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Types for Proofs and Programs - International Workshop, TYPES 2006, Nottingham, UK, April 18-21, 2006,  Revised Selected Papers... Types for Proofs and Programs - International Workshop, TYPES 2006, Nottingham, UK, April 18-21, 2006, Revised Selected Papers (Paperback, 2007 ed.)
Thorsten Altenkirch, Conor McBride
R1,629 Discovery Miles 16 290 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

The refereed post-proceedings of the International Workshop of the Types Working Group are presented in this volume. The 17 papers address all current issues in formal reasoning and computer programming based on type theory, including languages and computerized tools for reasoning; applications in several domains, such as analysis of programming languages; certified software; formalization of mathematics; and mathematics education.

Types for Proofs and Programs - International Workshop, TYPES '98, Kloster Irsee, Germany, March 27-31, 1998, Selected... Types for Proofs and Programs - International Workshop, TYPES '98, Kloster Irsee, Germany, March 27-31, 1998, Selected Papers (Paperback, 1999 ed.)
Thorsten Altenkirch, Wolfgang Naraschewski, Bernhard Reus
R1,589 Discovery Miles 15 890 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

Thisbookcontainsaselectionofpaperspresentedatthesecondannualworkshop heldundertheauspicesoftheEspritWorkingGroup21900Types. Theworkshop tookplaceinIrsee,Germany,from27to31ofMarch1998andwasattendedby 89researchers. Ofthe25submissions,14wereselectedforpublicationafteraregularref- eeingprocess. The?nalchoicewasmadebytheeditors. Thisvolumeisasequeltotheproceedingsfromthe?rstworkshopofthe workinggroup,whichtookplaceinAussois,France,inDecember1996. The proceedingsappearedinvol. 1512oftheLNCSseries,editedbyChristinePaulin- MohringandEduardoGim'enez. Theseworkshopsare,inturn,acontinuationofthemeetingsorganizedin 1993,1994,and1995undertheauspicesoftheEspritBasicResearchAction 6453 Types for Proofs and Programs. Thoseproceedingswerealsopublished intheLNCSseries,editedbyHenkBarendregtandTobiasNipkow(vol. 806, 1993),byPeterDybjer,BengtNordstr..omandJanSmith(vol. 996,1994)and byStefanoBerardiandMarioCoppo(vol. 1158,1995). TheEspritBRA6453 wasacontinuationoftheformerEspritAction3245Logical Frameworks: - sign,ImplementationandExperiments. Thearticlesfromtheannualworkshops organizedunderthatActionwereeditedbyGerardHuetandGordonPlotkin inthebooksLogical FrameworksandLogicalEnvironments,bothpublishedby CambridgeUniversityPress. Acknowledgments WewouldliketothankIrmgardMignaniandAgnesSzabo-Lackingerforhelping uswithprocessingtheregistrations,andRalphMatthesandMarkusWenzelfor organizationalsupportduringthemeeting. Weareindebtedtotheorganizersof theWorkingGroupTypesandalsotoPeterClote,TobiasNipkowandMartin Wirsingforgivingustheopportunitytoorganizethisworkshopandfortheir support. WewouldalsoliketoacknowledgefundingbytheEuropeanUnion. Thisvolumewouldnothavebeenpossiblewithouttheworkofthereferees. Theyarelistedonthenextpageandwethankthemfortheirinvaluablehelp. June1999 ThorstenAltenkirch WolfgangNaraschewski BernhardReus VI List of Referees PeterAczel PetriMa..enp..a..a ThorstenAltenkirch RalphMatthes GillesBarthe MichaelMendler HenkBarendregt WolfgangNaraschewski UliBerger TobiasNipkow MarcBezem SaraNegri VenanzioCapretta ChristinePaulin-Mohring MarioCoppo HenrikPersson CatarinaCoquand RandyPollack RobertoDiCosmo DavidPym GillesDowek ChristopheRa?alli MarcDymetman AarneRanta Jean-ChristopheFilliatre BernhardReus NeilGhani EikeRitter MartinHofmann GiovanniSambin MonikaSeisenberger FurioHonsell AntonSetzer PaulJackson JanSmith FelixJoachimski FlorianKammuller . . SergeiSoloview JamesMcKinna MakotoTakeyama Sim"aoMelodeSousa SilvioValentini ThomasKleymann MarkusWenzel HansLeiss BenjaminWerner Table of Contents OnRelatingTypeTheoriesandSetTheories...1 PeterAczel CommunicationModellingandContext-DependentInterpretation: AnIntegratedApproach...19 Ren'eAhn,TijnBorghuis Grobner .. BasesinTypeTheory ...33 ThierryCoquand,HenrikPersson AModalLambdaCalculuswithIterationandCaseConstructs...47 Jo..elleDespeyroux,PierreLeleu ProofNormalizationModulo ...62 GillesDowek,BenjaminWerner ProofofImperativeProgramsinTypeTheory...78 Jean-ChristopheFilliatre AnInterpretationoftheFanTheoreminTypeTheory ...93 DanielFridlender ConjunctiveTypesandSKInT...106 JeanGoubault-Larrecq ModularStructuresasDependentTypesinIsabelle ...121 FlorianKammul ..ler MetatheoryofVeri?cationCalculiinLEGO...133 ThomasKleymann BoundedPolymorphismforExtensibleObjects ...149 LuigiLiquori AboutE?ectiveQuotientsinConstructiveTypeTheory ...164 MariaEmiliaMaietti VIII AlgorithmsforEqualityandUni?cationinthePresenceof NotationalDe?nitions...179 FrankPfenning,CarstenSch..urmann APreviewoftheBasicPicture:ANewPerspectiveonFormalTopology. . 194 GiovanniSambin,SilviaGebellato On Relating TypeTheories and Set Theories PeterAczel Departments of Mathematics and Computer Science Manchester University petera@cs. man. ac. uk Introduction 1 The original motivation for the work described in this paper was to det- minetheprooftheoreticstrengthofthetypetheoriesimplementedintheproof developmentsystemsLegoandCoq,[12,4]. Thesetypetheoriescombinetheim- 2 predicativetype of propositions , from the calculus of constructions,[5], with theinductivetypesandhierarchyoftypeuniversesofMartin-Lo..f'sconstructive typetheory,[13]. Intuitivelythereisaneasywaytodetermineanupperbound ontheprooftheoreticstrength. Thisistousethe'obvious'types-as-sets- terpretation of these type theories in a strong enough classical axiomatic set theory.

Conceptual Programming with Python (Paperback): Thorsten Altenkirch, Isaac Triguero Conceptual Programming with Python (Paperback)
Thorsten Altenkirch, Isaac Triguero
R576 Discovery Miles 5 760 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

Thorsten and Isaac have written this book based on a programming course we teach for Master's Students at the School of Computer Science of the University of Nottingham. The book is intended for students with little or no background in programming coming from different backgrounds educationally as well as culturally. It is not mainly a Python course but we use Python as a vehicle to teach basic programming concepts. Hence, the words conceptual programming in the title. We cover basic concepts about data structures, imperative programming, recursion and backtracking, object-oriented programming, functional programming, game development and some basics of data science.

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