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The studies in this dissertation aim at advancing our scientific
understandings about physical processes involved in the
aerosol-cloud-precipitation interaction and quantitatively
assessing the impacts of aerosols on the cloud systems with diverse
scales over the globe on the basis of the observational data
analysis and various modeling studies. As recognized in the Fifth
Assessment Report by the Inter-government Panel on Climate Change,
the magnitude of radiative forcing by atmospheric aerosols is
highly uncertain, representing the largest uncertainty in
projections of future climate by anthropogenic activities. By using
a newly implemented cloud microphysical scheme in the
cloud-resolving model, the thesis assesses aerosol-cloud
interaction for distinct weather systems, ranging from individual
cumulus to mesoscale convective systems. This thesis also
introduces a novel hierarchical modeling approach that solves a
long outstanding mismatch between simulations by regional weather
models and global climate models in the climate modeling community.
More importantly, the thesis provides key scientific solutions to
several challenging questions in climate science, including the
global impacts of the Asian pollution. As scientists wrestle with
the complexities of climate change in response to varied
anthropogenic forcing, perhaps no problem is more challenging than
the understanding of the impacts of atmospheric aerosols from air
pollution on clouds and the global circulation.
This book chiefly describes the theories and technologies for
natural gas hydrate management in deepwater gas wells. It
systematically explores the mechanisms of hydrate formation,
migration, deposition and blockage in multiphase flow in
gas-dominated systems; constructs a multiphase flow model of
multi-component systems for wells that takes into account hydrate
phase transition; reveals the influence of hydrate phase transition
on multiphase flows, and puts forward a creative hydrate blockage
management method based on hydrate blockage free window (HBFW),
which enormously improves the hydrate prevention effect in
deepwater wells. The book combines essential theories and
industrial technology practice to facilitate a deeper understanding
of approaches to and technologies for hydrate management in
deepwater wells, and provides guidance on operation design.
Accordingly, it represents a valuable reference guide for both
researchers and graduate students working in oil and gas
engineering, offshore oil and gas engineering, oil and gas storage
and transportation engineering, as well as technical staff in the
fields of deepwater oil and gas drilling, development, and flow
These book consists of two parts:(i) A detailed introduction by the
editor to provide a full exposition on the developments of the
study of Goldbach conjecture, including a complete reference.(ii) A
collection of original papers on Goldbach Conjecture and is
intended for graduate students and researchers in analytic number
theory who have an understanding of basic elementary number theory
and the theory of the distribution of prime numbers. The basic
methods for treating Goldbach Conjecture are the circle method of
Hardy and Littlewood and the sieve method of Brun. This book
contains papers with originalities and important progresses on
these two methods and all the papers in Chinese, French, German and
Russian have been translated into English.
The classical circle method of Hardy and Littlewood is one of the
most effective methods of additive number theory. Two examples are
its success with Waring's problem and Goldbach's conjecture. In
this book, Wang offers instances of generalizations of important
results on diophantine equations and inequalities over rational
fields to algebraic number fields. The book also contains an
account of Siegel's generalized circle method and its applications
to Waring's problem and additive equations and an account of
Schmidt's method on diophantine equations and inequalities in
several variables in algebraic number fields.
This book is a compilation of selected papers from the Fourth
International Technical Symposium on Deepwater Oil and Gas
Engineering & The Third International Youth Forum on Gas
Hydrate, held in Qingdao, China in December 2021. The work focuses
on the advancement of techniques for the deepwater oil and gas
exploitation and natural gas hydrate exploitation. The book
introduces new ideas for exploring deepwater oil and gas hydrate in
a safe and efficient way. Advances of the natural gas hydrate pilot
production in South China Sea, in oil and gas flow assurance and
emerging technologies based on clathrate hydrate will be presented.
It is a valuable resource for both practitioners and academics
working in the field of deepwater oil and gas engineering.
This book is an autobiographical interview with Chinese Academician
Yuan Wang on his experience in mathematical research. The book
looks back on Wang's collaboration with his teacher Hua Loo-Keng
and younger scholars, offering insights into fruitful cooperation
in mathematical research. In this book, Yuan Wang’s path of
studying Goldbach conjecture is revealed in detail from motivation
to method. Then his work on algebraic number theory is traced back
in a separate chapter. The book ends with two chapters which
introduce Wang’s interest in history of mathematics and his
hobbies outside of mathematical research. Wang shows how a
mathematician can in the same time be a historical and popular
science writer and, in particular, a well-received
calligrapher. The book is intended for undergraduate and
graduate students studying number theory. Researchers who are
willing to learn from the experience of an established
mathematician, as well as math amateurs and general audience who
are interested in Yuan Wang's life story might also find this book
To physicists and chemists, color means light emission,
absorption, spectrum, and coloration. Near-Infrared Organic
Materials and Emerging Applications presents knowledge and
applications of invisible "colored" organic materials.
Near-infrared (NIR) materials are defined as substances that
interact with NIR light, namely, absorption and reflection, and
emit NIR light upon stimulation, for example, photoexcitation,
electric field, and chemical reaction. This book offers up-to-date
information on low band-gap organic materials with unique
near-infrared absorbing, fluorescent, and photovoltaic properties
for various emerging applications.
The author emphasizes the chemistry of materials, in particular the
structure property relationship of near-infrared organic compounds
and polymers. The text discusses the molecular design aspect of NIR
materials, including effects of conjugation length and donor
acceptor charge transfer. Chapters also cover information on the
structures and key properties of NIR organic compounds, such as
those containing rylene, polymethine, and metal-complex
chromophores, as well as polymers, including nonconjugated
NIR-absorbing, conjugated dye-containing, and donor acceptor
conjugated polymers.
The final chapter describes emerging applications of NIR organic
materials based on absorbing, chromogenic, photosensitizing,
photovoltaic, and fluorescent properties, as well as applications
of low band-gap compounds and polymers in ambipolar organic
transistors. Presenting useful data and thought-provoking ideas,
this book provides a practical reference on optical properties and
structures of NIR organic materials and their design principles and
These book consists of two parts:(i) A detailed introduction by the
editor to provide a full exposition on the developments of the
study of Goldbach conjecture, including a complete reference.(ii) A
collection of original papers on Goldbach Conjecture and is
intended for graduate students and researchers in analytic number
theory who have an understanding of basic elementary number theory
and the theory of the distribution of prime numbers. The basic
methods for treating Goldbach Conjecture are the circle method of
Hardy and Littlewood and the sieve method of Brun. This book
contains papers with originalities and important progresses on
these two methods and all the papers in Chinese, French, German and
Russian have been translated into English.
The international symposium on number theory and analysis in memory
of the late famous Chinese mathematician Prof. Hua Loo Keng was
co-sponsored by the Institute of Mathematics, Academia Sinica and
the University of Science and Technology of China. lt took place
between August Ist and 7th of 1988 on the campus of Tsing Hua
University, and some 150 mathematicians were pres- ent. The
symposium was carried out in two separate sections: number theory
and analysis. This is retlected in the publication ofa set oftwo
volumes, the first one on Number Theory edited by Professor Wang
Yuan and the second on Analysis by Professors Gong Sheng, Lu
Qi-keng and Yang Lo. The distinguished list of main speakers and
the contents of these two vol- umes reflect the high level of the
mathematical activity throughout the seven days. W e pay special
tribute to our main speakers professors Chuang, Conn, Ding, Drasin,
Fitzgerald, Gaier, Gong, Grauert, Gu, Hejhal, Iyanaga, Karatsuba,
Koranyi, Liao, Lu, Pan, Richert, Satake, Schmidt, Siu, Tatuzawa,
Tsang, Vladimirov, Y. Wang, G. Y. Wang, Wustholz and Yang, who gave
the excellent one hour lectures, and also to the participants who
gave contributed talks on their own research work. The discussions
among the mathematicians were always in a warm atmosphere. Our
thanks go to professors Chern, Subbarao and Yau for their
contributions to these proceedings.
The circle method has its genesis in a paper of Hardy and Ramanujan
(see [Hardy 1])in 1918concernedwiththepartitionfunction
andtheproblemofrep- resenting numbers as sums ofsquares. Later, in
a series of papers beginning in 1920entitled "some problems
of'partitio numerorum", Hardy and Littlewood (see [Hardy 1])
created and developed systematically a new analytic method, the
circle method in additive number theory. The most famous problems
in ad- ditive number theory, namely Waring's problem and Goldbach's
problem, are treated in their papers. The circle method is also
called the Hardy-Littlewood method. Waring's problem may be
described as follows: For every integer k 2 2, there is a number s=
s( k) such that every positive integer N is representable as (1)
where Xi arenon-negative integers. This assertion wasfirst proved
by Hilbert [1] in 1909. Using their powerful circle method, Hardy
and Littlewood obtained a deeper result on Waring's problem. They
established an asymptotic formula for rs(N), the number of
representations of N in the form (1), namely k 1 provided that 8 2
(k - 2)2 - +5. Here
To physicists and chemists, color means light-emission, absorption,
spectrum, and coloration. Near-Infrared Organic Materials and
Emerging Applications presents knowledge and applications of
invisible "colored" organic materials. Near-infrared (NIR)
materials are defined as substances that interact with NIR light,
namely, absorption and reflection, and emit NIR light upon
stimulation, for example, photoexcitation, electric field, and
chemical reaction. This book offers up-to-date information on low
band-gap organic materials with unique near-infrared absorbing,
fluorescent, and photovoltaic properties for various emerging
applications. The author emphasizes the chemistry of materials, in
particular the structure-property relationship of near-infrared
organic compounds and polymers. The text discusses the molecular
design aspect of NIR materials, including effects of conjugation
length and donor-acceptor charge transfer. Chapters also cover
information on the structures and key properties of NIR organic
compounds, such as those containing rylene, polymethine, and
metal-complex chromophores, as well as polymers, including
nonconjugated NIR-absorbing, conjugated dye-containing, and
donor-acceptor conjugated polymers. The final chapter describes
emerging applications of NIR organic materials based on absorbing,
chromogenic, photosensitizing, photovoltaic, and fluorescent
properties, as well as applications of low band-gap compounds and
polymers in ambipolar organic transistors. Presenting useful data
and thought-provoking ideas, this book provides a practical
reference on optical properties and structures of NIR organic
materials and their design principles and applications.
This book is a compilation of selected papers from the Fourth
International Technical Symposium on Deepwater Oil and Gas
Engineering & The Third International Youth Forum on Gas
Hydrate, held in Qingdao, China in December 2021. The work focuses
on the advancement of techniques for the deepwater oil and gas
exploitation and natural gas hydrate exploitation. The book
introduces new ideas for exploring deepwater oil and gas hydrate in
a safe and efficient way. Advances of the natural gas hydrate pilot
production in South China Sea, in oil and gas flow assurance and
emerging technologies based on clathrate hydrate will be presented.
It is a valuable resource for both practitioners and academics
working in the field of deepwater oil and gas engineering.
This book focuses on the study of chemical dust suppression in mine
dust pollution control by means of theories, experiments, computer
simulation, and case application, aiming at providing chemical dust
suppression solutions for mining worksites. It has seven chapters,
including the following contents: (1) introduces fundamental
theories and applications of chemical dust suppression, analyzes
the dust source intensity of worksites and the mechanisms of dust
generation, and summarizes the dust control measures for different
mining worksites. (2) According to the mechanisms of dust
generation in different mining worksites, targeted dust
suppressants were developed. Through optimization by monomer
experiment and orthogonal experiment, the optimum formula of
different types of dust suppressants was obtained, and its
properties were characterized. (3) The dust suppressant field
application process was introduced, and the economic benefits were
analyzed. This book is expected to provide valuable references both
for researchers and engineering technicians engaged in
environmental engineering, safety engineering, occupational health,
and mining metallurgical engineering, and it also serves as a
textbook for graduate students in above disciplines.
This book chiefly describes the theories and technologies for
natural gas hydrate management in deepwater gas wells. It
systematically explores the mechanisms of hydrate formation,
migration, deposition and blockage in multiphase flow in
gas-dominated systems; constructs a multiphase flow model of
multi-component systems for wells that takes into account hydrate
phase transition; reveals the influence of hydrate phase transition
on multiphase flows, and puts forward a creative hydrate blockage
management method based on hydrate blockage free window (HBFW),
which enormously improves the hydrate prevention effect in
deepwater wells. The book combines essential theories and
industrial technology practice to facilitate a deeper understanding
of approaches to and technologies for hydrate management in
deepwater wells, and provides guidance on operation design.
Accordingly, it represents a valuable reference guide for both
researchers and graduate students working in oil and gas
engineering, offshore oil and gas engineering, oil and gas storage
and transportation engineering, as well as technical staff in the
fields of deepwater oil and gas drilling, development, and flow
This book focuses on the study of chemical dust suppression in mine
dust pollution control by means of theories, experiments, computer
simulation, and case application, aiming at providing chemical dust
suppression solutions for mining worksites. It has seven chapters,
including the following contents: (1) introduces fundamental
theories and applications of chemical dust suppression, analyzes
the dust source intensity of worksites and the mechanisms of dust
generation, and summarizes the dust control measures for different
mining worksites. (2) According to the mechanisms of dust
generation in different mining worksites, targeted dust
suppressants were developed. Through optimization by monomer
experiment and orthogonal experiment, the optimum formula of
different types of dust suppressants was obtained, and its
properties were characterized. (3) The dust suppressant field
application process was introduced, and the economic benefits were
analyzed. This book is expected to provide valuable references both
for researchers and engineering technicians engaged in
environmental engineering, safety engineering, occupational health,
and mining metallurgical engineering, and it also serves as a
textbook for graduate students in above disciplines.
The growing presence of China in Africa has drawn increasing
scholarly and public attention. With Beijing's announcement of the
'going global' policy in the early 2000s and further
institutionalization through the Belt and Road Initiative in 2013,
Chinese policy banks and state-owned companies have cooperated with
African countries to finance and complete multiple infrastructure
projects. These projects, despite their 'Chinese-ness,' demonstrate
starkly different development trajectories in different countries.
Why do some Chinese-financed and constructed projects develop
better than others? And what explains the variation in the
effectiveness of different African states with regard to public
goods delivery? The Railpolitik: Leadership and Agency in
Sino-African Infrastructure Development uses three case studies of
Chinese-financed and constructed rail projects to explore the
broader phenomenon of the fast-progressing relations between China
and Africa and to offer insights into African domestic politics.
Relying primarily on over 250 in-depth interviews and unpublished
documents collected during extensive fieldwork from 2014-2019 in
Kenya, Ethiopia, Angola, and China, Yuan Wang traces the
trajectories of the Standard Gauge Railway in Kenya, the Addis
Ababa-Djibouti Railway in Ethiopia, and the Caminho de Ferro de
Benguela in Angola, and finds that African political championship
is the central factor that determines the outcomes of this type of
project. Contrary to the conventional understanding that
centralized political institutions such as those in the
developmental states are more conducive to rulers' commitment to
developmental projects, the book finds that political championship
can be generated from leaders' perceived threats of competitive
elections in democratic states such as Kenya. These
Chinese-financed and constructed projects coincided with African
rulers' strategies for political survival, and are therefore
instrumentalized politically to demonstrate rulers' performance
legitimacy and to fuel their patronage machine. Oxford Studies in
African Politics and International Relations is a series for
scholars and students working on African politics and International
Relations and related disciplines. Volumes concentrate on
contemporary developments in African political science, political
economy, and International Relations, such as electoral politics,
democratization, decentralization, the political impact of natural
resources, the dynamics and consequences of conflict, and the
nature of the continent's engagement with the East and West.
Comparative and mixed methods work is particularly encouraged. Case
studies are welcomed but should demonstrate the broader theoretical
and empirical implications of the study and its wider relevance to
contemporary debates. The series focuses on sub-Saharan Africa,
although proposals that explain how the region engages with North
Africa and other parts of the world are of interest. Series
Editors: Nic Cheeseman, Professor of Democracy and International
Development, University of Birmingham; Ricardo Soares de Oliveira,
Professor of the International Politics of Africa, University of
Oxford; Peace Medie, Senior Lecturer, School of Sociology,
Politics, and International Studies, University of Bristol.
Diplomarbeit aus dem Jahr 2008 im Fachbereich BWL -
Unternehmensfuhrung, Management, Organisation, Note: 1,7, Freie
Universitat Berlin, 111 Quellen im Literaturverzeichnis, Sprache:
Deutsch, Abstract: Dank des technologischen Fortschritts und der
neoliberalen Politik ist die Welt immer offener aber gleichzeitig
auch kleiner" geworden. Sowohl die grossen Unternehmen als auch die
mittleren und kleinen Unternehmen werden von der Globalisierung
direkt oder indirekt beeinflusst. In globalen Wertketten ist der
Kontakt mit auslandischen Firmen und Managern unvermeidlich
geworden und in Zukunft wird dieser Kontakt sicherlich noch
weiterhin intensiviert. Durch eine jahrtausende Entwicklung der
Menschheit ist die Kultur der unterschiedlichen Lander jedoch sehr
verschieden geworden. Um das Verhalten der Konkurrenten, der
eigenen Mitarbeitern und auch das der auslandischen Partner
verstehen zu konnen, mussen vor allem vorerst die unterschiedlichen
Kulturen verstanden werden. Deshalb wird in dieser Arbeit zuerst
danach gefragt, welche Einflusse die Kultur auf das Verhalten von
Managern hat und welche Unterschiede zwischen den Kulturen
existieren. Der niederlandische Experte fur Kulturwissenschaften,
Prof. Hofstede, erklart die Kulturunterschiede anhand von funf
Kulturdimensionen. Durch diese funf Dimensionen werden die
hauptsachlichen Unterschiede zwischen den verschiedenen Kulturen
kategorisiert. Allerdings hat er bei seinen Untersuchungen den
Einfluss der fremden Kulturen bei steigender Kontakthaufigkeit mit
auslandischen Kulturen vernachlassigt. Sowohl durch die Medien, das
Internet als auch durch personliche Kontakte kann man sich
heutzutage immer einfacher uber fremde Kulturen informieren. Obwohl
es je nach Mensch unterschiedlich ist, sind die Einflusse von
fremden Kulturen deutlich spurbar. Sie sind auch eine wichtige
Determinante des Verhaltens. Deswegen wird unter Berucksichtigung
dieser Einflusse und der funf Dimensionen von Hofstede nach einer
Erklarung fur die Bezieh
Award-Winner in the Cookbooks: International category of the 2010
International Book Awards"
Ancient Wisdom, Modern Kitchen" reveals how easy it is to tap into
the 3,000-year-old secrets of the Eastern healing arts. This
entertaining and easy-to-use book provides scores of delicious
recipes, anecdotes about various herbs and foods, and all you need
to know about acquiring ingredients--even if you don't know the
difference between a lotus seed and the lotus position.
Highlighting "superfoods," such as goji berries, as well as more
familiar ingredients like ginger, garlic, and mint, "Ancient
Wisdom, Modern Kitchen" includes indispensible information:
- An overview of traditional Chinese medicine, herbs, and food
- Details on 100 healthy Asian ingredients
- Healing recipes for common health concerns, including fatigue,
menopause, high cholesterol, weight control, and diabetes