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The book is dedicated to the method and application potential of micro segmented flow. The recent state of development of this powerful technique is presented in 12 chapters by leading researchers from different countries. In the first section, the principles of generation and manipulation of micro-fluidic segments are explained. In the second section, the micro continuous-flow synthesis of different types of nanomaterials is shown as a typical example for the use of advantages of the technique in chemistry. In the third part, the particular importance of the technique in biotechnical applications is presented demonstrating the progress for miniaturized cell-free processes, for molecular biology and DNA-based diagnostics and sequencing as well as for the development of antibiotics and the evaluation of toxic effects in medicine and environment.
Understanding the fatigue behaviour of structural components under variable load amplitude is an essential prerequisite for safe and reliable light-weight design. For designing and dimensioning, the expected stress (load) is compared with the capacity to withstand loads (fatigue strength). In this process, the safety necessary for each particular application must be ensured. A prerequisite for ensuring the required fatigue strength is a reliable load assumption. The authors describe the transformation of the stress- and load-time functions which have been measured under operational conditions to spectra or matrices with the application of counting methods. The aspects which must be considered for ensuring a reliable load assumption for designing and dimensioning are discussed in detail. Furthermore, the theoretical background for estimating the fatigue life of structural components is explained, and the procedures are discussed for numerous applications in practice. One of the prime intentions of the authors is to provide recommendations which can be implemented in practical applications.
With a foreword by Thomas Sergiovanni, this book exposes the myths about school leadership which impede educational improvement. It also profiles 8 successful schools at which student achievement has flourished after collaboration was introduced.
With a foreword by Thomas Sergiovanni, this book exposes the myths about school leadership which impede educational improvement. It also profiles 8 successful schools at which student achievement has flourished after collaboration was introduced.
Understanding the fatigue behaviour of structural components under variable load amplitude is an essential prerequisite for safe and reliable light-weight design. For designing and dimensioning, the expected stress (load) is compared with the capacity to withstand loads (fatigue strength). In this process, the safety necessary for each particular application must be ensured. A prerequisite for ensuring the required fatigue strength is a reliable load assumption. The authors describe the transformation of the stress- and load-time functions which have been measured under operational conditions to spectra or matrices with the application of counting methods. The aspects which must be considered for ensuring a reliable load assumption for designing and dimensioning are discussed in detail. Furthermore, the theoretical background for estimating the fatigue life of structural components is explained, and the procedures are discussed for numerous applications in practice. One of the prime intentions of the authors is to provide recommendations which can be implemented in practical applications.
The book is dedicated to the method and application potential of micro segmented flow. The recent state of development of this powerful technique is presented in 12 chapters by leading researchers from different countries. In the first section, the principles of generation and manipulation of micro-fluidic segments are explained. In the second section, the micro continuous-flow synthesis of different types of nanomaterials is shown as a typical example for the use of advantages of the technique in chemistry. In the third part, the particular importance of the technique in biotechnical applications is presented demonstrating the progress for miniaturized cell-free processes, for molecular biology and DNA-based diagnostics and sequencing as well as for the development of antibiotics and the evaluation of toxic effects in medicine and environment.
The chapters in this edited collection examine how the culture of masculinity intersects with issues of health, homophobia, and the suppression and silencing of anxieties about body image among men and boys. Examining the bodily dividends and trade-offs associated with male participation in physical activity is central to understanding how educators in particular might better engage all boys in healthy life practices, not only those privileged by muscularity and physicality. Contributions explore evidence of intimidation and body fears that is largely unheard and unexplored in locker rooms and classrooms. Introducing critical perspectives emerging from current evidence-based international research to shed light on curricular and policy initiatives aimed at producing healthy children, this book will powerfully inform and provoke discussion.
Die Betriebsfestigkeitsprufung von Bauteilen ist u. a. erforderlich, um ihre Lebensdauer zu berechnen. Dazu werden verschiedene Methoden angewendet, die jeweils Vor- und Nachteile aufweisen. Bei schwingender Beanspruchung ist die Methode der Zahlverfahren geeignet. Sie wird in dem vorliegenden Buch beschrieben und bewertet. Die Autoren bieten einen kompakten Uberblick uber den Stand der Technik und liefern Empfehlungen fur die Anwendung in der Praxis."
On the one hand, particle-based sensing techniques are driven by new technologies for preparing and measuring micro- and nanoparticles and by a fascination of the possibilities for design and functionalization of all specificities in structure shapes and behavior of these tiny objects. On the other hand, there evolves a fast-growing need for new sensing and communication paths for medicine, biotechnology, and analytical science, as well as for new and efficient information transfer and storage systems. No longer are particles regarded only as special types of materials. However, we have a better understanding of how they are bridging the gap between material and system, between structure and function. Although there are numerous books on micro- and nanoparticles and on sensors, there is, to the best of my knowledge, no book focusing on the general concept of particles as mobile microtransducers. This book clarifies that signal-transducing particles should be regarded as functional elements, as part of a system, not simply as special materials. It introduces concepts of bead-base sensing and "mobile spies" at the micro- and nanoscale and gives a representative overview of the variety of particle-based sensing. The state of the art in the development of particles as mobile spies for communication and information management allows us to speculate about future particle-based components and systems in a completely sustainable world economy. In addition, the book reports on a fast-evolving technical field, which is a typical example of the required convergence of technical strategies and mechanisms in living nature, and would make a great reference for professionals and students of chemistry, biochemistry, biology, pharmacy, medicine, agriculture, mechatronics, informatics, materials science, and systems engineering.
The Buddenbrooks may be the biggest eaters but they are not the only ones. All Thomas Mann's novels contain important meal scenes. Eating is not just the intake of food for survival purposes. It is a cultic act. The references and allusions are immense in their raduis - Plato's "Symposium," the Last Supper, eros and redemption. From Christian Buddenbrook, the suffering hero who can't get a morsel past his lips, to Joseph the Provider in the "Joseph" tetralogy the eating habits of Mann's protagonists symbolize the problems they have stomaching the outside world and keeping their inward selves under control. Eating is something they all make a meal of - guzzlers and ascetics alike - and sacrifice is the order of the day. The book serves up the secret menu underlying this consuming passion.
This practical resource gives elementary and secondary school administrators a comprehensive, ready-to-use staff development activities program that integrates in-service training, supervision, and evaluation. The program encourages professional growth through self-assessment and includes over 120 reproducible forms, charts, models and other aids that can be used "as is" in developmental activities. For easy use, all materials are organized into nine sections and printed in a big 8-1/4" x 11" spiral-bound format that folds flat for photocopying of any form or chart as many times as needed. Here's a brief overview of the topics and activities you'll find in each section. Professional growth in schools: Looking at the big picture-- Section 1 describes the functional relationship among in-service training, supervision, and evaluation and shows how an integrated approach provides the follow-up experiences teachers need to learn and grow. The section focuses on need assessment and includes the activity "Helping Hands," which examines various ways of acquiring new knowledge. In service training: What is it and what it can be-- Section 2 presents in-service training as one of the three important links in overall development through activities such as "Sharing your strengths&Culture; ...Culture" "and climate inventory..." and "Values and student behavior: a needs assessment," Extending current concepts of in-service training-- In Section 3, you'll find an introduction to in-service activities for new teachers plus five reproducible It's your Call case studies in which teachers play a role and choose from multiple responses. Other reproducibles include" Portfolios,.".."Teacherjournals,.".and "Professional growth relationships," Supervision: Past and Present-- Section 4 focuses on supervision as a teacher responsibility, rather that a duty exclusive to administrators and includes" Standards of teacher performance," a reproducible that identifies 75 essential and extended standards in the areas of instruction, student relationships, and all-school responsibilities. These provide targets for teachers as well as evaluate measures for administrators. The what how of supervision-- Section 5 is packed with intriguing activities that emphasize important aspects of effective supervision, such as "Mirrors,."."Red Pencils...Self-Analysis...Student Feedback...Collegial observation..."and others. The process of effective supervision-- Section 6 explores other, less traditional ways teachers can receive "mirrors" of their performance in order to evaluate their own effectiveness, such as "A quick in-service: questioning techniques "and "A video Experience: A Mirror of classroom performance," Teacher evaluation: Past and present-- Section 7 links evaluation to supervision and in-service training through activities and reproducibles like "Teacher-directed evaluation...Feedback..."and "Role playing episode." The Processes of effective evaluation-- Section 8 focuses on the
integration of supervision with evaluation and includes
reproducible aids such as "Annual Review..." "Assuring the linkages among in-service training, supervision, and evaluation-- The last section of this resource reviews the three-pronged approach to professional development and examines "Who does what andwhen," Plus you'll find a reproducible 4-page "Observational Booklet" at the end of Unit. This is designed to help teachers gather information about their classroom performance and to promote teacher self-reflection and self-evaluation. In short, Administrator's Staff Development Activities Kit gives you the basis for implementing an ongoing staff-development program that is embraced by teachers and administrators alike as a self-renewing process of professional growth activities.
Die Begriffe Recht, Unrecht, Verbrechen und Strafe werden in einem prinzipienorientierten Begrundungszusammenhang entwickelt. Einem Kapitel uber den Grundsatz der Gesetzlichkeit des Strafrechts folgen die Entfaltung des Begriffs der Straftat als tatbestandsmassige, rechtswidrige, schuldhafte Handlung, das Tatigkeitsdelikt, das Unterlassungsdelikt, Rechtswidrigkeit und Rechtfertigungsgrunde, die Schuld, der Versuch als Straftat, die Formen der Straftatbeteiligung. Den Abschluss bilden die Strafrechtsfolgen und das Strafmass. Vom Prinzip des Rechts ausgehend ist das Werk speziell auf studentische Bedurfnisse didaktisch zugeschnitten und strikt gegliedert nach These, Begrundungszusammenhang und Kritik sowie die Konkretisierung im geltenden Recht. Eine Bereicherung in der Lehrbuchlandschaft des Allgemeinen Teils."
Seminar paper from the year 2006 in the subject English Language and Literature Studies - Literature, grade: 1, University of Marburg (Institut fur Anglistik und Amerikanistik), course: Postmodern and/or Postcolonial: Contemporary Writing from Britain and the Commonwealth, language: English, abstract: Zadie Smith's novel "White Teeth" deals with families and generations from diverse ethnic backgrounds; and in the four main chapters Archie 1974, 1945, Samad 1984, 1857, Irie 1990, 1907, and Magid, Millat and Marcus 1992, 1999, she approaches them from several angles. As a result, there has been a discussion on who is to be treated as the central character in this novel. One possible answer to this is offered by Nina Shen Rastogi: The main character in White Teeth isn't a character in any traditional sense - it's the city of London itself. Smith's goal is less to paint a portrait of any particular character than it is to create a large-scale character sketch of a particular place and a particular time. White Teeth is about the foibles of a community of near-strangers and almost-friends as it collectively stumbles towards an uncertain future. The paper will investigate this approach by dealing with London as it is depicted in this postcolonial novel. After a working definition on the diversely discussed notion of postcolonialism (I.1), there will be a closer look on London, both as a physical location (I.2.a) and a literary region (I.2.b). The main issues will be the history of immigration, facts about multiculturalism today, and a brief look on how the colonial legacy has been depicted in postcolonial literature in London. A conclusion (I.3) will summarize the results and present some main questions for the analysis of White Teeth (II). Here, the paper will take a look on the role of the characters interacting with each other and on how they compromise between their cultural legacy and London's society (II.1). This will be the major part of the analysis. In two sho
Forschungsarbeit aus dem Jahr 2005 im Fachbereich Sport - Sportsoziologie, Note: 2,0, Philipps-Universitat Marburg (Institut fur Sportwissenschaften und Motologie), Veranstaltung: Einfuhrung in spezifisch wissenschaftliche Arbeitsmethoden, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Sport ist gesund; und wer Sport treibt, lebt bewusster. - So oder ahnlich lautet wohl eine Binsenweisheit. Kann man daraus schliessen, dass Menschen, fur die Sport und Bildung eine zentrale Rolle spielt - z.B. Sportstudierende - also auch im Alltag sich mehr bewegen um gesunder zu leben? Die vorliegende Arbeit mochte sich dieser Frage mit den Methoden empirischer Sozialforschung nahern. Hierbei soll die Bewegungsaktivitat in der Freizeit sowie die ihr zugrunde liegenden Motive von Sportstudierenden und Studierenden anderer Facher untersucht werden. Nach genauer Klarung der Forschungsfragen und des theoretischen Hintergrundes soll das Forschungsinteresse bis zur Hypothesenbildung weiter eingeschrankt werden; es wird um Fortbewegungsroutinen gehen. Nach Klarung der Untersuchungsgruppe, ca. 100 Studierende der Philipps-Universitat Marburg, und der Begrundung der gewahlten Messmethode zur Erhebung der Daten, ein Fragebogen mit offenen und geschlossenen Items, sollen die Ergebnisse dieses Pretests schliesslich vorgestellt und diskutiert werde
Diplomarbeit aus dem Jahr 2002 im Fachbereich BWL - Controlling, Note: 1,3, Hochschule Bochum (Wirtschaft), Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Inhaltsangabe: Einleitung: Spektakulare Zusammenbruche und Unternehmenskrisen der letzten Jahre (z.B. Metallgesellschaft, Bremer Vulkan, Balsam, Schneider, Barings, Philipp Holzmann, FlowTex u.a.) haben den Eindruck verfestigt, dass in vielen Unternehmen keine oder nur veraltete Kontrollsysteme vorhanden sind. Vor diesem Hintergrund ist in den letzten Jahren wiederholt Kritik am deutschen System der Unternehmensuberwachung (Corporate Governance) geubt worden. Der Gesetzgeber hat auf die Schwachen im System der Unternehmenskontrolle reagiert und sah sich gezwungen, die vorhandenen Uberwachungs- und Kontrollstrukturen per Gesetz einer Neuordnung zu unterziehen. Daher wurde das Gesetz zur Kontrolle und Transparenz im Unternehmensbereich (KonTraG) formuliert, das am 01. Mai 1998 in Deutschland in Kraft getreten ist. Jede unternehmerische Entscheidung ist mit Risiken verbunden, da die Auswirkungen dieser Entscheidungen i.d.R. nicht vorhergesagt werden konnen. Risiken werden jedoch in Kauf genommen, um Chancen wahrzunehmen und Erfolge zu erzielen; es gilt der Grundsatz: keine Chance ohne Risiko. Fur eine erfolgs- und wertorientierte Unternehmensfuhrung ist somit eine zielorientierte, bewusste und systematische Auseinandersetzung mit Risiken und Chancen erforderlich. Daher ist es notwendig, dass in jedem Unternehmen organisatorische Regelungen zur Erkennung wesentlicher Risiken existieren, um Unsicherheiten der kunftigen Entwicklung rechtzeitig wahrzunehmen. Das KonTraG bildet die gesetzliche Grundlage fur die Ausgestaltung eines Risikomanagement (im folgenden kurz: RM), dessen Ziel in der bewussten und systematischen Berucksichtigung von Risiken bzw. Chancen liegt. Idealerweise wirkt ein in ein Unternehmen integriertes RM wie ein Nervensystem im menschlichen Organismus, das mit Hilfe von Sinnesorganen auf Veranderungen und Ereignisse rea
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