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Some years ago, on request of the German Political Science
Association (DVPW), an empirical investigation "On the state and
the orientation of political science in the Federal Republic of
Germany" was conducted by Carl Boehret. Among other interesting 1
information, in the paper that was subsequently published the
author presented the results of a survey among 254 political
scientists in the Federal Republic on what they considered to be
the sine qua non basic concepts of the discipline. In various
respects, the data are remarkable. 2 On the one hand, the enormous
diversity of the answers corroborates statistically what has long
been known from experience, i. e. , the existence of an extremely
wide variety of standpoints, perspectives, and approaches within
the discipline. An interesting case in point is the concept of
power. Somewhat surprisingly, 'power' was not the most frequently
mentioned term. But, it did, of course, end up at the very top of
the list, in third place behind 'conflict' and 'interest'. What is
noteworthy is that it gained this position by being named only 81
times, that is, by less than a third of the respondents. This is no
insignificant detail. Certainly, to that minority of scholars whose
conceptions of politics do include 'power' as an indispensable
basic concept, the approaches of the vast majority of their
colleagues for whom, as their answers in the survey reveal, 'power'
does not play an eminent role must appear, in an 3 important sense,
mistaken or perhaps even incomprehensible.
Some years ago, on request of the German Political Science
Association (DVPW), an empirical investigation "On the state and
the orientation of political science in the Federal Republic of
Germany" was conducted by Carl Boehret. Among other interesting 1
information, in the paper that was subsequently published the
author presented the results of a survey among 254 political
scientists in the Federal Republic on what they considered to be
the sine qua non basic concepts of the discipline. In various
respects, the data are remarkable. 2 On the one hand, the enormous
diversity of the answers corroborates statistically what has long
been known from experience, i. e. , the existence of an extremely
wide variety of standpoints, perspectives, and approaches within
the discipline. An interesting case in point is the concept of
power. Somewhat surprisingly, 'power' was not the most frequently
mentioned term. But, it did, of course, end up at the very top of
the list, in third place behind 'conflict' and 'interest'. What is
noteworthy is that it gained this position by being named only 81
times, that is, by less than a third of the respondents. This is no
insignificant detail. Certainly, to that minority of scholars whose
conceptions of politics do include 'power' as an indispensable
basic concept, the approaches of the vast majority of their
colleagues for whom, as their answers in the survey reveal, 'power'
does not play an eminent role must appear, in an 3 important sense,
mistaken or perhaps even incomprehensible.
Die Verschrankung von Politik und Recht ist ein charakteristisches
Merkmal moderner Gesellschaften und darum zentraler Gegenstand
sozialwissenschaftlicher Forschung. In der deutschen
Politikwissenschaft wurde dieses Verhaltnis bisher allerdings sehr
viel weniger systematisch betrachtet und bearbeitet, als es in
anderen Disziplinen und Wissenschaftskulturen ublich ist. Das
PVS-Sonderheft soll einen Beitrag zur Uberwindung dieser Situation
leisten. Der Band ist in vier Teile gegliedert: Nach der Einleitung
mit einem Uberblick zum Stand der Diskussion erfolgt in Teil I die
Erorterung wichtiger theoretischer Fragen (Verhaltnis von Recht und
staatlicher Ordnung; Verstandnis von Legitimitat und Legalitat).
Teil II diskutiert ausgewahlte Aspekte der konstitutionellen
Demokratie. Hierbei liegt ein Schwerpunkt auf der Betrachtung des
spannungsreichen Verhaltnisses von Bundesverfassungsgericht und
demokratischem Gesetzgeber, aber auch die aktuelle
Foderalismus-Reform in der BRD wird analysiert. Teil III und IV
sind dann der Analyse der zunehmenden Verrechtlichung im
europaischen Integrationsprozess und in den Internationalen
Beziehungen gewidmet bzw. dem Problem der Steuerungsfahigkeit durch
rechtliche Regulierungen in ausgewahlten Politikfeldern.