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Books > Academic & Education > Varsity Textbooks > Geography Showing 1 - 25 of 41 matches in Geography
From the depths of the oceans to the highest reaches of the atmosphere, the human impact on the environment is significant and undeniable. These forms of global and local environmental change collectively appear to signal the arrival of a new geological epoch: the Anthropocene. This is a geological era defined not by natural environmental fluctuations or meteorite impacts, but by collective actions of humanity. Environmental Transformations offers a concise and accessible introduction to the human practices and systems that sustain the Anthropocene. It combines accounts of the carbon cycle, global heat balances, entropy, hydrology, forest ecology and pedology, with theories of demography, war, industrial capitalism, urban development, state theory and behavioural psychology. This book charts the particular role of geography and geographers in studying environmental change and its human drivers. It provides a review of critical theories that can help to uncover the socio-economic and political factors that influence environmental change. It also explores key issues in contemporary environmental studies, such as resource use, water scarcity, climate change, industrial pollution and deforestation. These issues are 'mapped' through a series of geographical case studies to illustrate the particular value of geographical notions of space, place and scale, in uncovering the complex nature of environmental change in different socio-economic, political and cultural contexts. Finally, the book considers the different ways in which nations, communities and individuals around the world are adapting to environmental change in the twenty-first century. Particular attention is given throughout to the uneven geographical opportunities that different communities have to adapt to environmental change and to the questions of social justice this situation raises. This book encourages students to engage in the scientific uncertainties that surround the study of environmental change, while also discussing both pessimistic and more optimistic views on the ability of humanity to address the environmental challenges of our current era.
This major, definitive anthology of writings is a complete and up-to-date guide to environmental literacy. This major anthology is the first to apply a fully interdisciplinary approach to environmental studies. A comprehensive guide to environmental literacy, the book demonstrates how the sciences, social sciences, and humanities all contribute to understanding our interrelationships with the natural world. Though not specialized, Environment is a book that even specialists can learn from. Ten innovative case studies--climate shock, species endangerment, nuclear power, biotechnology, sustainable development, deforestation, environmental security, globalization, wilderness, and the urban environment-are followed by readings from specific disciplines. These can be integrated with the case studies to shape individual interests and teaching strategies. The volume presents an imaginative array of texts, from scientific papers to poetry, legal decisions to historical accounts, personal essays to economic analysis. Taken together, these selections provide a balanced, authoritative, and up-to-date treatment of key issues in environmental studies.
Politics and the Environment has established itself as the most comprehensive textbook in this area. This new edition has been completely revised and updated whilst retaining the features and the theory to practice focus which made the first two editions so successful. This text is designed to introduce students to the key concepts and issues which surround environmental problems and their political solutions. The authors investigate the people, movements and organisations that form and implement these policies, and explore the barriers which hinder successful introduction of international environmental politics. * This new edition has been expanded to include: * The shift in focus in environmental politics from sustainable development to climate change governance * Far more material on climate change including institutional, national and global responses in the aftermath of the Kyoto protocol * An increased international focus with more case studies from the UK, Europe, Australia and North America * More discussion of global environmental social movements including the US environmental organisations, in particular the Green Party and the environmental justice groups * There is an additional co-author for this edition, David Benson from the University of East Anglia This textbook is an invaluable and accessible resource for undergraduates studying environmental politics.
For many, Africa is regarded as a place of mystery and negative images, where reports of natural disasters and civil strife dominate media attention, with relatively little publicity given to any of the continent's more positive attributes. Africa has at last begun to receive the depth of interest it has long deserved, in the shape of debates about trade, aid and debt, the 'Make Poverty History' campaign, and the UK's 'Commission on Africa'. But, behind the superficial media facade, Africa is a diverse, complex and dynamic place, with a rich history and a colonial engagement that, although short-lived, was fundamental in determining the long-term future of the continent. At the start of the second decade of the twenty-first century, when the world is engulfed in a major financial crisis, Africa has the dubious distinction of being the world's poorest continent. This book introduces and de-mystifies Africa's diversity and dynamism, and considers how its peoples and environments have interacted through time and space. The background and diversity of Africa's social, cultural, economic, political and environmental systems is examined, as well as key development issues which have affected Africa in the past and are likely to be significant in shaping the future of the continent. These include: the impact of HIV/AIDS; sources of conflict and post-conflict reconstruction; the state and governance; the nature of African economies in a global context and future development trajectories. Africa: Diversity and Development is a refreshing interdisciplinary text which enhances understanding of the background to Africa's current position and clarifies possible future scenarios. It is richly illustrated throughout with diagrams and plates, and contains a wealth of detailed case studies and current data.
This title is intended as a manual for environmental education practitioners. It provides theoretical background with the view of improving environmental education practitioners' practice. Environmental education addresses topics such as: The origin of the term/concept environmental education in southern Africa; a philosophical perspective of environmental education; teaching for the environment; environmental issues; education for sustainability; environmental education in the informal sector; environmental education in business and industry; research in environmental education.
The grass family, known as Poaceae, is probably the most important plant family on earth. Grasses were the first food plants to be cultivated by man. Grass crops, such as maize, wheat, rice and sugarcane are still our most important food source to farm animals and the large herds of grazing animals in the wild. The identification of grasses becomes important during land management as the various grass species differ in their grazing value and other ecological functions. Furthermore, weedy grasses react differently to different herbicides and therefore need to be correctly identified. This title, Guide to grasses of southern Africa, is the most comprehensive colour identification guide to the common grasses of southern Africa and includes, among others, the following features: descriptions and illustrations of the 320 most important grasses in southern Africa, an easy-to-use grass identification key, more than 1 000 excellent photographs in full colour, thirteen short, fully illustrated introductory chapters with general information on grasses, common names of grasses in indigenous languages, icons that enable the reader to obtain certain information at a glance.
This unique seminal work is the only book which comprehensively addresses current environmental management in South Africa from an interdisciplinary perspective. The third edition of Fuggle & Rabie’s Environmental Management in South Africa sheds light on the legal frameworks in regional and international environmental law, administrative law and the National Environmental Management Act (NEMA). Key themes addressed in environmental management, including agriculture and soils, air quality, biodiversity, climate change, energy, the coast, economics, trade and the role of financial institutions (among others), are covered from both scientific and legal perspectives.
For courses in Human Geography. Strengthening readers' connection to geography through active, discovery-based learning Trusted for its timeliness, readability, and sound pedagogy, The Cultural Landscape: An Introduction to Human Geography emphasises the relevance of geographic concepts to human challenges. The relationship between globalisation and diversity is woven throughout; Rubenstein addresses these themes with a clear organisation and presentation that engages students and appeals to instructors. The 12th Edition challenges readers to apply geography tools and techniques to their local environments, bridging the global and the local, and getting students to interact with their local geography.
For Introductory Physical Geography Courses Among the most highly regarded in physical geography, Robert Christopherson's bestselling texts are known for their meticulous attention to detail, currency, accuracy, and rich integration of climate change science. Geosystems: An Introduction to Physical Geography, Ninth Edition is uniquely organized to present Earth systems topics as they naturally occur: atmosphere, hydrosphere, lithosphere and biosphere. This interconnected and organic systems-based approach is highlighted in the strong pedagogical tools, structured learning path, and up-to-date information found in the text. This new edition presents bold new features that cultivate an active learning environment both in and outside the classroom. The Ninth Edition can be made available with MasteringGeography(TM), the most effective and widely used online tutorial, homework, and assessment system for the sciences. Note: You are purchasing a standalone product; MasteringGeography does not come packaged with this content. MasteringGeography is not a self-paced technology and should only be purchased when required by an instructor.MasteringGeography will provide an interactive and engaging learning experience for your students. Here's how: *Personalize learning with MasteringGeography: MasteringGeography provides students with engaging and interactive experiences that coach them through introductory physical geography with specific wrong-answer feedback, hints, and a wide variety of educationally effective content. *Leverage strong pedagogical tools and a structured active learning path: The text reinforces central hallmark physical geography themes of Earth systems, human-Earth relations, and global climate change by providing a consistent framework for mastering chapter concepts. *Teach with current and relevant content. An emphasis on currency provides students with compelling reasons for learning physical geography.
In the past, the natural environment and business were often seen as competing interests. Now, world leaders recognise that the future depends on a new approach to business, operating in harmony with the environment. In Environmental Management – A business management approach, the vital connection between environmental management and business sustainability is clearly outlined. The book gives students and practitioners insight into the impact business and lifestyle decisions have on the natural environment, and how this in turn affects the long-term sustainability of business. It also gives an overview of key environmental principles and the need to balance these with business activities. Key Features/ Benefits
Introduction to Geography: People, Places, & Environment, Sixth Edition introduces the major tools, techniques, and methodological approaches of the discipline through new applied visual features that engage students and reinforce real-world connections. The authors emphasize the integration of various aspects of geographic processes and systems by discussing what happens in one set of geographic processes and how that affects others. For example, what happens in economic systems affects environmental conditions; what happens to climate affects political dynamics. The Sixth Edition has been tightly integrated with MasteringGeography (TM), Pearson's online homework, tutorial, and assessment product designed to improve results by helping students quickly master concepts. Note: You are purchasing a standalone product; My_Lab/Mastering does not come packaged with this content. If you would like to purchase both the physical text and My_Lab/Mastering search for ISBN-10: 0321843320 /ISBN-13: 9780321843326, Introduction to Geography: People, Places & Environment Plus MasteringGeography with eText -- Access Card Package. That package includes: 0321843339 / 9780321843333 Introduction to Geography: People, Places & Environment 0321935012 / 9780321935014 MasteringGeography with Pearson eText -- ValuePack Access Card -- for Introduction to Geography: People, Places & Environment My_Lab/Mastering is not a self-paced technology and should only be purchased when required by an instructor.
Environmental Impact Assessment collates most of the existing important information regarding the environmental impact assessment (EIA) process in one compact volume. It follows the logical progression of an EIA using international best practice techniques and principles, and now includes the most up-to-date 2012 regulatory information. Environmental Impact Assessment sets a baseline for EIA in South Africa. It is the first BOOK on this topic written specifically for the South African context, although it is applicable to all developing countries. Environmental Impact Assessment was written for environmental professionals and students entering the field for the first time, but it will also provide practical advice for advanced students and experienced consultants working in related fields.
Urbanization: An Introduction to Urban Geography, Third Edition captures the changes in the nature and outcomes of urbanization processes for people, as well as the development of new ways of thinking about urban geography. Unraveling the interlocking processes of urbanization, Knox and McCarthy present a vivid and meaningful explanation of constantly changing urban geographies and urban life. This framework supports the discussion of recent changes while addressing much of the traditional subject matter of urban geography. The book's dynamic approach also allows for integration of both theories and facts, where key concepts and theories are presented in relation to prior events and ideas-providing a coherent and comprehensive introduction to urban geography that is both a historical and process-oriented approach. With a U.S. focus that also offers global context and comparative international perspectives, the authors examine urban trends and their outcomes in both developed and less-developed countries to understand, analyze, and interpret the landscapes, economies, and communities of towns and cities around the world
One of the leading texts in the field, The Economics of Recreation, Leisure and Tourism is the ideal introduction to the fundamentals of economics in these industries, helping you to pass an economics module as part of tourism, recreation, events or sport management degrees. It is written in an engaging style that assumes no prior knowledge of economics. It applies economic theory to a range of tourism industry issues at the consumer, business, national and international level by using topical examples to give the theory real-world context. This book is richly illustrated with diagrams, and contains a range of features such as international case studies showcasing current issues, review questions and extracts from journals to aid understanding and further knowledge, as well as new data and statistics. This fifth edition has been revised and updated to include: New content on recent economic data, consumer choice looking at income-leisure decision approaches, growth areas of sports and events, environmental issues, the impact of the global economic crisis and what may happen in the future. Evidence is put forward to provide a sense of the dynamics of world economies. Updated and new international case studies throughout that demonstrate theoretical principles of economics as applied to tourism Updated companion website with PowerPoint slides
The extensively revised second edition of Issues in Cultural Tourism Studies provides a new framework for analyzing the complexity of cultural tourism and its increasing globalization in existing as well as emergent destinations of the world. The book will focus in particular on the need for even more creative tourism strategies to differentiate destinations from each other using a blend of localized cultural products and innovative global attractions. The book explores many of the most pertinent issues in heritage, arts, festivals, indigenous, ethnic and experiential cultural tourism in urban and rural environments alike. This includes policy and politics; impact management and sustainable development; interpretation and representation; marketing and branding; and regeneration and planning. As well as exploring the inter-relationships between the cultural and tourism sectors, local people and tourists, the book provides suggestions for more effective and mutually beneficial collaboration. New edition features include:
At the interface between the global and the local, a people-centred approach to planning and development is advocated to ensure that benefits are maximized for local areas, a sense of place and identity are retained, and the tourist experience is enhanced to the full. The text is unique in that it provides a summary and a synthesis of all of the major issues in global cultural tourism, which are presented in an accessible way using a diverse range of international case studies. This is a beneficial and valuable resource for all tourism students.
The modern farmer is confronted with almost insurmountable problems such as rising costs, lower product prices and escalating interest rates on the purchase of farming land. These factors are forcing farmers to optimally develop their business acumen and managerial skills in order to manage their farming enterprises as economically as possible. This title contains the basic principles of financial farming management, analysis and control.
Global Airlines: Competition in a Transnational Industry presents
an overview of the changing scene in air transport covering current
issues such as security, no frills airlines, 'open skies'
agreements, the outcome of the recent downturn in economic activity
and the emergence of transnational airlines, and takes a forward
looking view of these challenges for the industry.
The second edition of this seminal work is the only book which comprehensively addresses current environmental management in South Africa from an interdisciplinary perspective. Key themes in environmental management including agriculture, air quality, biodiversity, energy, climate change, the coast, freshwater and marine resources, mining, protected areas, rivers, soil and waste management are covered from both scientific and legal perspectives. Legal and scientific aspects of each topic are covered by different authors, who are experts in their field. Environmental Management in South Africa also explains the legal frameworks in regional environmental law, international environmental law, administrative law and the National Environmental Management Act.
Geological journeys - a traveller's guide to South Africa's rocks and landforms is an essential companion for car journeys. For those who wonder about the jaunty tilt of a mountain ahead, the unusual patterns of a road cutting, the colour and texture of the roadside soil, or the purpose of a distant minehead, this volume offers answers and explanations about features along all the major routes across South Africa, and some of the lesser, but geologically interesting, routes too. Also included are the three main metropolitan areas – Johannesburg, Cape Town and Durban – so that city residents can understand the geological features surrounding them. Using familiar landmarks to pinpoint sites and subtle phenomena, the authors bring to light our rich geological heritage, its likely roots and often tumultuous history. Along the way, they also discuss the historical background, personalities and stories that relate to the landscape.
Today, for the first time in the history of Humankind urban dwellers outnumber rural residents. Urban places, towns and cities, are of fundamental importance for the distribution of population within countries; in the organization of economic production, distribution and exchange; in the structuring of social reproduction and cultural life; and in the allocation and exercise of power. Furthermore, in the course of the present century the number of urban dwellers and level of global urbanisation are destined to increase. Even those living beyond the administrative or functional boundaries of a town or city will have their lifestyle influenced to some degree by a nearby, or even distant, city. The analysis of towns and cities is a central element of all social sciences including geography, which offers a particular perspective on and insight into the urban condition. The principal goal of this third edition of the book remains that of providing instructors and students of the contemporary city with a comprehensive introduction to the expanding field of urban studies. The structure of the first two editions is maintained, with minor amendments. Each of the thirty chapters has been revised to incorporate recent developments in the field. All of the popular study aids are retained; the glossary has been expanded; and chapter references and notes updated to reflect the latest research. This third edition also provides new and expanded discussions of key themes and debates including detailed consideration of metacities, boomburgs, public space, urban sprawl, balanced communities, urban economic restructuring, poverty and financial exclusion, the right to the city, urban policy, reverse migration, and traffic and transport problems. The book is divided into six main parts. Part one outlines the field of urban geography and explains the importance of a global perspective. Part two explores the growth of cities from the earliest times to the present day and examines the urban geography of the major world regions. Part three considers the dynamics of urban structure and land use change in Western cities. Part four focuses on economy, society and politics in the Western city. In part five attention turns to the urban geography of the Third World, where many of the countries experiencing highest rates or urban growth are least well equipped to respond to the economic, social, political and environmental challenge. Finally part six affords a prospective on the future of cities and cities of the future. New to this edition are: further readings based on the latest research; updated data and statistics; an expanded glossary; new key concepts; additional study questions; and a listing of useful websites. The book provides a comprehensive interpretation of the urban geography of the contemporary world. Written in a clear and readable style, lavishly illustrated with more than eighty photographs, 180 figures, 100 tables and over 200 boxed studies and with a plethora of study aids Urban Geography: A Global Perspective represents the ultimate resource for students of urban geography.
To understand modern principles of sustainable management and the conservation of wildlife species requires intimate knowledge about demography, animal behavior, and ecosystem dynamics. With emphasis on practical application and quantitative skill development, this book weaves together these disparate elements in a singlecoherent textbook for senior undergraduate and graduate students. It reviews analytical techniques, explaining the mathematical and statistical principles behind them, and shows how these can be used to formulaterealistic objectives within an ecological framework. This third edition is comprehensive and up-to-date, and includes: Brand new chapters that disseminate rapidly developing topics in the field: habitat use and selection; habitat fragmentation, movement, and corridors; population viability. analysis, the consequences of climate change; and evolutionary responses to disturbanceA thorough updating of all chapters to present important areas of wildlife research and management with recent developments and examples.A new online study aid - a wide variety of downloadable computer programs in the freeware packages R and Mathcad, available through a companion website. Worked examples enable readers to practice calculations explained in the text and to develop a solid understanding of key statistical procedures and population models commonly used in wildlife ecology and management.The first half of the book provides a solid background in key ecological concepts. The second half uses these concepts to develop a deeper understanding of the principles underlying wildlife management and conservation. Global examples of real-life management situations provide a broad perspective on the international problems of conservation, and detailed case histories demonstrate concepts and quantitative analyses. This third edition isalso valuable to professional wildlife managers, park rangers, biological resource managers, and thoseworking in ecotourism.
Provides learners with sufficient knowledge, skills and attitudes that will enable them to identify and explain the impact of human activities on the physical environment on the global, regional and local scales and measures that can be taken to reduce environmental degradation. Key themes explored in the course include environmental worldviews, ecosystems, biodiversity, waste, renewable and non-renewable energy.
First released in 2007, the bestselling Transport Revolutions argued that land transport in the first half of the 21st century will feature at least two revolutions. One will involve the use of electric drives rather than internal combustion engines. Another will involve powering many of these drives directly from the electric grid - as trains and trolley buses are powered today - rather than from on-board fuel. Now available for the first time in paperback and updated with the most recent data, it sets out the challenges to our growing dependence on transport fuelled by low-priced oil. These challenges include an early peak in world oil production and profound climate change resulting in part from oil use. It proposes responses to ensure effective, secure movement of people and goods in ways that make the best use of renewable sources of energy while minimizing environmental impacts. Synthesizing engineering, economics, environment, organization, policy and technology in a detailed yet highly readable style, Transport Revolutions is essential reading for anyone working, studying or interested in transport and the environment.
Southern Africa is without equal in terms of geology, a treasure trove of valuable minerals with a geological history dating back some 3 600 million years. In addition, the evolution of plants and animals, especially mammals and dinosaurs, is well preserved in the region, which also has among the best records of the origin of modern man. The story of earth and life provides an insight into this remarkable history – how southern Africa's mineral deposits were formed, how its life evolved and how its landscape was shaped. Along the way readers will be enthralled by accounts of the Big Bang that marked the beginning of time and matter, by drifting and colliding continents, folding and fracturing rocks, meteors colliding with the Earth, volcanic eruptions, and the start of life. Other topics include why South Africa is so rich in minerals, how glacial deposits came to be found in the Karoo, why dinosaurs became extinct, how mammals developed from reptiles, and how closely humans are related to the apes. The answers to many such questions can be found in this title. Anyone interested in the landscape and ecosystems in which we live will be intrigued by this title. |
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