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This edited collection brings together internationally recognized experts in a range of areas of statistical science to honor the contributions of the distinguished statistician, Barry C. Arnold. A pioneering scholar and professor of statistics at the University of California, Riverside, Dr. Arnold has made exceptional advancements in different areas of probability, statistics, and biostatistics, especially in the areas of distribution theory, order statistics, and statistical inference. As a tribute to his work, this book presents novel developments in the field, as well as practical applications and potential future directions in research and industry. It will be of interest to graduate students and researchers in probability, statistics, and biostatistics, as well as practitioners and technicians in the social sciences, economics, engineering, and medical sciences.
Expert practical and theoretical coverage of runs and scans This volume presents both theoretical and applied aspects of runs and scans, and illustrates their important role in reliability analysis through various applications from science and engineering. Runs and Scans with Applications presents new and exciting content in a systematic and cohesive way in a single comprehensive volume, complete with relevant approximations and explanations of some limit theorems. The authors provide detailed discussions of both classical and current problems, such as:
Runs and Scans with Applications offers broad coverage of the subject in the context of reliability and life-testing settings and serves as an authoritative reference for students and professionals alike.
This book provides a fresh approach to reliability theory, an area that has gained increasing relevance in fields from statistics and engineering to demography and insurance. Its innovative use of quantile functions gives an analysis of lifetime data that is generally simpler, more robust, and more accurate than the traditional methods, and opens the door for further research in a wide variety of fields involving statistical analysis. In addition, the book can be used to good effect in the classroom as a text for advanced undergraduate and graduate courses in Reliability and Statistics.
The book is a selection of invited chapters, all of which deal with various aspects of mathematical and statistical models and methods in reliability. Written by renowned experts in the field of reliability, the contributions cover a wide range of applications, reflecting recent developments in areas such as survival analysis, aging, lifetime data analysis, artificial intelligence, medicine, carcinogenesis studies, nuclear power, financial modeling, aircraft engineering, quality control, and transportation. "Mathematical and Statistical Models and Methods in Reliability" is an excellent reference text for researchers and practitioners in applied probability and statistics, industrial statistics, engineering, medicine, finance, transportation, the oil and gas industry, and artificial intelligence.
Statistical methods have become an increasingly important and integral part of research in the health sciences. Many sophisticated methodologies have been developed for specific applications and problems. This self-contained volume, an outgrowth of an International Conference on Statistics in Health Sciences, covers a wide range of topics pertaining to new statistical methods in the health sciences. The chapters, written by leading experts in their respective fields, are thematically divided into the following areas: prognostic studies and general epidemiology, pharmacovigilance, quality of life, survival analysis, clustering, safety and efficacy assessment, clinical design, models for the environment, genomic analysis, and animal health. This comprehensive volume will serve the health science community as well as practitioners, researchers, and graduate students in applied probability, statistics, and biostatistics.
The purpose of this book is to honor the fundamental contributions to many different areas of statistics made by Barry Arnold. Distinguished and active researchers highlight some of the recent developments in statistical distribution theory, order statistics and their properties, as well as inferential methods associated with them. Applications to survival analysis, reliability, quality control, and environmental problems are emphasized.
The study of scan statistics and their applications to many different scientific and engineering problems have received considerable attention in the literature recently. In addition to challenging theoretical problems, the area of scan statis tics has also found exciting applications in diverse disciplines such as archaeol ogy, astronomy, epidemiology, geography, material science, molecular biology, reconnaissance, reliability and quality control, sociology, and telecommunica tion. This will be clearly evident when one goes through this volume. In this volume, we have brought together a collection of experts working in this area of research in order to review some of the developments that have taken place over the years and also to present their new works and point out some open problems. With this in mind, we selected authors for this volume with some having theoretical interests and others being primarily concerned with applications of scan statistics. Our sincere hope is that this volume will thus provide a comprehensive survey of all the developments in this area of research and hence will serve as a valuable source as well as reference for theoreticians and applied researchers. Graduate students interested in this area will find this volume to be particularly useful as it points out many open challenging problems that they could pursue. This volume will also be appropriate for teaching a graduate-level special course on this topic."
S. Panchapakesan has made significant contributions to ranking and selection and has published in many other areas of statistics, including order statistics, reliability theory, stochastic inequalities, and inference. Written in his honor, the twenty invited articles in this volume reflect recent advances in these areas and form a tribute to Panchapakesan 's influence and impact on these areas. Featuring theory, methods, applications, and extensive bibliographies with special emphasis on recent literature, this comprehensive reference work will serve researchers, practitioners, and graduate students in the statistical and applied mathematics communities.
This book provides a Mathematical Theory of Distributed Sensor Networks. It introduces the Mathematical & Computational Structure by discussing what they are, their applications and how they differ from traditional systems. It also explains how mathematics are utilized to provide efficient techniques implementing effective coverage, deployment, transmission, data processing, signal processing, and data protection within distributed sensor networks. Finally, it discusses some important challenges facing mathematics to get more incite to the multidisciplinary area of distributed sensor networks. -This book will help design engineers to set up WSN-based applications providing better use of resources while optimizing processing costs. -This book is highly useful for graduate students starting their first steps in research to apprehend new approaches and understand the mathematics behind them and face promising challenges. -This book aims at presenting a formal framework allowing to show how mathematical theories can be used to provide distributed sensor modeling and to solve important problems such as coverage hole detection and repair. -This book aims at presenting the current state of the art in formal issues related to sensor networking. It can be used as a handbook for different classes at the graduate level and the undergraduate level. It is self contained and comprehensive, presenting a complete picture of the discipline of optical network engineering including modeling functions, controlling quality of service, allocation resources, monitoring traffic, protecting infrastructure, and conducting planning. This book addresses a large set of theoretical aspects. It is designed for specialists in ad hoc and wireless sensor networks and does not include discusses on very promising areas such as homotopy, computational geometry, and wavelet transforms.
Parametric and semiparametric models are tools with a wide range of applications to reliability, survival analysis, and quality of life. This self-contained volume examines these tools in survey articles written by experts currently working on the development and evaluation of models and methods. While a number of chapters deal with general theory, several explore more specific connections and recent results in "real-world" reliability theory, survival analysis and related fields. Specific topics covered include: * non-parametric estimation of lifetimes of subjects exposed to radiation * statistical analysis of simultaneous degradation-mortality data with covariates of the aged * estimation of maintenance efficiency in semiparametric imperfect repair models * cancer prognosis using survival forests * short-term health problems related to air pollution: analysis using semiparametric generalized additive models * parametric models in accelerated life testing and fuzzy data * semiparametric models in the studies of aging and longevity This book will be of use as a reference text for general statisticians, theoreticians, graduate students, reliability engineers, health researchers, and biostatisticians working in applied probability and statistics.
Enrique Castillo is a leading figure in several mathematical and engineering fields. Organized to honor Castillo 's significant contributions, this volume is an outgrowth of the "International Conference on Mathematical and Statistical Modeling," and covers recent advances in the field. Applications to safety, reliability and life-testing, financial modeling, quality control, general inference, as well as neural networks and computational techniques are presented.
This volume dedicated to William Q. Meeker on the occasion of his sixtieth birthday is a collection of invited chapters covering recent advances in accelerated life testing and degradation models. The book covers a wide range of applications to areas such as reliability, quality control, the health sciences, economics and finance. Additional topics covered include accelerated testing and inference, step-stress testing and inference, nonparametric inference, model validity in accelerated testing, the point process approach, bootstrap methods in degradation analysis, exact inferential methods in reliability, dynamic perturbed systems, and degradation models in statistics. Advances in Degradation Modeling is an excellent reference for researchers and practitioners in applied probability and statistics, industrial statistics, the health sciences, quality control, economics, and finance.
Lognormal distributions are one of the most commonly studied models in the sta tistical literature while being most frequently used in the applied literature. The lognormal distributions have been used in problems arising from such diverse fields as hydrology, biology, communication engineering, environmental science, reliability, agriculture, medical science, mechanical engineering, material science, and pharma cology. Though the lognormal distributions have been around from the beginning of this century (see Chapter 1), much of the work concerning inferential methods for the parameters of lognormal distributions has been done in the recent past. Most of these methods of inference, particUlarly those based on censored samples, involve extensive use of numerical methods to solve some nonlinear equations. Order statistics and their moments have been discussed quite extensively in the literature for many distributions. It is very well known that the moments of order statistics can be derived explicitly only in the case of a few distributions such as exponential, uniform, power function, Pareto, and logistic. In most other cases in cluding the lognormal case, they have to be numerically determined. The moments of order statistics from a specific lognormal distribution have been tabulated ear lier. However, the moments of order statistics from general lognormal distributions have not been discussed in the statistical literature until now primarily due to the extreme computational complexity in their numerical determination."
This volume, which is completely dedicated to continuous bivariate dist- butions, describes in detail their forms, properties, dependence structures, computation, and applications. It is a comprehensive and thorough revision ofanearliereditionof"ContinuousBivariateDistributions, Emphasizing- plications" by T.P. Hutchinson and C.D. Lai, published in 1990 by Rumsby Scienti?c Publishing, Adelaide, Australia. It has been nearly two decades since the publication of that book, and much has changed in this area of research during this period. Generali- tions have been considered for many known standard bivariate distributions. Skewed versions of di?erent bivariate distributions have been proposed and appliedtomodeldatawithskewnessdepartures.Byspecifyingthetwocon- tional distributions, rather than the simple speci?cation of one marginal and one conditional distribution, several general families of conditionally spe- ?ed bivariate distributions have been derived and studied at great length. Finally, bivariate distributions generated by a variety of copulas and their ?exibility (in terms of accommodating association/correlation) and str- tural properties have received considerable attention. All these developments andadvancesnecessitatedthepresentvolumeandhavethusresultedinas- stantially di?erent version than the last edition, both in terms of coverage and topics of discussion.
This book offers a thorough and updated guide to the theory and methods of progressive censoring, an area that has experienced tremendous growth over the last decade. The theory has developed quite nicely in some special cases having practical applications to reliability and quality. The Art of Progressive Censoring is a valuable reference for graduate students, researchers, and practitioners in applied statistics, quality control, life testing, and reliability. With its accessible style and concrete examples, the work may also be used as a textbook in an advanced undergraduate or a beginning graduate course on censoring or progressive censoring, as well as a supplementary textbook for a course on ordered data.
The 37 expository articles in this volume provide broad coverage of important topics relating to the theory, methods, and applications of goodness-of-fit tests and model validity. The book is divided into eight parts, each of which presents topics written by expert researchers in their areas. Key features include: * state-of-the-art exposition of modern model validity methods, graphical techniques, and computer-intensive methods * systematic presentation with sufficient history and coverage of the fundamentals of the subject * exposure to recent research and a variety of open problems * many interesting real life examples for practitioners * extensive bibliography, with special emphasis on recent literature * subject index This comprehensive reference work will serve the statistical and applied mathematics communities as well as practitioners in the field.
Introducing the perfect, all-in-one primer on statistical distributions Statistical distributions, along with their properties and interrelationships, are a central part of advanced statistics. However, most statistics textbooks only devote a few chapters to basic statistical distributions–such as binomial, Poisson, exponential, and normal–and stop short of covering other important distributions geared toward upper-level statistics courses. That’s where A Primer on Statistical Distributions makes its mark. Specifically tailored to the introductory course on statistical distributions, this unmatched resource takes a more balanced, all-inclusive approach than similar texts. In page after page, you’ll find a valuable review of often-overlooked distributions, including geometric, negative binomial, hypergeometric, Pareto, beta, gamma, chi-square, logistic, Cauchy, Laplace, extreme value, multinomial, Dirichlet, and multivariate normal. A Primer on Statistical Distributions begins with an informative first chapter on preliminary notations, definitions, and the concepts that are necessary to work effectively with distributions. The basic topics covered in this introductory chapter include distribution types, generating functions, shape characteristics, entropy, random vectors, conditional distributions, and regressions. Subsequent chapters are divided into three parts: discrete distributions, continuous distributions, and multivariate distributions. Each chapter includes many skill-building exercises that provide a helpful review of the material just discussed. And the book also contains an appendix with engaging biographical sketches of some of the leading minds behind the development of statistical distributions theory. A Primer on Statistical Distributions is not only ideal for students and professionals in statistics, it can also benefit individuals in applied areas such as psychology, geography, economics, and engineering, and even professionals in need of a logically organized, comprehensive reference to statistical distributions. It all adds up to a text that no one utilizing statistical distributions should be without.
This is a volume consisting of selected papers that were presented at the 3rd St. Petersburg Workshop on Simulation held at St. Petersburg, Russia, during June 28-July 3, 1998. The Workshop is a regular international event devoted to mathematical problems of simulation and applied statistics organized by the Department of Stochastic Simulation at St. Petersburg State University in cooperation with INFORMS College on Simulation (USA). Its main purpose is to exchange ideas between researchers from Russia and from the West as well as from other coun tries throughout the World. The 1st Workshop was held during May 24-28, 1994, and the 2nd workshop was held during June 18-21, 1996. The selected proceedings of the 2nd Workshop was published as a special issue of the Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference. Russian mathematical tradition has been formed by such genius as Tchebysh eff, Markov and Kolmogorov whose ideas have formed the basis for contempo rary probabilistic models. However, for many decades now, Russian scholars have been isolated from their colleagues in the West and as a result their mathe matical contributions have not been widely known. One of the primary reasons for these workshops is to bring the contributions of Russian scholars into lime light and we sincerely hope that this volume helps in this specific purpose."
Sri Gopal Mohanty has made pioneering contributions to lattice path counting and its applications to probability and statistics. This is clearly evident from his lifetime publications list and the numerous citations his publications have received over the past three decades. My association with him began in 1982 when I came to McMaster Univer sity. Since then, I have been associated with him on many different issues at professional as well as cultural levels; I have benefited greatly from him on both these grounds. I have enjoyed very much being his colleague in the statistics group here at McMaster University and also as his friend. While I admire him for his honesty, sincerity and dedication, I appreciate very much his kindness, modesty and broad-mindedness. Aside from our common interest in mathematics and statistics, we both have great love for Indian classical music and dance. We have spent numerous many different subjects associated with the Indian music and hours discussing dance. I still remember fondly the long drive (to Amherst, Massachusetts) I had a few years ago with him and his wife, Shantimayee, and all the hearty discussions we had during that journey. Combinatorics and applications of combinatorial methods in probability and statistics has become a very active and fertile area of research in the recent past."
This is one of two volumes that sets forth invited papers presented at the International Indian Statistical Association Conference. This volume emphasizes advancements in methodology and applications of probability and statistics. The chapters, representing the ideas of vanguard researchers on the topic, present several different subspecialties, including applied probability, models and applications, estimation and testing, robust inference, regression and design and sample size methodology. The text also fully describes the applications of these new ideas to industry, ecology, biology, health, economics and management. Researchers and graduate students in mathematical analysis, as well as probability and statistics professionals in industry, will learn much from this volume.
At the International Indian Statistical Association Conference, held at McMaster University in Ontario, Canada, participants focused on advancements in theory and methodology of probability and statistics. This is one of two volumes containing invited papers from the meeting. The 32 chapters deal with different topics of interest, including stochastic processes and inference, distributions and characterizations, inference, Bayesian inference, selection methods, regression methods, and methods in health research. The text is ideal for applied mathematicians, statisticians, and researchers in the field.
This book highlights various theoretical developments on logistic distribution, illustrates the practical utility of these results, and describes univariate and multivariate generalizations of the distribution. It is useful for researchers, practicing statisticians, and graduate students.
First derived within the context of life-testing, inverse Gaussian distribution has become one of the most important and widely employed distributions, and is often used to model the lifetimes of components. It is also used as a model in many varied applications, including fatigue analysis, economic prediction analysis, and the analysis of extreme events such as rainfall and flood levels. The interesting features and properties of this distribution make it an important and realistic model in a variety of problems across numerous disciplines. Because of the broad range of applications, this handbook will be useful not only to members of the statistical community but will also appeal to applied scientists, engineers, econometricians, and anyone who desires a thorough evaluation of this important topic.
Statistical distributions are one of the most important applied mathematical tools across a wide spectrum of disciplines, including engineering, biological sciences, and health and social sciences. Since they are used to model observed data and ultimately to develop inferential procedures, understanding the properties of statistical distributions is critical to developing optimal inferential methods and validating the resulting model assumptions. Advances on Models, Characterizations and Applications offers up-to-date information on many recent developments in the field. Comprising fourteen self-contained chapters contributed by internationally renowned experts, this book delineates recent developments on characterizations and other important properties of several distributions, inferential issues related to these models, and several applications of the models to real-world problems. Each chapter is rich with references for further study or more in-depth information on each topic and reflects work presented at the International Conference on Advances on Characterizations, Models, and Applications held in Antalya, Turkey in December 2001. Advances on Models, Characterizations and Applications provides an updated account of important properties of statistical distributions that reflects their deep importance and broad application and is a welcome addition to the literature.
This new book offers a thorough guide to the theory and methods of progressive censoring for practitioners and professionals in applied statistics, quality control, life testing and reliability testing. In many industrial experiments involving lifetimes of machines or units, experiments have to be terminated early due to a variety of circumstances. Samples that arise from such experiments are called censored samples, and a new, efficient alternative method is referred to as "progressive censoring" (where the removal of live units at time of failure is employed). Progressive Censoring first introduces progressive sampling foundations, then discusses various properties of progressive samples. It also describes how to make exact or approximate inferences for the different statistical models with samples based on progressive censoring schemes. With many concrete examples, the book points out the greater efficiency gained by using this scheme instead of classical right-censoring methods. |
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