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"The coverage is unparalleled in both depth and breadth. No other
text that I have seen offers a better complete overview of modern
robotic manipulation and robot control."
-- Bradley Bishop, United States Naval Academy
Based on the highly successful classic, Robot Dynamics and Control,
by Spong and Vidyasagar (Wiley, 1989), Robot Modeling and Control
offers a thoroughly up-to-date, self-contained introduction to the
field. The text presents basic and advanced material in a style
that is at once readable and mathematically rigorous.
Key Features
* A step-by-step computational approach helps you derive and
compute the forward kinematics, inverse kinematics, and Jacobians
for the most common robot designs.
* Detailed coverage of vision and visual servo control enables you
to program robots to manipulate objects sensed by cameras.
* An entire chapter on dynamics prepares you to compute the
dynamics of the most common manipulator designs.
* The most common motion planning and trajectory generation
algorithms are presented in an elementary style.
* The comprehensive treatment of motion and force control includes
both basic and advanced methods.
* The text's treatment of geometric nonlinear control is more
readable than in more advanced texts.
* Many worked examples and an extensive list of problems illustrate
all aspects of the theory.
About the authors
Mark W. Spong is Donald Biggar Willett Professor of Engineering at
the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Dr. Spong is the
2005 President of the IEEE Control Systems Society and past
Editor-in-Chief of the IEEE Transactions on Control Systems
Seth Hutchinson is currently a Professor at the University of
Illinois in Urbana-Champaign, and a senior editor of the IEEE
Transactions on Robotics and Automation. He has published
extensively on the topics of robotics and computer vision.
Mathukumalli Vidyasagar is currently Executive Vice President in
charge of Advanced Technology at Tata Consultancy Services (TCS),
India's largest IT firm. Dr. Vidyasagar was formerly the director
of the Centre for Artificial Intelligence and Robotics (CAIR),
under Government of India's Ministry of Defense.
Highlighting the control of networked robotic systems, this book
synthesizes a unified passivity-based approach to an emerging
cross-disciplinary subject. Thanks to this unified approach,
readers can access various state-of-the-art research fields by
studying only the background foundations associated with passivity.
In addition to the theoretical results and techniques, the authors
provide experimental case studies on testbeds of robotic systems
including networked haptic devices, visual robotic systems, robotic
network systems and visual sensor network systems. The text begins
with an introduction to passivity and passivity-based control
together with the other foundations needed in this book. The main
body of the book consists of three parts. The first examines how
passivity can be utilized for bilateral teleoperation and
demonstrates the inherent robustness of the passivity-based
controller against communication delays. The second part emphasizes
passivity's usefulness for visual feedback control and estimation.
Convergence is rigorously proved even when other passive components
are interconnected. The passivity approach is also differentiated
from other methodologies. The third part presents the unified
passivity-based control-design methodology for multi-agent systems.
This scheme is shown to be either immediately applicable or easily
extendable to the solution of various motion coordination problems
including 3-D attitude/pose synchronization, flocking control and
cooperative motion estimation. Academic researchers and
practitioners working in systems and control and/or robotics will
appreciate the potential of the elegant and novel approach to the
control of networked robots presented here. The limited background
required and the case-study work described also make the text
appropriate for and, it is hoped, inspiring to students.
As the capability and utility of robots has increased dramatically
with new technology, robotic systems can perform tasks that are
physically dangerous for humans, repetitive in nature, or require
increased accuracy, precision, and sterile conditions to radically
minimize human error. The Robotics and Automation Handbook
addresses the major aspects of designing, fabricating, and enabling
robotic systems and their various applications. It presents kinetic
and dynamic methods for analyzing robotic systems, considering
factors such as force and torque. From these analyses, the book
develops several controls approaches, including servo actuation,
hybrid control, and trajectory planning. Design aspects include
determining specifications for a robot, determining its
configuration, and utilizing sensors and actuators. The featured
applications focus on how the specific difficulties are overcome in
the development of the robotic system. With the ability to increase
human safety and precision in applications ranging from handling
hazardous materials and exploring extreme environments to
manufacturing and medicine, the uses for robots are growing
steadily. The Robotics and Automation Handbook provides a solid
foundation for engineers and scientists interested in designing,
fabricating, or utilizing robotic systems.
This monograph describes the Reaction Wheel Pendulum, the newest
inverted-pendulum-like device for control education and research.
We discuss the history and background of the reaction wheel
pendulum and other similar experimental devices. We develop
mathematical models of the reaction wheel pendulum in depth,
including linear and nonlinear models, and models of the sensors
and actuators that are used for feedback control. We treat various
aspects of the control problem, from linear control of themotor, to
stabilization of the pendulum about an equilibrium configuration
using linear control, to the nonlinear control problem of swingup
control. We also discuss hybrid and switching control, which is
useful for switching between the swingup and balance controllers.
We also discuss important practical issues such as friction
modeling and friction compensation, quantization of sensor signals,
and saturation. This monograph can be used as a supplement for
courses in feedback control at the undergraduate level, courses in
mechatronics, or courses in linear and nonlinear state space
control at the graduate level. It can also be used as a laboratory
manual and as a reference for research in nonlinear control.
An essential introduction to engineering system modeling and
simulation from a well-trusted source in engineering and education
This new introductory-level textbook provides thirteen
self-contained chapters, each covering an important topic in
engineering systems modeling and simulation. The importance of such
a topic cannot be overstated; modeling and simulation will only
increase in importance in the future as computational resources
improve and become more powerful and accessible, and as systems
become more complex. This resource is a wonderful mix of practical
examples, theoretical concepts, and experimental sessions that
ensure a well-rounded education on the topic. The topics covered in
Engineering Modeling and Simulation are timeless fundamentals that
provide the necessary background for further and more advanced
study of one or more of the topics. The text includes topics such
as linear and nonlinear dynamical systems, continuous-time and
discrete-time systems, stability theory, numerical methods for
solution of ODEs, PDE models, feedback systems, optimization,
regression and more. Each chapter provides an introduction to the
topic to familiarize students with the core ideas before delving
deeper. The numerous tools and examples help ensure students engage
in active learning, acquiring a range of tools for analyzing
systems and gaining experience in numerical computation and
simulation systems, from an author prized for both his writing and
his teaching over the course of his over-40-year career.
Engineering Modeling and Simulation readers will also find:
Numerous examples, tools, and programming tips to help clarify
points made throughout the textbook, with end-of-chapter problems
to further emphasize the material As systems become more complex, a
chapter devoted to complex networks including small-world and
scale-free networks - a unique advancement for textbooks within
modeling and simulation A complimentary website that hosts a
complete set of lecture slides, a solution manual for
end-of-chapter problems, MATLAB files, and case-study exercises
Engineering Modeling and Simulation is aimed at undergraduate and
first-year graduate engineering students studying systems, in
diverse avenues within the field: electrical, mechanical,
mathematics, aerospace, bioengineering, physics, and civil and
environmental engineering. It may also be of interest to those in
mathematical modeling courses, as it provides in-depth material on
MATLAB simulation and contains appendices with brief reviews of
linear algebra, real analysis, and probability theory.
This self-contained introduction to practical robot kinematics and dynamics includes a comprehensive treatment of robot control. Provides background material on terminology and linear transformations, followed by coverage of kinematics and inverse kinematics, dynamics, manipulator control, robust control, force control, use of feedback in nonlinear systems, and adaptive control. Each topic is supported by examples of specific applications. Derivations and proofs are included in many cases. Includes many worked examples, examples illustrating all aspects of the theory, and problems.