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Recently, research on the ways in which goals, affect, and
self-regulation influence one another has enjoyed an upsurge. New
findings are being published and new theories are being developed
to integrate these findings. This volume reports on the latest of
this work, including a substantial amount of data and theory that
has not yet been published. Emanating from a conference exploring
affect as both a cause and effect in various social contexts, this
book examines some of the complex and reciprocal relationships
among goals, self structures, feelings, thoughts, and behavior. The
chapters address:
*the effects of intrinsic versus extrinsic goals;
*the different effects of approach versus avoidance goals;
*the role of awareness in goal pursuit and affective states;
*the meaning of affective states in relation to goal
*the impact of hedonistic concerns as motivational factors;
*how people regulate their moods; and
*the role of the self in affective experiences.
Encyclopedia of Sustainable Technologies, Eight Volume Set provides
an authoritative assessment of the sustainable technologies that
are currently available or in development. Sustainable technology
includes the scientific understanding, development and application
of a wide range of technologies and processes and their
environmental implications. Systems and lifecycle analyses of
energy systems, environmental management, agriculture,
manufacturing and digital technologies provide a comprehensive
method for understanding the full sustainability of processes. In
addition, the development of clean processes through green
chemistry and engineering techniques are also described. The book
is the first multi-volume reference work to employ both Life Cycle
Analysis (LCA) and Triple Bottom Line (TBL) approaches to assessing
the wide range of technologies available and their impact upon the
world. Both approaches are long established and widely recognized,
playing a key role in the organizing principles of this valuable
Researchers have been addressing social judgment from a cognitive
perspective for more than 15 years. Within recent years, however,
it has become increasingly clear that many of the models and
assumptions initially adopted are in need of revision. The chapters
in this volume point out where the original models and assumptions
have fallen short, and suggest directions for future research and
theorizing. The contributors address issues related to judgment,
memory, affect, attitudes, and self-perception. In addition, many
present theoretical frameworks within which these different issues
can be integrated. As such, this volume represents the transition
from one era of social cognition research to the next.
Researchers have been addressing social judgment from a cognitive
perspective for more than 15 years. Within recent years, however,
it has become increasingly clear that many of the models and
assumptions initially adopted are in need of revision. The chapters
in this volume point out where the original models and assumptions
have fallen short, and suggest directions for future research and
theorizing. The contributors address issues related to judgment,
memory, affect, attitudes, and self-perception. In addition, many
present theoretical frameworks within which these different issues
can be integrated. As such, this volume represents the transition
from one era of social cognition research to the next.
Recently, research on the ways in which goals, affect, and
self-regulation influence one another has enjoyed an upsurge. New
findings are being published and new theories are being developed
to integrate these findings. This volume reports on the latest of
this work, including a substantial amount of data and theory that
has not yet been published. Emanating from a conference exploring
affect as both a cause and effect in various social contexts, this
book examines some of the complex and reciprocal relationships
among goals, self structures, feelings, thoughts, and behavior. The
chapters address:
*the effects of intrinsic versus extrinsic goals;
*the different effects of approach versus avoidance goals;
*the role of awareness in goal pursuit and affective states;
*the meaning of affective states in relation to goal
*the impact of hedonistic concerns as motivational factors;
*how people regulate their moods; and
*the role of the self in affective experiences.
Why and to what extent is Protestant faith constituted in a church?
What is the relationship between the a oeCommunion of Saintsa
referred to in the Creed to the lived (or not lived) sociality of
the Church? And if these questions give rise to tensions, how are
these to be dealt with both theologically and in practical parish
work? Luther, Troeltsch, Bonhoeffer and contemporary sociology are
important reference points for the resultant interdisciplinary
discussions. Winner of the Johann-Tobias-Beck-Preis of the AfeT
(Arbeitskreises fA1/4r evangelikale Theologie) http:
Die Arbeitsmarktsoziologie beschaftigt sich mit den sozialen
Determinanten bei der Erklarung von Arbeitsmarktprozessen. Dies
beinhaltet u. a. den Zusammenhang zwischen Bildung und der
Positionierung auf dem Arbeitsmarkt, die Risiken von
Arbeitslosigkeit, die Rolle der Familie fur Erwerbsentscheidungen
und die Wirkung institutioneller Regelungen. Aus soziologischer
Perspektive wird beleuchtet, welche Arbeitsmarktprozesse die
Entstehung, die Dauerhaftigkeit und die Veranderung sozialer
Ungleichheit bedingen. Der Arbeitsmarkt pragt moderne
Gesellschaften massgeblich: Das System sozialer Sicherung sowie die
individuellen Lebensverhaltnisse hangen vom Zugang zur
Erwerbsarbeit ab. Der Inhalt* Theorien des Arbeitsmarktes *
UEbergange in Ausbildung und berufliche Platzierung* Soziale
Mobilitat* Arbeitslosigkeit* Betrieb sowie Berufe und Arbeitsmarkt*
Lohnbildung und Lohnverteilung* Berufliche Weiterbildung* Migration
und ethnische Ungleichheit auf dem Arbeitsmarkt* Berufliche
Geschlechtersegregation* Arbeitsmarkt und Demografie* Methoden der
Arbeitsmarktforschung Die ZielgruppenStudierende, Lehrende und
Forschende der Sozial- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften sowie
Praktiker, die die (sozialen) Wirkungen von Massnahmen auf dem
Arbeitsmarkt einschatzen moechten. Die HerausgeberProf. Dr. Martin
Abraham ist Inhaber des Lehrstuhls fur Soziologie und empirische
Sozialforschung am Fachbereich Wirtschaftswissenschaften der
Friedrich-Alexander-Universitat Erlangen-Nurnberg. Prof. Dr. Thomas
Hinz leitet den Arbeitsbereich fur empirische Sozialforschung an
der Universitat Konstanz.
Dieses Buch behandelt Organisationen in modernen Gesellschaften,
ihre Bedeutung und ihre Funktionsweise aus der Sicht einer
strukturell-individualistisch orientierten Soziologie. Es werden
Ziele und Strukturen von Organisationen analysiert, die
Wechselwirkung von Individuum und Organisation beleuchtet und die
Bedeutung von Organisationen fur Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft
diskutiert. Mittels sechs "Beispielorganisationen" wird der Inhalt
erlautert, Literaturempfehlungen zu jedem Kapitel erlauben die
schnelle Vertiefung einzelner Gebiete."
Das Buch fragt nach der Organisation des Haushalts und der
Beziehung von Selbstandigen. Fur die berufliche Selbstandigkeit
besitzt der Ehe- oder Lebenspartner eine besondere Bedeutung.
Dessen Unterstutzung ist insbesondere fur die Grundung und den
Betrieb eines eigenen Unternehmens eine wichtige Voraussetzung."
This scarce antiquarian book is a selection from Kessinger
Publishing's Legacy Reprint Series. Due to its age, it may contain
imperfections such as marks, notations, marginalia and flawed
pages. Because we believe this work is culturally important, we
have made it available as part of our commitment to protecting,
preserving, and promoting the world's literature. Kessinger
Publishing is the place to find hundreds of thousands of rare and
hard-to-find books with something of interest for everyone!
Purchase of this book includes free trial access to
www.million-books.com where you can read more than a million books
for free. This is an OCR edition with typos. Excerpt from book:
Lesson II The Pupils and Some of Their Needs Lesson II. THE PUPILS
AND SOME OF THEIR NEEDS The teacher must know and understand his
pupils. He must study them as a group and as indi- cent pupil
viduals. He must know their peculiarities and be ready to meet
their needs. The whole success of the teaching depends upon this.
The curriculum of the Jewish religious school is generally so
arranged as to reserve the teaching of the Post-Biblical period of
Jewish history for the senior grades, which in many schools form
the Confirmation and Post-Confirmation Classes. The lessons in this
course will be arranged to meet the needs of a two years' course of
instruction. This arrangement of the curriculum means that the
teacher will deal with a different type of child life and mind than
that met in the younger classes. The usual age of confirmation is
that at which the boy and girl pass out of childhood and enter into
what is known as early adolescence. The teacher would do well to
instruct himself in the psychology of this period. (See G. Stanley
Hall, "Adolescence," 2 vols.) The docility of the child now gives
way to the self-assertiveness of youth. Children are restless in
this period, impressionable, given to day-dreams, to love of
adventure, physical and spiritual. It is the age of chivalry. The
altruistic virtues make their first appearance under the stress of
the expanding self. It is a critical time. The man is emerging; the
girl is passing into young womanhood. Repression and suppression
are difficult. Nagging at such a timewill absolutely spoil the
emerging self. The wise teacher will study his pupils and learn how
to divert this restlessness into helpful and constructive activity.
It is evident that the instruction in these classes must be along
other lines than those fo...
This scarce antiquarian book is a selection from Kessinger
Publishing's Legacy Reprint Series. Due to its age, it may contain
imperfections such as marks, notations, marginalia and flawed
pages. Because we believe this work is culturally important, we
have made it available as part of our commitment to protecting,
preserving, and promoting the world's literature. Kessinger
Publishing is the place to find hundreds of thousands of rare and
hard-to-find books with something of interest for everyone!
"Der vollendete Faust" (ver ff.: 1836) verlegt den Faust ins
Irrenhaus. Das Drama des d nischen Schriftstellers Jens Baggesen
(1764-1826), der auch Werke auf Deutsch verfasste, ist nicht nur
eine Satire auf Goethes Faust-Fragment. Baggesen l sst auch Goethe,
Jean Paul, Madame de Sta l, Fichte und Wieland selbst auftreten als
Zuschauer einer Faust-Auff hrung im Tollhaus. Neben dieser gern
ironischen, aber respektvollen Darstellung der kulturellen Elite,
ist es eine wilde Satire auf den Ich- und Geniekult der Vertreter
der Romantik und des Sturm und Drang. Gleichzeitig zeigt es die
politischen Zust nde im 1806 aufgel sten Heiligen R mischen Reich
Deutscher Nation, das nach verheerenden milit rischen Niederlagen
von Napoleons Truppen besetzt worden war. Dieses wilde Theaterst ck
liegt jetzt zum ersten Mal in einer sprachlich modernisierten
Fassung vor.
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