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This volume was originally intended to be an English translation of
the book MetllOden in der medizinischen Cytogenetik, published in
1970. Just about then, however, a number of new techniques were
introduced in human cytogenetics and soon acquired the utmost
importance, parti cularly in clinical diagnosis, so that the
English edition had to be con siderably enlarged. As a result,
there are now twelve chapters instead of eight, and two additional
authors have been called upon, Dr. KRONE and Dr. SCHNEDL. In
addition to the up-to-date presentation of con ventional methods of
cell culture and techniques for the preparation and identification
of human chromosomes, this text covers the various tech niques of
producing banding patterns and applying them in chromo some
identification. Further, it deals with the culture of amniotic
fluid cells and gives instructions for handling tissue-culture
cells for bio chemical analysis; it thus meets the ever-increasing
requirements of a modern cell-culture laboratory. To paraphrase the
aims of this book, we quote part of the preface to the German
edition: "It was intended to collect the various methods so as to
make them accessible for laboratory use. Furthermore, it is hoped
that the reader faced with current research problems will be
stimulated to modify and supplement the techniques described,
instead of merely applying them automatically. In a rapidly
developing field, some methods are still preliminary, and no final
presentation seems possible."
Upon wresting the control of the earth from the Titans, Zeus
assigned the task of creating living creatures to two Titan
brothers who had sided with him in the epic battle just concluded.
Because Epimetheus, who had been endowed only with hindsight, had
the first hand in this creation, all the good attributes were
exhaus ted by the time the lion, the elephant and other animals
were created. When the time came for the creation of man, there
were precious few materials left to work with. Not surprisingly,
man was made weak and naked. Prometheus took pity on this
miscreation and gave man the use of fire. For this foresight, Zeus
meted out horrible punishment, binding Prometheus to a rocky pillar
in the Caucasas Moun tains and letting a vulture consume his liver
daily. It seems to me that the ancient Greeks in their unfathomable
wisdom under stood the essence of the evolutionary process very
well. Had Escherichia coli of 200 million years or so ago been
endowed with the foresight to anticipate the eventual emergence of
and subsequent dominance by mammals of this Earth, they would no
doubt have equipped themselves, in anticipation of the coming cer
tainty, with the lac operon to deal with lactose in the suckling
mammalian infant's gut. Had they been able to do so, the actual
emergance of mammals would have exerted no selective pressure upon
existing E. COLI."
Seit der Entdeckung, daB Chromosomenaberrationen die Ursache fiir
angeborene Entwicklungsstorungen beim Menschen sein konnen, gelang
es in den letzten 10 Jahren, immer mehr Krankheitsbilder cytogene-
tisch zu charakterisieren. Cytogenetische Methoden sind so zu einem
unentbehrlichen Instrument in der klinischen Diagnostik geworden.
Die Absicht des vorliegenden Buches ist es, diese viel- faltigen
Methoden zusammenzustellen und fur den Laboratoriumsgebrauch
ubersichtlich zuganglich zu machen. AuBerdem soll die Lektiire auch
an offene Probleme der Forschung heranfuhren und dazu an- regen,
die Methoden nicht nur schematisch nachzu- arbeiten, sondem standig
experimentell zu variieren und zu erganzen. Auf einem Gebiet, das
sich in einer so vielseitigen Entwicklung befindet, haben manche
Methoden allerdings einen noch vorlaufigen Charakter, und eine
abschlieBende Dbersicht ist nicht immer moglich. Es ist zu hoffen,
daB die von dem Buch ausgehenden Anregungen dazu beitragen werden,
die Methoden der menschlichen Cytogenetik zu bereichem. Bonn und
Freiburg i. Br., im Januar 1970 H. G. Schwarzacher U. Wolf v
Mitarbeiterverzeichnis Herausgeber: Professor Dr. HANS GEORG SCHW
ARZACHER Anatomisches Institut der Universitat 5300 Bonn NuBallee
10 Privatdozent Dr. ULRICH WOLF Institut fiir Humangenetik und
Anthropologie der Universitat 7800 Freiburg i.Br. AlbertstraBe 11
Mitarbeiter: Dr. WOLFGANG GEY U niversitats-Kinderklinik 8000
Miinchen 15 LindwurmstraBe 4 Professor Dr. SUSUMU OHNO Dept. of
Biology, City of Hope National Medical Center Duarte, CA 9lO10 /USA
Privatdozent Dr. EBERHARD PASSARGE Institut fiir Humangenetik der
Universitat 2000 Hamburg 20 MartinistraBe 52 Professor Dr. RUDOLF
ARTHUR PFEIFFER Institut fiir Humangenetik der Universitat 4400
Miinsteri. Westf.