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This unique, cross-disciplinary volume encourages a new synthesis
in the vibrant field of leadership studies. Comprising reflective
conversations among scholars from different disciplines, the
contributors explore common ground for new research and ideas.
Beginning with chapters by noted experts in fields such as
psychology, education and philosophy, the contributors present the
key contributions from their disciplines. Through sustained
critical interrogation and discussion, the goal is to discover to
what extent 'leadership studies' exists, or can exist, as a
meaningful discipline. Taken as a whole, the book presents a
vigorous and timely picture of the diversity of contemporary
leadership studies. A must-read for serious scholars and students
of leadership, this accessible and insightful book will be an
exemplary foundational text for understanding the breadth and reach
of interdisciplinary leadership studies. Contributors: J.B. Ciulla,
M.A. Genovese, G.R.. Goethals, M. Harvey, M. Hittleman, C.L. Hoyt,
S.K. Johnson, A.M. Mitra, S.E. Murphy, S.M. Ospina, N.W. Provizer,
R.E. Riggio, R.J. Sternberg, L.A. Tritle, S.P. Turner, N.O. Warner,
J.T. Wren
Donald Trump in Historical Perspective: Dead Precedents is a
collection of chapters that utilizes the thinking of historians,
philosophers, and political scientists to explore historical
parallels to the presidency of Donald J. Trump, the 45th President
of the United States of America. This collection provides an
extensive analysis on the ways Trump's impulsiveness, breaking of
norms, and disregard for longstanding democratic pieties, caused
him to represent a definitive end to the "American century," an era
when American self-confidence, steadiness, and leadership, even in
the face of titanic challenges, were almost universally taken for
granted. Yet this book also argues how in the longer sweep of
history, Trump is a familiar figure in the turbulent life of
democracies. These in-depth chapters reveal the ways Trump
represents the anti-institutionalist, the populist demagogue, the
would-be authoritarian who exploits electoral and political
vulnerabilities to gain and hold power. Through these detailed
evaluations, these chapters suggest that Trump is not radically
unique, but that democracies have produced many previous versions
of the Trump phenomenon. This book is essential reading for
scholars and students in political science, political theory,
history, and leadership. This book is also noteworthy for readers
interested in key developments in contemporary American democracy.
One of its greatest appeals is its extensive look into leadership
on an international scale, from Donald Trump's global significance
to various explorations of non-American leaders, and the
comparisons that can be made.
Donald Trump in Historical Perspective: Dead Precedents is a
collection of chapters that utilizes the thinking of historians,
philosophers, and political scientists to explore historical
parallels to the presidency of Donald J. Trump, the 45th President
of the United States of America. This collection provides an
extensive analysis on the ways Trump's impulsiveness, breaking of
norms, and disregard for longstanding democratic pieties, caused
him to represent a definitive end to the "American century," an era
when American self-confidence, steadiness, and leadership, even in
the face of titanic challenges, were almost universally taken for
granted. Yet this book also argues how in the longer sweep of
history, Trump is a familiar figure in the turbulent life of
democracies. These in-depth chapters reveal the ways Trump
represents the anti-institutionalist, the populist demagogue, the
would-be authoritarian who exploits electoral and political
vulnerabilities to gain and hold power. Through these detailed
evaluations, these chapters suggest that Trump is not radically
unique, but that democracies have produced many previous versions
of the Trump phenomenon. This book is essential reading for
scholars and students in political science, political theory,
history, and leadership. This book is also noteworthy for readers
interested in key developments in contemporary American democracy.
One of its greatest appeals is its extensive look into leadership
on an international scale, from Donald Trump's global significance
to various explorations of non-American leaders, and the
comparisons that can be made.
Utopia in the Anthropocene takes a cross-disciplinary approach to
analyse our current world problems, identify the key resistance to
change and take the reader step by step towards a more sustainable,
equitable and rewarding world. It presents paradigm-shifting models
of economics, political decision-making, business organization and
leadership and community life. These are supported by psychological
evidence, utopian literature and inspirational changes in history.
The Anthropocene is in crisis, because human activity is changing
almost everything about life on this planet at an unparalleled
pace. Climate change, the environmental emergency, economic
inequality, threats to democracy and peace and an onslaught of new
technology: these planetwide risks can seem too big to comprehend,
let alone manage. Our reckless pursuit of infinite economic growth
on a finite planet could even take us towards a global dystopia. As
an unprecedented frenzy of change grips the world, the case for
utopia is stronger than ever. An effective change plan requires a
bold, imaginative vision, practical goals and clarity around the
psychological values necessary to bring about a transformation.
This book will be of great interest to students and scholars of the
environmental humanities, sustainability studies, ecological
economics, organizational psychology, politics, utopian philosophy
and literature - and all who long for a better world.
Pig Boy
Michael Harvey
Discovery Miles 3 190
Save R58 (15%)
Ships in 9 - 15 working days
Cursed with love by his step-mother, Culhwch (Pig Boy) is condemned
to love and marry Olwen, the daughter of the Hawthorn
Giant—pitiless, violent and huge. So begins the quest—first to
the court of King Arthur to wins support for the quest. In this
earliest and earthiest of Arthurian tales, we are in the grip of
the Otherworld, where landscape, nature and doing what we can to
make a better future, no matter how impossible that might seem, are
everything. Making a future despite the odds and despite the
terrible and debilitating pain that afflicts Pig Boy as part of his
love of Olwen will see him tested him again and again as he faces
each task along the quest, the last to hunt the Great Wild Boar and
seize the golden comb and scissors from between its ears so that
the Hawthorn Giant can have his beard trimmed and hair combed for
his daughter’s wedding. Will the marriage finally be celebrated?
And what help will Pig Boy need to summon—not only from the court
of Arthur and its warrior class but from everyone in the kingdom
and from the non-human realm with it deep magic? An epic tale of
ancient myth, the story of Pig Boy continues to resonate today with
how we go on making a future, calling on the land and whatever and
whoever might help, human and beyond. An ambitious, compelling and
powerful debut from master storyteller, Michael Harvey.
This unique, cross-disciplinary volume encourages a new synthesis
in the vibrant field of leadership studies. Comprising reflective
conversations among scholars from different disciplines, the
contributors explore common ground for new research and ideas.
Beginning with chapters by noted experts in fields such as
psychology, education and philosophy, the contributors present the
key contributions from their disciplines. Through sustained
critical interrogation and discussion, the goal is to discover to
what extent 'leadership studies' exists, or can exist, as a
meaningful discipline. Taken as a whole, the book presents a
vigorous and timely picture of the diversity of contemporary
leadership studies. A must-read for serious scholars and students
of leadership, this accessible and insightful book will be an
exemplary foundational text for understanding the breadth and reach
of interdisciplinary leadership studies. Contributors: J.B. Ciulla,
M.A. Genovese, G.R.. Goethals, M. Harvey, M. Hittleman, C.L. Hoyt,
S.K. Johnson, A.M. Mitra, S.E. Murphy, S.M. Ospina, N.W. Provizer,
R.E. Riggio, R.J. Sternberg, L.A. Tritle, S.P. Turner, N.O. Warner,
J.T. Wren
All leaders make choices, but not all leaders are choice-focused.
In Interactional Leadership and How to Coach It: The art of the
choice-focused leader Michael Harvey presents an important new
theory of leadership which demonstrates how to coach successful
choice-making. This clear, wide-ranging book integrates business
and psychology, exploring the art of choice-focused leadership
through neuroscience, cognitive psychology, existential philosophy
and leadership studies. Interactional leadership helps leaders to
make informed decisions throughout the "achievement cycle" of
strategy, resourcing and delivery, and emphasises the importance of
psychological balance. The book features chapter-long case studies
which provide unique insights into the leader's inner world and
clearly illustrate how the tightrope of leadership can be mastered.
Harvey draws important lessons about decision-making from corporate
leaders, politicians and even Shakespeare's tragic heroes, and
addresses the leader's ethical responsibility for major issues
facing us now and in the future. The interactional model also
focuses on coaching the multiple roles of leadership, such as
global leader, team leader, innovator, entrepreneur and chair of
the board. Accessible and practical, Interactional Leadership and
How to Coach It is an ideal guide for coaches, leaders, students,
trainers of coaches and anyone involved in leadership development
and recruitment.
A thought provoking examination of the interrelationship between
and among feminist bioethics, human rights, and global development,
Linking Visions addresses global concerns about oppression in the
context of health care, medical research, and population health.
Reflecting the ever-expanding diversity and comprehensiveness of
feminist bioethics, contributors examine such topics as
reproductive rights of women in India, HIV/AIDs policies, patenting
genetic material, the language of human rights, and consequences of
the OGlobal Gag RuleO. Linking Visions demonstrates the
far-reaching effects of feminism on global bioethics, highlighting
and celebrating the reality that feminist work is no longer
relegated solely to the realm of reproductive, sexual, or maternal
Written from the perspective of the Average Adjuster, and updated
to include a detailed analysis of the new rules adopted in 2016,
this book is an essential read for practitioners in maritime law
and marine insurance. The book contains: historical references
regarding the establishment of General Average from Roman Law
onwards; details of the establishment of International rules to
achieve uniformity in the adjustment of General Average and their
development: the Glasgow Resolutions of 1860; the York rules of
1864; and the York-Antwerp Rules 1877, 1890, 1924, 1950, 1974,
1994, 2004 and 2016; a detailed analysis of the York-Antwerp Rules
2016; CMI Guidelines relating to General Average; general average
security; general average absorption clauses; and new to this
edition: insurance of average disbursements.
Utopia in the Anthropocene takes a cross-disciplinary approach to
analyse our current world problems, identify the key resistance to
change and take the reader step by step towards a more sustainable,
equitable and rewarding world. It presents paradigm-shifting models
of economics, political decision-making, business organization and
leadership and community life. These are supported by psychological
evidence, utopian literature and inspirational changes in history.
The Anthropocene is in crisis, because human activity is changing
almost everything about life on this planet at an unparalleled
pace. Climate change, the environmental emergency, economic
inequality, threats to democracy and peace and an onslaught of new
technology: these planetwide risks can seem too big to comprehend,
let alone manage. Our reckless pursuit of infinite economic growth
on a finite planet could even take us towards a global dystopia. As
an unprecedented frenzy of change grips the world, the case for
utopia is stronger than ever. An effective change plan requires a
bold, imaginative vision, practical goals and clarity around the
psychological values necessary to bring about a transformation.
This book will be of great interest to students and scholars of the
environmental humanities, sustainability studies, ecological
economics, organizational psychology, politics, utopian philosophy
and literature - and all who long for a better world.
Updated for the needs of today's students-and with handy citation
style guides adapted from The Chicago Manual of Style , Seventeenth
Edition, the MLA Handbook , Eighth Edition, and the Publication
Manual of the APA , Seventh Edition-the third edition of The Nuts
and Bolt of College Writing offers essential guidance for college
writers at all levels. Praise for previous editions: "This
wonderful little book has helped improve the level of writing in
all the courses I teach. No one should graduate from college
without having used it." -Gonzalo Munevar, Lawrence Technological
University "With concision and wit, Harvey shows college students
how to write papers that are clear, cogent, and also stylish."
-James Miller, editor, Daedalus "Simply the best guide to clear and
effective writing since Strunk and White. Indispensable for
students-and for their teachers." -Terry Nardin, University of
All leaders make choices, but not all leaders are choice-focused.
In Interactional Leadership and How to Coach It: The art of the
choice-focused leader Michael Harvey presents an important new
theory of leadership which demonstrates how to coach successful
choice-making. This clear, wide-ranging book integrates business
and psychology, exploring the art of choice-focused leadership
through neuroscience, cognitive psychology, existential philosophy
and leadership studies. Interactional leadership helps leaders to
make informed decisions throughout the "achievement cycle" of
strategy, resourcing and delivery, and emphasises the importance of
psychological balance. The book features chapter-long case studies
which provide unique insights into the leader's inner world and
clearly illustrate how the tightrope of leadership can be mastered.
Harvey draws important lessons about decision-making from corporate
leaders, politicians and even Shakespeare's tragic heroes, and
addresses the leader's ethical responsibility for major issues
facing us now and in the future. The interactional model also
focuses on coaching the multiple roles of leadership, such as
global leader, team leader, innovator, entrepreneur and chair of
the board. Accessible and practical, Interactional Leadership and
How to Coach It is an ideal guide for coaches, leaders, students,
trainers of coaches and anyone involved in leadership development
and recruitment.
Interactional Coaching is a powerful, one-to-one learning
approach, used successfully for over fifteen years, that enables
executives to make the choices that work for them. Drawing on
existential philosophy, psychotherapy and business theory,
interactional coaching uses innovative techniques to help clients
identify their best possible choices and effectively put them into
Featuring numerous case studies, which integrate theoretical
principles with practical tools, Interactional Coaching
- coaching for vision and other time-related issues
- coaching in the personal dimension
- coaching interactional strategy and skills
- coaching conflicts and dilemmas
- coaching creativity and communication
- coaching leadership and managerial expertise.
Interactional Coaching is essential reading for anyone
interested in a new, comprehensive approach to helping coachees
develop the self-knowledge and interpersonal skills necessary for
achievement in today's workplace.
Interactional Coaching is a powerful, one-to-one learning
approach, used successfully for over fifteen years, that enables
executives to make the choices that work for them. Drawing on
existential philosophy, psychotherapy and business theory,
interactional coaching uses innovative techniques to help clients
identify their best possible choices and effectively put them into
Featuring numerous case studies, which integrate theoretical
principles with practical tools, Interactional Coaching
- coaching for vision and other time-related issues
- coaching in the personal dimension
- coaching interactional strategy and skills
- coaching conflicts and dilemmas
- coaching creativity and communication
- coaching leadership and managerial expertise.
Interactional Coaching is essential reading for anyone
interested in a new, comprehensive approach to helping coachees
develop the self-knowledge and interpersonal skills necessary for
achievement in today's workplace.
These powerful, contemporary monologues share the courage,
conflicts and joys of characters facing difficult decisions.
Developed through consultation with young people, they offer a
range of authentic, memorable voices to stimulate discussion and
participatory drama work.
Updated for the needs of today's students-and with handy citation
style guides adapted from The Chicago Manual of Style , Seventeenth
Edition, the MLA Handbook , Eighth Edition, and the Publication
Manual of the APA , Seventh Edition-the third edition of The Nuts
and Bolt of College Writing offers essential guidance for college
writers at all levels. Praise for previous editions: "This
wonderful little book has helped improve the level of writing in
all the courses I teach. No one should graduate from college
without having used it." -Gonzalo Munevar, Lawrence Technological
University "With concision and wit, Harvey shows college students
how to write papers that are clear, cogent, and also stylish."
-James Miller, editor, Daedalus "Simply the best guide to clear and
effective writing since Strunk and White. Indispensable for
students-and for their teachers." -Terry Nardin, University of
We like to think our church welcomes visitors. But how welcoming
can we be, if we are not inviting? We are welcoming as long as
people get themselves across the church threshold, but we fail to
take our welcome outside. During the years Michael has been
developing Back to Church Sunday, he has conducted an extensive
study on the seemingly simple subject of 'invitation'. Over 650
times in 12 countries he has asked: 'Why don't we invite our
friends to take a closer look at Christ?' The many answers form the
impetus for this book. After considering why it seems so hard to
invite friends to church, Michael looks at our concerns over
acceptance and rejection, and suggests ideas gleaned from years of
trying to establish a culture of invitation. 'When I have
specifically encouraged Christians to issue an invitation, some
people say yes and some no. God sent his son to invite us all into
a relationship, and so to be like God is to be a person who
Brighton (Paperback)
Michael Harvey
Discovery Miles 4 360
Save R45 (9%)
Ships in 10 - 15 working days
Any student of linear algebra will welcome this textbook, which
provides a thorough treatment of this key topic. Blending practice
and theory, the book enables the reader to learn and comprehend the
standard methods, with an emphasis on understanding how they
actually work. At every stage, the authors are careful to ensure
that the discussion is no more complicated or abstract than it
needs to be, and focuses on the fundamental topics. The book is
ideal as a course text or for self-study. Instructors can draw on
the many examples and exercises to supplement their own
assignments. End-of-chapter sections summarize the material to help
students consolidate their learning as they progress through the
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