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In this new volume it is argued that network effects are much more
common than usually assumed, and that they have a profound impact
on many aspects of economic systems, especially technological
change and economic growth. The analysis and modelling of this
interrelationship is the central focus of this book. While there
exists a vast body of literature on economic growth, the theories
put forward so far have had limited success in explaining observed
patterns of economic growth. 'Growth cycles' in particular continue
to elude standard economic models, though evolutionary economics
has made some progress. Seeking to fill the gap, Torsten Heinrich's
innovative approach uses microeconomics to explain heterogeneous
sectoral dynamics on the meso level, and then aggregating these to
observed macroeconomic growth rates. In this way, it is shown that
an evolutionary model of technological change with network effects
can explain not only commonly observed asymmetric industry
structures, monopolies and oligopolies but also 'growth cycles'.
The book includes a comprehensive account of the most influential
economic growth theories, a discussion of the research on network
effects as well as an introduction to the methodology, the model,
and a case study on the recent emergence of information and
communication technology. This important new volume will be
relevant to all those interested in theoretical economics, growth
theory, innovation economics, agent based modelling and industry
In this new volume it is argued that network effects are much more
common than usually assumed, and that they have a profound impact
on many aspects of economic systems, especially technological
change and economic growth. The analysis and modelling of this
interrelationship is the central focus of this book. While there
exists a vast body of literature on economic growth, the theories
put forward so far have had limited success in explaining observed
patterns of economic growth. 'Growth cycles' in particular continue
to elude standard economic models, though evolutionary economics
has made some progress. Seeking to fill the gap, Torsten Heinrich's
innovative approach uses microeconomics to explain heterogeneous
sectoral dynamics on the meso level, and then aggregating these to
observed macroeconomic growth rates. In this way, it is shown that
an evolutionary model of technological change with network effects
can explain not only commonly observed asymmetric industry
structures, monopolies and oligopolies but also 'growth cycles'.
The book includes a comprehensive account of the most influential
economic growth theories, a discussion of the research on network
effects as well as an introduction to the methodology, the model,
and a case study on the recent emergence of information and
communication technology. This important new volume will be
relevant to all those interested in theoretical economics, growth
theory, innovation economics, agent based modelling and industry
"The Microeconomics of Complex Economies "uses game theory,
modeling approaches, formal techniques, and computer simulations to
teach useful, accessible approaches to real modern economies. It
covers topics of information and innovation, including national and
regional systems of innovation; clustered and networked firms; and
open-source/open-innovation production and use. Its final chapter
on policy perspectives and decisions confirms the value of the
Written so chapters can be used independently, the book includes
an introduction to computer simulation and pedagogical supplements.
Its formal, accessible treatment of complexity goes beyond the
scopes of neoclassical and mainstream economics. The highly
interdependent economy of the 21st century demands a
reconsideration of economic theories.
Describes the usefulness of complex heterodox economicsEmphasizes
divergences and convergences with neoclassical economic theories
and perspectivesFits easily into courses on intermediate
microeconomics, industrial organization, and games through
self-contained chapters
This collection is inspired by the coming retirement of Professor
Wolfram Elsner. It presents cutting-edge economic research relevant
to economic policies and policy-making, placing a strong focus on
innovative perspectives. In a changing world that has been shaken
by economic, social, financial, and ecological crises, it becomes
increasingly clear that new approaches to economics are needed for
both theoretical and empirical research; for applied economics as
well as policy advice. At this point, it seems necessary to develop
new methods, to reconsider theoretical foundations and especially
to take into account the theoretical alternatives that have been
advocated within the field of economics for many years. This
collection seeks to accomplish this by including institutionalist,
evolutionary, complexity, and other innovative perspectives. It
thereby creates a unique selection of methodological and empirical
approaches ranging from game theory to economic dynamics to
empirical and historical-theoretical analyses. The interested
reader will find careful reconsiderations of the historical
development of institutional and evolutionary theories,
enlightening theoretical contributions, interdisciplinary ideas, as
well as insightful applications. The collection serves to highlight
the common ground and the synergies between the various approaches
and thereby to contribute to an emerging coherent framework of
alternative theories in economics. This book is of interest to
those who study political economy, economic theory and philosophy,
as well as economic policy.
Erleben Sie eine der beruhmtesten Schlachten der Weltgeschichte,
Cannae 216 v. Christus, aus einer ungewohnlichen Perspektive: Der
der beiden Legionare Flavius und Parvulus. Mord und Vergewaltigung,
Plunderung und ehrenwerte Taten begleiten die beiden Legionare in
den letzten Wochen vor der Schlacht. Wie werden sie den Ausgang der
Schlacht uberstehen?"
Erfahren Sie die Geschichte des Gurkhas Lachhiman Gurung, der in
der Nacht vom 12. auf den 13. Mai 1945 alleine einer gewaltigen
Ubermacht an Japanern gegenuberstand, wofur er mit dem
Viktoriakreuz, der hochsten Tapferkeitsauszeichnung
Grossbritanniens, ausgezeichnet wurde. Dieser auf historischen
Fakten basierende Roman lasst Sie die Qualen und Leiden des Gurkhas
erleben. Auf ihn und seine Kameraden lauern Scharfschutzen,
Hinterhalte, Uberquerung breiter Flusse unter Feindfeuer, aber auch
Krokodile und Tiger