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Primary immunodeficiency diseases, first recognized 60 years ago,
are inherited disorders that affect human adaptive and innate
immunity. In most cases, affected individuals experience recurrent
infections, but they may also suffer from autoimmune diseases and
malignancies. This third edition of Primary Immunodeficiency
Diseases provides readers with the historic and scientific
background, clinical presentations, immunologic characteristics,
and the molecular/genetic underpinnings of this rapidly enlarging
class of diseases. With up-to-date diagnostic tools and therapeutic
options - from prophylactic anti-infective measures to
hematopoietic stem cell transplantation and gene therapy - this
volume will remain an authoritative resource on this increasingly
important area.
Here come the library babies, ready to give you a tour of their
favourite local library! There's no place more magical than a
library, where adventures can be had both inside the pages of a
book and out. Here you can find hidden nooks for reading, encounter
new worlds during story time, and take the big step of signing up
for your very first library card. From puppet shows to getting to
take out towering stacks of books to enjoy at home, this joyful
board book teaches every child that through books and libraries,
the possibilities are endless. And the fun doesn't end there:
Library Babies includes oodles of activities and educational
reading tips to help parents enjoy the book with their children
over and over again!
This research and teaching volume has been composed in honour of
Rosalie Tung, a distinguished institution builder, thought leader
and educator in the field of international business (IB). The
volume addresses Rosalie Tung's main research focus in a career
that has already spanned several decades, namely the analysis of
distance facing multinational enterprises (MNEs), with a focus on
state-of-the-art conceptual and fact-based empirical developments
in the realm of cultural and institutional distance elements. The
impact of distance on international business transactions and
operations remains ill-understood. How should distance be
conceptualized? Which dimensions of distance should be considered?
Is distance always a cost, or can it sometimes confer value? This
twelfth volume in the Progress in International Business Research
series presents extensive accounts of the contemporary scientific
debate on how to assess the impacts of distance, both negative and
positive ones, on the conduct of international business. This
volume covers five dimensions related to the concept, cost and
value of distance, in International business: * The concept of
distance * The cost of cultural and psychic distance * The cost of
institutional distance * The value of distance * Alternative lenses
for IB research
*Winner of the Opera Prima Bologna Ragazzi Prize 2020* A stylish
and funny search-and-find adventure with a twist, packed with
twin-sister mischief. The store is a riot of dots and stripes,
patterns and checks, so it's not easy to find one little girl in a
spotty dress. Children will love finding Harriet on every page as
the madcap chase moves from the fashion floor to home furnishings
and into the toy department. More and more people join in until at
last naughty Harriet is reunited with her family. Jam-packed with
action and details to find and spot, Where Is Your Sister? is a
strikingly confident debut from Puck Koper. Her blue, red and black
artwork is printed in eye-catching pantone inks, and her remarkable
eye for composition and funny characters marks her out as a talent
to watch.
The relationship between politics and law in the early People's
Republic of China was highly contentious. Periods of intentionally
excessive campaign justice intersected with attempts to carve out
professional standards of adjudication and to offer retroactive
justice for those deemed to have been unjustly persecuted. How were
victims and perpetrators defined and dealt with during different
stages of the Maoist era and beyond? How was law practiced,
understood, and contested in local contexts? This volume adopts a
case study approach to shed light on these complex questions. By
way of a close reading of original case files from the grassroots
level, the contributors detail procedures and question long-held
assumptions, not least about the Cultural Revolution as a period of
Kaum ein Unternehmen ist nicht von internationalem Wettbewerb
betroffen. Exporte, internationale Direktinvestitionen und
multinationale Unternehmen sind nicht nur Schlagworte die sich
taglich in den Medien finden, die Auswirkungen internationaler
Unternehmensaktivitat beeinflussen auch erheblich die
betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung. Dieser Sammelband bietet einen
Uberblick uber aktuelle Ansatze, Theorien und empirische Studien zu
diesen Themen. Geschrieben von renommierten Wissenschaftlern und
erfahrenen Praktikern macht das Buch den Leser in kompakter und
kompetenter Weise mit den aktuellen Trends auf diesen Gebieten
Offering unique, comprehensive coverage of both basic science and
clinical scenarios, Clinical Immunology: Principles and Practice,
6th Edition, brings you up to date with every aspect of this
fast-changing field. It examines the molecular, cellular, and
immunologic bases of immunologic diseases and their broader
systemic implications; it also includes complete coverage of common
and uncommon immunologic disorders. Updated with all the latest
immunologic research and clinical implications, including
breakthrough immunotherapies and molecular-based treatment
protocols, this fully revised edition provides authoritative
guidance from some of the most respected global leaders in
immunology in one complete, well-illustrated volume. Includes
extensive revisions that reflect rapidly expanding research and
clinical advances, including breakthrough drug and immunotherapies
such as immune checkpoint inhibitors, immunotherapies for cancer,
precision medicine, and transfusion medicine. Contains new chapters
on COVID-19, immune responses, and the role of the immune system;
immunoregulatory deficiencies; immune checkpoints; CAR T cells,
including new cellular-based immunotherapy; gene therapy, including
CRISPR and gene selection; and a clinically focused chapter on
asthma. Provides new genetics content focused on data applications.
Addresses notable advances in key areas such as the importance of
the microbiota to normal immune system development and to the
pathogenesis of immunologic and inflammatory diseases;
relationships between the innate and adaptive immune systems;
progress in rapid and cost-effective genomics; cell signaling
pathways and the structure of cell-surface molecules; and many
more. Covers hot topics such as the role of genetics and genomics
in immune response and immunologic disease, atherosclerosis,
recurrent fever syndromes, aging and deficiencies of innate
immunity, the role of microbiota in normal immune system
development and in the pathogenesis of immunologic and inflammatory
diseases, and novel therapeutics. Features a user-friendly format
with color-coded boxes highlighting critical information on Key
Concepts, Clinical Pearls, Clinical Relevance, and Therapeutic
Principles. Summarizes promising research and development
anticipated over the next 5-10 years with "On the Horizon" boxes
and discussions of translational research. An eBook version is
included with purchase. The eBook allows you to access all of the
text, figures and references, with the ability to search, customize
your content, make notes and highlights, and have content read
The relationship between politics and law in the early People's
Republic of China was highly contentious. Periods of intentionally
excessive campaign justice intersected with attempts to carve out
professional standards of adjudication and to offer retroactive
justice for those deemed to have been unjustly persecuted. How were
victims and perpetrators defined and dealt with during different
stages of the Maoist era and beyond? How was law practiced,
understood, and contested in local contexts? This volume adopts a
case study approach to shed light on these complex questions. By
way of a close reading of original case files from the grassroots
level, the contributors detail procedures and question long-held
assumptions, not least about the Cultural Revolution as a period of
New York Baby (Board book)
Puck; Illustrated by Violet Lemay, Gabriele Tafuni
Discovery Miles 2 320
Save R35 (13%)
Ships in 10 - 15 working days
New York babies don't just say "Mama" - they say "MoMA"! And they
know all of the important shapes, like pizza and bagels and
pretzels. In New York Baby, diverse babies act as the guides,
showcasing where they live and play in the big city while providing
an authentic tour of all things local in this colorful board book.
From famed attractions to iconic sights, this educational and
entertaining read captures the essence of what it means to live in
and visit New York City. The last spread offers tips for activities
to enjoy on every page of the book, from finding hidden objects to
pointing to shapes and letters, allowing the book to be read over
and over again!
A board book that celebrates two of our favourite things:
bookstores and babies!
The brutality and racial hatred exhibited by Japan's military
during the Pacific War piqued outrage in the West and fanned
resentments throughout Asia. Public understanding of Japan's
wartime atrocities, however, often fails to differentiate the
racial agendas of its military and government elites from the
racial values held by the Japanese people. While not denying
brutalities committed by the Japanese military, Honored and
Dishonored Guests overturns these standard narratives and
demonstrates rather that Japan's racial attitudes during wartime
are more accurately discerned in the treatment of Western civilians
living in Japan than the experiences of enemy POWs. The book
chronicles Western communities in wartime Japan, using this body of
experiences to reconsider allegations of Japanese racism and racial
hatred. Its bold thesis is borne out by a broad mosaic of stories
from dozens of foreign families and individuals who variously
endured police harassment, suspicion, relocation, starvation,
denaturalization, internment, and torture, as well as extraordinary
acts of charity. The book's account of stranded Westerners-from
Tokyo, Yokohama, and Kobe to the mountain resorts of Karuizawa and
Hakone-yields a unique interpretation of race relations and wartime
life in Japan.
The second edition of Primary Immunodeficiency Diseases presents
discussions of gene identification, mutation detection, and
clinical and research applications for over 100 genetic immune
disorders - disorders featuring an increased susceptibility to
infections and, in, certain conditions, an increased rate of
malignancies and autoimmune disorders. Since the publication of the
first edition, a flurry of new disease entities has been defined
and new treatment regimens have been introduced, the most
spectacular being successful treatment by gene therapy for two
genotypes of combined immunodeficiency. The first edition marked a
historic turning point in the field of immunodeficiencies,
demonstrating that many of the disorders of the immune system could
be understood at a molecular level. This new edition can proudly
document the tremendous pace of progress in dissecting the complex
immunologic networks responsible for protecting individuals from
these disorders.
The journey starts in a sunny day in New York City and ends on a
beautiful San Francisco night with stops in Mexico City, Rio de
Janeiro, London, Paris, Cape Town, Cairo, Beijing, and Tokyo. These
friendly babies welcome us to their cities with delightful
greetings in their original language (with English translations) in
a simple narration that will appeal to any global mini citizen.
Es vergeht kaum ein Tag, an dem die Medien nicht uber die
dynamische Wirtschaftsentwicklung in China berichten. Ein
Engagement in China muss jedoch sorgfaltig gepruft werden, da
schleppende Genehmigungsverfahren, Patent- und
Markenrechtsverletzungen, Probleme mit lokalen Zulieferern oder
interkulturelle Managementkonflikte an der Tagesordnung sind. In
diesem Buch werden die Bedingungen fur auslandische Unternehmen in
China anhand zahlreicher Praxisbeispiele dargestellt und konkrete
Entscheidungshilfen fur die Planung und Durchfuhrung eines
betrieblichen Engagements gegeben. Im Mittelpunkt stehen
unterschiedliche Strategien des Markteintritts und der
Marktbearbeitung, die Gestaltung von Organisation,
Personalmanagement und Controlling sowie die Beziehungen zur
staatlichen Administration. Das Buch, das auf der langjahrigen
Beratung und Untersuchung deutscher Firmen basiert, richtet sich
sowohl an Unternehmen, die gegenwartig ein Engagement in China
prufen, als auch an solche, die bereits vor Ort prasent sind. Dirk
Holtbugge ist Professor fur Internationales Management an der
Universitat Erlangen-Nurnberg, Jonas Puck ist dort
wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter. Beide haben langjahrige Erfahrungen
in der Beratung und Evaluierung von deutschen Unternehmen, die in
China investieren.
This wide-ranging collection seeks to reassess conventional
understanding of Japan’s Asia-Pacific War by defamiliarizing and
expanding the rhetorical narrative. Its nine chapters, diverse in
theme and method, are united in their goal to recover a measured
historicity about the conflict by either introducing new areas of
knowledge or reinterpreting existing ones. Collectively, they cast
doubt on the war as familiar and recognizable, compelling readers
to view it with fresh eyes. Following an introduction that
problematizes timeworn narratives about a "unified Japan" and its
"illegal war" or "race war," early chapters on the destruction of
Japan’s diplomatic records and government interest in an
egalitarian health care policy before, during, and after the war
oblige us to question selective histories and moral judgments about
wartime Japan. The discussion then turns to artistic/cultural
production and self-determination, specifically to Osaka rakugo
performers who used comedy to contend with state oppression and to
the role of women in creating care packages for soldiers abroad.
Other chapters cast doubt on well-trod stereotypes (Japan’s lack
of pragmatism in its diplomatic relations with neutral nations and
its irrational and fatalistic military leadership) and examine
resistance to the war by a prominent Japanese Christian
intellectual. The volume concludes with two nuanced responses to
race in wartime Japan, one maintaining the importance of racial
categories while recognizing the "performance of Japaneseness," the
other observing that communities often reflected official
government policies through nationality rather than race.
Contrasting findings like these underscore the need to ask new
questions and fill old gaps in our understanding of a historical
event that, after more than seventy years, remains as provocative
and divisive as ever. Defamiliarizing Japan’s Asia-Pacific War
will find a ready audience among World War II historians as well as
specialists in war and society, social history, and the growing
fields of material culture and civic history.
I. Kapitel Einleitung und Problemstellung . . . . . . . 11 1.
Simulation und Unternehmungsspiel 11 2. Ziele der Untersuchung . .
. . . . 15 11. Kapitel Zur Konstruktion von Absatzmarktsimulatoren
. . . . . 18 1. Begriff und Arten von Absatzmarktsimulatoren 18 1.
1. Eigangsgrossen. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 1. 2.
Ausgangsgrossen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 2.
Absatzmarktsimulatoren in Unternehmungsspielen 20 2. 1. Der Ansatz
von Selten . . . . . . . . . . 21 2. 2. Der Absatzmarktsimulator
von Vance . . . . . . 22 2. 3. Die Simulation des Absatzmarktes bei
Shubik 24 2. 4. Absatzmarktsimulatoren und die Nachfrage im
Oligopol 27 3. Anforderungen an die Eigenschaften von Absatzmar-
simulatoren in Unternehmungsspielen . . . . . . . . . 30 4.
Vorschlage zur Verbesserung von Absatzmarktsimulatoren 32 4. 1.
Systeme linearer Nachfragefunktionen . . . . . . . . . 35 4. 2. Ein
Redistributionsalgorithmus fur Absatzmarktsimu- toren . . . . . . .
. . . . . 37 4. 2. 1 Zwei Spezialfalle: Angebotsmonopol und -duopol
38 4. 2. 1. 1 Das Angebotsmonopol 38 4. 2. 1. 2 Das Angebotsduopol
. . . . . 40 4. 2. 2 Defmition des Verfahrens . . . 52 4. 2. 3 .
Einige wichtige Eigenschaften des Redistributionsverf- rens . . . .
. . . . . . . . . 56 4. 3. Erweiterung des Verfahrens . . . . . 60
4. 3. 1 Mehrproduktuntemehmungen . . . . 60 4. 3. 2 Behandlung der
Falle x1(t) = 0 . . . 61 Weitere nachfrage wirksame Parameter 4. 3.
3 62 4. 3. 4 Ansatze zur Dynamisierung des Absatzmarktsimulators 64
4. 3. 4. 1 Befriedigung des Nachfrageuberhangs . . . . . . . . 64
4. 3. 4. 2 Dynamisierung von Aktionsparameterwirkungen 66 4. 4.
Zusammenfassung der Rechenschritte zu einem Flussd- gramm . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 5 III. Kapitel 73 Ein
spezielles Unternehmungsspielmodell 73 1. Defmition des Algorithmus
73 1. 1. Das Modell der Unternehmungen Der Absatzmarktsimulator 75
1. 2. Die Verknupfung der Unternehmungsmodelle mit dem Ab 1. 3."
Marcel Broodthaers filled his twelve-year artistic career with more
ideas and works than most artists manage in a lifetime. This career
began in 1964, following a period of more than two decades
labouring in some obscurity as a poet in the Belgian Surrealist
circle of Rene Magritte and Paul Nouge. He also wrote articles on
art during these years, including early critiques of Pop art.
Traversing media freely - from installation and sculpture to
artist's books, prints, film and writings - Broodthaers embodied
the `post- media artist' for whom any form could be recruited in
the service of a larger conception. Those conceptions included
institutional critique (of which he is a pioneer), art-historical
critique, pastiche and philosophical-linguistic puzzles. Edited by
Broodthaers' daughter Marie-Puck, and with a range of both classic
and never-before-seen works, a biography, exhibition chronology and
a selected bibliography, this volume is the largest and most
authoritative Broodthaers monograph ever published.
Angeregt durch die in Firmendruckschriften und wissenschaftlichen
Arbeiten enthaltenen Hinweise auf die gunstigen
Festigkeits-Gewichts-Verhaltnisse glas faserverstarkter
Kunststoffe, haben sich schon haufig Leichtbaukonstrukteure die
Frage vorgelegt, ob nicht viele der bisher aus Metall oder Holz
gefertigten Bauteile vorteilhaft aus Glasfaserkunststoff
hergestellt werden konnten, zumal die technologischen Eigenarten
der Glasfaserkunststoffe Ersparnisse an Betriebs mitteln und
Lohnkosten in Aussicht stellen. Ein Grund dafur, dass trotzdem die
Anwendung von Glasfaserkunststoff als tragender Werkstoff in
hochbeanspruchten Konstruktionsteilen, beispielsweise im Fahrzeug-
und Flugzeugbau, bisher auf Einzelfalle beschrankt blieb, liegt
anscheinend darin, dass dem Konstrukteur keine garantierten
Festigkeitswerte oder zulassigen Spannungen angegeben werden
konnen, wie er es bei der Ver wendung von Halbzeugen aus
metallischem Werkstoff gewohnt ist. Die Festig keit von Holzern
kann zwar auch erheblichen Schwankungen unterliegen, jedoch konnen
durch eine Eingangskontrolle im Festigkeitslabor des Betriebes die
Eigenschaften einer Holzlieferung eingegrenzt werden und dem
Konstrukteur somit zumindest ungefahre Festigkeitswerte des zur
Verarbeitung gelangenden Werkstoffes an die Hand gegeben werden. Im
Gegensatz dazu entsteht die Festigkeit des Glasfaserkunststoffes
erst bei der Fertigung des Bauteiles. Die Festigkeit des
Glasfaser-Kunstharz-Verbundstoffes wird beeinflusst durch die Art
des Fasermaterials und des Kunstharzbindemittels, die
anteilmassigen Mengen beider Stoffe, die Orientierung der Fasern,
die Variablen des Hartungsprozesses und noch manche andere
Verarbeitungsbedingungen. Eine Kontrolle der mecha nischen
Eigenschaften ist demzufolge nur noch an Probeabschnitten moglich,
die dem fertigen Bauteil entnommen werden, oder an solchen Proben,
die unter sorgfaltiger Beachtung aller Einflussgrossen unter
gleichen Bedingungen wie das Bauteil selbst hergestellt werden."
The brutality and racial hatred exhibited by Japan's military
during the Pacific War piqued outrage in the West and fanned
resentments throughout Asia. Public understanding of Japan's
wartime atrocities, however, often fails to differentiate the
racial agendas of its military and government elites from the
racial values held by the Japanese people. While not denying
brutalities committed by the Japanese military, Honored and
Dishonored Guests overturns these standard narratives and
demonstrates rather that Japan's racial attitudes during wartime
are more accurately discerned in the treatment of Western civilians
living in Japan than the experiences of enemy POWs. The book
chronicles Western communities in wartime Japan, using this body of
experiences to reconsider allegations of Japanese racism and racial
hatred. Its bold thesis is borne out by a broad mosaic of stories
from dozens of foreign families and individuals who variously
endured police harassment, suspicion, relocation, starvation,
denaturalization, internment, and torture, as well as extraordinary
acts of charity. The book's account of stranded Westerners-from
Tokyo, Yokohama, and Kobe to the mountain resorts of Karuizawa and
Hakone-yields a unique interpretation of race relations and wartime
life in Japan.
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