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This volume contains the results of research and development
connected with the creation oftelescopes intended for the new
regions of the spectrum mastered by astronomy: the x-ray,
submillimeter (far infrared), and radio regions. The creation of
x-ray, submillimeter, and radio telescopes and the receiver
apparatus connected with them is a complicated and, in many
respects, unusual problem. Therefore, the experience accumulated at
the Institute of Physics can prove useful to specialists working in
this field, This volume is intended for scientists, engineers, and
builders occupied in research and development in the fields of
x-ray, submillimeter, and radio astronomy as well as for students
of advanced courses in these specialties, V CONTENTS A Reflecting
X-Ray Telescope for an Orbital Astrophysical Station. * * * * * * *
* * 1 I. L, Beigman. L. A. Vainshtein, Yu. P. Voinov, D. A.
Goganov, N. I. Komyak, S. L. Mandel'shtam, I. P, Tindo, N, A,
Shatskii, and A. I. Shurygin Mirror Systems for X-Ray Telescopes. *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 13 I. L.
Beigman, L, A. Vainshtein, Yu. P. Voinov, and V. P, Shevel'ko
Extra-Atmospheric studies in the Submillimeter Range Using On-Board
Telescopes . . * . . * * * * * . . . * . . . * . * . . . * . . * .
* * . . . * * . . . * . . * * . 35 A. E. Salomonovich and A. s.
This collection contains survey articles dealing with the following
topics: The Mach principle and its role in the general theory of
relativity, the modern conception of the vacuum, new methods in the
theory of Lie group representations, the coherent state method and
its applica tion to physical problems, and the Newman-Penrose
method and its application to problems in general relativity
theory. v CONTENTS On the Problem of Singularity in the De Sitter
Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 v. K.
Mal'tsev and M. A. Markov On the Integral Formulation of the Mach
Principle in a Conformally Flat Space . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
9 v. K. Mal'tsev and M. A. Markov Canonical Transformations and the
Theory of Representations of Lie Groups . 25 A. N. Leznov, I. A.
Malkin, and V. I. Man'ko The Newman-Penrose Method in the Theory of
General Relativity. 73 V. P. Frolov vii ON THE PROBLEM OF
The de Sitter solution in no way corresponds to the case of a world
without matter, but corresponds rather to a world in which all
matter is concentrated on the surface r = IT /2 which could proba
bly be proved by taking the limit from a volume distri bution of
matter to a surface distribution 1]."
This anthology is devoted to the theoretical and experimental study
of coherent phenomena in quantum optics. Considerable attention is
devoted to the investigation of cooperative effects in multilevel
molecular and atomic systems. The theoretical analysis is based on
a single approach, using the theory of groups, which makes it
possible to present the results in a compact and physically elegant
form. The results of a detailed experimental and theoretical
investigation of the photon echo, self-induced transparency, and
nutation are presented. The theory of a coherent resonant mechanism
for the interaction of laser radiation with multi atomic molecules
which causes "prompt" dissociation is presented. A number of
applied pos sibilities, in particular, the control of radiation by
laser light and laser isotope separation, are analyzed.
This volume examines a timely problem in solid state physics, the
condensation of ex citons in semiconductors. The papers in this
volume describe a new approach to the study of exciton condensation
based on microwave-frequency conductivity and the breakdown of an
ex citon gas in a microwave field, an effect discovered by the
authors. These methods have been used in extensive studies of
germanium and have produced important new data about the con
densation process. In addition to the experimental data, a theory
is presented for the micro wave breakdown of excitons in the
presence of electron-hole droplets. Also included are three
articles devoted to the experimental aspects of low-temperature
semiconductor research. This volume will interest scientists and
engineers involved* with research in solid state physics. CONTENTS
Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 A. A. Manenkov
Microwave Studies of Exciton Condensation in Ge. * * * * * * * * *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 3 G. N. Mikhailova Microwave
Breakdown of Excitons and the Kinetics of Free Carriers and
Excitons in Germanium in the Presence of Electron-Hole Drops. * * *
* * * * * * * * * 37 A. A. Manenkov, V. A. Milyaev, G. N.
Mikhailova, V. A. Sanina, and A. S.
This volume, which comprises a collection of papers by leading
Soviet researchers, is devoted to topics in the luminescence of
semiconductors. An experimental check is made on a series of
predictions of the theory of ionization domains. A new low-voltage
luminescence of zinc sulfide is described and investigated and is
found to be due to a high-frequency electrical instability. A
detailed study of the electrical properties of the instability and
of the characteristics of the emission testifies to the
pre-breakdown character of the electroluminescence and to the
acousto electrical nature of the instability. The luminescence
excitation spectra of AIN crystals excited in the region of the
fundamental absorption contain lines belonging to excitons and
their phonon replicas. The symmetry of the electronic and
vibrational transitions corresponding to parts of these lines is
interpreted. The results of a study of the scattering of light by
electron - hole drops in germanium are cited. The results are
discussed on the basis of a theory of exciton condensation in which
allowance is made for the diffusion of excitons toward the surface
of the drops and for the surface tens ion of the electron - hole
liquid. This volume will be of interest to a wide range of
scientific workers, particularly those engaged in the study of
luminescence and physics of semiconductors. v CONTENTS The Theory
of Ionization Domains. Generalization and Experimental Check . . 1
M. V. Fok, E. V. Devyatykh, and E. Yu. L'vova Domain Luminescence
of Z inc Sulfide . . . . ."
This volume contains the results of many years of investigations of
pulse gas-discharge lasers carried out at the Optical Laboratory of
the Lebedev Physics Institute in Moscow. The two papers report
mainly experimental results obtained in studies of pulse lasers
utilizing translations in metals (Isaev and Petrash) and electronic
transitions in diatomic molecules (Kaslin and Petrash). Population
inversion mechanisms and the principal properties of the lasers are
considered. v CONTENTS Investigation of Pulse Gas-Discharge Lasers
Utilizing Atomic Transitions A. A. Isaev and G. G. Petrash
Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 l. Efficiency in a
Gas-Discharge Laser. * . * * * . . . . . * * * . . * * . * . . * .
* . * . 1 2. Review of the Literature * * * * * * * . * * * * * * .
. * * . . . * * * * . * * * * . * . . . * 4 Chapter I. Kinetics of
Output Power Saturation in a Three-Level System. * * * * * * * * 6
1. Level Populations and Saturated Power in a Three-Level System. *
* * * * * * * 7 2. Absence of Decay of Laser Levels. * * * * * * .
* * * * . * . * . * * * * * * * * * * * * * 8 3. Decay of Laser
Levels by Emission of Spontaneous Radiation. * * * * .
This volume reports investigations which form part of a major
series of theoretical and experimental studies being carried out in
the Laboratory of Low-Temperature Plasma Optics at the Lebedev
Physics Institute in Moscow. The papers give the results of
systematic investigations of the chemical composition and of the
electrical and optical properties of dis charge plasmas, and also
of populations of laser levels. Reliable and detailed information
is given on the dissociation of carbon dioxide gas in discharges;
the nature of the velocity dis tribution function, average
energies, and densities of electrons; and populations and
vibrational temperatures of molecules in cw CO and CO lasers. 2 The
material in this volume is intended for specialists in quantum
electronics and low temperature plasma diagnostics. v CONTENTS
Investigations of Physicochemical Properties of CO Laser Plasma 2
V. N. Ochkin Introduction . . . . . . 1 Chapter I Dissociation of
CO Molecules in a CO Laser Gas-Discharge Plasma. . . 3 2 2 1. Brief
Review of Investigations of Dissociation of CO in 2 Electrical
Discharges. . . . . . . . 3 2. Method for Determining Gas
Composition. . . . 6 3. Dissociation of CO in a Continuous-Flow
Laser System. . . . ."
This anthology includes articles on experimental studies of the
interaction of high-power electromag netic waves with collisionless
plasmas and with electrons. The nonlinear interaction of waves with
plasmas has been investigated both under free space conditions and
in waveguides. A study of secondary-emission dis charges was made
in order to ascertain their possible effect on measurements in
waveguides. The results presented here on the interaction of
high-power waves with plasmas and electrons are of interest to a
wide range of physicists and engineers concerned with various
questions on the interaction of electromagnetic radiation with
plasmas, including microwave heating of plasmas and laser fusion. v
CONTENTS An Experimental Investigation of Nonlinear Dissipation of
Electromagnetic Waves in Inhomogeneous Collisionless Plasmas - G.
M. Batanov and V. A. SHin........................... 1
Collisionless Absorption of Electromagnetic Waves in Plasmas and
"Slow" Nonlinear Phenomena - V. 1. Barinov, 1. R. Gekker, V. A.
Ivanov, and D. M. Karfidov. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 . .
. . Nonlinear Effects in the Propagation of Electron Plasma Waves
in an Inhomogeneous Plasma Layer - V. A. SHin
.............................. " .... .......... .. ...........
......... 53 A Study of Secondary-Emission Microwave Discharges
with Large Electron Transit Angles - L. V. Grishin, A. A.
Dorofeyuk, 1. A. Kossyi, G. S. Luk'yanchikov, and M. M. Savchenko .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
.............. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 . . .
This collection of papers describes investigations of luminescence
centers in II-VI crystal phosphors, ruby, and molecular crystals.
These investigations were carried out using spec troscopy in a wide
range of wavelengths, electron paramagnetic resonance, and
polarization methods. The relationship between the thermal and
optical depths of electron traps is con sidered specifically. The
articles in this collection should be of interest to all scientists
investigating the luminescence of solids. v CONTENTS Investigation
of the Spectral-Luminescence Properties of Ruby as Active Laser
Medium V. B. Neustruev Introduction . 1 Chapter I. Spectral
Distribution of Luminescence Quantum Efficiency and Absorption
Spectra . . " . . 5 Chapter II. Phosphorescence of Ruby. Energy
Band Scheme. . . . 12 Chapter III. Color Centers in Ruby. . . 16
Chapter IV."
Nonlinear Optics Of Semiconductor Lasers.