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Vir Kix het alles verander toe daar eendag ’n pragtige wit berghond by hulle aankom. Hy maak vriende met die geheimsinnige hond, wat hy Tom noem. Tom hou daarvan om heeltyd by Kix te wees en dit is vir hom lekker om gedurig gestreel te word. Maar Kix is bekommerd, want se nou net die eienaar wil Tom terughe? Tydens ’n spanningsvolle nag moet Kix bewys hoe lief hy vir sy hond is. Hierdie boek is gebaseer op ’n ware verhaal. Toe Edward van de Vendel by familie in Kanada was, het daar 'n groot, wit hond uit die niet verskyn. Die avontuur wat hulle met die hond beleef het, staan nou in hierdie boek.
“Pappa!” roep Johannes. “Pappa, kyk net!”. “Stil!” roep meneer Blom. “Ek kry nie gewerk nie!”. “Maar jy moet kyk, Pappa,” se Nella Della. Sy hou haar hand ’n bietjie stywer om die mannetjie sodat hy nie kan ontsnap nie. Meneer Blom kyk. “Wat is dit?” vra hy effens knorrig, asof hy vies is dat hulle hom oor so ’n kleinigheid pla. “Is dit ’n kabouter? Kabouters bestaan nie. Dit is dus onmoontlik. Los my nou dat ek kan werk.” ’n Kabouter is dit nie, maar ’n wiplala met die naam Wiplala. En Wiplala kan toor, of soos hy dit noem ‘tinkel’. Die enigste probleem is dat Wiplala dit soms regkry om te tinkel en soms nie. Wanneer hy die Blom-gesin net so klein maak soos hy, is dit die begin van ’n opwindende avontuur. Die Bloms wonder egter of hulle ooit weer normale mense sal word!. Wiplala verskyn oorspronklik in 1957 in Nederlands. Dit is uit die pen van die bekende Nederlandse kinderboekskrywer Annie M.G. Schmidt. Die boek word in verskeie tale vertaal (onder meer Duits, Fins, Engels en selfs Japannees). In 2014 verskyn daar ook ’n film wat gebaseer is op die boek.
A second title about this loveable character who never quite manages to keep up with his classmates. School stories with the essential feel-good factor. Spider is always saying and doing the wrong thing: he forgets the punchlines to his own jokes; he daydreams in class; he always has odd socks on; and he even gets into a muddle over his party invitations. He may be a hopeless case, but is the most lovable of children and usually turns out to be the hero. Three stories in one book: in the first, Spider's class visits a doughnut factory but instead of a doughnut, Spider decides to make a doughnut man. In the second story, Spider's class as doing a project on the USA. Everyone is supposed to come to schools dressed as a cowboy, but Spider decides to be Geronimo. In the third story, it's Spider's birthday and he makes and gives out invitations - but for the wrong day!
Build your child's reading confidence at home with books at the right level Everyone at Parkfield School thinks that Spider McDrew is a hopeless case. He is always muddling things up and saying or doing the wrong thing. In this story, his class visit the local museum to learn about life in Roman times. As usual, Spider's mind wanders and he finds himself in the wrong part of the museum looking at other things instead! Copper/Band 12 books provide more complex plots and longer chapters that develop reading stamina. Text type - A humorous story. Pages 30 and 31 show the artefacts that caught Spider's eye, providing an opportunity to recap the story. Curriculum links - History: Romans, Ancient Egypt; Art and Design: Investigating patterns. Another great story about the lovable Spider McDrew. by Alan Durant. This book has been quizzed for Accelerated Reader.
Build your child's reading confidence at home with books at the right level Spider McDrew gets the chance to play for the Parkfield school football team, in the end-of-season cup draw. As usual though, things are not plain sailing for Spider who lets his side down by giving away a crucial penalty kick. Poor Spider is a pitiful sight as he stands on the touchline all alone. Then, he is asked to take one last corner kick. Topaz/Band 13 books offer longer and more demanding reads for children to investigate and evaluate. Text type - A humorous story with a familiar setting. A reader response page provides lots of opportunities for speaking and listening and scaffolding writing. Curriculum links - ICT: Combining text and graphics; PSHE: Developing good relationships. This is the second SpiderMcDrew tale by Alan Durant and Philip Hopman. This book has been quizzed for Accelerated Reader.
Spider McDrew is so busy dreaming, he's often one step behind everyone else. But Spider does have a special talent for surprises. Whether playing football or performing in the school play or raising funds for the nature garden, Spider always turns out to be the hero! 'Three heartwarming stories about this lovable child who's just that little bit different.'
An inviting book about resolving conflicts. Bobby and William aren't quite sure how the argument started, but it escalates until William gets so frustrated he tells Bobby to leave. Bobby does just that, hopping on his bike and furiously riding away. As he travels through the city and into the country-side, though, he begins to calm down. Maybe William had a point after all? Bobby bikes back into town, hoping William will for-give him, and discovers that he's not the only one who wants to apologize.With mesmerizing illustrations reminiscent of Richard Scarry, this vibrant book offers a sensitive, realistic portrayal of a conflict ...and a compromise.
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