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83 input to the ions is balanced by a cooling to atomic oxygen, the
major neutral constituent, and measurements of the difference
between ion and neutral tem perature permit the determination of
atomic oxygen concentrations. Using this approach, ALCA YDE et al.
6 have shown from data taken above Saint Santin, France, that the
atomic oxygen concentration at 200 km is slightly larger in winter
than summer. () The molecular concentrations at heights near 200 km
can also be derived from a determination of the ratio of the
molecular-ion concentration to elec tron concentration, p (Cox and
EVANS 7). It can be shown from the steady state form of the
continuity equation for 0+ ions that (20.2) where Q(O+) represents
the photoionization coefficient of oxygen atoms, and k and k19
represent the rate coefficients of reactions between 0+ ions and 1S
molecular nitrogen Illld oxygen (reactions (12.18) and (12.19)).
Then the ratio of atomic oxygen to weighted molecular sum is given
by: (l-p)Ne [OJ (20.3) Q(O+) , [kMJ where Ne represents the
electron concentration.
Sect. 14. 297 for such slow variations the effect described under
2. above will be by far the most predominant. In fact, the
equipment provides a record of the time derivative of the element
in question. 6) Records of the time derivatives of magnetic
elements can, however, be obtained in a more direct way by
recording directly the electromotive force (e. m. f. ) induced in
suitably disposed coils by the variations of the geomagnetic field
10, 11. When a coil with the total winding area F is placed with
its axis in the direction of a geomagnetic force component the
variation of magnetic induction B with time will produce an
electromotive force 1 dB 1 dH e=- coveu,uuFdT=- 'oV~,uQf1oFdT (i).
)) . !. . =_to-13~ d(B/y) (1). )a) v em! d(tjs) in the coil. The e.
mJ. may be amplified and recorded by means of an oscillograph or on
a tape recorder. but more often the coil is used in connection with
an ordinary galvanometer and the scale value of, for instance the
dl1/dt record, will then - in the same way as the scale value of
the magnet variometer treated in Subsect. IX - be dependent on the
damping factor IX and on TO/T, where To and T are the oscillation
periods for the undamped galvanometer and for the magnetic
pulsation respectively. The amplitude recorded will be proportional
to the amplification factor I, obtained from Eq. (1).
This Encyclopedia aims, basically, at summanzmg the wealth of well
established facts and outlining the relevant theories in the
different branches of physics. With this as goal, the writers were
asked to present their specific field in such a way that access is
possible to any scientist without special a priori information in
that field; the basic concepts of physics are assumed to be known
to the reader. The survey given in each paper was also to be long
lasting, so that even a few years after publication, each volume
would be useful, for example as an introduction for newcomers or as
a source of information for workers in a neighbouring field. In the
field of geophysics, dealt with in Vols. 47--49 of the
Encyclopedia, this task is difficult to achieve because during the
last decades there has been a much faster development of basic
information and theory than during the decades before. When I came
to contribute to this work the famous Julius Bartels, then editor
of the geophysical part, told me that Vol. 49 should certainly take
into account the results of the "International Geophysical Year"
1957/58 (I. G. Y. ), and that we had better wait until these were
accessible than produce a kind of information which might be
obsolete in a short time."