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Master's Thesis from the year 2004 in the subject Politics -
International Politics - Topic: Peace and Conflict Studies,
Security, grade: 2 (B), University of Kent (Brussels School of
International Studies), 64 entries in the bibliography, language:
English, abstract: Although the world stood united behind America
when the dust of the collapsed twin towers of the World Trade
Centre settled, differences between the United States and Europe
soon became apparent. Europe might have supported the US in
Afghanistan, both politically and militarily, but diverging
interests already became apparent when the US sidelined NATO and
preferred to lead 'Operation Enduring Freedom' itself. The dispute
escalated over the US plans to continue the war on terror in Iraq.
Here, it emerged that the US and Europe do not share the same world
view. While the US seem to perceive the world in Hobbesian terms,
and believe that military strength is the only means to achieve
security, Europe appears to understand security in the Kantian
sense and believes that 'perpetual peace' can be achieved. The
question that divided Europe and the US over Iraq then is more than
a simple difference of opinion but reflects a deep philosophical
division: Can global security be achieved by force or through
sustained dedication to a set of normative principles implemented
by the world community? Consequently, the counterterrorism
strategies formulated in Europe and the US are of a fundamentally
different nature, which cannot be explained merely by the
discrepancy in military capabilities. If that would be the case,
Europe would have begun to build up its military potential by now.
Acknowledging that "terrorism has become one of the most pressing
political problems," (David Whittaker) the aim of this paper is to
compare the US and the European approach to global terrorism,
establish reasons for the differences and evaluate which approach
might be more effective. As September 11, has changed our
perception of secur
Essay from the year 2004 in the subject Politics - International
Politics - Region: Western Europe, grade: 2+ (B), University of
Kent (Brussels School of International Studies), language: English,
abstract: Six years after the Good Friday Agreement was signed and
after a promising, although troubled start of the institutional
framework it has put in place, Northern Ireland is, following the
suspension of devolution on 14 October 2002, yet again under direct
rule from Westminster. Centuries of conflict, decades of violent
troubles and diametrically opposed demands of the groups involved
make the Northern Ireland question to one of the most difficult
conflicts of our time. Nevertheless, there was genuine optimism
both among the parties involved and the international community
that the Agreement would succeed and resolve the conflict. However,
in the political reality of Northern Ireland, the Agreement soon
reached its limits, and people realised that it takes more than an
assembly and a power-sharing executive to overcome Ulster's
deep-rooted sectarian divisions. Internal disagreement in the
unionist and nationalist camps over the direction the Agreement is
likely to take them and the still unresolved question of IRA
weapons decommissioning leave the future of the Agreement in
serious doubt. The Agreement has been widely acknowledged as being
consociational and consistent with the four principles of
power-sharing identified by Lijphart. This paper will thus also
discuss the theoretical foundation of the Agreement. Here, it will
particularly focus on the role of the voting system (Single
Transferable Vote) employed for the Assembly elections, which is
unusual for consociational models. This paper will conclude that
the Agreement is undeniably a major breakthrough. Even if the
Agreement itself does not solve the conflict, by creating a
prolonged period of peace in which political dialogue can take
place, it could be a vital step towards a future settlement. But is
Essay from the year 2003 in the subject Law - European and
International Law, Intellectual Properties, grade: 1 (A),
University of Kent (Kent Law School), 12 entries in the
bibliography, language: English, comment: UN Security Council
Resolution 1441 and international law in the justification of the
Iraq war., abstract: International law provides for a general
prohibition of the use or the threat of use of force to settle
international disputes. Only very few exceptions from this rule
exist and are clearly defined in the UN Charter. The question must
thus be, if resolution 1441 constitutes such an exception of the
rule and thus authorises the use of force against Iraq. A close
examination of the resolution shall therefore be the starting point
of this discussion. However, it must be said that the wording of
any Security Council resolution is subject to individual
interpretation. A second step must thus be to apply rules for the
interpretation of Security Council resolutions if such rules exist
at all. It appears that only very little authoritative guidelines
to the interpretation of Security Council resolutions exist and
that thus the only reliable source of guidance is previous
interpretations. Those promoting direct intervention in Iraq
without a further resolution refer to NATO bombings of Kosovo.
Similarly to the present situation in Iraq, the Security Council
did not explicitly authorise the use of force in that case either.
Later, the international community claimed that because no
agreement could be reached in the Security Council, military action
without Security Council authorisation was necessary in order to
prevent genocide. The argument being of course, that a legitimate
aim could justify the use of illegal means. The question whether
direct intervention in Iraq can be legitimate on the basis of
resolution 1441 seems to be a much broader question, which embraces
moral and ethical considerations, too. Unfortunately, a discussion
of the moral and et
Bachelor Thesis from the year 2003 in the subject Politics -
International Politics - Topic: Miscellaneous, grade: 1 (A),
University of Kent (Department of Politics and International
Relations), 35 entries in the bibliography, language: English,
abstract: Numerous societies who are in a transition period between
an authoritarian regime and democracy face the question of how to
deal with their past. In most cases the option to forget what has
happened and to concentrate only on the future is neither possible
nor desired by the people. For many the choice is between setting
up a truth commission and dealing with the perpetrators of gross
human rights violations in special or conventional courts. Before
discussing the South African and the German examples, part one of
this paper examines the different concepts of justice proposed by
the two mechanisms of dealing with the past. Part two then focuses
on the South African experience to deal with the atrocities of the
apartheid regime by means of the Truth and Reconciliation
Commission. The commission's approach on how to deal with the past
will be discussed alongside both its achievements and shortcomings.
The controversial debate about the TRC's policy to grant amnesty
for perpetrators of gross human rights violations in return for the
truth shall be a central feature of this part. The German
experience and the International Military Tribunal (IMT) at
Nuremberg are the topics of part three. One of the most important
achievements of the IMT certainly was its impact on international
law. For the first time in history, although this was not the
primary aim of the tribunal, 'crimes against humanity' were part of
the allegations against the defendants. On the other hand, the IMT
was criticized heavily for constituting victors' justice and
therefore its judgement was argued to be illegitimately imposed.
Finally, part four compares the two mechanisms, truth commissions
and trials or military tribunals, and seeks to point out th
Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2012 im Fachbereich Politik -
Internationale Politik - Region: Naher Osten, Vorderer Orient,
Note: 2,00, Universitat Passau (Lehrstuhl fur Politikwissenschaft),
Veranstaltung: PS Innenpolitik Israels, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract:
Die vorliegende Arbeit soll Theorie und Praxis der Wasserversorgung
in Israel und den Palastinensischen Autonomiegebieten vergleichen
und deren Konfliktpotenzial abschatzen. Hierbei gilt es, die
Hypothese zu uberprufen, dass die aktuelle Vorgehensweise Israels
in der Wasserpolitik in mehrfacher Hinsicht Konfliktpotenzial fur
die Zukunft in sich birgt. Als theoretischer Rahmen dieser Arbeit
soll hierbei die Kategorisierung der Konfliktkategorien in der
Wasserpolitik von Kurt R. SPILLMANN dienen, welcher drei Typen von
Wasserkonflikten unterscheidet.1 Dem folgt eine geologische
Beschreibung der Wasservorkommen auf israelischem Gebiet2 und deren
Nutzung durch Israel und die Palastinensischen Autonomiegebiete.
Anschliessend wird die gultige Rechtslage im Umgang mit den
Nachbarstaaten und in Bezug auf das Westjordanland und den
Gazastreifen erlautert, um im Folgenden die Kennzeichen
israelischer Wasserpolitik aufzuzeigen. Darauf aufbauend werden die
Folgen des Wassermangels in den Palastinensischen Autonomiegebieten
fur beide Seiten aufgezeigt, um Ruckschlusse vom Wasser- auf den
Nahostkonflikt zu ziehen. Schlussendlich wird die Gefahr eines
Wasserkrieges knapp diskutiert
Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2011 im Fachbereich Romanistik -
Spanische Sprache, Literatur, Landeskunde, Note: 1,00, Universitat
Passau (Professur fur Romanische Sprach- und Kulturwissenschaft),
Veranstaltung: PS Ausgewahlte Phanomene der spanischen Grammatik,
Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Die vorliegende Arbeit hat zum Ziel,
die zumeist auf Einzelaspekte des Themas fokussierten Darstellungen
in der Literatur zu bundeln, um sowohl eine verstandliche und
geordnete Ubersicht uber die Anredepronomen im peninsularen
Spanisch zu geben, als auch tiefer ins Detail zu gehen als dies die
meisten Standardgrammatiken leisten. Daher soll im Folgenden
zunachst eine Ubersicht uber das der Anrede zugrunde liegende
Pronominalsystem gegeben und anschliessend dessen historische
Entwicklung aufgezeigt werden. Kernstuck dieser Abhandlung ist die
Frage nach der Verwendung der Pronomen, also nach Situationen, in
denen typischerweise geduzt oder gesiezt wird. Zudem werden in
diesem Zusammenhang Faktoren aufgezeigt und systematisiert, welche
diese Entscheidung beeinflussen sowie knapp regionale
Besonderheiten erlautert. Schlussendlich soll die Frage beantwortet
werden, ob es eine richtige" und eine falsche" Verwendung der
Anredepronomen in der spanischen Sprache im Sinne einer
abschliessenden Normierung gibt. Hierbei wird der Fokus der
Untersuchungen jeweils auf dem Spanischen der iberischen Halbinsel
Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2012 im Fachbereich Politik -
Internationale Politik - Thema: Frieden und Konflikte, Sicherheit,
Note: 2,00, Universitat Passau (Lehrstuhl fur Politikwissenschaft),
Veranstaltung: HS Internationaler Terrorismus, Sprache: Deutsch,
Abstract: Die vorliegende Arbeit soll der sicherheitspolitisch
bedeutsamen Frage nachgehen, ob die funf zentralasiatischen Staaten
nach dem Abzug der ISAF aus Afghanistan selbst in der Lage sind,
fur die Sicherheit der Region zu sorgen. Hierbei soll ausgehend von
der Hypothese, dass die zentralasiatischen Staaten einen
fruchtbaren Nahrboden fur islamisch-fundamentalistische Bewegungen
bieten, eine Analyse der Merkmale zentralasiatischer Staatlichkeit
erfolgen. In einem ersten Teil wird der islamische Fundamentalismus
ideologisch mithilfe dessen zentraler Elemente eingeordnet.
Anschliessend wird die Bedeutung des Dschihad als Element der
muslimischen Glaubenspflichten dargestellt. Dem folgt die
ideologische Genese des gewaltbereiten Islamismus bis zu seiner
heutigen Dschihad-Ideologie. Der zweite Teil der Arbeit befasst
sich analytisch mit den Kennzeichen zentralasiatischer
Staatlichkeit, um das Potenzial der funf Staaten fur gewaltbereite
islamistische Bewegungen abzuschatzen. Ein erster Teil befasst sich
mit ungelosten Regionalkonflikten in und zwischen den
zentralasiatischen Staaten und der schwierigen Beziehung zum
angrenzenden afghanisch-pakistanischen Grenzgebiet. Dem folgt eine
Darstellung der fragilen Staatlichkeit der Prasidialsysteme, welche
exemplarisch anhand des System Karimov" in Usbekistan aufgezeigt
und auf die anderen Staaten transferiert wird. Hierbei wird auch
die Rolle der Staatlichkeit bei der viel zitierten islamischen
Wiedergeburt" nach dem Ende des Sowjetkommunismus dargestellt und
hierbei auch speziell auf das Ferghana-Tal als Zentrum der Region
eingegangen. Abschliessend werden die Elemente zentralasiatischer
Terrorismusbekampfung erlautert, um zu uberprufen, wie effektiv
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