thorough language and skills development - in a fun and engaging way. This is a course that engages classes with a variety of learners - and whether or not they decide to sit for the exam, all your students will be ready and fully confident by the end of the course. Special features: Fun and interesting topics and an attractive design Advice on how to tackle each exam task Fast-paced syllabus with comprehensive exam coverage - completely in line with the revised exam 2015 specifications Stimulating discussion-rich topics Strong focus on vocabulary and chunks of language Extensive writing support including activities and sample answers MyEnglishLab is an online platform that helps with vocabulary and grammar practice. It instantly grades student answers and gives them meaningful feedback, saving teachers time and energy. Insightful analytics give teachers the whole picture of each class' performance and help track individual student's performance.

English A Literature (Paperback): Jan Adkins, Michele Lackovic English A Literature (Paperback)
Jan Adkins, Michele Lackovic
R1,528 Discovery Miles 15 280 Ships in 12 - 17 working days

Written by IB expert authors to provide you and your students with comprehensive coverage of the requirements of the Guide for first assessments in 2021. Features: Key terms from the Guide explained and highlighted including Concepts, Areas of Exploration and Global Issues. Intertextual connections highlighted. Inclusion of carefully selected, up-to-date, texts to inspire learners. Activities to help strengthen appreciation and understanding of different works. Chapter insight summaries of the main points. Clear learning objectives and links to TOK throughout. Detailed support for the assessments including the Higher Level essay. Extended Essay guidance

The Transport System and Transport Policy - An Introduction, Second Edition (Hardcover, 2nd edition): Bert Van Wee, Jan A.... The Transport System and Transport Policy - An Introduction, Second Edition (Hardcover, 2nd edition)
Bert Van Wee, Jan A. Annema, David Banister, Baiba PudÄne
R3,194 Discovery Miles 31 940 Ships in 12 - 17 working days

This extensively updated textbook introduces the transport system and its societal impacts in a holistic and multidisciplinary way. A timely second edition, it includes new analyses of travel behaviour and the transport system’s impacts on health and well-being. Key Features: Guidance for transport policy evaluation methods and modelling approaches Systematic approach to analysing higher-order impacts of interventions in the transport system Discussion of topical issues in transport policy, including analysis of current transport innovations The use of case studies to highlight interconnected aspects of the transport system and their relevance to decision making Exploration of the role of transport systems in providing accessibility and their impact on the environment, safety, health and well-being International in scope, this textbook will be invaluable for undergraduate and postgraduate students studying disciplines such as transport policy and transport geography. It will also be useful to the professionals and policymakers in the transport industry.

Hydraulic fracturing in the Karoo - Critical legal and environmental perspectives (Paperback): Jan Glazewski, Surina Esterhuyse Hydraulic fracturing in the Karoo - Critical legal and environmental perspectives (Paperback)
Jan Glazewski, Surina Esterhuyse
R1,146 R977 Discovery Miles 9 770 Save R169 (15%) Ships in 4 - 8 working days

Hydraulic Fracturing in the Karoo: Critical Legal and Environmental Perspectives explores a broad-ranging set of questions related to proposed hydraulic fracturing or `fracking' in the Karoo. The book is multidisciplinary, with contributors including natural scientists, social scientists, and academics from the humanities, all concerned with the ways in which scientific facts and debates about fracking have been framed and given meaning. The work comprises four parts: Part 1 provides an international, legal, energy, economic, and revenue overview of the topic. Part 2 has a physio-geographic theme, with chapters on the inter-related aspects of water, geology, geo-hydrology, seismicity and biodiversity, as well as archaeological and palaeontological considerations. Part 3 focuses on public health, and sociological and humanities-related aspects, and Part 4 addresses the relevant laws, emphasising their implementation and the role of governance. The underlying theme of Hydraulic Fracturing in the Karoo: Critical Legal and Environmental Perspectives is one of caution. The book emphasises the need for collaboration between the natural and social sciences and the responsibilities of those charged with the implementation and governance of the fracking enterprise if South Africa hopes to effectively manage fracking at all.

'n Leksel Sout Uit Die Maande (Afrikaans, Paperback): Jan Nel 'n Leksel Sout Uit Die Maande (Afrikaans, Paperback)
Jan Nel
R67 Discovery Miles 670 Ships in 6 - 10 working days

In hierdie versameling essays ondersoek meesterverteller Jan Nel die onvernietigbaarheid van die lewe: Immer is daar seisoene. Immer is daar ná die eb weer ’n gety; ná die winterdood weer lentelewe; ná die val weer opstaan; ná die leed weer vreugde. Dieselfde maand wat liggame opeis, stoot vars blomme uit die verwarmende grond. Uit die dooie takke van ’n boom, uit die dooie winter, kom nuwe lewe. Hoekom dan twyfel dat daar vir die mens insgelyks hoop kan wees? Op sy tipiese wyse en beeldende vertelstyl, deurweef met beide diepte en kwinkslae, ontbloot hy daardie tikkies van die ewigheid in elke liewe ding, van ’n melodie se soetheid tot goeters in ’n deurmekaar laai.

Laataandbiegstories - En Sulke Dinge (Afrikaans, Paperback): Jan Nel Laataandbiegstories - En Sulke Dinge (Afrikaans, Paperback)
Jan Nel
R69 Discovery Miles 690 Ships in 6 - 10 working days

In Laataandbiegstories en sulke dinge word die leser meegevoer deur onvergeetlike stories wat om die kampvuur lewe kry.

Soms is dit humoristies, soms deernisvol, soms skerp ironies, maar altyd boeiend. Daar word vertel van die nag van die donkie, van Tante wat sag word, van Pollie van die populiere en van die intrinsieke waarde van Victor, die lelike skaaphondkruising.

In Jan Nel se kortverhale herken die leser homself onomwonde; dis juis hoekom mens lag. Die mens, met al sy swakhede, bly tog maar mens, en om te lag is soveel makliker as om jouself te kasty.

Is jy bang in die bos, Pappa Wolf? (Afrikaans, Hardcover): Jan De Kinder Is jy bang in die bos, Pappa Wolf? (Afrikaans, Hardcover)
Jan De Kinder; Illustrated by Jan De Kinder; Translated by Amelia de Vaal
R153 Discovery Miles 1 530 Ships in 6 - 10 working days
Rooi: Waarom boelies nie snaaks is nie (Afrikaans, Hardcover): Jan De Kinder Rooi: Waarom boelies nie snaaks is nie (Afrikaans, Hardcover)
Jan De Kinder; Illustrated by Jan De Kinder; Translated by Amelia de Vaal
R153 Discovery Miles 1 530 Ships in 6 - 10 working days
Soektog in Katoren (Afrikaans, Paperback): Jan Terlouw Soektog in Katoren (Afrikaans, Paperback)
Jan Terlouw; Translated by Daniel Hugo
R167 Discovery Miles 1 670 Ships in 6 - 10 working days

Katoren, veertig jaar nadat koning Stach die troon bestyg het. Die sestienjarige bokwagter Koss reis deur die land op soek na ’n man wat as seuntjie ontvoer is – en ’n hele nuwe wereld van geld, reels en skynheiligheid gaan vir hom oop. Aanvanklik is Koss net 'n toeskouer wat hom oor alles verbaas ... maar dan raak hy verlief op Vulcana, en deur haar geinspireer, teken hy op 'n drastiese manier protes aan teen die onreg. Sal Koss uit die moeilikheid kan ontsnap waarin die protes hom dompel?

Oorlogswinter (Afrikaans, Paperback): Jan Terlouw Oorlogswinter (Afrikaans, Paperback)
Jan Terlouw; Translated by Daniel Hugo
R172 Discovery Miles 1 720 Ships in 6 - 10 working days

Dit is die yskoue winter van 1944/1945. Die Tweede Wereldoorlog woed nog en Nederland ly onder die Duitse besetting. Die 15-jarige Michiel kan nie wag tot hy oud genoeg is om aan die ondergrondse versetsbeweging deel te neem nie. Wanneer Dirk, hulle bure se seun, hom vra om 'n brief af te lewer voel hy dat hy uiteindelik ernstig opgeneem word. Maar Dirk word gearresteer en die persoon aan wie hy die brief moet besorg, word deur die Duitsers doodgeskiet. Gaan Michiel die brief oopmaak en die verantwoordelikheid van die opdrag daarin aanvaar?

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