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The principal aim of this volume is to elucidate what freedom,
sovereignty, and autonomy mean for Nietzsche and what philosophical
resources he gives us to re-think these crucial concepts. A related
aim is to examine how Nietzsche connects these concepts to his
thoughts about life-affirmation, self-love, promise-making, agency,
the 'will to nothingness', and the 'eternal recurrence', as well as
to his search for a 'genealogical' understanding of morality.
These twelve essays by leading Nietzsche scholars ask such key
questions as: Can we reconcile his rejection of free will with his
positive invocations of the notion of free will? How does
Nietzsche's celebration of freedom and free spirits sit with his
claim that we all have an unchangeable fate? What is the relation
between his concepts of freedom and self-overcoming?
The depth in which these and related issues are explored gives this
volume its value, not only to those interested in Nietzsche, but to
all who are concerned with the free will debate, ethics, theory of
action, and the history of philosophy.
Businesses spend billions on innovation with very little to show
for their investment or effort. This book challenges some of the
'ingrained truths' of innovation and suggests a different approach.
Innovation is not the creation of a novel idea. It is the
successful commercialisation of that novel idea. Rather than
starting with a costly, time-consuming problem assessment that
seeks to push potential solutions through an innovation funnel, an
'impeller approach' starts with possible solutions and gets the
market to pull the best ones forward so they can fail fast or
flourish fast. This approach is made possible by the addition of a
'bee' - a new type of integrative thinker who can harvest the
existing knowledge from the 'meadow of experts'. Completely
reversing the innovation process means organisations are much
better placed to win in the market rather than focusing on finding
theoretical solutions or clearing innovation stage gates. In
addition, this approach also recognises that the people who
shepherd the solution through the ideation and testing stage are
not the same people who must then take that solution to market for
successful commercialisation. Given the current innovation failure
rate, coupled with the fact that society is beset with multiple
wicked problems, it's time to think differently and innovate
innovation itself. This book is essential reading for Heads of
Innovation and Commercialisation, Directors of Marketing, Heads of
New Product Development and New Service Development, Strategy
Directors, Chief Technology Officers, Government advisers and
policy makers.
'A lyrical, fascinating, important book. More than just a family
story, it is an essay on belonging, denying, pretending,
self-deception and, at least for the main characters, survival.'
Literary Review 'Simon May's remarkable How to Be a Refugee is a
memoir of family secrets with a ruminative twist, one that's more
interested in what we keep from ourselves than the ones we conceal
from others.' Irish Times The most familiar fate of Jews living in
Hitler's Germany is either emigration or deportation to
concentration camps. But there was another, much rarer, side to
Jewish life at that time: denial of your origin to the point where
you manage to erase almost all consciousness of it. You refuse to
believe that you are Jewish. How to Be a Refugee is Simon May's
gripping account of how three sisters - his mother and his two
aunts - grappled with what they felt to be a lethal heritage. Their
very different trajectories included conversion to Catholicism,
marriage into the German aristocracy, securing 'Aryan' status with
high-ranking help from inside Hitler's regime, and engagement to a
card-carrying Nazi. Even after his mother fled to London from Nazi
Germany and Hitler had been defeated, her instinct for
self-concealment didn't abate. Following the early death of his
father, also a German Jewish refugee, May was raised a Catholic and
forbidden to identify as Jewish or German or British. In the face
of these banned inheritances, May embarks on a quest to uncover the
lives of the three sisters as well as the secrets of a grandfather
he never knew. His haunting story forcefully illuminates questions
of belonging and home - questions that continue to press in on us
The Archaeology of Human Bones provides an up to date account of
the analysis of human skeletal remains from archaeological sites,
introducing students to the anatomy of bones and teeth and the
nature of the burial record. Drawing from studies around the world,
this book illustrates how the scientific study of human remains can
shed light upon important archaeological and historical questions.
This new edition reflects the latest developments in scientific
techniques and their application to burial archaeology. Current
scientific methods are explained, alongside a critical
consideration of their strengths and weaknesses. The book has also
been thoroughly revised to reflect changes in the ways in which
scientific studies of human remains have influenced our
understanding of the past, and has been updated to reflect
developments in ethical debates that surround the treatment of
human remains. There is now a separate chapter devoted to
archaeological fieldwork on burial grounds, and the chapters on DNA
and ethics have been completely rewritten. This edition of The
Archaeology of Human Bones provides not only a more up to date but
also a more comprehensive overview of this crucial area of
archaeology. Written in a clear style with technical jargon kept to
a minimum, it continues to be a key work for archaeology students.
Businesses spend billions on innovation with very little to show
for their investment or effort. This book challenges some of the
'ingrained truths' of innovation and suggests a different approach.
Innovation is not the creation of a novel idea. It is the
successful commercialisation of that novel idea. Rather than
starting with a costly, time-consuming problem assessment that
seeks to push potential solutions through an innovation funnel, an
'impeller approach' starts with possible solutions and gets the
market to pull the best ones forward so they can fail fast or
flourish fast. This approach is made possible by the addition of a
'bee' - a new type of integrative thinker who can harvest the
existing knowledge from the 'meadow of experts'. Completely
reversing the innovation process means organisations are much
better placed to win in the market rather than focusing on finding
theoretical solutions or clearing innovation stage gates. In
addition, this approach also recognises that the people who
shepherd the solution through the ideation and testing stage are
not the same people who must then take that solution to market for
successful commercialisation. Given the current innovation failure
rate, coupled with the fact that society is beset with multiple
wicked problems, it's time to think differently and innovate
innovation itself. This book is essential reading for Heads of
Innovation and Commercialisation, Directors of Marketing, Heads of
New Product Development and New Service Development, Strategy
Directors, Chief Technology Officers, Government advisers and
policy makers.
What is love's real aim? Why is it so ruthlessly selective in its
choice of loved ones? Why do we love at all? In addressing these
questions, Simon May develops a radically new understanding of love
as the emotion we feel towards whomever or whatever we experience
as grounding our life-as offering us a possibility of home in a
world that we supremely value. He sees love as motivated by a
promise of "ontological rootedness," rather than, as two thousand
years of tradition variously asserts, by beauty or goodness, by a
search for wholeness, by virtue, by sexual or reproductive desire,
by compassion or altruism or empathy, or, in one of today's
dominant views, by no qualities at all of the loved one. After
arguing that such founding Western myths as the Odyssey and
Abraham's call by God to Canaan in the Bible powerfully exemplify
his new conception of love, May goes on to re-examine the relation
of love to beauty, sex, and goodness in the light of this
conception, offering among other things a novel theory of
beauty-and suggesting, against Plato, that we can love others for
their ugliness (while also seeing them as beautiful). Finally, he
proposes that, in the Western world, romantic love is gradually
giving way to parental love as the most valued form of love:
namely, the love without which one's life is not deemed complete or
truly flourishing. May explains why childhood has become sacred and
excellence in parenting a paramount ideal-as well as a litmus test
of society's moral health. In doing so, he argues that the child is
the first genuinely "modern" supreme object of love: the first to
fully reflect what Nietzsche called "the death of God."
An exploration of cuteness and its immense hold on us, from emojis
and fluffy puppies to its more uncanny, subversive expressions
Cuteness has taken the planet by storm. Global sensations Hello
Kitty and Pokemon, the works of artists Takashi Murakami and Jeff
Koons, Heidi the cross-eyed opossum and E.T.-all reflect its
gathering power. But what does "cute" mean, as a sensibility and
style? Why is it so pervasive? Is it all infantile fluff, or is
there something more uncanny and even menacing going on-in a
lighthearted way? In The Power of Cute, Simon May provides nuanced
and surprising answers. We usually see the cute as merely
diminutive, harmless, and helpless. May challenges this prevailing
perspective, investigating everything from Mickey Mouse to Kim
Jong-il to argue that cuteness is not restricted to such sweet
qualities but also beguiles us by transforming or distorting them
into something of playfully indeterminate power, gender, age,
morality, and even species. May grapples with cuteness's dark and
unpindownable side-unnerving, artful, knowing,
apprehensive-elements that have fascinated since ancient times
through mythical figures, especially hybrids like the hermaphrodite
and the sphinx. He argues that cuteness is an addictive antidote to
today's pressured expectations of knowing our purpose, being in
charge, and appearing predictable, transparent, and sincere.
Instead, it frivolously expresses the uncertainty that these norms
deny: the ineliminable uncertainty of who we are; of how much we
can control and know; of who, in our relations with others, really
has power; indeed, of the very value and purpose of power. The
Power of Cute delves into a phenomenon that speaks with strange
force to our age.
The Archaeology of Human Bones provides an up to date account of
the analysis of human skeletal remains from archaeological sites,
introducing students to the anatomy of bones and teeth and the
nature of the burial record. Drawing from studies around the world,
this book illustrates how the scientific study of human remains can
shed light upon important archaeological and historical questions.
This new edition reflects the latest developments in scientific
techniques and their application to burial archaeology. Current
scientific methods are explained, alongside a critical
consideration of their strengths and weaknesses. The book has also
been thoroughly revised to reflect changes in the ways in which
scientific studies of human remains have influenced our
understanding of the past, and has been updated to reflect
developments in ethical debates that surround the treatment of
human remains. There is now a separate chapter devoted to
archaeological fieldwork on burial grounds, and the chapters on DNA
and ethics have been completely rewritten. This edition of The
Archaeology of Human Bones provides not only a more up to date but
also a more comprehensive overview of this crucial area of
archaeology. Written in a clear style with technical jargon kept to
a minimum, it continues to be a key work for archaeology students.
Nietzsche famously attacked traditional morality, and propounded a controversial ethics of 'life-enhancement'. Simon May presents a wide-ranging and provocative critique of Nietzsche's ethics, which are shown to be both revolutionary and conservative, and to have much to offer us today after the demise of old values and the alleged 'death of God'. May's book will be illuminating not just for scholars and students of Nietzsche, but for anyone interested in current debates about ethics and modernity.
'A lyrical, fascinating, important book. More than just a family
story, it is an essay on belonging, denying, pretending,
self-deception and, at least for the main characters, survival.'
Literary Review 'Simon May's remarkable How to Be a Refugee is a
memoir of family secrets with a ruminative twist, one that's more
interested in what we keep from ourselves than the ones we conceal
from others.' Irish Times The most familiar fate of Jews living in
Hitler's Germany is either emigration or deportation to
concentration camps. But there was another, much rarer, side to
Jewish life at that time: denial of your origin to the point where
you manage to erase almost all consciousness of it. You refuse to
believe that you are Jewish. How to Be a Refugee is Simon May's
gripping account of how three sisters - his mother and his two
aunts - grappled with what they felt to be a lethal heritage. Their
very different trajectories included conversion to Catholicism,
marriage into the German aristocracy, securing 'Aryan' status with
high-ranking help from inside Hitler's regime, and engagement to a
card-carrying Nazi. Even after his mother fled to London from Nazi
Germany and Hitler had been defeated, her instinct for
self-concealment didn't abate. Following the early death of his
father, also a German Jewish refugee, May was raised a Catholic and
forbidden to identify as Jewish or German or British. In the face
of these banned inheritances, May embarks on a quest to uncover the
lives of the three sisters as well as the secrets of a grandfather
he never knew. His haunting story forcefully illuminates questions
of belonging and home - questions that continue to press in on us
On the Genealogy of Morality is Nietzsche's most influential,
provocative, and challenging work of ethics. In this volume of
newly commissioned essays, fourteen leading philosophers offer
fresh insights into many of the work's central questions: How did
our dominant values originate and what functions do they really
serve? What future does the concept of 'evil' have - and can it be
revalued? What sorts of virtues and ideals does Nietzsche advocate,
and are they necessarily incompatible with aspirations to democracy
and a free society? What are the nature, role, and scope of
genealogy in his critique of morality - and why doesn't his own
evaluative standard receive a genealogical critique? Taken
together, this superb collection illuminates what a post-Christian
and indeed post-moral life might look like, and asks to what extent
Nietzsche's Genealogy manages to move beyond morality.
What is love's real intent? Why can love be so ruthlessly
selective? How is it related to sex, beauty, and goodness? And is
the child now the supreme object of love? In addressing these
questions, Simon May develops a radically new understanding of love
as the emotion we feel towards whomever or whatever we experience
as grounding our life—as offering us a possibility of home in a
world that we supremely value. He sees love as motivated by a
promise of "ontological rootedness," rather than, as two thousand
years of tradition variously asserts, by beauty or goodness, by a
search for wholeness, by virtue, by sexual or reproductive desire,
by compassion or altruism or empathy, or, in one of today's
dominant views, by no qualities at all of the loved one. After
arguing that such founding Western myths as the Odyssey and
Abraham's call by God to Canaan in the Bible powerfully exemplify
his new conception of love, May goes on to re-examine the relation
of love to beauty, sex, and goodness in the light of this
conception, offering among other things a novel theory of
beauty—and suggesting, against Plato, that we can love others for
their ugliness (while also seeing them as beautiful). Finally, he
proposes that, in the Western world, romantic love is gradually
giving way to parental love as the most valued form of love:
namely, the love without which one's life is not deemed complete or
truly flourishing. May explains why childhood has become sacred and
excellence in parenting a paramount ideal—as well as a litmus
test of society's moral health. In doing so, he argues that the
child is the first genuinely "modern" supreme object of love: the
first to fully reflect what Nietzsche called "the death of God."
Readers will find Love "Excitingly new, yet immediately
recognizable—that's the paradox at the very heart of love, and it
is what Simon May has achieved." —Los Angeles Review of Books
An illuminating exploration of how love has been shaped, idolized,
and misconstrued by the West over three millennia, and how we might
differently conceive it Love-unconditional, selfless, unchanging,
sincere, and totally accepting-is worshipped today as the West's
only universal religion. To challenge it is one of our few
remaining taboos. In this pathbreaking and superbly written book,
philosopher Simon May does just that, dissecting our resilient
ruling ideas of love and showing how they are the product of a long
and powerful cultural heritage. Tracing over 2,500 years of human
thought and history, May shows how our ideal of love developed from
its Hebraic and Greek origins alongside Christianity until, during
the last two centuries, "God is love" became "love is God"-so
hubristic, so escapist, so untruthful to the real nature of love,
that it has booby-trapped relationships everywhere with deluded
expectations. Brilliantly, May explores the very different
philosophers and writers, both skeptics and believers, who dared to
think differently: from Aristotle's perfect friendship and Ovid's
celebration of sex and "the chase," to Rousseau's personal
authenticity, Nietzsche's affirmation, Freud's concepts of loss and
mourning, and boredom in Proust. Against our belief that love is an
all-powerful solution to finding meaning, security, and happiness
in life, May reveals with great clarity what love actually is: the
intense desire for someone whom we believe can ground and affirm
our very existence. The feeling that "makes the world go round"
turns out to be a harbinger of home--and in that sense, of the
On the Genealogy of Morality is Nietzsche's most influential,
provocative, and challenging work of ethics. In this volume of
newly commissioned essays, fourteen leading philosophers offer
fresh insights into many of the work's central questions: How did
our dominant values originate and what functions do they really
serve? What future does the concept of 'evil' have - and can it be
revalued? What sorts of virtues and ideals does Nietzsche advocate,
and are they necessarily incompatible with aspirations to democracy
and a free society? What are the nature, role, and scope of
genealogy in his critique of morality - and why doesn't his own
evaluative standard receive a genealogical critique? Taken
together, this superb collection illuminates what a post-Christian
and indeed post-moral life might look like, and asks to what extent
Nietzsche's Genealogy manages to move beyond morality.
This advanced textbook provides the reader with an up-to-date
account of recent developments and future potential in the study of
human skeletons from both an archaeological and forensic context.
It is well-illustrated, comprehensive in its coverage and is
divided into six sections for ease of reference, encompassing such
areas as palaeodemography, juvenile health and growth, disease and
trauma, normal skeletal variation, biochemical and microscopic
analyses and facial reconstruction. Each chapter is written by a
recognised specialist in the field, and includes in-depth
discussion of the reliability of methods, with appropriate
references, and current and future research directions. It is
essential reading for all students undertaking osteology as part of
their studies and will also prove a valuable reference for forensic
scientists, both in the field and the laboratory.
The principal aim of this volume is to elucidate what freedom,
sovereignty, and autonomy mean for Nietzsche and what philosophical
resources he gives us to re-think these crucial concepts. A related
aim is to examine how Nietzsche connects these concepts to his
thoughts about life-affirmation, self-love, promise-making, agency,
the 'will to nothingness', and the 'eternal recurrence', as well as
to his search for a 'genealogical' understanding of morality.
These twelve essays by leading Nietzsche scholars ask such key
questions as: Can we reconcile his rejection of free will with his
positive invocations of the notion of free will? How does
Nietzsche's celebration of freedom and free spirits sit with his
claim that we all have an unchangeable fate? What is the relation
between his concepts of freedom and self-overcoming?
The depth in which these and related issues are explored gives this
volume its value, not only to those interested in Nietzsche, but to
all who are concerned with the free will debate, ethics, theory of
action, and the history of philosophy.
This scarce antiquarian book is a selection from Kessinger
Publishing's Legacy Reprint Series. Due to its age, it may contain
imperfections such as marks, notations, marginalia and flawed
pages. Because we believe this work is culturally important, we
have made it available as part of our commitment to protecting,
preserving, and promoting the world's literature. Kessinger
Publishing is the place to find hundreds of thousands of rare and
hard-to-find books with something of interest for everyone
Nietzsche famously attacked traditional morality, and propounded a controversial ethics of 'life-enhancement'. Simon May presents a wide-ranging and provocative critique of Nietzsche's ethics, which are shown to be both revolutionary and conservative, and to have much to offer us today after the demise of old values and the alleged 'death of God'. May's book will be illuminating not just for scholars and students of Nietzsche, but for anyone interested in current debates about ethics and modernity.
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