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Mathematical Models in Biology is an introductory book for readers
interested in biological applications of mathematics and modeling
in biology. A favorite in the mathematical biology community since
its first publication in 1988, the book shows how relatively simple
mathematics can be applied to a variety of models to draw
interesting conclusions. Connections are made between diverse
biological examples linked by common mathematical themes. A variety
of discrete and continuous ordinary and partial differential
equation models are explored. Although great advances have taken
place in many of the topics covered, the simple lessons contained
in the book are still important and informative. Shortly after its
publication, the genomics revolution turned Mathematical Biology
into a prominent area of interdisciplinary research. In this new
millennium, biologists have discovered that mathematics is not only
useful, but indispensable! As a result, there has been much
resurgent interest in, and a huge expansion of, the fields
collectively called mathematical biology. This book serves as a
basic introduction to concepts in deterministic biological
Provides a mathematically rigorous introduction to the fundamental
ideas of modern statistics for readers without a calculus
background. It is the only book at this level to introduce readers
to modern concepts of hypothesis testing and estimation, covering
basic concepts of finite, discrete models of probability and
elementary statistical methods. Although published in 1970, it
maintains a modern outlook, especially in its emphasis on models
and model building and also by its coverage of topics such as
simple random and stratified survey sampling, experimental design,
and nonparametric tests and its discussion of power. The book
covers a wide range of applications in manufacturing, biology, and
social science, including demographics, political science, and
sociology. Each section offers extensive problem sets, with
selected answers provided at the back of the book. Among the topics
covered that readers may not expect in an elementary text are
optimal design and a statement and proof of the fundamental
(Neyman-Pearson) lemma for hypothesis testing.
This unique book addresses advanced linear algebra from a
perspective in which invariant subspaces are the central notion and
main tool. It contains comprehensive coverage of geometrical,
algebraic, topological, and analytic properties of invariant
subspaces. The text lays clear mathematical foundations for linear
systems theory and contains a thorough treatment of analytic
perturbation theory for matrix functions.
Offers an alternative to the 'rote' approach of presenting standard
categories of differential equations accompanied by routine problem
sets. The exercises presented amplify and provide perspective for
the material, often giving readers opportunity for ingenuity.
Little or no previous acquaintance with the subject is required to
learn usage of techniques for constructing solutions of
differential equations in this reprint volume.
Functions of a complex variable are used to solve applications in
various branches of mathematics, science, and engineering.
Functions of a Complex Variable: Theory and Technique is a book in
a special category of influential classics because it is based on
the authors' extensive experience in modeling complicated
situations and providing analytic solutions. The book makes
available to readers a comprehensive range of these analytical
techniques based upon complex variable theory. Proficiency in these
techniques requires practice. The authors provide many exercises,
incorporating them into the body of the text. By completing a
substantial number of these exercises, the reader will more fully
benefit from this book.
This book has become the standard for a complete, state-of-the-art
description of the methods for unconstrained optimization and
systems of nonlinear equations. Originally published in 1983, it
provides information needed to understand both the theory and the
practice of these methods and provides pseudocode for the problems.
The algorithms covered are all based on Newton's method or
"quasi-Newton" methods, and the heart of the book is the material
on computational methods for multidimensional unconstrained
optimization and nonlinear equation problems. The republication of
this book by SIAM is driven by a continuing demand for specific and
sound advice on how to solve real problems. The level of
presentation is consistent throughout, with a good mix of examples
and theory, making it a valuable text at both the graduate and
undergraduate level. It has been praised as excellent for courses
with approximately the same name as the book title and would also
be useful as a supplemental text for a nonlinear programming or a
numerical analysis course. Many exercises are provided to
illustrate and develop the ideas in the text. A large appendix
provides a mechanism for class projects and a reference for readers
who want the details of the algorithms. Practitioners may use this
book for self-study and reference. For complete understanding,
readers should have a background in calculus and linear algebra.
The book does contain background material in multivariable calculus
and numerical linear algebra.
Provides a survey of the theoretical results on systems of
nonlinear equations in finite dimension and the major iterative
methods for their computational solution. Originally published in
1970, it offers a research-level presentation of the principal
results known at that time. Although the field has developed since
the book originally appeared, it remains a major background
reference for the literature before 1970. In particular, Part II
contains the only relatively complete introduction to the existence
theory for finite-dimensional nonlinear equations from the
viewpoint of computational mathematics. Over the years semilocal
convergence results have been obtained for various methods,
especially with an emphasis on error bounds for the iterates. The
results and proof techniques introduced here still represent a
solid basis for this topic.
No one working in duality should be without a copy of Convex
Analysis and Variational Problems. This book contains different
developments of infinite dimensional convex programming in the
context of convex analysis, including duality, minmax and
Lagrangians, and convexification of nonconvex optimization problems
in the calculus of variations (infinite dimension). It also
includes the theory of convex duality applied to partial
differential equations; no other reference presents this in a
systematic way. The minmax theorems contained in this book have
many useful applications, in particular the robust control of
partial differential equations in finite time horizon. First
published in English in 1976, this SIAM Classics in Applied
Mathematics edition contains the original text along with a new
preface and some additional references.
This is the only book available that analyzes in depth the
mathematical foundations of the finite element method. It is a
valuable reference and introduction to current research on the
numerical analysis of the finite element method, as well as a
working textbook for graduate courses in numerical analysis. It
includes many useful figures, and there are many exercises of
varying difficulty. Although nearly 25 years have passed since this
book was first published, the majority of its content remains
up-to-date. Chapters 1 through 6, which cover the basic error
estimates for elliptic problems, are still the best available
sources for material on this topic. The material covered in
Chapters 7 and 8, however, has undergone considerable progress in
terms of new applications of the finite element method; therefore,
the author provides, in the Preface to the Classics Edition, a
bibliography of recent texts that complement the classic material
in these chapters.
This book provides a unified view of tomographic techniques, a
common mathematical framework, and an in-depth treatment of
reconstruction algorithms. It focuses on the reconstruction of a
function from line or plane integrals, with special emphasis on
applications in radiology, science, and engineering. The
Mathematics of Computerized Tomography covers the relevant
mathematical theory of the Radon transform and related transforms
and also studies more practical questions such as stability,
sampling, resolution, and accuracy. Quite a bit of attention is
given to the derivation, analysis, and practical examination of
reconstruction algorithms, for both standard problems and problems
with incomplete data.
This reprint of the 1969 book of the same name is a concise,
rigorous, yet accessible, account of the fundamentals of
constrained optimization theory. Many problems arising in diverse
fields such as machine learning, medicine, chemical engineering,
structural design, and airline scheduling can be reduced to a
constrained optimization problem. This book provides readers with
the fundamentals needed to study and solve such problems. Beginning
with a chapter on linear inequalities and theorems of the
alternative, basics of convex sets and separation theorems are then
derived based on these theorems. This is followed by a chapter on
convex functions that includes theorems of the alternative for such
functions. These results are used in obtaining the saddlepoint
optimality conditions of nonlinear programming without
differentiability assumptions.
This book is the most comprehensive, up-to-date account of the
popular numerical methods for solving boundary value problems in
ordinary differential equations. It aims at a thorough
understanding of the field by giving an in-depth analysis of the
numerical methods by using decoupling principles. Numerous
exercises and real-world examples are used throughout to
demonstrate the methods and the theory. Although first published in
1988, this republication remains the most comprehensive theoretical
coverage of the subject matter, not available elsewhere in one
volume. Many problems, arising in a wide variety of application
areas, give rise to mathematical models which form boundary value
problems for ordinary differential equations. These problems rarely
have a closed form solution, and computer simulation is typically
used to obtain their approximate solution. This book discusses
methods to carry out such computer simulations in a robust,
efficient, and reliable manner.
This unabridged republication of the 1980 text, an established
classic in the field, is a resource for many important topics in
elliptic equations and systems and is the first modern treatment of
free boundary problems. Variational inequalities (equilibrium or
evolution problems typically with convex constraints) are carefully
explained in An Introduction to Variational Inequalities and Their
Applications. They are shown to be extremely useful across a wide
variety of subjects, ranging from linear programming to free
boundary problems in partial differential equations. Exciting new
areas like finance and phase transformations along with more
historical ones like contact problems have begun to rely on
variational inequalities, making this book a necessity once again.
Many advances have taken place in the field of combinatorial
algorithms since this book first appeared two decades ago. Despite
these advances and the development of new computing methods,
several basic theories and methods remain important today for
understanding mathematical programming and fixed-point theorems. In
this easy-to-read classic, readers learn Wolfe's method, which
remains useful for quadratic programming, and the Kuhn-Tucker
theory, which underlies quadratic programming and most other
nonlinear programming methods. In addition, the author presents
multiobjective linear programming, which is being applied in
environmental engineering and the social sciences. The book
presents many useful applications to other branches of mathematics
and to economics, and it contains many exercises and examples. The
advanced mathematical results are proved clearly and completely. By
providing the necessary proofs and presenting the material in a
conversational style, Franklin made Methods of Mathematical
Economics extremely popular among students. The addition of a list
of errata, new to this edition, should add to the book's popularity
as well as its usefulness both in the classroom and for individual
Numerical continuation methods have provided important
contributions toward the numerical solution of nonlinear systems of
equations for many years. The methods may be used not only to
compute solutions, which might otherwise be hard to obtain, but
also to gain insight into qualitative properties of the solutions.
Introduction to Numerical Continuation Methods, originally
published in 1979, was the first book to provide easy access to the
numerical aspects of predictor corrector continuation and piecewise
linear continuation methods. Not only do these seemingly distinct
methods share many common features and general principles, they can
be numerically implemented in similar ways. Introduction to
Numerical Continuation Methods also features the piecewise linear
approximation of implicitly defined surfaces, the algorithms of
which are frequently used in computer graphics, mesh generation,
and the evaluation of surface integrals. To help potential users of
numerical continuation methods create programs adapted to their
particular needs, this book presents pseudo-codes and Fortran codes
as illustrations. Since it first appeared, many specialized
packages for treating such varied problems as bifurcation,
polynomial systems, eigenvalues, economic equilibria, optimization,
and the approximation of manifolds have been written. The original
extensive bibliography has been updated in the SIAM Classics
edition to include more recent references and several URLs so users
can look for codes to suit their needs or write their own based on
the models included in the book.
Singular perturbations and time-scale techniques were introduced to
control engineering in the late 1960s and have since become common
tools for the modeling, analysis, and design of control systems. In
this SIAM Classics edition of the 1986 book, the original text is
reprinted in its entirety (along with a new preface), providing
once again the theoretical foundation for representative control
applications. This book continues to be essential in many ways. It
lays down the foundation of singular perturbation theory for linear
and nonlinear systems, it presents the methodology in a pedagogical
way that is not available anywhere else, and it illustrates the
theory with many solved examples, including various physical
examples and applications. So while new developments may go beyond
the topics covered in this book, they are still based on the
methodology described here, which continues to be their common
starting point.
Initial-Boundary Value Problems and the Navier-Stokes Equations
provides an introduction to the vast subject of initial and
initial-boundary value problems for PDEs. Applications to parabolic
and hyperbolic systems are emphasized in this text. The
Navier-Stokes equations for compressible and incompressible flows
are taken as an example to illustrate the results. Researchers and
graduate students in applied mathematics and engineering will find
Initial-Boundary Value Problems and the Navier-Stokes Equations
invaluable. The subjects addressed in the book, such as the
well-posedness of initial-boundary value problems, are of frequent
interest when PDEs are used in modeling or when they are solved
numerically. The book explains the principles of these subjects.
The reader will learn what well-posedness or ill-posedness means
and how it can be demonstrated for concrete problems. There are
many new results, in particular on the Navier-Stokes equations.
When the book was written, the main intent was to write a text on
initial-boundary value problems that was accessible to a rather
wide audience. Therefore, functional analytical prerequisites were
kept to a minimum or were developed in the book. Boundary
conditions are analyzed without first proving trace theorems, and
similar simplications have been used throughout. The direct
approach to the subject still gives a valuable introduction to an
important area of applied analysis.
Intended for students and researchers, this text employs basic
techniques of univariate and multivariate statistics for the
analysis of time series and signals. It provides a broad collection
of theorems, placing the techniques on firm theoretical ground. The
techniques, which are illustrated by data analyses, are discussed
in both a heuristic and a formal manner, making the book useful for
both the applied and the theoretical worker. An extensive set of
original exercises is included. Time Series: Data Analysis and
Theory takes the Fourier transform of a stretch of time series data
as the basic quantity to work with and shows the power of that
approach. It considers second- and higher-order parameters and
estimates them equally, thereby handling non-Gaussian series and
nonlinear systems directly. The included proofs, which are
generally short, are based on cumulants.
This monograph presents a survey of mathematical models useful in
solving reliability problems. It includes a detailed discussion of
life distributions corresponding to wearout and their use in
determining maintenance policies, and covers important topics such
as the theory of increasing (decreasing) failure rate
distributions, optimum maintenance policies, and the theory of
coherent systems. The emphasis throughout the book is on making
minimal assumptions--and only those based on plausible physical
considerations--so that the resulting mathematical deductions may
be safely made about a large variety of commonly occurring
reliability situations. The first part of the book is concerned
with component reliability, while the second part covers system
reliability, including problems that are as important today as they
were in the 1960s. Mathematical reliability refers to a body of
ideas, mathematical models, and methods directed toward the
solution of problems in predicting, estimating, or optimizing the
probability of survival, mean life, or, more generally, life
distribution of components and systems. The enduring relevance of
the subject of reliability and the continuing demand for a
graduate-level book on this topic are the driving forces behind its
republication. Mathematical Theory of Reliability now joins a
growing list of volumes in SIAM's Classics series. Although
contemporary reliability books are now available, few provide as
mathematically rigorous a treatment of the required probability
background as this one.
Long considered to be a classic in its field, this was the first
book in English to include three basic fields of the analysis of
matrices - symmetric matrices and quadratic forms, matrices and
differential equations, and positive matrices and their use in
probability theory and mathematical economics. Written in lucid,
concise terms, this volume covers all the key aspects of matrix
analysis and presents a variety of fundamental methods. Originally
published in 1970, this book replaces the first edition previously
published by SIAM in the Classics series. Here you will find a
basic guide to operations with matrices and the theory of symmetric
matrices, plus an understanding of general square matrices, origins
of Markov matrices and non-negative matrices in general,
minimum-maximum characterization of characteristic roots, Krnoecker
products, functions of matrices, and much more. These ideas and
methods will serve as powerful analytical tools. In addition, this
volume includes exercises of all levels of difficulty and many
references to original papers containing further results. The
problem sections contain many useful and interesting results that
are not easily found elsewhere. A discussion of the theoretical
treatment of matrices in the computational solution of ordinary and
partial differential equations, as well as important chapters on
dynamic programming and stochastic matrices are also included.
Recent interest in biological games and mathematical finance make
this classic 1982 text a necessity once again. Unlike other books
in the field, this text provides an overview of the analysis of
dynamic/differential zero-sum and nonzero-sum games and
simultaneously stresses the role of different information patterns.
The first edition was fully revised in 1995, adding new topics such
as randomized strategies, finite games with integrated decisions,
and refinements of Nash equilibrium. Readers can now look forward
to even more recent results in this unabridged, revised SIAM
Classics edition. Topics covered include static and dynamic
noncooperative game theory, with an emphasis on the interplay
between dynamic information patterns and structural properties of
several different types of equilibria; Nash and Stackelberg
solution concepts; multi-act games; Braess paradox; differential
games; the relationship between the existence of solutions of
Riccati equations and the existence of Nash equilibrium solutions;
and infinite-horizon differential games.
A reprint of the original volume, which won the Lanchester Prize
awarded by the Operations Research Society of America for the best
work of 1968. Although out of print for nearly 15 years, it remains
one of the most referenced volumes in the field of mathematical
programming. Recent interest in interior point methods generated by
Karmarkar's Projective Scaling Algorithm has created a new demand
for this book because the methods that have followed from
Karmarkar's bear a close resemblance to those described. There is
no other source for the theoretical background of the logarithmic
barrier function and other classical penalty functions. Analyzes in
detail the 'central' or 'dual' trajectory used by modern path
following and primal/dual methods for convex and general linear
programming. As researchers begin to extend these methods to convex
and general nonlinear programming problems, this book will become
indispensable to them.
In order to emphasize the relationships and cohesion between
analytical and numerical techniques, this book presents a
comprehensive and integrated treatment of both aspects in
combination with the modeling of relevant problem classes. This
text is uniquely geared to provide enough insight into qualitative
aspects of ordinary differential equations (ODEs) to offer a
thorough account of quantitative methods for approximating
solutions numerically and to acquaint the reader with mathematical
modeling, where such ODEs often play a significant role. Originally
published in 1995, the text remains timely and useful to a wide
audience. It provides a thorough introduction to ODEs, since it
treats not only standard aspects such as existence, uniqueness,
stability, one-step methods, multistep methods, and singular
perturbations, but also chaotic systems, differential-algebraic
systems, and boundary value problems. The authors aim to show the
use of ODEs in real life problems, so there is an extended chapter
in which not only the general concepts of mathematical modeling but
also illustrative examples from various fields are presented. A
chapter on classical mechanics makes the book self-contained.