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A simplified approach to Malliavin calculus adapted to Poisson
random measures is developed and applied in this book. Called the
"lent particle method" it is based on perturbation of the position
of particles. Poisson random measures describe phenomena involving
random jumps (for instance in mathematical finance) or the random
distribution of particles (as in statistical physics). Thanks to
the theory of Dirichlet forms, the authors develop a mathematical
tool for a quite general class of random Poisson measures and
significantly simplify computations of Malliavin matrices of
Poisson functionals. The method gives rise to a new explicit
calculus that they illustrate on various examples: it consists in
adding a particle and then removing it after computing the
gradient. Using this method, one can establish absolute continuity
of Poisson functionals such as Levy areas, solutions of SDEs driven
by Poisson measure and, by iteration, obtain regularity of laws.
The authors also give applications to error calculus theory. This
book will be of interest to researchers and graduate students in
the fields of stochastic analysis and finance, and in the domain of
statistical physics. Professors preparing courses on these topics
will also find it useful. The prerequisite is a knowledge of
probability theory.
Many recent advances in modelling within the applied sciences and
engineering have focused on the increasing importance of
sensitivity analyses. For a given physical, financial or
environmental model, increased emphasis is now placed on assessing
the consequences of changes in model outputs that result from small
changes or errors in both the hypotheses and parameters. The
approach proposed in this book is entirely new and features two
main characteristics. Even when extremely small, errors possess
biases and variances. The methods presented here are able, thanks
to a specific differential calculus, to provide information about
the correlation between errors in different parameters of the
model, as well as information about the biases introduced by
non-linearity. The approach makes use of very powerful mathematical
tools (Dirichlet forms), which allow one to deal with errors in
infinite dimensional spaces, such as spaces of functions or
stochastic processes. The method is therefore applicable to
non-elementary models along the lines of those encountered in
modern physics and finance. This text has been drawn from
presentations of research done over the past ten years and that is
still ongoing. The work was presented in conjunction with a course
taught jointly at the Universities of Paris 1 and Paris 6. The book
is intended for students, researchers and engineers with good
knowledge in probability theory.
The subject of this book is analysis on Wiener space by means of
Dirichlet forms and Malliavin calculus. There are already several
literature on this topic, but this book has some different
viewpoints. First the authors review the theory of Dirichlet forms,
but they observe only functional analytic, potential theoretical
and algebraic properties. They do not mention the relation with
Markov processes or stochastic calculus as discussed in usual books
(e.g. Fukushima s book). Even on analytic properties, instead of
mentioning the Beuring-Deny formula, they discuss carre du champ
operators introduced by Meyer and Bakry very carefully. Although
they discuss when this carre du champ operator exists in general
situation, the conditions they gave are rather hard to verify, and
so they verify them in the case of Ornstein-Uhlenbeck operator in
Wiener space later. (It should be noticed that one can easily show
the existence of carre du champ operator in this case by using
Shigekawa s H-derivative.) In the part on Malliavin calculus, the
authors mainly discuss the absolute continuity of the probability
law of Wiener functionals. The Dirichlet form corresponds to the
first derivative only, and so it is not easy to consider higher
order derivatives in this framework. This is the reason why they
discuss only the first step of Malliavin calculus. On the other
hand, they succeeded to deal with some delicate problems (the
absolute continuity of the probability law of the solution to
stochastic differential equations with Lipschitz continuous
coefficients, the domain of stochastic integrals
(Ito-Ramer-Skorokhod integrals), etc.). This book focuses on the
abstract structure of Dirichlet forms and Malliavin calculus rather
than their applications. However, the authors give a lot of
exercises and references and they may help the reader to study
other topics which are not discussed in this book. Zentralblatt
Math, Reviewer: S.Kusuoka (Hongo)"
A simplified approach to Malliavin calculus adapted to Poisson
random measures is developed and applied in this book. Called the
"lent particle method" it is based on perturbation of the position
of particles. Poisson random measures describe phenomena involving
random jumps (for instance in mathematical finance) or the random
distribution of particles (as in statistical physics). Thanks to
the theory of Dirichlet forms, the authors develop a mathematical
tool for a quite general class of random Poisson measures and
significantly simplify computations of Malliavin matrices of
Poisson functionals. The method gives rise to a new explicit
calculus that they illustrate on various examples: it consists in
adding a particle and then removing it after computing the
gradient. Using this method, one can establish absolute continuity
of Poisson functionals such as Levy areas, solutions of SDEs driven
by Poisson measure and, by iteration, obtain regularity of laws.
The authors also give applications to error calculus theory. This
book will be of interest to researchers and graduate students in
the fields of stochastic analysis and finance, and in the domain of
statistical physics. Professors preparing courses on these topics
will also find it useful. The prerequisite is a knowledge of
probability theory.
Die international agierenden FinanzmArkte werden im Zeitalter
der Globalisierung fA1/4r unser Wirtschaftssystem immer wichtiger.
Sie bestimmen die industrielle und kommerzielle Entwicklung, sie
beeinflussen immer stArker auch die Politik ganzer Nationen. Aber
von welchen Prinzipien werden die FinanzmArkte ihrerseits gelenkt?
Verhalten sie sich chaotisch, oder werden sie von einer Logik
bestimmt, die analysiert werden kann? Mit der Finanzmathematik ist
tatsAchlich ein solches Lenkungssystem entstanden. Seit vor 30
Jahren P.A. Samuelson den Nobelpreis fA1/4r seine
finanzmathematischen Entwicklungen erhalten hat, hat das Fach
Einzug gehalten in die Welt des Geldes. Denn von da an bediente
sich die Finanzwelt fA1/4r ihre GeschAfte mathematischer Werkzeuge
im groAen Stil. Es entstanden neue Deckungsverfahren und
Risikoberechnungen, in deren Folge eine ganze Palette neuer
Finanzprodukte entwickelt wurde.
Nicolas Bouleau, Mathematikprofessor an einer der groAen
Ingenieurschulen Frankreichs und seit zehn Jahren selbst an den
mathematischen Forschungen beteiligt, berichtet A1/4ber diese
Entwicklungen. Dabei beschrAnkt er sich nicht auf die
wirtschaftliche Seite, sondern zeigt in ganz grundsAtzlicher Weise
auf, welche Querverbindungen von der Welt der Spielhallen A1/4ber
die BArsen bis hin zu physikalischen Modellen der Zufallsprozesse
wie der Brownschen Bewegung bestehen. Bouleau erlAutert ferner das
stochastische Integral nach Ito und zeigt in einer auch dem Laien
verstAndlichen Form, wie sich aus diesen Grundlagen die moderne
Finanzwissenschaft entwickelt hat.
Wer einen Einblick in die Welt der internationalen FinanzmArkte und
ihrer Funktionsmechanismen erhalten will, muA dieses Buch
This richly illustrated book is an exploration of how chance and
risk, on the one hand, and meaning or significance on the other,
compete for the limelight in art, in philosophy, and in science. In
modern society, prudence and probability calculation permeate our
daily lives. Yet it is clear for all to see that neither cautious
bank regulations nor mathematics have prevented economic crises
from occurring time and again. Nicolas Bouleau argues that it is
the meaning we assign to an event that determines the perceived
risk, and that we generally turn a blind eye to this important
fact, because the word "meaning" is itself awkward to explain. He
tackles this fundamental question through examples taken from
cultural fields ranging from painting, architecture, and music, to
poetry, biology, and astronomy. This enables the reader to view
overwhelming risks in a different light. Bouleau clarifies that the
most important thing in a time of uncertainty is to think of
prudence on a higher level, one that truly addresses the various
subjective interpretations of the world.
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