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This book examines the strategic implications of Iran's nuclear
programme, providing an inventory of the negotiations and a
discussion of possible solutions to this pressing international
security issue. The Islamic Republic of Iran's nuclear programme
has been the cause of one of the most extended international crises
of the past decade. Multilateral institutions have been unable to
resolve the issue, which has the potential to derail the global
nuclear non-proliferation regime. Recent failures of diplomatic
offers for an extended Iran-EU cooperation and projected US arms
sales to Iran's neighbours suggest an imminent escalation of the
issue, which has been simmering since first reports about Iranian
nuclear fuel-enrichment activities emerged in 2002. Since then, the
topic has been the subject of intense media coverage as well as
academic and diplomatic debate. This volume brings together
analysts and authors with diverse backgrounds, including
international diplomats formerly involved in negotiations with
Iranian officials. The various chapters bring together different
perspectives and empirical analyses, and include detailed
assessments of both US and European efforts in diplomatic relations
with Iran, as well as of the domestic politics in Iran itself. This
book will be of interest to students of Iranian politics, Middle
Eastern politics, strategic studies, nuclear proliferation,
international security, foreign policy and IR in general.
This book examines the effectiveness of multilateralism in ensuring
collective security and, in particular, the EU's role in this
process. In 1992, shortly after the end of the Cold War, a Security
Council Summit in New York reaffirmed the salience of the system of
collective security and stated the determination of the Heads of
State to maintain it as the prime international instrument for
preserving peace. Twenty years later, however, the record of
collective security as well as of multilateralism has not been very
encouraging. The system of collective security, as enshrined in the
United Nations (UN) Charter, failed repeatedly to accomplish its
mandate in the 1990s and has led to controversial debates in the
United States and Europe that reached a climax during the Iraq
crisis in 2002/03. The volume draws upon both theoretical and
empirical research to answer the following core questions: What are
the reasons that have made multilateralism either effective or
ineffective in the field of peacekeeping, peace preservation and
peacebuilding? How can multilateralism be made more effective? How
can attempts made by Europe to render UN multilateralism in the
security area more efficient be assessed? This book will be of much
interest to students of peacebuilding/peacekeeping, EU policy, the
UN, security studies and IR in general.
This book examines the strategic implications of Iran's nuclear
programme, providing an inventory of the negotiations and a
discussion of possible solutions to this pressing international
security issue. The Islamic Republic of Iran's nuclear programme
has been the cause of one of the most extended international crises
of the past decade. Multilateral institutions have been unable to
resolve the issue, which has the potential to derail the global
nuclear non-proliferation regime. Recent failures of diplomatic
offers for an extended Iran-EU cooperation and projected US arms
sales to Iran's neighbours suggest an imminent escalation of the
issue, which has been simmering since first reports about Iranian
nuclear fuel-enrichment activities emerged in 2002. Since then, the
topic has been the subject of intense media coverage as well as
academic and diplomatic debate. This volume brings together
analysts and authors with diverse backgrounds, including
international diplomats formerly involved in negotiations with
Iranian officials. The various chapters bring together different
perspectives and empirical analyses, and include detailed
assessments of both US and European efforts in diplomatic relations
with Iran, as well as of the domestic politics in Iran itself. This
book will be of interest to students of Iranian politics, Middle
Eastern politics, strategic studies, nuclear proliferation,
international security, foreign policy and IR in general.
This new handbook provides a comprehensive overview of the issues
facing naval strategy and security in the twenty-first century.
Featuring contributions from some of the world's premier
researchers and practitioners in the field of naval strategy and
security, this handbook covers naval security issues in diverse
regions of the world, from the Indian Ocean and the Mediterranean
to the Arctic and the piracy-prone waters off East Africa's coast.
It outlines major policy challenges arising from competing claims,
transnational organized crime and maritime terrorism, and details
national and alliance reactions to these problems. While this
volume provides detailed analyses on operational, judicial, and
legislative consequences that contemporary maritime security
threats pose, it also places a specific emphasis on naval strategy.
With a public very much focused on the softer constabulary roles
naval forces play (such as humanitarian assistance, disaster
relief, naval diplomacy, maintenance of good order at sea), the
overarching hard-power role of navies has been pushed into the
background. In fact, navies and seapower have been notably absent
from many recent academic discussions and deliberations of maritime
security. This handbook provides a much-desired addition to the
literature for researchers and analysts in the social sciences on
the relationship between security policy and military means on,
under, and from the sea. It comprehensively explains the state of
naval security in this maritime century and the role of naval
forces in it. This book will be of much interest to students of
naval security and naval strategy, security studies and IR, as well
as practitioners in the field.
The region encompassing Afghanistan and Pakistan (Af/Pak region) is
undergoing a fundamental strategic change. This book analyses the
nature of this strategic change, in ordre to seek possible future
scenarios and to examine policy options. It also undertakes a
critical review of the basic elements of the Western strategic
approach towards dealing with regional conflicts in all parts of
the world, with special emphasis on the Af/Pak region. Dealing with
the political developments i one of the most volatile regions in
the world - Afghanistan and Pakistan - the volume focuses on
Western strategic concerns. The withdrawal of ISAF by 2014 will
change the overall political setting and the work addresses the
challenges that will result for Western policymakers thereafter. It
examines the cases of Afghanistan and Pakistan separately, and also
looks at the broader region and tries to identify different
outcomes. This book will be of much interest to students of Central
and South Asian politics, strategic studies, foreign policy and
security studies generally.
The region encompassing Afghanistan and Pakistan (Af/Pak region) is
undergoing a fundamental strategic change. This book analyses the
nature of this strategic change, in ordre to seek possible future
scenarios and to examine policy options. It also undertakes a
critical review of the basic elements of the Western strategic
approach towards dealing with regional conflicts in all parts of
the world, with special emphasis on the Af/Pak region. Dealing with
the political developments i one of the most volatile regions in
the world - Afghanistan and Pakistan - the volume focuses on
Western strategic concerns. The withdrawal of ISAF by 2014 will
change the overall political setting and the work addresses the
challenges that will result for Western policymakers thereafter. It
examines the cases of Afghanistan and Pakistan separately, and also
looks at the broader region and tries to identify different
outcomes. This book will be of much interest to students of Central
and South Asian politics, strategic studies, foreign policy and
security studies generally.
This study is an attempt to examine the political, military and
technical issues as well as the opportunities and pitfalls
associated with conventional arms control in Europe, providing a
short outline of the developments that have led to the renewed
interest in conventional arms control since 1985.
This study is an attempt to examine the political, military and
technical issues as well as the opportunities and pitfalls
associated with conventional arms control in Europe, providing a
short outline of the developments that have led to the renewed
interest in conventional arms control since 1985.
This book examines the effectiveness of multilateralism in ensuring
collective security and, in particular, the EU's role in this
process. In 1992, shortly after the end of the Cold War, a Security
Council Summit in New York reaffirmed the salience of the system of
collective security and stated the determination of the Heads of
State to maintain it as the prime international instrument for
preserving peace. Twenty years later, however, the record of
collective security as well as of multilateralism has not been very
encouraging. The system of collective security, as enshrined in the
United Nations (UN) Charter, failed repeatedly to accomplish its
mandate in the 1990s and has led to controversial debates in the
United States and Europe that reached a climax during the Iraq
crisis in 2002/03. The volume draws upon both theoretical and
empirical research to answer the following core questions: What are
the reasons that have made multilateralism either effective or
ineffective in the field of peacekeeping, peace preservation and
peacebuilding? How can multilateralism be made more effective? How
can attempts made by Europe to render UN multilateralism in the
security area more efficient be assessed? This book will be of much
interest to students of peacebuilding/peacekeeping, EU policy, the
UN, security studies and IR in general.
This new handbook provides a comprehensive overview of the issues
facing naval strategy and security in the twenty-first century.
Featuring contributions from some of the world's premier
researchers and practitioners in the field of naval strategy and
security, this handbook covers naval security issues in diverse
regions of the world, from the Indian Ocean and the Mediterranean
to the Arctic and the piracy-prone waters off East Africa's coast.
It outlines major policy challenges arising from competing claims,
transnational organized crime and maritime terrorism, and details
national and alliance reactions to these problems. While this
volume provides detailed analyses on operational, judicial, and
legislative consequences that contemporary maritime security
threats pose, it also places a specific emphasis on naval strategy.
With a public very much focused on the softer constabulary roles
naval forces play (such as humanitarian assistance, disaster
relief, naval diplomacy, maintenance of good order at sea), the
overarching hard-power role of navies has been pushed into the
background. In fact, navies and seapower have been notably absent
from many recent academic discussions and deliberations of maritime
security. This handbook provides a much-desired addition to the
literature for researchers and analysts in the social sciences on
the relationship between security policy and military means on,
under, and from the sea. It comprehensively explains the state of
naval security in this maritime century and the role of naval
forces in it. This book will be of much interest to students of
naval security and naval strategy, security studies and IR, as well
as practitioners in the field.
Die Proliferation von Massenvernichtungswaffen wird im heutigen
politischen Alltagsgebrauch oft und gerne als eines jener neuen
Risiken beschrieben, welches in die gleiche Kategorie gehort wie
Drogenschmuggel, Migration, Umweltprobleme etc. Damit ist -
politisch gesehen - mehr oder weniger implizit vorgegeben, dass
dies alles Themen sind, die hochspezialisiert und Gegenstand von
Expertenberatungen sind und bleiben sollen. Das vorliegende Buch
stellt den Versuch dar, den Nachweis des Gegenteils anzutreten. Aus
dem Inhalt: Die Entwicklung von Nichtverbreitungsregimen fur
Massenvernichtungswaffen und Raketen. - Dimensionen, Ursachen und
Risiken der Proliferation von Massenvernichtungswaffen. -
Instrumente der Rustungskontrolle in der Nichtverbreitungspolitik.
- Perspektiven der internationalen diplomatischen Bemuhungen um die
Verhutung, Begrenzung oder Ruckgangigmachung von Proliferation. -
Die Rolle militarischer Mittel bei den internationalen Bemuhungen
um Kontrolle, Eindammung oder Ruckgangigmachung von Proliferation.
- Der Strukturwandel der Nichtverbreitung: Folgen fur die deutsche
Aussen- und Sicherheitspolitik."
Innerhalb eines langerfristig angelegten, von der Otto Wolff von
Amerongen-Stiftung geforderten Projekts beschaftigt sich die
Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Auswartige Politik (DGAP) mit den
Ausgangsbedingungen, Herausforderungen, Interessen und Strategien
sowie den Institutionen und Ressourcen einer zukunftigen Deutschen
Aussenpolitik. Im dritten Band untersuchen ausgewiesene Experten
die Interessen, Ziele und Strategien in den wichtigsten
Betatigungsfeldern deutscher Aussenpolitik. Aus dem Inhalt:
Einleitung Essay: Deutsche Interessen Internationale Kooperation:
Deutschland und die Europaische Union: Integration und Erweiterung.
Deutschland und die EU als Teil der trilateralen Welt: Nordamerika,
Westeuropa, Japan. Deutschland und die Weltwirtschaft. Kooperative
Sicherheitspolitik. Deutschland und die UNO. Beitrag zu
multinationalen Aktionen. Bilaterale Beziehungen: USA. Frankreich.
Grossbritannien. Russland. Polen. China. Japan. Indien. Regionale
Schwerpunkte: Osteuropa. Der Balkan. Naher und Mittlerer Osten,
Nordafrika. Asien/Pazifik. Schwarzafrika. Lateinamerika. Globale
Gestaltungsaufgaben: Entwicklungspolitik. Demographie- und
Migrationspolitik. Umweltpolitik. Nichtverbreitungspolitik.
Interantionale Kriminalitat."
Warum beteiligt sich Deutschland an internationalen
Militareinsatzen? Die gewachsene internationale Verantwortung
Deutschlands wird immer wieder herangezogen, um diese Beteiligung
zu erklaren. Mit der Beteiligung Deutschlands an den Operationen
der NATO gegen die Bundesrepublik Jugoslawien ging ein Abschnitt in
der deutschen Nachkriegsgeschichte zu Ende. Erstmals war die
Bundeswehr an einem Kampfeinsatz beteiligt. Diese Studie untersucht
ausgehend von diesem Einsatz die Grunde fur die Beteiligung
Deutschlands an den Einsatzen in Mazedonien, in Afghanistan und im
Kongo. Dazu untersucht die Studie den Entscheidungsprozess auf
nationaler wie auf internationaler Ebene und ordnet ihn vor dem
Hintergrund der Theorien der internationalen Beziehungen ein.
Ethnische Konflikte sind weltweit die haufigste Ursache fur
bewaffnete Auseinandersetzungen. Der Versuch, diese Konflikte
friedlich zu regeln, stellt die betroffenen Staaten vor eine
besondere Herausforderung. Vor diesem Hintergrund verfolgt die
Studie das Ziel, allgemeine und spezifische Handlungsempfehlungen
zur Regelung derartiger Konflikte zu entwickeln. Hierzu werden
anhand des Vergleichs von drei Fallstudien interne
Wirkungszusammenhange analysiert und diejenigen Faktoren
identifiziert, die in besonderem Masse zu einer hohen
Konfliktintensitat beitragen. Die Identifizierung und Analyse
dieser Faktoren lassen letztlich Ruckschlusse auf Moeglichkeiten
einer gewaltfreien Konfliktregelung zu. Angesichts des weiten
Spektrums von Einflussfaktoren stellt sich jedoch die Frage, ob im
Einzelfall den breiten Moeglichkeiten institutioneller
Konfliktregelungen nicht auch gewisse Grenzen gesetzt sind.
Post-conflict related efforts by the international community,
towards state (re)building and the reconstruction of a society and
its economy, have become more or less a regular feature of
international affairs since the early 1990s. It seems that the
demand for such international efforts is rising rather than
diminishing. All have in common that the establishment of sound
state structures and livable economies in a given state are
considered by a sizeable and powerful group of states as something
that is furthering international peace and stability. This book
addresses the strategic and policy dimensions of these
international state building and reconstruction efforts. The
chapters take up issues relating to the economic, security-related,
and institutional aspects. Table of Contents include: Lessons
Unlearned: Why Most International Reconstruction Efforts in the
Past Have Failed Measuring Progress in International State Building
and Reconstruction Creating Market Economies in Post-Conflict
Societies Paradoxes and Dilemmas of Democratization and State
Building in War-Torn Countries Establishing Security in
Conflict-Ridden Societies Fighting Insurgencies and Terrorists in
Post-Conflict Situations Peace Operations and Peace Building in the
Transatlantic Dialogue and The Future of International State
Building and Reconstruction Efforts.
Bern, Berlin, Bruxelles, Frankfurt/M., New York, Oxford, Wien,
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