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About the Contributor(s): Rene Gehring is Pastor and Assistant
Lecturer. He holds two PhDs in the fields of theology (New
Testament) and history (Jewish History), and received an MA in
Ancient History and Classics. He published several theological
articles and is author of a book about the Jewish religious parties
of the New Testament era.
Master's Thesis from the year 2009 in the subject History - World
History - Early and Ancient History, grade: 1,0, University of
Salzburg, language: English, abstract: As the title indicates, this
treatise explores the field of Jewish sexual ethics. It is not
intended to research all the areas associated with this topic, but
to select those realms which best explain the concrete negative
attitudes of Jewish society, particularly in the first century CE,
towards sexuality. While a very brief introduction provides an
interesting background about the pagan (i.e. Greek/Roman) views on
Jews, Judaism and Jewish sexuality - as far as the few sources
allow - the main chapters are dealing with the following different
perspectives: (1)Jewish profane literature (2)Different Jewish
sects (schools), including the early Christian "sect" (3)Jewish
Holy Scripture, including the later rabbinic (Mishnaic)
legislations These differing views on that important topic allow to
differentiate between some Jewish "mainstream" practice or
understanding and the various facets in different groups or
authors. The early Christian "sect" as given in the NT scriptures
is included as well as the Mishnaic legislation in order to
demonstrate the two most lasting and durable streams of perception.
Both survived until nowadays in the Jewish and Christian
communities, which differ quite a lot in legal regulations but
still have the same basis as given in the Hebrew Scriptures. By
researching, combining, and commenting the numerous Jewish
Scriptures, this thesis finally explains what is to be understood
by the term "sexual sin" supported by some basic principles,
although it has not been possible to investigate every aspect of
that huge field. Thus, the goal of providing a well based
reasonable argumentation as a foundation of understanding Jewish
thinking and practice, especially in the most interesting and
"restless" first century CE, is reached quite comprehensively.
Magisterarbeit aus dem Jahr 2008 im Fachbereich Philosophie -
Philosophie der Antike, Note: Sehr gut, Universitat Salzburg
(Kultur- und Gesellschaftswissenschaftliche Fakultat), 170 Quellen
im Literaturverzeichnis, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Flavius
Josephus als "judischer Romer" und zugleich Historiker, gibt in
seinen Werken mehrfach Berichte uber die drei "philosophischen
Schulen" der Juden: Essener, Pharisaer und Sadduzaer. Am Rande
nennt er auch Abspaltungen der Hauptrichtungen, u.a. jene, die zum
Judischen Krieg (66-70/73 n. Chr.) fuhrte. In dieser Arbeit wird
(nach einer Einfuhrung zu den politisch-gesellschaftlichen
Hintergrunden des Imperium Romanum und des damaligen Judentums) das
Selbstverstandnis des Josephus bzgl. seiner Person, seinem Leben
und seinen Werken untersucht, was den Hintergrund zu seinen
Darstellungen der drei Schulen bildet. Es werden schliesslich alle
Texte in seinen Werken untersucht, die sich mit den Schulen und
deren Vertretern befassen und eine Charakterisierung sowohl der
darstellerischen Absichten, als auch der Sekten an sich
ermoglichen. Abschliessend wird eine Interpretation des typisch
josephischen Verstandnisses der judischen "Philosophie" der
verschiedenen Schulen gegeben und in diesem Zusammenhang ist auch
eine Interpretation seiner historiographischen Absichten dem
judischen Volk gegenuber moglic
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