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Through both longer essays and shorter case studies, this book
examines the relationship of European women from various countries
and backgrounds to collecting, in order to explore the social
practices and material and visual cultures of collecting in
eighteenth-century Europe. It recovers their lives and examines
their interests, their methodologies, and their collections and
objects-some of which have rarely been studied before. The book
also considers women's role as producers, that is, creators of
objects that were collected. Detailed examination of the
artefacts-both visually, and in relation to their historical
contexts-exposes new ways of thinking about collecting in relation
to the arts and sciences in eighteenth-century Europe. The book is
interdisciplinary in its makeup and brings together scholars from a
wide range of fields. It will be of interest to those working in
art history, material and visual culture, history of collecting,
history of science, literary studies, women's studies, gender
studies, and art conservation.
Through both longer essays and shorter case studies, this book
examines the relationship of European women from various countries
and backgrounds to collecting, in order to explore the social
practices and material and visual cultures of collecting in
eighteenth-century Europe. It recovers their lives and examines
their interests, their methodologies, and their collections and
objects-some of which have rarely been studied before. The book
also considers women's role as producers, that is, creators of
objects that were collected. Detailed examination of the
artefacts-both visually, and in relation to their historical
contexts-exposes new ways of thinking about collecting in relation
to the arts and sciences in eighteenth-century Europe. The book is
interdisciplinary in its makeup and brings together scholars from a
wide range of fields. It will be of interest to those working in
art history, material and visual culture, history of collecting,
history of science, literary studies, women's studies, gender
studies, and art conservation.
The true role of biology in determining sexual orientation is an
oft-debated issue in both the popular media and scientific
communities, and evaluating the literature on the topic can be
daunting. "Nature's Choice: What Science Reveals About the
Biological Origins of Sexual Orientation" offers both a
comprehensive review of the scientific literature and a fresh
perspective on this complex and politically charged subject.
Respected researcher, speaker, and author Dr. Cheryl L. Weill
offers readers of all backgrounds an enlightening analysis of
findings from over twenty years of research on the factor of
biology in the determination of sexual orientation. "Nature's
Choice: What Science Reveals About the Biological Origins of Sexual
Orientation" brilliantly distills complicated studies and research
findings dealing with brain anatomy, genetics, sex-typical behavior
in children, auditory, startle reflex, and many other areas.
Spanning a wide range of important topics including human sexual
development and the effects of hormones, Ellis and Ames'
Gestational Neurohormonal Theory, the ins, outs, and implications
of how scientific research is funded, and a model of the role of
testosterone in determining human sexuality, "Nature's Choice" is
an exciting book to educate and inspire readers from scientific and
non-scientific backgrounds equally. For a complete Instructor's
Manual and other supplementary materials see:
The true role of biology in determining sexual orientation is an
oft-debated issue in both the popular media and scientific
communities, and evaluating the literature on the topic can be
daunting. "Nature's Choice: What Science Reveals About the
Biological Origins of Sexual Orientation" offers both a
comprehensive review of the scientific literature and a fresh
perspective on this complex and politically charged subject.
Respected researcher, speaker, and author Dr. Cheryl L. Weill
offers readers of all backgrounds an enlightening analysis of
findings from over twenty years of research on the factor of
biology in the determination of sexual orientation. "Nature's
Choice: What Science Reveals About the Biological Origins of Sexual
Orientation" brilliantly distills complicated studies and research
findings dealing with brain anatomy, genetics, sex-typical behavior
in children, auditory, startle reflex, and many other areas.
Spanning a wide range of important topics including human sexual
development and the effects of hormones, Ellis and Ames'
Gestational Neurohormonal Theory, the ins, outs, and implications
of how scientific research is funded, and a model of the role of
testosterone in determining human sexuality, "Nature's Choice" is
an exciting book to educate and inspire readers from scientific and
non-scientific backgrounds equally. For a complete Instructor's
Manual and other supplementary materials see:
What makes the Focus History Grade 12 course unique? Rich,
scaffolded content and summaries, including a variety of sources
(written and visual) which support and enhance understanding. The
principle of environmental sustainability has been included in
multiple topics. Skills focus feature develops subject-specific
skills, such as History essay-writing. Difficult concepts easily
explained via 'Key Words' and 'Did you know?' features, and all
concepts defined in glossary and referenced in index. Text, and
visual and written sources, provide positive representations of
racial and gender diversity. The Teacher's Guide provides
guidelines and information for inclusive education in teaching and
learning History.
Voldoen ten volle aan die vereistes van die Kurrikulum- en
assesseringsbeleidsverklaring (NKABV). Eksamenoefening en
assesseringsgeleenthede word verskaf. Riglyne van die volledige
Assesseringsprogram word verskaf. Klaskamers regoor Suid-Afrika het
die materiaal gebruik en beproef. Eksamensukses deur leerders te
ondersteun en te betrek. Nuttige wenke vir klaskameronderrig.
The significant strides made during the past decade in neonatal
medicine are based largely upon the provision of intensive
perinatal care to the parturient, her fetus, and the newborn. In
addition to technologic advances in the bioelec- tronic monitoring
of the fetus and newborn, the introduction of noninvasive methods
to monitor oxygenation, the pharma- cologic manipulation ofthe
ductus arteriosus and pulmonary vasculature, and the use of
ultrasonographic diagnosis of congenital heart defects and other
lesions, intensive efforts by neonatal specialists throughout the
world have also contri- buted to the decline in neonatal and infant
mortality. Professors Wille and Obladen have provided an
authoritative manual outlining intensive care of newborns and the
ways in which the science of neonatal medicine, the technology of
the 1980 s, and the art of application have resulted in the
practice of neonatal intensive care at the Kinderklinik of the
University of Heidelberg. The English translation resulted from the
success of the German edition and will serve well the needs of the
English-speaking student and practitioner of neonatal intensive
care. T. Allen Merrit, M. D.
What makes the Verken geskiedenis grade 12 course unique? Rich,
scaffolded content and summaries, including a variety of sources
(written and visual) which support and enhance understanding; the
principle of environmental sustainability has been included in
multiple topics; skills focus feature develops subject-specific
skills, such as History essay-writing; difficult concepts easily
explained via 'Key Words' and 'Did you know?' features, and all
concepts defined in glossary and referenced in index; text, and
visual and written sources, provide positive representations of
racial and gender diversity; the teacher's guide provides
guidelines and information for inclusive education in teaching and
learning history. Focus on exam success! Fully CAPS compliant;
opportunities for exam practice and assessment; complete programme
of assessment provided; used and tested in schools throughout South
Africa; supports and engages learners for success.
Die Senkung der neonatalen Mortalitat und Morbiditat ist eine in-
terdisziplinare Aufgabe von Geburtsmedizin und Neonatologie. Die
gunstige Entwicklung im letzten Jahrzehnt wurde erreicht durch die
luckenlose Kontrolle von der fruhen Gestation an, uber die ein-
gehende Dberwachung und Leitung der Geburt und die Intensiv-
medizin fUr Risiko-Neugeborene bis hin zum Vorsorgeprogramm fUr
Kinder, d. h. mit den Mitteln einer eingehenden personellen Be-
treuung und einem hohen technisch-apparativen Aufwand. Beson- ders
deutlich konnte die hohe neonatale Sterblichkeit von Fruhge-
borenen verringert werden. So uberleben heute Kinder mit einem
Geburtsgewicht von weniger als 1500 g zu mehr als 85%. Allerdings
sind hierbei Geburtshelfer und Neonatologen vor neue Herausfor-
derungen gestellt: Der Geburtszeitpunkt sollte, soweit vertretbar,
hinausgezogert werden, die Geburt unter dem Gesichtspunkt der
aul3ersten Schonung des Kindes erfolgen. Fur den Neonatologen
gestalten sich Emahrung, Flussigkeits-und Elektrolytbilanzierung
bei extrem unreifen Fruhgeborenen besonders schwierig. Eine Rei- he
invasiver Techniken, z. B. endotracheale Intubation und Beat- mung,
zentraler Venenkatheter, sind fUr das Dberleben erforderlich. Sie
weisen eine erhohte Komplikationsrate auf. Eine aul3erordentli- che
Bedeutung kommt in dies em Zusammenhang der bei Fruhgebo- renen
haufig zu beobachtenden intrakraniellen Blutung zu, die einen
wesentlichen Einflul3 auf Mortalitat und Morbiditat hat und die
Langzeitprognose jedes einzelnen Kindes entscheidend beein- flul3t.
Ihre Vermeidung und Behandlung sind ungeloste Probleme. Durch den
Einsatz der Computertomographie und neuerdings durch die technische
Weiterentwicklung der Ultraschalldiagnostik sind wahrend der
letzten Jahre bemerkenswerte Erkenntnisse uber die Entstehung,
Lokalisation, Inzidenz und den Verlauf von intra- kraniellen
Blutungen gewonnen worden.
There is something about the Creation that always haunts me. Our
own beginning within it was nearly six or seven thousand years ago.
Yet the entire span of time after it might be viewed as only
cluster of ages. My own life being placed at the end of these ages
is inconspicuous. Nevertheless I sense there is a significance that
links my life with Creation's earliest moments. When I search my
feelings, I begin to think that all our lives began when the first
worlds were born. I sense that our souls are timeless, and that our
identities stretch from the first moments to our present. I imagine
that everyone and everything was started with the initial chaos.
Imagine yourself as the first thing created. Imagine that you are
what is described with the first words in Genesis. If these
described you, what could you imagine about that first day? How
could you describe what is indescribable? You are left with only
feelings. Feelings without intelligence. This book is a study into
how these emotions have been transformed into our sense for
Hammo'ad means "the appointed times." Its first reference is from
Torah as the prescribed times for the Holy Festivals and Sabbath.
This word was repeatedly used in the Salkinson-Ginsberg, "Hebrew
New Testament," when referring to events in the Gospels of the
Messiah. This Gospel publication is an English translation from
that Hebrew text. It is also formulated as a combined narrative
from the four Gospels as a single testimony. Along with this it is
arranged with an historical order of their events. As such it
permits the reader to better conceptualize the outlay of the
Messiah's ministry. For comparative purposes, each verse is posted
with its corresponding text from the Aramaic-Peshitta and
Hebrew-Delitzsch New Testaments. Both of which are posted herein as
Hebrew script. The purpose for their inclusion is to further
emphasize the Jewish nature of this Gospel narrative.
Author Anita Wills, spent over thirty years reconstructing her
families lost history. This book is about those in her family who
had extraordinary achievements, such as Elijah Johnson, one of the
settlers of Liberia. The search is complicated by the multiracial
lines that Ms. Wills had to work with. The task is to document the
oral history passed down through so many generations. The result is
an amazing family history of a people who were labeled, Indian,
Mulatto, Colored, Negro, black, and now African American. They are
a people who intermixed and married in the Great Valley Region of
Pennsylvania. The stories are of Colonial America's people of
color, who are the Mosaic that is America.
Notes and documents is 294 pages, with Table of contents, Appendix,
Bibliography, Endnotes, and Index. The book chronicles are of an
African American Family who were designated as Free Persons of
Color, in Colonial Virginia. They were Virginia's own Creole
Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2010 im Fachbereich BWL -
Unternehmensfuhrung, Management, Organisation, Hochschule
RheinMain, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Betrachtet man den heutigen
beruflichen Alltag fallt auf, dass Unternehmen vermehrt
Internet-Plattformen wie Webforen oder Social Networks nutzen, um
ihre Ziele zu erreichen. Einerseits, um sich nach aussen zu
prasentieren, um Meinungen zu beobachten und Geruchte zu verfolgen.
Teilweise streuen Unternehmen diese sogar selbst, um
Neueinfuhrungen interessant, beziehungsweise bekannt zu machen.
Anderseits vernetzen sich Mitarbeiter unternehmensintern, um
Informationen und Wissen auszutauschen. Wikis oder Blogs werden
installiert, um die Kommunikation zu verbessern. Auch extern
bedienen sich Unternehmen langst des World Wide Web, um Kontakt zu
Kunden oder Lieferanten aufzunehmen. Aus diesen Entwicklungen ging
das Konzept von Enterprise 2.0 hervor, welches infolge der
steigenden Internet-Nutzung in den vergangenen Jahren eine immer
grossere Bedeutung gewann. Ein einheitliches Verstandnis,
beziehungsweise eine exakte Definition, was Enterprise 2.0 genau
ausmacht, gibt es bislang aber nicht. Altere Fachliteratur aus den
Jahren 2006 und 2007 sieht in Enterprise 2.0 lediglich den Einsatz
von Web 2.0-Tools wie Wikis oder Blogs. Aktuelle Fachliteratur, an
der sich diese Studie orientiert, besagt, dass das Konzept von
Enterprise 2.0 weit uber den Einsatz von Wikis oder Blogs
hinausgeht. Dieser Ansatz ist zwar unter Experten mittlerweile
verbreitet, aber langst noch nicht in Unternehmen anerkannt. Dieser
teils angedeutete, teils als unvermeidbar prophezeite kulturelle
Wandel in Organisation und Arbeitsablaufen des Unternehmens, steht
im Zentrum der Untersuchung dieser Studie. Des Weiteren versucht
die Forschungsgruppe der Hochschule RheinMain Vorteile
beziehungsweise Risiken von Enterprise 2.0 aufzudecken. Auch der
Entwicklungsstand des Konzeptes Enterprise 2.0 in Unternehmen wird
untersucht, ebenso wie das momentane Verstandnis di
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