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The 1980s have witnessed the mass migration of developing
countries and the erstwhile socialist nations to market-based
economic systems. The reality is that limited finance has been a
formidable barrier to these countries' growth and development.
Moreover, they need to rely on their internal sources as external
funds are not easily forthcoming. This book identifies four sources
of internal finance--tax policies, capital markets, specialized
financial institutions (such as development banks), and
privatization of the public sector. It examines the conceptual
foundations, operating and theoretical issues, as well as strategic
considerations relating to these sources.
In Part I, Kumar surveys and synthesizes theories of economic
development and growth. He concludes by pointing out that these
theories have ignored the importance of financial factors, i.e.
markets and institutions. Part II, which relates to the internal
sources of development finance, begins by examining tax policies.
The author surveys the conceptual foundations of financial
intermediation and then examines the role of capital markets and
specialized financial institutions. Finally, the privatization of
the public sector is seen as a special case of intermediation. The
book clearly identifies the interrelationships among the internal
sources of finance. Efficient financial intermediation is seen as
the key to the growth and development of these nations. Ideal as a
required text in courses in development finance and economics, this
book is an important resource for consultants, professionals in the
field of development, and government officials.
change has emerged as one of the predominant global concerns of the
21st century. Statistics show that the average surface temperature
of the Earth has increased by about 1.18 DegreesC since the late
19th century and the sea levels are rising due to the melting of
glaciers. Further rise in the global temperature will have dire
consequences for the survival of humans on the planet Earth. There
is a need to monitor climatic data and associated drivers of
changes to develop sustainable planning. The anthropogenic
activities that are linked to climate change need scientific
evaluation and must be curtailed before it is too late. This book
contributes significantly in the field of sustainable natural
resource management linked to climate change. Up to date research
findings from developing and developed countries like India,
Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Sri Lanka and the USA have been
presented through selected case studies covering different thematic
areas. The book has been organised into six major themes of
sustainable natural resource management, determinants of forest
productivity, agriculture and climate change, water resource
management and riverine health, climate change threat on natural
resources, and linkages between natural resources and
biotic-abiotic stressors to develop the concept and to present the
findings in a way that is useful for a wide range of readers. While
the range of applications and innovative techniques is constantly
increasing, this book provides a summary of findings to provide the
updated information. This book will be of interest to researchers
and practitioners in the field of environmental sciences, remote
sensing, geographical information system, meteorology, sociology
and policy studies related to natural resource management and
climate change.
Sustainable Agriculture Systems and Technologies A robust treatment
of traditional and new techniques in sustainable agriculture In
Sustainable Agriculture Systems and Technologies, a team of
distinguished researchers delivers an up-to-date and comprehensive
exploration of sustainable agriculture and its relationship to the
drivers of climate change. Along with robust examinations of food
security and the agrarian livelihood, the book covers the impact of
climate change and variability on agriculture, water management in
agricultural systems, and precision agriculture. This book
represents a significant contribution to the scientific
understanding of the application of technologies that address food
insecurity and climate change through sustainable productivity,
system diversification, irrigation practices, crop modeling, data
analytics, and agricultural policy. It also explores the risks and
benefits of different agricultural systems under changing climate
scenarios. The book also offers: A thorough introduction to
agriculture and food security, including the diversification of
ecosystems and the impact of Covid-19 lockdowns on food security
and smallholder agricultural systems Comprehensive explorations of
crop diversification and the impacts of climate variability on food
security in Indonesia Practical discussions of water conservation
agriculture and the quality of irrigation water for sustainable
agriculture development in India In-depth examinations of
geoinformatics, artificial intelligence, sensor technology, and big
data Perfect for academics, scientists, environmentalists, and
environmental consultants, Sustainable Agriculture Systems and
Technologies will also earn a place in the libraries of computing
experts working in the field of agricultural science.
This book has been documented with the aim to include those
fundamentals of 'Hydraulic Machines' which are necessary at
graduate level engineering courses of any University. Basic
hydraulics is extensively used in various applications in industry,
construction, mining and marine engineering. The subject is part of
graduate level engineering courses in mechanical, civil, mining,
and marine engineering studies worldwide. Most of the literature,
however, is either written with a commercial objective to promote
the sale of the manufacturers or is theoretically too advanced for
comprehension by graduate level engineering students. The rapid
advancement in design, miniaturization, metallurgy, and hydraulic
fluid characteristics has stimulated the demand for an elementary
book, explaining fundamentals. Readers are supposed to be familiar
with the elementary fluid mechanics, and basics of gears, piston,
crank, and different levers. This book includes those fundamentals
of fluid transmission of power that are necessary in graduate
mechanical engineering, civil engineering, mining engineering, and
marine engineering courses of any university.
Publisher's Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are
not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or
access to any online entitlements included with the product. THE
AND TECHNOLOGY OF CONCRETEThis thoroughly updated edition contains
new information on: Recently built construction projects worldwide
Shrinkage-reducing admixtures Self-consolidating concrete, pervious
concrete, internal curing, and other cutting-edge innovations
Modeling of ice formation and alkali-aggregate reaction in concrete
Environmental impact of concrete Each chapter begins with a preview
of the contents and ends with a self-test and a guide for further
reading. More than 300 drawings and photographs illustrate the
topics discussed in this definitive text on concrete. Comprehensive
coverage includes: Microstructure of concrete Strength Dimensional
stability Durability Hydraulic cements Aggregates Admixtures
Proportioning concrete mixtures Concrete at early age
Nondestructive methods Progress in concrete technology Advances in
concrete mechanics Global warming and concrete in the future