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Proleptic Pedagogy (Hardcover)
Sondra Higgins Matthaei, Nancy R. Howell
Discovery Miles 8 690
Save R156 (15%)
Ships in 10 - 15 working days
This is a critical analysis of the Titanic as modern myth, focusing
on the second of the two Titanics. The first was the physical
Titanic, the rusting remains of which can still be found 12,000
feet below the north Atlantic. The second is the mythical Titanic
which emerged just as its tangible predecessor slipped from view on
15 April 1912. It is the second of the two Titanics which remains
the more interesting and which continues to carry cultural
resonances today. The book begins with the launching of the
"unsinkable ship" and ends with the outbreak of the "war to end all
wars". It provides an insight into the particular culture of late
Edwardian Britain and beyond this draws far greater conclusions
about the complex relationship between myth, history, popular
culture and society as a whole.
A study of controversy in the arts, and the extent to which such
controversies are socially rather than just aesthetically
conditioned. The collection pays special attention to the vested
interests and the social dynamics involved, including class,
religion, culture, and - above all - power.
A Critical Theory of Creativity argues that a Utopian drive is
aesthetically encoded within the language of form. But coupled with
this opportunity comes a very human obligation which cannot be
delegated to God, to nature or to market forces. As Ernst Bloch
declared: 'Life has been put into our hands.'
Thermal Radiation: An Introduction is a complete textbook for a
one-semester introductory graduate course on radiative energy
transfer. It bridges the gap between a basic introduction and
comprehensive coverage of thermal radiation, focusing on insight
into radiative transfer as practiced by engineers. Covering
radiative transfer among surfaces, with an introduction to the
effects of participating media between surfaces, the book includes
surface and medium property characteristics and solutions to the
radiative transfer equation in simple geometries. * Tailored and
organized specifically to suit a one-semester graduate course in
radiative heat transfer. * Emphasis is placed on insight into
radiative transfer as practiced by engineers. * Discusses how
radiation is incorporated into finite element analysis (FEA) codes.
The textbook is intended for instructors and graduate students in a
first-year course on radiative heat transfer or advanced heat
transfer. Supplementary resources for students and instructors are
available online.
Austin, Texas (Hardcover)
Karen Thompson, Kathy R. Howell, Kathy Howell
Discovery Miles 7 100
Ships in 12 - 17 working days
This book examines ways in which formerly prosperous regions can
renew their economy during and after a period of industrial and
economic recession. Using New York's Capital Region (i.e., Albany,
Troy, Schenectady, etc.) as a case study, the authors show how
entrepreneurship, innovation, investment in education, research and
political collaboration are critical to achieving regional success.
In this way, the book provides other regions and nations with a
real-life model for successful economic development. In the past
half century, the United States and other nations have seen an
economic decline of formerly prosperous regions as a result of new
technology and globalization. One of the hardest-hit United States
regions is Upstate New York or "the Capital Region"; it experienced
a demoralizing hemorrhage of manufacturing companies, jobs and
people to other regions and countries. To combat this, the region,
with the help of state leaders, mounted a decades-long effort to
renew and restore the region's economy with a particular focus on
nanotechnology. As a result, New York's Capital Region successfully
added thousands of well-paying, skill-intensive manufacturing jobs.
New York's success story serves as a model for economic development
for policy makers that includes major public investments in
educational institutions and research infrastructure; partnerships
between academia, industry and government; and creation of
frameworks for intra-regional collaboration by business,
government, and academic actors. Featuring recommendations for best
practices in regional development policy, this book is appropriate
for scholars, students, researchers and policy makers in regional
development, innovation, R&D policy, economic development and
economic growth.
This comprehensive compendium provides a rigorous framework to
tackle the daunting challenges of designing correct and efficient
algorithms. It gives a uniform approach to the design, analysis,
optimization, and verification of algorithms. The volume also
provides essential tools to understand algorithms and their
associated data structures.This useful reference text describes a
way of thinking that eases the task of proving algorithm
correctness. Working through a proof of correctness reveals an
algorithm's subtleties in a way that a typical description does
not. Algorithm analysis is presented using careful definitions that
make the analyses mathematically rigorous.
The seventh edition of this classic text outlines the fundamental
physical principles of thermal radiation, as well as analytical and
numerical techniques for quantifying radiative transfer between
surfaces and within participating media. The textbook includes
newly expanded sections on surface properties, electromagnetic
theory, scattering and absorption of particles, and near-field
radiative transfer, and emphasizes the broader connections to
thermodynamic principles. Sections on inverse analysis and Monte
Carlo methods have been enhanced and updated to reflect current
research developments, along with new material on manufacturing,
renewable energy, climate change, building energy efficiency, and
biomedical applications. Features: Offers full treatment of
radiative transfer and radiation exchange in enclosures. Covers
properties of surfaces and gaseous media, and radiative transfer
equation development and solutions. Includes expanded coverage of
inverse methods, electromagnetic theory, Monte Carlo methods, and
scattering and absorption by particles. Features expanded coverage
of near-field radiative transfer theory and applications. Discusses
electromagnetic wave theory and how it is applied to thermal
radiation transfer. This textbook is ideal for Professors and
students involved in first-year or advanced graduate
courses/modules in Radiative Heat Transfer in engineering programs.
In addition, professional engineers, scientists and researchers
working in heat transfer, energy engineering, aerospace and nuclear
technology will find this an invaluable professional resource. Over
350 surface configuration factors are available online, many with
online calculation capability. Online appendices provide
information on related areas such as combustion, radiation in
porous media, numerical methods, and biographies of important
figures in the history of the field. A Solutions Manual is
available for instructors adopting the text.
This book is dedicated to those individuals in the U.S. Government
who have begun to recognize the full implications of the challenge
which this country confronts in microelectronics race, and who are
beginning to take steps to deal with that challenge.
This book presents a study of the trade objectives and strategies
of Japan, Germany, South Korea, Taiwan, Brazil and the European
Community, and of the implications of the policies for both the US
and the international trading system of the 1990s.
The problems of the U.S. steel industry have been a source of
public controversy for over twenty years. The industry has grown
substantially smaller since the 1960s and hundreds of thousands of
steelworkers have lost their jobs. Some steel firms and many steel
mills have shut down entirely,profoundly affecting regional
economies based on steel and its related industries. An industrial
transformation of this magnitude has inevitably given rise to
efforts to identify its underlying causes. This book is a
contribution to that effort.
This book presents a study of the trade objectives and strategies
of Japan, Germany, South Korea, Taiwan, Brazil and the European
Community, and of the implications of the policies for both the US
and the international trading system of the 1990s.
This is a book about how to read visual images: from fine art to
photography, film, television and new media. It explores how
meaning is communicated by the wide variety of texts that inhabit
our increasingly visual world. But, rather than simply providing
set meanings to individual images, Visual Culture teaches readers
how to interpret visual texts with their own eyes. While the first
part of the book takes readers through differing theoretical
approaches to visual analysis, the second part shifts to a
medium-based analysis, connected by an underlying theme about the
complex relationship between visual culture and reality. Howells
and Negreiros draw together seemingly diverse methodologies, while
ultimately arguing for a polysemic approach to visual analysis. The
third edition of this popular book contains over fifty
illustrations, for the first time in colour. Included in the
revised text is a new section on images of power, fear and
seduction, a new segment on video games, as well as fresh material
on taste and judgement. This timely edition also offers a glossary
and suggestions for further reading. Written in a clear, lively and
engaging style, Visual Culture continues to be an ideal
introduction for students taking courses in visual culture and
communications in a range of disciplines, including media and
cultural studies, sociology, and art and design.
This is a book about how to read visual images: from fine art to
photography, film, television and new media. It explores how
meaning is communicated by the wide variety of texts that inhabit
our increasingly visual world. But, rather than simply providing
set meanings to individual images, Visual Culture teaches readers
how to interpret visual texts with their own eyes. While the first
part of the book takes readers through differing theoretical
approaches to visual analysis, the second part shifts to a
medium-based analysis, connected by an underlying theme about the
complex relationship between visual culture and reality. Howells
and Negreiros draw together seemingly diverse methodologies, while
ultimately arguing for a polysemic approach to visual analysis. The
third edition of this popular book contains over fifty
illustrations, for the first time in colour. Included in the
revised text is a new section on images of power, fear and
seduction, a new segment on video games, as well as fresh material
on taste and judgement. This timely edition also offers a glossary
and suggestions for further reading. Written in a clear, lively and
engaging style, Visual Culture continues to be an ideal
introduction for students taking courses in visual culture and
communications in a range of disciplines, including media and
cultural studies, sociology, and art and design.
A Critical Theory of Creativity argues that a Utopian drive is
aesthetically encoded within the language of form. But coupled with
this opportunity comes a very human obligation which cannot be
delegated to God, to nature or to market forces. As Ernst Bloch
declared: 'Life has been put into our hands.'
Why does the story of the Titanic retain such a hold on the popular
imagination, one hundred years after it sank on the night of 15
April 1912? In this new centenary edition, Howells explores the
myths around the Titanic legend, showing what they reveal about the
culture of their time, as well as the role that myth still plays in
our lives today.
A study of controversy in the arts, and the extent to which such
controversies are socially rather than just aesthetically
conditioned. The collection pays special attention to the vested
interests and the social dynamics involved, including class,
religion, culture, and - above all - power.
Das mit dem vorliegenden Teil 3 abgeschlossene dreib{ndige Werk
liefert eineausf}hrliche und vollst{ndige Beschreibung der
W{rme}bertragung durch Strahlung. Es zeichnet sich durch eine
detaillierte Ableitung der Gesetze f}r den W{rme}bergang durch
Strahlung, eine sorgf{ltige Darstellung der Bedingungen, denen die
Strahlungsgesetze unterliegen, und zahlreiche erl{uternde Beispiele
und Aufgaben aus. Band 3 behandelt die W{rme}bertragung von
absorbierenden, emittierenden und streuenden Medien. Das Buch
wendet sich nicht nur an Studenten der h-heren Semester, sondern
vor allem an den planenden Ingenieur zur Fortbildung und zum
Der Warmeubergang durch Strahlung hat in den letzten Jahren
erheblich an Bedeutung gewonnen, vor allem durch die
Raumfahrttechnik, Sonnenenergiegewinnung, Energiesparmassnahmen
usw. Dieser Band der Reihe enthalt die theoretischen Grundlagen der
Temperaturstrahlung, eine eingehende Behandlung des "idealen
Strahlers" - des Schwarzen Korpers -, die klassische
elektromagnetische Theorie, insoweit sie zur Berechnung der
Strahlungseigenschaften von Leitern und Nichtleitern herangezogen
werden kann, Materialeigenschaften - speziell der Oberflache - und
deren gezielte Beeinflussung werden beschrieben. An den deutschen
Hochschulen wird dieses Gebiet jedoch kaum ausfuhrlich behandelt.
Das Buch soll daher sowohl den Studenten als die Vorlesung
begleitendes Lehrbuch als auch dem planenden Ingenieur und
Praktiker als Lehrbuch zum Selbststudium und als Nachschlagewerk
dienen. Durchgerechnete Beispiele sollen helfen, die Theorie mit
der Praxis zu verbinden."