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Promotions > March Mayhem Sale > Books > Kids Showing 1 - 25 of 208 matches in Kids
The colourfully illustrated Joy!Kids Bible Story series is based on 1 Thessalonians 5:16 - Rejoice always. This series helps children to be Joy!Kids that celebrate the joy of Jesus by living a joy-filled life. Each story is accompanied by a prayer to help children connect with God and a Christian value that reinforces the story. The books include guidelines for helping children with faith-building, vocabulary, numeracy and reading skills, as well as emotional development. Encourages engagement:
Ekstra taaloefeninge is iets wat skaars is en menige onderwyser (ouer
en leerder) soek. Dit is wat die Taalwerkboek Afrikaans Eerste
Addisionele Taal Graad 10-12 ideaal maak: Dit is ’n taalhersieningsboek
vir Afrikaans Eerste Addisionele Taal met oefeninge vir taalstrukture
en -konvensies. Daar is hersieningsoefeninge van die volgende
taalaspekte: woordeskat-uitbreiding, woordkeuses, sinsbou, spelling en
punktuasie. Die hersieningsvrae is ook in noue samehang met die
Nasionale Eksamenvraestel 1 vir Afrikaans Eerste Addisionele Taal (NSS
en IEB) opgestel.
Greg Owen, die ou wat sy eie pa vir die wolwe gegooi het, is 'n eerstejaar op Stellenbosch. Klaar met hacking. Ingeskryf vir 'n graad in Sportwetenskap. Maar sal hy ooit van die skadu van Lawson Kollege en Project Nursery Rhyme kan wegkom? As jy wil wraak neem, moet jy twee grafte grawe, besef hy gou, in hierdie vervolg op die topverkoper Onderwêreld. Verkorte skooluitgawe van die topverkoper. 'n Gratis leesgids is beskikbaar.
Winnie Foster is in the woods, thinking of running away from home, when she sees a boy drinking from a spring. Winnie wants a drink too, but before she can take a sip, she is kidnapped by the boy, Jesse Tuck, and his family. She learns that the Tuck family are blessed with - or doomed to - eternal life since drinking from the spring, and they wander from place to place trying to live as inconspicuously as they can. Now Winnie knows their secret. But what does immortality really mean? And can the Tucks help her understand before it's too late? A beautiful paperback edition of the unforgettable classic of children's writing about what it truly means to live forever. Featuring illustrations by Melissa Castrillon.
Headstart Natuurwetenskappe en Tegnologie Graad 5 Leerderboek is 'n gebruikersvriendelike boek met 'n eenvoudige, stapsgewyse benadering wat verseker dat die KABV volledig gedek word. Dit is 'n vaste fondamente en lei leerders deur middel van toeganklike taalgebruik en 'n deurdagte werkstempo soos hulle deur die Intermediere Fase vorder
For the legions of fans of Alice Oseman's bestselling Heartstopper series comes this fully illustrated companion. The full-colour Heartstopper Yearbook is packed full of exclusive content from the Heartstopper universe - including never-before-seen illustrations, an exclusive mini-comic, a look back at Alice's Heartstopper artwork over the years, character profiles, trivia, and insights into her creative process - all narrated by a cartoon version of Alice herself. By the winner of the YA Book Prize, Heartstopper is about love, friendship, loyalty and mental illness. It encompasses all the small stories of Nick and Charlie's lives that together make up something larger, which speaks to all of us.
What causes an earthquake is a mystery -- until you go deep beneath the Earth's surface. Read on to find out what causes the incredibly destructive natural disaster -- the earthquake!
The Earth as we know it was partly created by volcanoes. Many are still active today. Learn how volcanoes form and what is going on when they erupt.
Die Oxford storieboom is 'n opwindende aanvangsleesreeks waarin daar van die standpunt uitgegaan word dat selfs leerders wat nog nie gereed is om simbole te interpreteer nie, wel belangstel in stories en hierdie stories kan interpreteer en weergee. Die reeks maak gebruik van 'n holistiese taalbenadering en is so gestruktureer dat alle leerders daardeur gestimuleer word. Die boekies bevorder kinders se bewustheid van ritme en rym en help hulle om klankvaardighede te ontwikkel.
This big, sturdy board book for babies and toddlers features more than 100 pictures to look at and essential first words to learn. Organised into topics including food, clothes, things that go and more, the bold, colourful pages will hold your child's attention, and the easy-to-read labels form the basis of word and picture association. A great book to build your child's vocabulary, and a perfect addition to any first learning bookshelf.
Die gewildste perdestories in Afrikaans! Die eerste vyf boeke in die Stalmaats-reeks verskyn nou vir die eerste keer saam in een lekkerlees-omnibus! Anri se lewe word onverwags op sy kop gekeer toe haar pa verplaas word en hulle moet verhuis. Sy mis haar beste maat en haar ou ryskool. Maar gelukkig ontmoet sy vir Megan en Karen, twee ruiters by haar nuwe ryskool. Sommer gou word Anri deel van die opwinding by die Dagbreek-ryskool waar sy gekies word om saam met die res van die Stalmaats die beginnerruiters te help. Daar wag hope avonture vir haar saam met Sugarplum, die spierwit merrie wat dadelik diep in haar hart kruip, en al die ander ongelooflike perde wat deel is van die ryskool. Die katterige Vinette is gedurig besig met allerlei planne om die lewe vir Anri, Megan en Karen moeilik te maak. En dan is daar Jacques, die ryskooleienaars se seun met sy blou oë, wat net so mal is oor perde en Anri se hart vinniger laat klop. Word deel van die pret en opwinding by die Dagbreek-ryskool saam met Anri en die ander Stalmaats! Hierdie omnibus bevat die volgende vyf titels: 1. Perdedrome 2. Totsiens, Sugarplum (ATKV-kinderboektoekenning 2007) 3. Anri se plan 4. Die spookperd (ATKV-kinderboektoekenning 2008) 5. Die beroemde ruiter
Happy Baby is a wonderful new gift book for babies by Priddy Books. This shaped board book is a wonderful gift for any baby shower or to give to a newborn baby. It has been designed with our very first learners in mind, as each page has a ribbon attached with a different pattern or tactile feel which babies can explore as they interact with the book. There are also three shaped animal tabs which will also engage young children as they turn the pages. This book is focussed on different types of play, from toys to playing outside and doing arts and crafts together. The soft retro illustrations include sweet vignettes of babies and labelled images of what is in the scene to encourage early speaking skills, word-picture recognition as well as introducing babies to the world around them. There is also gentle rhyming text written from a child’s perspective which is perfect for reading aloud to young children: I can shake my rattle, bang my drum, and stack up blocks one by one! There is so much for babies and parents to explore together as they enjoy this adorable baby book.
Hierdie boek is DEEL 2 van ‘n STEL van 2 Lewenswetenskappe-gidse wat die Graad 12 KABV-kurrikulum wat in 2014 geimplementeer is, breedvoerig dek. Dit bevat die 2 Kennisvelde wat in VRAESTEL II van die eksterne Nasionale finale eksamen geeksamineer word: Lewe op die Molekulere, Sellulere en Weefselvlak en Diversiteit, Verandering en Kontinuiteit. Beide DEEL 1 en DEEL 2 Graad 12 studiegidse bied: Breedvoerige NOTAS per module, Vrae en ‘Snelvure’ per module en Gedetailleerde memo’sHierdie 3 in 1 studiegidse spreek tot leerders van alle vermoens en leerstyle. Dit verskaf duidelike, nuut-nagevorsde notas en kolpuntlys-opsommings. Duidelike diagramme verbeter die leerproses en vergemaklik begrip van uitdagende onderwerpe. Vakmateriaal is in kleiner dele opgebreek en praktiese wenke word deurgaans gegee. Die ‘Snelvuurvrae’ aan die einde van elke module toets en bevorder konsolidering van noodsaaklike terminologie. ‘n Wye reeks vrae en antwoorde berei leerders vir hul finale eksamens voor. Deur reg deur die jaar, sistematies deur die vakmateriaal te werk, word die leerder in staat gestel om in hierdie vak te presteer.
Hierdie studiegids is noodsaaklik om die Rekeningkunde-kurrikulum in Graad 10 – 12 aan te durf. Die boek is in logiese afdelings ingedeel; elke afdeling verduidelik basiese terminologie, konsepte en prosesse aan die leerder sodat hierdie uitdagende vak bemeester kan word. Dit sluit in: Omvattende Notas met Uitgewerkte Voorbeelde vir elke Onderwerp, Vrae & Antwoorde vir elke Onderwerp en Eksamenvraestelle en Antwoorde sowel as handige wenke. Hierdie studiegids is propvol spesifiek gekose, gegradeerde vrae en oplossings wat die teorie toepas en so daartoe lei dat elke onderwerp deeglik verstaan word. Leerders sal vinnig deur die afdelings vorder en selfvertroue sowel as kundigheid opbou soos wat hulle elke oefening suksesvol voltooi. Die geheim van hierdie vak is om te OEFEN en dit is wat hierdie boek jou in staat stel om te doen! Dit sal vir die leerder voel asof ’n ervare onderwyser teenwoordig is om elke wenk en stukkie raad wat regdeur die boek voorkom, aan te bied. Die opsommings en verduidelikings maak die studiemateriaal as ’n geheel verstaanbaar en dit motiveer die leerder om in die vak uit te blink.
Babies will love meeting the adorable animals and exploring the touch-and-feel pages in Baby Animals, the next title publishing into the successful Baby Touch & Feel series by Priddy Books. Filled with cute baby animals, from kittens and puppies, to bunnies and more, this multi-sensory shaped board book will stimulate babies' senses as they explore the pages. Featuring a different touch and feel texture on each spread, the gentle rhyming text and vibrant photographic images of animals and babies help to develop picture recognition.
This study guide covers the Grade 10 CAPS curriculum and offers, FOR EACH TOPIC: Comprehensive Notes, Questions and Answers and includes: Practical Work: Food Production and an Exam Paper & Memo. The detailed notes, practical tips, generous array of questions, answers and exam paper practice provide the Grade 10 learner with all the skills, content material and consolidation necessary to excel in this subject. The bulleted style and table formatting makes learning easy and the content more accessible. This book will enable learners to achieve top marks in this increasingly relevant and interesting subject.
Die 54 gedigte in Toulopers is almal splinternuut en is geskryf met tieners van 13 tot 15 jaar in gedagte. Van ernstiger temas tot glimlagverse, van rebelse gedigte tot dolverliefde SMS-poësie – al die bydraes in hierdie bundel is met een doel voor oë gekies: om tot moderne tieners se leefwêreld te spreek.
This valuable study guide, based on the CAPS curriculum, covers 6 topics and, for each topic, includes: Comprehensive Notes, Key Terms & Timelines, Questions & Essays and Answers to questions and essays plus: Exam Papers & Memos. This book is a well-substantiated portrayal of the periods and cultures covered by the Grade 10 History curriculum. Many photographs and excerpts are used to contextualise events and make the subject accessible. The key terms and timelines provide easy referencing for every topic. A wide variety of source-based and essay questions are supplied and the detailed answers and model essays explicitly illustrate the skills that learners are being expected to master. This book is a valuable tool for establishing a sound understanding of the History curriculum. Teachers can request a free image CD to accompany the use of this book in the classroom. This CD also shows learners how mind-maps can be used as a way of summarising key content. The same material is also downloadable from our website.
The highly anticipated follow-up to the best-selling picture book, Claris: The Chicest Mouse in Paris, from acclaimed fashion illustrator Megan Hess. But oh no! Claris cried, and her heart gave a tug. Madame's invitation was still on the rug! Without it she would be declined at the door. She'd miss out on Chanel, and perhaps even more ... When Claris's family leaves behind their invite to Paris Fashion Week, this brave little mouse has only one choice: an exciting dash through the streets of Paris in a race against the clock! The best-selling Claris series follows an adorable mouse who moves to Paris to follow her fashion dreams, for fans of Eloise and Olivia. Destined to delight fashion-obsessed readers of all ages!
Jesus Gives Thanks for Little Children Bible Puzzle is a 1000-piece cardboard puzzle ideal for girls and boys aged 11 and older. It depicts the scene where Jesus blesses the children in Mark 10:13-16, with the scripture “Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all
Meet Skulduggery Pleasant: detective, sorcerer, warrior. Oh yes. And dead. Skulduggery Pleasant is gone, sucked into a parallel dimension overrun by the Faceless Ones. If his bones haven’t already been turned to dust, chances are he’s insane, driven out of his mind by the horror of the ancient gods. There is no official, Sanctuary-approved rescue mission. There is no official plan to save him. But Valkyrie's never had much time for plans. The problem is, even if she can get Skulduggery back, there might not be much left for him to return to. There’s a gang of villains bent on destroying the Sanctuary, there are some very powerful people who want Valkyrie dead, and as if all that wasn’t enough it looks very likely that a sorcerer named Darquesse is going to kill the world and everyone on it. Skulduggery is gone. All our hopes rest with Valkyrie. The world’s weight is on her shoulders, and its fate is in her hands. These are dark days indeed.
This book is an essential jumpstart to the Accounting curriculum in Grades 10 – 12. It is logically organised into sections, each of which acquaint the learner with the basic terms, concepts and principles necessary to master this challenging subject. It includes: Comprehensive Notes with Worked Examples per Topic, Questions & Answers per Topic and Exam Papers & Answers with handy hints. This study guide is jam-packed with carefully selected, graded questions and solutions to apply the theory and thus build a thorough understanding of each topic. Learners will easily progress through the units and develop confidence and expertise with each successfully completed exercise. The key to this subject is PRACTISE and this book provides just that! The learner will sense the ‘presence’ of the experienced teacher in each tip and bit of advice scattered throughout the book. The summaries and explanations consolidate the theory and motivate the learner to excel in this subject.
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