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EU internal security concerns such as migration, police and
judicial cooperation are today part of EU foreign policy. This book
shows how those concerns dominate the EU agenda towards
Mediterranean countries. Adopting a rational-choice
institutionalist approach, it explores EU policy and the strategic
choices made after the 2011 Arab revolts.
Contributors offer new approaches to the study of the European
Neighbourhood Policy. While the main emphasis is on the empirical
assessment of the impact that the ENP has had to-date and on the
factors that have shaped its implementation, it also provides new
theoretical and methodological perspectives on how to study this
policy area.
Minority languages in Europe, as part of a common cultural
heritage, need protection. The contributions to this book reflect
urgent, stimulating and productive debates among researchers in
sociolinguistics, linguistic anthropology, politics and sociology,
and among language activists and policy makers. At the heart of the
debate are the effectiveness of the existing political and legal
frameworks aimed at protecting linguistic and cultural diversity,
and prospects for the survival of minority languages in the process
of European integration.
This volume presents a comprehensive and up-to-date picture of
ethnopolitics in Europe. It details the dynamics of the political
mobilization of ethnic groups across the continent and its
consequences for domestic and international politics. Written by
recognized experts in the field and following a clear structure,
this is an essential reference work for any student of contemporary
Europe, allowing for systematic cross-national and cross-community
comparisons. It also serves as a unique data source on the
continent's politically mobilized ethnic groups. "The
Ethnopolitical Encyclopaedia of Europe" is the first work of its
kind that systematically and rigorously examines the politics of
ethnicity throughout the continent as a whole. Rather than indulge
in a tour of Europe designed to unearth as many diverse population
groups as possible, the Encyclopaedia is focused and serves as a
unique data source on the continent's politically mobilized ethnic
groups. In order to facilitate easy access, the various regions of
Europe are assessed and then the nature of the politics of
ethnicity is analyzed on a country-by-country basis. The
combination of incisive entries, maps, tables and easy-to-use
country guides makes this an invaluable reference book for both
academics and practitioners.
Contributors offer new approaches to the study of the European
Neighbourhood Policy. While the main emphasis is on the empirical
assessment of the impact that the ENP has had to-date and on the
factors that have shaped its implementation, it also provides new
theoretical and methodological perspectives on how to study this
policy area.
The Ethnopolitical Encyclopaedia of Europe is the first work of its
kind that systematically and rigorously examines the politics of
ethnicity throughout the continent as a whole. Rather than indulge
in a tour of Europe designed to unearth as many diverse population
groups as possible, the Encyclopaedia is focused and serves as a
unique data source on the continent's politically mobilized ethnic
groups. In order to facilitate easy access, the various regions of
Europe are assessed and then the nature of the politics of
ethnicity is analyzed on a country-by-country basis. The
combination of incisive entries, maps, tables and easy-to-use
country guides makes this an invaluable reference book for both
academics and practitioners.
EU internal security concerns such as migration, police and
judicial cooperation are today part of EU foreign policy. This book
shows how those concerns dominate the EU agenda towards
Mediterranean countries. Adopting a rational-choice
institutionalist approach, it explores EU policy and the strategic
choices made after the 2011 Arab revolts.
This Is A New Release Of The Original 1919 Edition.
by David C Nagel In the last five years visualization has gone from
the lab to become a desktop technology for many scientists. Images
and 3-D renderings of data sets and mathematical models have
evolved from the high-priced hardware and customized software of
graphics professionals to low-cost, off-the-shelf commercial
software running on personal computers. fu such, scientific
visualization has taken its place beside mathematical modeling as
an everyday means of interacting with one's data. This has
significantly changed both the amount and the quality of
information that scientists are able to extract from raw data, and
has effectively established a new paradigm for scientific
computing. In addi tion, new, low-cost hardware and software
technologies such as CD-ROMs, digital video, and Apple's QuickTime
time-based media of image and and compression technologies have
enabled large amounts animation data to be easily accessible to the
average researcher or teacher through the personal computer.
However, little has been done in the way of providing a context
within which the researcher or teacher could learn which approaches
might be best suited for a given problem. Furthermore, most
scientists are unfamiliar with the terminology and concepts in
modern computer graphics, which simply steepens the learning curve
for them to apply the new technologies to their work. fu a result,
researchers and teachers are not yet taking full advantage of the
new paradigm.
Marly Gentry is a fast rising star in the world of pharmaceutical
marketing, responsible for opening new international markets and
gaining market share beyond what anyone could expect of a small,
privately owned company. But while on a business trip, her life is
forever turned upside down. She meets sportswriter Jake Weatherby
and they begin a torrid affair until Marly's life is shattered when
Jake is killed in a terrorist bombing in Tel Aviv. Distraught and
full of uncontrolled anger, she vows revenge. While aiding the
Israeli Mossad in identifying the terrorists, she is recruited as
an assassin by a secret elite group of the CIA. Marly is found to
be uniquely qualified and continues to use her business travel in
pharmaceuticals to travel undetected as she carries out her
"contracts." But when injured on a mission that goes awry in Paris,
she is left with amnesia, only to be nursed to health by her
recruiter Marcello, and once again finds herself in love. This
time, their vow, she is certain, will last a lifetime. Keenly
observed and intricately plotted, David Wolff's debut novel is not
only a fascinating tale of vengeance, served with edge of seat
suspense at the end of a pistol, but it is also a moving, torrid
love story as intimate and engaging as any romance novel can be.
1919. Wolff writes in the Preface: Paris Churches, many of them,
have an entrancing historical as well as a precious architectural
interest. Curious old legends are often connected with their
foundation. I have aimed at giving in concise and simple form their
history rather than a mass of architectural detail. Those who have
time can study for themselves from personal observation, by far the
best way, and with the help of books of reference, the intricacies
of the architectural features of the Churches. It is a rich field
of study. Many people from habit and knowledge are able to take in
at a glance the most salient points of architectural interest. What
we all love to know in looking upon and wandering through a grand
building which has stood for ages, are the circumstances of its
birth, the course of its growth, the stories connected with it. A
wonderful collection of vignettes describing the great churches of
1919. Wolff writes in the Preface: Paris Churches, many of them,
have an entrancing historical as well as a precious architectural
interest. Curious old legends are often connected with their
foundation. I have aimed at giving in concise and simple form their
history rather than a mass of architectural detail. Those who have
time can study for themselves from personal observation, by far the
best way, and with the help of books of reference, the intricacies
of the architectural features of the Churches. It is a rich field
of study. Many people from habit and knowledge are able to take in
at a glance the most salient points of architectural interest. What
we all love to know in looking upon and wandering through a grand
building which has stood for ages, are the circumstances of its
birth, the course of its growth, the stories connected with it. A
wonderful collection of vignettes describing the great churches of
From the boroughs of New York, to the beaches of San Francisco,
girls hail from all walks of life to sport the violet blazer, pink
beret, and coveted, 'Galstanberry Girl', title... Galstanberry
Girls Academy, flanked by a magnificent rose garden and horse
stables, rises up from the horizon like a French chateau with
interconnected balustrades and high-spiraling turrets that seemed
to touch the clouds. It was established in 1937 by Mr. Charles
Jefferson Galstanberry, an earnest gentleman that believed a male
to be the only proper heir to his vast family fortune. However,
when devastation befalls Mr. Galstanberry's family, he is
challenged to re-evaluate his beliefs and create a course that
would change his life, and those of others, forever. Decades later,
Galstanberry has become the envy of girls around the world. And in
one transformative year, five dynamic girls from different cities,
socio-economic backgrounds and ethnicities receive the coveted
Galstanberry acceptance letter. On one unforgettable day-- Sunday,
August 29--these five girls leave lasting impressions on family and
friends before departing for Connecticut to attend Galstanberry's
Orientation on Monday.
From the boroughs of New York to the beaches of San Francisco,
girls hail from all walks of life to sport the violet blazer, pink
beret and coveted 'Galstanberry Girl' title... In the second book
of the Galstanberry series, readers are introduced to Galstanberry
Girls Academy, an exclusive boarding school in Connecticut, where
history, tradition and pearls intertwine. On the eve of
Galstanberry's famous pearling ceremony, sixth graders are pulled
from their beds. However, this is one among many surprises to come.
Follow five dynamic girls from across the United States-- Lillian,
Brandi, Fei, Tabitha, and Nisha-as they navigate Galstanberry-it's
glory and shortcomings. Who rooms with whom? What traditions are
followed? Through each triumph and tribulation, the girls grow,
learning more about themselves and discovering the true meaning of
a 'Galstanberry Girl.'
1919. Wolff writes in the Preface: Paris Churches, many of them,
have an entrancing historical as well as a precious architectural
interest. Curious old legends are often connected with their
foundation. I have aimed at giving in concise and simple form their
history rather than a mass of architectural detail. Those who have
time can study for themselves from personal observation, by far the
best way, and with the help of books of reference, the intricacies
of the architectural features of the Churches. It is a rich field
of study. Many people from habit and knowledge are able to take in
at a glance the most salient points of architectural interest. What
we all love to know in looking upon and wandering through a grand
building which has stood for ages, are the circumstances of its
birth, the course of its growth, the stories connected with it. A
wonderful collection of vignettes describing the great churches of
Diplomarbeit aus dem Jahr 2011 im Fachbereich BWL - Marketing,
Unternehmenskommunikation, CRM, Marktforschung, Note: 2,2,
AKAD-Fachhochschule Leipzig, Veranstaltung: Diplomarbeit, Sprache:
Deutsch, Abstract: Die Offnungszeiten im Einzelhandel haben sich in
den letzten Jahren deutlich verlangert. Darin spiegeln sich die
Bedurfnisse der Konsumenten nach zeitlich flexiblen
Einkaufsmoglichkeiten wider. Der Wandel von Haushalts- und
Familienstrukturen und die zunehmende Verbreitung flexibler
Arbeitszeitmodelle sind die treibenden Krafte hinter dem Wunsch der
Verbraucher, weitgehend unabhangig von der Tageszeit Guter des
taglichen Bedarfs - insbesondere Lebensmittel - erwerben zu konnen.
Die rege Nutzung von Spatoffnungszeiten lasst den Schluss zu, dass
es gute Grunde fur Spateinkaufe gibt. Die hohe Akzeptanz deutet
ausserdem darauf hin, dass der Trend zum Spateinkauf nicht nur eine
kurzfristige Erscheinung darstellt, sondern eine gewisse
Nachhaltigkeit besitzt. Fur Unternehmen sind Kenntnisse der
Kundenbedurfnisse, Bereitstellung eines passenden Waren- und
Dienstleistungsangebots und ein entsprechender Personaleinsatz
zentrale Voraussetzungen fur eine hohere Wettbewerbsfahigkeit. Die
Bedurfnisse und Anspruche der Spateinkaufer sind allerdings bisher
kaum systematisch untersucht worden. Dabei ist dieses Wissen sowohl
von wissenschaftlichem als auch von unternehmerischem Interesse.
Die vorliegende Arbeit soll helfen, fundierte Erkenntnisse daruber
zu gewinnen. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurden ca. 500 Spateinkaufer
hinsichtlich ihres Kaufverhaltens, ihrer Anspruche und Bedurfnisse
befragt. Daraus wurden verschiedene Differenzierungsmerkmale der
Gruppe der Spateinkaufer bestimmt, die Haufigkeiten untersucht und
schliesslich die wichtigsten Grunde fur den Einkauf nach 20 Uhr
Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2001 im Fachbereich Geowissenschaften /
Geographie - Regionalgeographie, Note: keine, Universitat Stuttgart
(Institut fur Geographie), Veranstaltung: Regionale Geographie
Frankreich, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: 1 Zur Definition von Global
Cities "Global Cities sind zentrale Standorte fur hochentwickelte
Dienstleistungen und Telekommunikationseinrichtungen, wie sie fur
die Durchfuhrung und das Management globaler Wirtschaftsaktivitaten
erforderlich sind. In ihnen konzentrieren sich tendenziell auch die
Konzernzentralen insbesondere von Unternehmen, die in mehr als
einem Land tatig sind." "Beyond their sometimes long history as
centers for world trade and finance, some cities now function as
command points in the organization of the world economy, as sites
for the production of innovations in finance and advanced services
for firms, and as key marketplaces for capital." ...]
Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2009 im Fachbereich BWL - Personal und
Organisation, Note: gut, AKAD Fachhochschule Stuttgart,
Veranstaltung: FGI01 - Fuhrung von Mitarbeitern, Sprache: Deutsch,
Abstract: 1.Einleitung In der Unternehmenswelt ist das Thema
Motivation in den letzten Jahren sehr prasent geworden. Ein
Hauptgrund dafur liegt darin, dass die Bedeutung der
Arbeits-leistung in einer produktivitatsorientierten
Arbeitsumgebung deutlich gestiegen ist. Gleichzeitig haben sich mit
weiterfortschreitender internationaler und globaler Arbeits-teilung
die Leistungserstellungsprozesse in Firmen stark zergliedert. Als
Schlagworte zu nennen sind Internationalisierung und
Globalisierung, zunehmende Spezialisierung, die Konzentration auf
Kernkompetenzen, Externalisierung (Outsourcing), zunehmende
Technisierung und Virtualisierung von Geschafts-prozessen
(E-Business). Diese Entwicklungen tragen tendenziell weiter dazu
bei, dass die Stellen-anforderungen ebenso wie die Arbeitsablaufe
spezieller und umfangreicher werden. Dabei besteht die Gefahr, dass
das grosse Ganze," d.h. das ubergeordnete Unternehmens-ziel, fur
den einzelnen Mitarbeiter ausser Sichtweite gerat. Sein gefuhlter
Beitrag zum grossen Ganzen" wird geringer, worunter seine
Motivation leiden konnte. Die Wirtschaft lebt von dem Einsatz von
Ressourcen, und der wichtigst e] Rohstoff ist die Bereitschaft zum
Mitmachen." Die Mitarbeitermotivation setzt an diesem Punkt an, um
die Bedeutung von personlichen, beruflichen und Unternehmenszielen
hervorzuheben. Dies ist primar die Aufgabe des Vorgesetzten. Das
Thema Mitarbeitermotivation in allen Facetten im Rahmen eines
Referates zu behandeln, ist aufgrund des Umfangs und der
Komplexitat des Themas naturgemass nicht umfassend moglich. Das
Ziel des Referates ist es daher, einen Uberblick uber die
wichtigsten Themen-bereiche zu geben. Dazu gehoren neben einer
kurzen Definition auch die Einord-nung des Motivationsbegriffs in
der Berufswelt sowie der dortigen Bedeu
Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2001 im Fachbereich Geowissenschaften /
Geographie - Wirtschaftsgeographie, Note: nicht benotet,
Universitat Stuttgart (Institut fur Geographie), Veranstaltung:
Seminar zur Regionalen Geographie: Metropolen der Dritten Welt,
Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Die Flache Tansania betragt insgesamt
945087 km und ist damit uber 2,5 mal grosser als Deutschland. Auf
das Festland von Tanganyika entfallen 942626 km der Gesamtflache,
auf die Dar es Salaam vorgelagerte Insel Sansibar 2461 km . Die
Bevolkerung betrug 1997 etwa 31 Mio. Uber das Bevolkerungswachstum
liegen oft nur mehr oder weniger genauer Schatzungen vor, da
erstens die letzte Volkszahlung 1988 stattfand und zweitens die
Bevolkerungsentwicklung weitaus dynamischer verlauft als z.B. in
europaischen Landern. Offiziell wuchs die Bevolkerung 1998 mit
einer Rate von 2,9%. Der Durchschnitt von 1991bis 1997 wird
ebenfalls mit 2,9% angegeben; andere Schatzungen liegen bei bis zu
3,8%) Die Bevolkerungsdichte betragt fur Tansania insgesamt etwa 34
Einwohner/km, fur Tanganyika 26,5 E/km und Sansibar 269 E/km .
Staatssprachen sind Suaheli und Englisch; daneben existieren aber
naturlich noch die Sprachen der anderen Nationalitaten. Tanganyika
wurde am 09.12.1961 (Independence Day) zur Commonwealth-Monarchie
und erreichte 1962 die Unabhangigkeit als Republik. Sansibar wurde
am 10.12.1963 unabhangig. Beide Staaten schlossen sich am
27.04.1964 zur Vereinigten Republik Tansania zusammen. Staatsform:
Foderative Prasidialrepublik Hauptstadt: de jure Dodoma, de facto
noch Dar es Salaam Dar es Salaam liegt im Osten von Tansania,
direkt am Indischen Ozean. Die ostafrikanischen Kustenplatze
unterlagen in der Vergangenheit zahlreichen Einflussen anderer
Kulturen, wobei sich grob die drei wichtigsten Zeitabschnitte wie
folgt unterteilen lassen: - Die voreuropaische Zeit, von etwa
Christi Geburt bis zur ersten Halfte des 19. Jahrhunderts. - Die
Zeit der europaischen Vorherrschaft, vom 19. Jahrhundert b