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This volume presents the lectures given during the second
French-Uzbek Colloquium on Algebra and Operator Theory which took
place in Tashkent in 1997, at the Mathematical Institute of the
Uzbekistan Academy of Sciences. Among the algebraic topics
discussed here are deformation of Lie algebras, cohomology theory,
the algebraic variety of the laws of Lie algebras, Euler equations
on Lie algebras, Leibniz algebras, and real K-theory. Some
contributions have a geometrical aspect, such as supermanifolds.
The papers on operator theory deal with the study of certain types
of operator algebras. This volume also contains a detailed
introduction to the theory of quantum groups. Audience: This book
is intended for graduate students specialising in algebra,
differential geometry, operator theory, and theoretical physics,
and for researchers in mathematics and theoretical physics.
The theory of foliations and contact forms have experienced such
great de velopment recently that it is natural they have
implications in the field of mechanics. They form part of the
framework of what Jean Dieudonne calls "Elie Cartan's great theory
ofthe Pfaffian systems," and which even nowa days is still far from
being exhausted. The major reference work is. without any doubt
that of Elie Cartan on Pfaffian systems with five variables. In it
one discovers there the bases of an algebraic classification of
these systems, their methods of reduction, and the highlighting
ofthe first fundamental in variants. This work opens to us, even
today, a colossal field of investigation and the mystery of a
ternary form containing the differential invariants of the systems
with five variables always deligthts anyone who wishes to find out
about them. One of the goals of this memorandum is to present this
work of Cartan - which was treated even more analytically by
Goursat in its lectures on Pfaffian systems - in order to expound
the classifications currently known. The theory offoliations and
contact forms appear in the study ofcompletely integrable Pfaffian
systems of rank one. In each of these situations there is a local
model described either by Frobenius' theorem, or by Darboux'
theorem. It is this type of theorem which it would be desirable to
have for a non-integrable Pfaffian system which may also be of rank
greater than one."
Nilpotent Ue algebras have played an Important role over the last
ye!US : either In the domain at Algebra when one considers Its role
In the classlftcation problems of Ue algebras, or In the domain of
geometry since one knows the place of nilmanlfolds In the
Illustration, the description and representation of specific
situations. The first fondamental results In the study of nilpotent
Ue algebras are obvlsouly, due to Umlauf. In his thesis (leipZig,
1991), he presented the first non trlvlal classifications. The
systematic study of real and complex nilpotent Ue algebras was
Independently begun by D1xmler and Morozov. Complete
classifications In dimension less than or equal to six were given
and the problems regarding superior dimensions brought to light,
such as problems related to the existence from seven up, of an
infinity of non Isomorphic complex nilpotent Ue algebras. One can
also find these losts (for complex and real algebras) In the books
about differential geometry by Vranceanu. A more formal approach
within the frame of algebraiC geometry was developed by Michele
Vergne. The variety of Ue algebraiC laws Is an affine algebraic
subset In this view the role variety and the nilpotent laws
constitute a Zarlski's closed of Irreduclbl~ components appears
naturally as well the determination or estimate of their numbers.
Theoritical physiCiSts, Interested In the links between diverse
mechanics have developed the Idea of contractions of Ue algebras
(Segal, Inonu, Wlgner). That Idea was In fact very convenient In
the determination of components.
This volume presents the lectures given during the second
French-Uzbek Colloquium on Algebra and Operator Theory which took
place in Tashkent in 1997, at the Mathematical Institute of the
Uzbekistan Academy of Sciences. Among the algebraic topics
discussed here are deformation of Lie algebras, cohomology theory,
the algebraic variety of the laws of Lie algebras, Euler equations
on Lie algebras, Leibniz algebras, and real K-theory. Some
contributions have a geometrical aspect, such as supermanifolds.
The papers on operator theory deal with the study of certain types
of operator algebras. This volume also contains a detailed
introduction to the theory of quantum groups. Audience: This book
is intended for graduate students specialising in algebra,
differential geometry, operator theory, and theoretical physics,
and for researchers in mathematics and theoretical physics.
The theory of foliations and contact forms have experienced such
great de velopment recently that it is natural they have
implications in the field of mechanics. They form part of the
framework of what Jean Dieudonne calls "Elie Cartan's great theory
ofthe Pfaffian systems", and which even nowa days is still far from
being exhausted. The major reference work is. without any doubt
that of Elie Cartan on Pfaffian systems with five variables. In it
one discovers there the bases of an algebraic classification of
these systems, their methods of reduction, and the highlighting
ofthe first fundamental in variants. This work opens to us, even
today, a colossal field of investigation and the mystery of a
ternary form containing the differential invariants of the systems
with five variables always deligthts anyone who wishes to find out
about them. One of the goals of this memorandum is to present this
work of Cartan - which was treated even more analytically by
Goursat in its lectures on Pfaffian systems - in order to expound
the classifications currently known. The theory offoliations and
contact forms appear in the study ofcompletely integrable Pfaffian
systems of rank one. In each of these situations there is a local
model described either by Frobenius' theorem, or by Darboux'
theorem. It is this type of theorem which it would be desirable to
have for a non-integrable Pfaffian system which may also be of rank
greater than one.
Nilpotent Ue algebras have played an Important role over the last
ye!US : either In the domain at Algebra when one considers Its role
In the classlftcation problems of Ue algebras, or In the domain of
geometry since one knows the place of nilmanlfolds In the
Illustration, the description and representation of specific
situations. The first fondamental results In the study of nilpotent
Ue algebras are obvlsouly, due to Umlauf. In his thesis (leipZig,
1991), he presented the first non trlvlal classifications. The
systematic study of real and complex nilpotent Ue algebras was
Independently begun by D1xmler and Morozov. Complete
classifications In dimension less than or equal to six were given
and the problems regarding superior dimensions brought to light,
such as problems related to the existence from seven up, of an
infinity of non Isomorphic complex nilpotent Ue algebras. One can
also find these losts (for complex and real algebras) In the books
about differential geometry by Vranceanu. A more formal approach
within the frame of algebraiC geometry was developed by Michele
Vergne. The variety of Ue algebraiC laws Is an affine algebraic
subset In this view the role variety and the nilpotent laws
constitute a Zarlski's closed of Irreduclbl~ components appears
naturally as well the determination or estimate of their numbers.
Theoritical physiCiSts, Interested In the links between diverse
mechanics have developed the Idea of contractions of Ue algebras
(Segal, Inonu, Wlgner). That Idea was In fact very convenient In
the determination of components.
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