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Promotions > March Mayhem Sale Showing 1 - 25 of 252 matches in March Mayhem Sale
This visitor's guide has been fully updated and revised to include changing garden exhibits and new features, such as the the Boomslang elevated walkway. An attractive memento and guide to Cape Town’s world-famous botanical garden, it traces the history and development of Kirstenbosch, from its establishment in 1913 to the showcase of indigenous flora it is today. It includes:
Wells Whitaker was once golf’s hottest rising star, but lately, all he has to show for his “promising” career is a killer hangover, a collection of broken clubs, and one remaining supporter. No matter how bad he plays, the beautiful, sunny redhead is always on the sidelines. He curses, she cheers. He scowls, she smiles. But when Wells quits in a blaze of glory and his fangirl finally goes home, he knows he made the greatest mistake of his life. Josephine Doyle believed in the gorgeous, grumpy golfer, even when he didn’t believe in himself. Yet after he throws in the towel, she begins to wonder if her faith was misplaced. Then a determined Wells shows up at her door with a wild proposal: be his new caddy, help him turn his game around, and split the prize money. And considering Josephine’s professional and personal life is in shambles, she could really use the cash… As they travel together, spending days on the green and nights in neighboring hotel rooms, sparks fly. Before long, they’re inseparable, Wells starts winning again, and Josephine is surprised to find a sweet, thoughtful guy underneath his gruff, growly exterior. This hot man wants to brush her hair, feed her snacks, and take bubble baths together? Is this real life? But Wells is technically her boss and an athlete falling for his fangirl would be ridiculous… right?
Hot Water is an intimate and daring look into the life of a young African woman from the Cape Flats with a chronic illness. The book investigates how endometriosis affects the way young woman function and navigate the world, and how this becomes especially complicated for those who are underprivileged and reliant on the public sector’s healthcare system. In Hot Water Nadine Dirks reveals the unique issues of racism, sexism, classism, fatphobia and slut-shaming that African women experience within the context of healthcare facilities, and how especially jarring it is when the stigma comes from medical staff who one expects to have the patient’s care as their primary concern. All of this has enraged Dirks and catapulted her into becoming a sexual reproductive health and rights advocate. Hot Water tells the story of how people with chronic illness are treated daily, at school, university and socially for being differently abled; how people are regarded as lazy, aggressive, disappointing, lacking, among multiple other things for being unwell in comparison to their healthy counterparts. One cannot look at seeking adequate healthcare as a young, black, underprivileged woman on the Cape Flats without experiencing racism in the most blatant of ways. Even with guidelines in place, the book shows that it is next to impossible to invoke those rights even if you are aware of them for fear of being victimised and excluded from the system.
Betereinder is ’n menslike gids oor hoe om te floreer in Suid-Afrika. Schalk W van Heerden verbreed lesers se verwysingsraamwerk in die hoop dat hulle 'n aktiewe rol in die land sal speel. Hy ondersoek huidige rassegesindhede en gee wenke oor hoe die wit middelklas beter met hul medemens kan omgaan. Hy wys hoe armoede bekamp kan word. Schalk beantwoord moeilike vrae en deel stories met humor en empatie wat die leser se hart sal aangryp en ook sal laat glo dat hulle 'n verskil kan maak.
Are you buying a home for the first time, wanting to sell and buy again, or wanting to earn income from renting out property? A guide to buying or selling a house in South Africa is packed with ideas about how you can make the most out of investing in property. You'll find: Step-by-step guidelines that take you through the complete process of buying and selling a home; objective information about the pros and cons of buying and selling privately, using an agency or going for other options; independent advice on what to consider when looking for finance; practical tips on how to obtain the best price, whether buying and selling. A clear outline of the rights and responsibilities of all parties involved in a transaction. Thorough explanations of documents involved, and possible legal complications. A trouble-shooter's guide to both the small and big things that can go wrong. In this guide, the author makes available to the public the expertise gleaned from her years of experience as an estate agent. Her intention is to help 'maximize the gain and minimize the risk' of investing in the property market.
Each of us has innate instincts that drive our actions, our feelings,
and our desires. Learning to recognize, understand, and act on those
instincts can help each of us reach for the opportunities and step into
the purpose for which God has called us.
In general, lives of noteworthy accomplishment are led by people with an obvious talent, or more than one. Occasionally, though, someone with no discernible gift whatsoever may distinguish him or herself with a remarkable life. Such cases invite the question of how? How did it happen? With age I have realised that mine is such a life, and, inevitably, I have asked that question. It may happen in cases like this that, as one searches for an answer, one looks for precedents: or even for gifts not inherent in oneself but from outside. I did neither: it came to me unbidden. As I sang, the lines in the hymn resonated so powerfully I could not get away from them: ‘As noiseless let Thy blessings fall as fell Thy manna down.’ That was it. Unobtrusively I had been blessed – again and again and again. A dozy, unsocialised child follows a boringly ordinary course through life until gradually things start to work out for him in increasingly extraordinary ways. The only prize I ever won at school was the Natural History Prize, no academic accolades or colours for any sport. I was rewarded for loving undemanding nature; almost a non-prize. Nearly fifty years later, in a small town I had never visited before I was introduced to the author of a slim volume on the geography of the area. “Not THE Nick Norman,” she asked. I might have blushed. In 1987, aged 42 I had married, and gone on to father two children, one now a top lawyer, the other on a similar trajectory in medicine. Having dreamt of being a farmer, I owned a farm in Franschhoek, which put me in about the most envied group of people in South Africa. After a successful career in mineral exploration in Africa and South America I turned my hand to writing about geology in a way accessible to lay readers. Three best-sellers followed. The Red Sea opened up and the River Jordan stopped flowing, for the Israelites to reach their land of milk and honey. In between, though, there were 40 years in the wilderness. This is my narrative. Yours will be different. Unpack it and you will find blessing after blessing. See how I found mine.
Ekstra taaloefeninge is iets wat skaars is en menige onderwyser (ouer
en leerder) soek. Dit is wat die Taalwerkboek Afrikaans Eerste
Addisionele Taal Graad 10-12 ideaal maak: Dit is ’n taalhersieningsboek
vir Afrikaans Eerste Addisionele Taal met oefeninge vir taalstrukture
en -konvensies. Daar is hersieningsoefeninge van die volgende
taalaspekte: woordeskat-uitbreiding, woordkeuses, sinsbou, spelling en
punktuasie. Die hersieningsvrae is ook in noue samehang met die
Nasionale Eksamenvraestel 1 vir Afrikaans Eerste Addisionele Taal (NSS
en IEB) opgestel.
Winnie Foster is in the woods, thinking of running away from home, when she sees a boy drinking from a spring. Winnie wants a drink too, but before she can take a sip, she is kidnapped by the boy, Jesse Tuck, and his family. She learns that the Tuck family are blessed with - or doomed to - eternal life since drinking from the spring, and they wander from place to place trying to live as inconspicuously as they can. Now Winnie knows their secret. But what does immortality really mean? And can the Tucks help her understand before it's too late? A beautiful paperback edition of the unforgettable classic of children's writing about what it truly means to live forever. Featuring illustrations by Melissa Castrillon.
Poskaarte van 'n reis is 'n keur van Jacqueline Leuvennink se rubrieke en artikels wat deur die jare in menige tydskrifte verskyn het. Jacqueline se fyn waarneming en vermoë om verwikkelde emosies en situasies in eenvoud te verwoord laat die leser opnuut verwonderd oor die skoonheid van ons wêreld. Die skrywer nooi die leser om haar te vergesel op ver reise na interessante bestemmings en inspirerende ervarings. Poskaarte van 'n reis is 'n unieke versameling artikels wat maklik en individueel gelees kan word vir lesers wat nie baie tyd het vir lees nie, maar steeds iets moois en voedsaam vir die siel op een slag wil lees.
The English-SiSwati/SiSwati-English Bilingual Dictionary is part of the
Pharos entry-level series of bilingual dictionaries for English and the
nine official African languages in South Africa. The dictionary is
suitable for English or siSwati first or second-language speakers
The Transport 6-Pack Sandart Kit is a wonderful DIY project for children who love vehicles and exctitng modes of transport.
The Dinosaurs and 6-Pack Sandart kit from SandArt is a perfect DIY project for kids who love prehistoric creatures.
Acutely perceptive, unequivocally funny and startlingly sincere, Hans Mackenzie Main presents a first unmissable collection of service provider correspondences and writings. From fleeing a networking engagement to taking up residence in a lighthouse, from soft men to hard truths, Trust You’re Well covers topics both relatable and unheard of affording the world a first glimpse into the delightful inner-workings of a marvellously discontented consumer and correspondent. Here shopping habits, driving habits, recruitment practices and social media etiquette all come in for close scrutiny: inspected from a unique perspective that stands in stark contrast to the deeply humane and compassionate replies from everyday South Africans urging their compatriot to simply get on with it. With the heartfelt frustration of a law-abiding citizen and the keen wit of a weathered civilian, Trust You’re Well is a joyfully cathartic purge of the highest satiric order that’s bound to leave you in tears.
Headstart Natuurwetenskappe en Tegnologie Graad 5 Leerderboek is 'n gebruikersvriendelike boek met 'n eenvoudige, stapsgewyse benadering wat verseker dat die KABV volledig gedek word. Dit is 'n vaste fondamente en lei leerders deur middel van toeganklike taalgebruik en 'n deurdagte werkstempo soos hulle deur die Intermediere Fase vorder
The E-Z-Broom Pole is ideal for attaching pool cleaning accessories such as vacuums or brooms. It is a lightweight aluminum shaft with an inner diameter of 1.2 in (30 mm). With a pole that is over 142''/3.6m long, you can get those hard to reach places in your pool to ensure it stays clean and clear all year long. The E-Z-Broom Pole is a great accessory for any pool!
Treeline A4 File Divider Plastic Tab1-10,
Fisika, die metafisiese, en selfs wetenskapfiksie word verweef in Nou in infrarooi. Soos die titel suggereer, gaan dit hier oor dit wat sigbaar is versus dit wat nié deur blote sig waarneembaar is nie. Bestaande plekke – sommige naby en ander ver – word taktiel en ewokatief in reisgedigte uitgebeeld. Hiermee saam hang die verkenning van die onsigbare: van identiteit, ’n soeke na waar jy hoort, weemoed en liefde. ’n Debuutbundel wat bekroonde skrywer Tom Dreyer onomwonde as digter vestig.
The Olala Cookie Sheet is your go-to tool for baking cookies, flatbreads, and even roasting or grilling. Coated with two layers of quantum non-stick coating, it ensures effortless release and quick cleanup every time. Crafted from heavy-duty carbon steel, it distributes heat evenly for consistent results. Plus, its rolled edges provide extra strength and resistance to warping, making it durable for every baking session.
Tape Dispensers Commercial Moulded Plastic, Universal Core Holder
The Russell Hobbs Silver Ironing Board Cover, the perfect companion for effortless ironing and wrinkle-free results. Crafted with quality and functionality in mind, this cover is designed to fit snugly over your ironing board, transforming it into a premium ironing surface. |
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