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Environmental Science for Environmental Management has quickly
established itself as the leading introduction to environmental
science, demonstrating how a more environmental science can create
an effective approach to environmental management on different
spatial scales. Since publication of the first edition,
environmentalism has become an increasing concern on the global
political agenda. Following the Rio Conference and meetings on
population, social justice, women, urban settlement and oceans,
civil society has increasingly promoted the cause of a more radical
agenda, ranging from rights to know, fair trade, social
empowerment, social justice and civil rights for the oppressed, as
well as novel forms of accounting and auditing. This new edition is
set in the context of a changing environmentalism and a challenged
science. It builds on the popularity and applicability of the first
edition and has been fully revised and updated by the existing
writing team from the internationally renowned School of
Environmental Science at the University of East Anglia.
Environmental Science for Environmental Management is an essential
text for for undergraduate students of environmental science,
environmental management, planning and geography. It is invaluable
supplementary reading for environmental biology and environmental
chemistry courses, as well as for engineering, economics and
business studies.
Ecotaxation covers two distinct ideas. To date, it has largely been
associated with the 'polluter pays' principle, in the form of
correctional charges imposed on activities which have a
demonstrably damaging effect on the quality of life or the
environment. The other involves a more ambitious policy shift,
aiming to put taxation onto a different basis, away from income and
labour, and onto resource-depleting and environmentally damaging
activities. By going further, and directing the additional revenue
towards environmentally supportive and socially improving ends, it
can be part of the fiscal basis for sustainable development. This
volume explores the history of both ideas, but with more emphasis
on the wider-ranging policy alternatives that ecotaxation
represents. The contributors look at the mixed records of the
correctional economic instruments which have been introduced,
suggesting that unless they are integrated into a more
comprehensive package of reforms, they are not likely to have much
effect on the direction of an already unsustainable economy. On the
other hand, taxation has the potential not only to stimulate
sustainable forms of economic activity but also, by lowering the
costs of work and employment, to create jobs and greater social
justice. At a time when governments' room for manoeuvre is being
more and more restricted by conflicting social, economic and
environmental commitments and pressures, revenue-neutral
ecotaxation has a crucial role to play in reconciling those
objectives and putting policy onto a new and lasting footing.
Viewed from the perspective of environmental management, this study
describes the implications and applications of the precautionary
principle - a theory of avoiding risk even when its likelihood
seems remote. This principle has been employed in the United
Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and the North
Atlantic Convention, yet it is not widely understood. This study
examines the history and context of the principle, and its
applications to law, governmental policies, business and
investment, scientific research and international relations.
The Politics of Climate Change provides a critical analysis of the
political, moral and legal response to climate change in the midst
of significant socio-economic policy shifts. Evolving from original
EC commissioned research, this book examines how climate change was
put on the policy agenda, with the evolution of the United Nations
Framework Convention and subsequent Conference of Parties.
The international team of contributors devote in-depth chapters to:
* climate change policies of different nations
* reductions of greenhouse gas emmissions
* legal aspects of external competence and moral obligatons
* the political significance of the European experience within the
wider global perspectives of America and Asia.
The Politics of Climate Change provides a critical analysis of the
political, moral and legal response to climate change in the midst
of significant socio-economic policy shifts. Evolving from original
EC commissioned research, this book examines how climate change was
put on the policy agenda, with the evolution of the United Nations
Framework Convention and subsequent Conference of Parties.
The international team of contributors devote in-depth chapters to:
* climate change policies of different nations
* reductions of greenhouse gas emmissions
* legal aspects of external competence and moral obligatons
* the political significance of the European experience within the
wider global perspectives of America and Asia.
1m Juni 1992 versammelten sich in Rio de Janeiro, Brasilien, 25000
Menschen zur grOBten Konferenz aller Zeiten, die auf Grund der
gro6en Zahl der teil- nehmenden Prasidenten und Regierungschefs
auch als Welt-Gipfel bezeichnet wird. Sie stand unter der
Schirmherrschaft der Vereinten Nationen und befaBte sich mit den
Themen Umwelt und Entwicklung. Es wurden u. a. folgende Frage-
stellungen betrachtet: Wie kann zwischen der Notwendigkeit zur
Entwicklung und Verbesserung der menschlichen Lebensqualitiit und
der wichtigen Verpflichtung, die Umwelt zu bewah- ren, die richtige
Balance gefunden werden? Wie kann das Ziel einer nachhaltigen
Entwicklung erreicht werden? Die Konferenz war nicht nur ein
Meilenstein fUr die Umwelt; daB Umwelt- themen ein fester
Bestandteil des politischen Alltags geworden sind, konnte nicht
deutlicher demonstriert werden. Sie war auch ein Ereignis von
gro6er Bedeutung fUr die Beziehung zwischen Wissenschaft und
Politik. Weil die wissenschaftliche Gemeinschaft den Politikern und
Verantwortlichen dieser Welt das Problem der globalen Erwarmung
(einschlie6lich ihrer Unwagbarkeiten) klar verdeutlichen konnte,
erwies es sich auf dieser Konferenz als moglich, nahezu alle Lander
zur Unterzeichnung des Rahmenabkommens zur Klimaverlinderung zu
bewegen. Der Welt-Gipfel in Rio war nur ein Anfang. Uber
Kernprobleme wie Forst- wirtschaft und Artenvielfalt wurde keine
Ubereinkunft erreicht. Die Klima-Kon- vention ist ein gro6er
Schritt vorwlirts, aber eindeutige und verbindliche MaB- nahmen
miissen noch vereinbart werden. Auf den betroffenen Gebieten
bedeutet das Ergebnis des Gipfels eine enorme Herausforderung fUr
die Wissenschaftler dieser Erde.
1m Juni 1992 versammelten sich in Rio de Janeiro, Brasilien, 25000
Menschen zur grOBten Konferenz aller Zeiten, die auf Grund der
gro6en Zahl der teil nehmenden Prasidenten und Regierungschefs auch
als Welt-Gipfel bezeichnet wird. Sie stand unter der
Schirmherrschaft der Vereinten Nationen und befaBte sich mit den
Themen Umwelt und Entwicklung. Es wurden u. a. folgende Frage
stellungen betrachtet: Wie kann zwischen der Notwendigkeit zur
Entwicklung und Verbesserung der menschlichen Lebensqualitiit und
der wichtigen Verpflichtung, die Umwelt zu bewah ren, die richtige
Balance gefunden werden? Wie kann das Ziel einer nachhaltigen
Entwicklung erreicht werden? Die Konferenz war nicht nur ein
Meilenstein fUr die Umwelt; daB Umwelt themen ein fester
Bestandteil des politischen Alltags geworden sind, konnte nicht
deutlicher demonstriert werden. Sie war auch ein Ereignis von
gro6er Bedeutung fUr die Beziehung zwischen Wissenschaft und
Politik. Weil die wissenschaftliche Gemeinschaft den Politikern und
Verantwortlichen dieser Welt das Problem der globalen Erwarmung
(einschlie6lich ihrer Unwagbarkeiten) klar verdeutlichen konnte,
erwies es sich auf dieser Konferenz als moglich, nahezu alle Lander
zur Unterzeichnung des Rahmenabkommens zur Klimaverlinderung zu
bewegen. Der Welt-Gipfel in Rio war nur ein Anfang. Uber
Kernprobleme wie Forst wirtschaft und Artenvielfalt wurde keine
Ubereinkunft erreicht. Die Klima-Kon vention ist ein gro6er Schritt
vorwlirts, aber eindeutige und verbindliche MaB nahmen miissen noch
vereinbart werden. Auf den betroffenen Gebieten bedeutet das
Ergebnis des Gipfels eine enorme Herausforderung fUr die
Wissenschaftler dieser Erde."
The Transition to Sustainability 'details how all nations are
repositioning their economies, their societies and their collective
purpose to maintain all life on Earth, peacefully, healthily,
equitably and with sufficient wealth to ensure that all are content
in their survival.' From the Preface The governments of Europe are
committed, in principle, to the implementation of sustainable
development policies. What will this mean in practice? Most
importantly, how compatible is such implementation with other
commitments to economic growth and competitive markets? Can it be
achieved, and what are the implications for all other policy areas?
This book looks at the implications for government, business,
taxation, planning, measures of change and local communities within
the European Union. Country case studies include Germany, Norway,
Greece, Portugal and the UK. The Editors conclude by giving an
overview of progress so far, and offer pointers for the future.
Policy makers, researchers and students across the range of social
sciences will find this a valuable and groundbreaking book.
Environmental Science for Environmental Management has quickly
established itself as the leading introduction to environmental
science, demonstrating how a more environmental science can create
an effective approach to environmental management on different
spatial scales. Since publication of the first edition,
environmentalism has become an increasing concern on the global
political agenda. Following the Rio Conference and meetings on
population, social justice, women, urban settlement and oceans,
civil society has increasingly promoted the cause of a more radical
agenda, ranging from rights to know, fair trade, social
empowerment, social justice and civil rights for the oppressed, as
well as novel forms of accounting and auditing. This new edition is
set in the context of a changing environmentalism and a challenged
science. It builds on the popularity and applicability of the first
edition and has been fully revised and updated by the existing
writing team from the internationally renowned School of
Environmental Science at the University of East Anglia.
Environmental Science for Environmental Management is an essential
text for for undergraduate students of environmental science,
environmental management, planning and geography. It is invaluable
supplementary reading for environmental biology and environmental
chemistry courses, as well as for engineering, economics and
business studies.