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'Sifting through the chapters is rewarding, producing essays that are on target.' - Allan Mazur, Syracuse University
Contemporary Sociological Theory is an atypical book, in that it is
the expression of a sociology that is oriented toward praxis as
well as being active. It combines rigorous research with facts,
including the intention for a dialogical utopia. Is something like
this possible? - the professional sociologist asks, smiling
mockingly, denying the possibility. But this broad intention is
presented in the book, joining theory with critique and empirical
research with praxis, in such a charming way that it grabs its
readers and captures them under its spell. To whom is this book
addressed? Clearly it is to sociology students, but it also has the
objective of reaching those who do not plan on studying sociology.
It is especially appropriate for social movements, which the book
tries to involve in a theoretical dialogue, to be used to
strengthen their daily struggles. If it were true that social
movements need more theory in order to increase their capacity for
political action, this book would imply an essential conclusion to
this end. (From the Preface by Ulrich Beck)
This book presents Ulrich Beck, one of the world's leading
sociologists and social thinkers, as a Pioneer in Cosmopolitan
Sociology and Risk Society. His world risk society theory has been
confirmed by recent disasters - events that have shaken modern
society to the core, signaling the end of an era in which
comprehensive insurance could keep us safe. Due to its own
successes, modern society now faces failure: while in the past
experiments were conducted in a lab, now the whole world is a test
bed. Whether nuclear plants, genetically modified organisms,
nanotechnology - if any of these experiments went wrong, the
consequences would have a global impact and would be irreversible.
Beck recommends ignoring the mathematical morality of expert
opinions, which seek to identify the level of a given risk by
calculating the probability of its occurrence. Instead, man's fear
of collapse should offer an opportunity for international
cooperation and a cosmopolitan turn in the social sciences.
The theme of reflexivity has come to be central to social analysis.
In this book three prominent social thinkers discuss the
implications of "reflexive modernization" for social and cultural
theory today. Ulrich Beck's vision of the "risk society" has
already become extraordinarily influential. Beck offers a new
elaboration of his basic ideas, connecting reflexive modernization
with new issues to do with the state and political organization.
Giddens offers an in-depth examination of the connections between
"institutional reflexivity" and the de-traditionalizing of the
modern world. We are entering, he argues, a phase of the
development of a global society. A "global society" is not a world
society, but one with universalizing tendencies. Lash develops the
theme of reflexive modernization in relation the aesthetics and the
interpretation of culture. In this domain, he suggests, we need to
look again at the conventional theories of postmodernism;
"aesthetic modernization" has distinctive qualities that need to be
uncovered and analyzed. In the concluding sections of the book, the
three authors offer critical appraisals of each other's viewpoints,
providing a synthetic conclusion to the work as a whole.
Global society has been analyzed in any number of ways: books
dealing with its economic and cultural implications flood the
market. But Planetary Politics highlights something unique. It
explores globalization with an eye on the transformation of
politics into a planetary enterprise. Unifying this collection is a
political purpose: the attempt to engage in progressive fashion the
dominant trends, the terrible excesses, and the positive prospects
in a decidedly new era marked by the transition from a corrosive
interplay between nation-states to a burgeoning planetary politics.
Bringing together the work of major scholars with national and
international reputations, this exciting new work offers
perspectives for dealing with the complexity of power in the
planetary life of the new millennium.
In this book, three social thinkers discuss the implications of
reflexive modernization for social and cultural theory today.
Ulrich Beck's vision of the risk society has already become
influential. Beck offers a new elaboration of his basic ideas,
connecting reflexive modernization with new issues to do with the
state and political organization. Giddens offers an in-depth
examination of the connections between institutional reflexivity
and the de-traditionalizing of the modern world. We are entering,
he argues, a phase of the development of a global society. A global
society is not a world society, but one with universalizing
tendencies. Lash develops the theme of reflexive modernization in
relation to aesthetics and the interpretation of culture. In this
domain, he suggests, we need to look again at the conventional
theories of postmodernism; aesthetic modernization has distinctive
qualities that need to be uncovered and analyzed.
sondern es schon reicht, wenn man die eingeforderte Mobilitat der
Erwerbstati gen berticksichtigt. Will man wirklich Sonntags
Regionalismus und regionale Identitaten predigen und Werktags eine
flexible und mobile Gesellschaft ein klagen? Oder ist es nur blanke
Kosmetik und Symbolpolitik? Nun ist diese Gegentiberstellung
sicherlich plakativ -und entspricht somit den Inhalten vieler
Sonntags-und ErOffnungsreden. Wenn die Medizin jedoch nicht die
einfache Rtickkehr zur verklarten Vergangenheit sein soll, so
stellt sich die Frage, worin sie moglicherweise liegen konnte.
Mochte man an den genannten Organisationsformen festhalten, so
mtiBte man sagen, in der neu er fundenen Familie, in der neu
erfundenen Nachbarschaft und in einem globali sierten
Regionalismus. Das heiBt, nicht die alten liebgewonnenen Ideen
dieser Institutionen konnten einen neuen Integrationsmodus
darstellen, sondern ihre in die moderne Gesellschaft
transformierten und eingepaBten Spiegelbilder -mit allen damit
verbundenen Vor-und Nachteilen Aber diese Argumentation setzt
voraus, daB tiber den Ursprung des Ubels Einigkeit besteht:
Individualisierung. Genau hiertiber laBt sich jedoch auch trefflich
streiten. Wer sagt denn und welche Belege lassen sich dafiir
anfiihren, daB Individualisierung der Beginn allen Ubels der
gegenwartigen Gesellschaft ist? Sind nicht Individuen weiterhin
soziale Wesen, eingebettet in soziale (Aus tausch-)Beziehungen und
Interaktionsnetze? Der Wandel des Handlungsmodus yom "Nahelegen"
zum "Wahlen" (SCHULZE 1992), der durch die Sattigung ma terieller
Notwendigkeiten und gewachsene fmanzielle Spielraume ermoglicht
wurde und weiten Teilen der Bevolkerung im Nachkriegsdeutschland
einen mittelschichtsorientierten Lebensstil erlaubte, veranderten
die sozialstrukturel len Rahmenbedingungen und die vorherrschenden
Wahrnehmungsmuster (vgl. MULLER-SCHNEIDER 1996)."
In seinem Gedicht An die Nachgeborenen schreibt Bertolt Brecht: Was
sind das fiir Zeiten, wo Ein Gesprach uber Baume fast ein
Verbrechen ist Weil es ein Schweigen uber so viele Untaten
einschliegt An diesen Zeilen leuchtet exemplarisch ein Problem auf,
das auch rur jedes Nachdenken uber Gesellschaft, das
wissenschaftliche eingeschlossen, ty pisch ist. Und dieses Problem
ist das zentrale Thema dieses Buches. Ganz allgemein (vielleicht
zugleich zu allgemein und zu spezifisch formuliert) meine ich das
Problem, dag auch in der gegenwartigen gesellschaftlichen Situation
sozialer und politischer Interessenkampfe die harmloseste, metho
disch vollig einwandfreie und in der sachlichsten Sprache der Welt
abgefagte Detailuntersuchung zu einem System normativer
Sachaussagen wird, weil sie fur die Interessen der kampfenden
Parteien unterschiedliche Konsequen zen hat oder ein Schweigen uber
den Zustand fortgesetzten Unrechts ein schliegt. Es ist ein Irrtum,
und zwar ein fur die gesellschaftliche Funktion der Wissenschaft im
sogenannt wissenschaftlich-technischen Zeitalter verhang nisvoller
Irrtum, anzunehmen, sachlicher Sprachgebrauch bedeute gesell
schaftliche Neutralitat, die disziplinierte Beschrankung auf
Feststellen, Messen, Erklarenwollen, Vorhersagenkonnen,
Verfugbarmachen konne keine gesellschaftliche Stellungnahme
beinhalten, weil das derart aufberei tete Wissen prinzipiell fur
die verschiedensten Zwecke einzusetzen sei. Dagegen ist zu sagen:
Erstens kann man auch mit Hilfe technisch-statisti scher Aussagen
werten, und zwar sowohl in den N aturwissenschaften wie in den
Sozialwissenschaften. So geht zum Beispiel in die chemische Formel
eines Giftgases die Wertabsicht des Totens und nicht die des
Heilens ein."
B+Que significa, pues, la mirada cosmopolita? No el amanecer de la
confraternizacion general de los pueblos, ni los albores de la
republica universal, ni una mirada mundial que flotara libremente,
ni el amor al otro por decreto. El cosmopolitismo no es tampoco un
suplemento que deba sustituir al nacionalismo y al provincialismo,
y ello no porque la idea de los derechos humanos y de la democracia
precise de un suelo nacional. La mirada cosmopolita quiere decir:
en un mundo de crisis globales y de peligros derivados de la
civilizacion, pierden su obligatoriedad las viejas diferenciaciones
entre dentro y fuera, nacional e internacional, nosotros y los
otros, siendo preciso un nuevo realismo, de caracter cosmopolita,
para poder sobrevivir.B;
Este libro aborda con detenimiento y claridad el arduo y
problematico tema de la globalizacion: su polivalencia, su
ambiguedad y sus dimensiones raras veces diferenciadas . Asi,
pretende descubrir trampas mentales y ensenar a eludirlas, pero
sobre todo abrir el horizonte a respuestas politicas respecto al
tema en cuestion. En el fondo de todo, sin embargo, late esta doble
pregunta, a la vez sencillisima y de una gran complejidad: que es
la globalizacion? y como configurarla politicamente? Asi, a la
sombra de este ensayo han surgido dos tendencias criticas en las
que se documentan y presentan diversos hilos tematicos,
experiencias y controversias sobre la globalizacion, con la ayuda
de textos clasicos y recientes: por un lado, la politica de la
globalizacion; por otro, las perspectivas de la sociedad mundial:
sus controversias, conflictos y paradojas. Pero los motivos de
fondo, en fin, continuan siendo los mismos: la perdida de la
soberania del Estado nacional entre la economia mundial y la
individualizacion, el shock de la globalizacion como debate
eternamente aplazado, la apertura del horizonte mundial hacia la
sociologia de la globalizacion, el surgimiento de una vision
cosmopolita en la sociedad civil transnacional, los interrogantes
sobre nuevas perspectivas conjuntas en torno a la sociedad
mundial... Toda una serie de cuestiones que la obra de Beck ayuda a
aclarar y dilucidar con un estilo ameno y sencillo que en ningun
momento excluye la seriedad y el rigor.
7. Science Beyond Truth and Enlightenment? / 8. Opening up the Political / Index
"Ecological Politics" in and Age of Risk by Ulrich Beck is an
original analysis of ecological politics as one part of a renewed
engagement with the domain of sub-politics.
Individualization argues that we are in the midst of a fundamental change in the nature of society and politics. This change hinges around two processes: globalization and individualization. The book demonstrates that individualization is a structural characteristic of highly differentiated societies, and does not imperil social cohesion, but actually makes it possible. Ulrich Beck and Elisabeth Beck-Gernsheim argue that it is vital to distinguish between the neo-liberal idea of the free-market individual and the concept of individualization. The result is the most complete discussion of individualization currently available, showing how individualization relates to basic social rights and also paid employment; and concluding that in as much as basic rights are internalized and everyone wants to or must be economically active, the spiral of individualization destroys the given foundations of social co-existence.
Individualization argues that we are in the midst of a fundamental change in the nature of society and politics. This change hinges around two processes: globalization and individualization. The book demonstrates that individualization is a structural characteristic of highly differentiated societies, and does not imperil social cohesion, but actually makes it possible. Ulrich Beck and Elisabeth Beck-Gernsheim argue that it is vital to distinguish between the neo-liberal idea of the free-market individual and the concept of individualization. The result is the most complete discussion of individualization currently available, showing how individualization relates to basic social rights and also paid employment; and concluding that in as much as basic rights are internalized and everyone wants to or must be economically active, the spiral of individualization destroys the given foundations of social co-existence.
Ulrich Beck's best selling Risk Society established risk on the sociological agenda. It brought together a wide range of issues centering on environmental, health and personal risk, provided a rallying ground for researchers and activists in a variety of social movements and acted as a reference point for state and local policies in risk management. The Risk Society and Beyond charts the progress of Beck's ideas and traces their evolution. It demonstrates why the issues raised by Beck reverberate widely throughout social theory and covers the new risks that Beck did not foresee, associated with the emergence of new technologies, genetic and cybernetic. The book is unique because it offers both an introduction to the main arguments in Risk Society and develops a range of critical discussions of aspects of this and other works of Beck.
This book focuses on the relationship between physical space and
social mobility, focusing on the new phenomenon of the
"international professional" who makes the world his home. Mobile
people, Magdalena Nowicka reveals, create their own spatial and
cultural universes through daily routines and practices. Even the
choice of a specific residence, Nowicka shows, has definite local
and global consequences. Grounded in the influential theories of
Ulrich Beck as well as the latest research in the sociology of
space, "Transnational Professionals and their Cosmopolitan
Universes "is an important contribution to continuing debates on
globalization and sociology.
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