Books > Religion & Spirituality > Christianity
What Happens Next, A Traveler's Guide Through the End of This Age
Seven years of chaos called the Tribulation. A cruel and cunning
Antichrist. The dreaded battle of Armageddon. These images and ideas
associated with prophecy can be stimulating but also unnecessarily
scary. Max Lucado believes God wants us to be prepared, not scared. In
his first book exploring the end of this age, Max provides a wise,
well-researched, and reassuring overview of what God's Word has to say
on a topic that often creates confusion and anxiety.
Max explores four big ideas that will provide a solid foundation for
understanding God's plans and will remind us that we are headed to a
far better place than where we started.
He explains that:
• We were made to reign with Christ;
• God has made and will keep his promises;
• Heaven has a timeline; and
• A golden era, the millennium, awaits God's children.
In a world filled with political tension, personal trials, and
international turbulence, we find ourselves drawn to exploring what
happens next on heaven's timeline. Whether readers find themselves in
the "I can't wait," "I'm almost ready," or "I'm not sure about all of
this" camp, they will be encouraged to ponder God's plans and promises
for the future. In Max's signature encouraging style, he reminds us,
"It's all about hope. It's all about him."
Moving Forward When You're Skeptical of Others, Afraid of what God will
Allow, and Doubtful of your Own Discernment
Trust is the oxygen of all human relationships. But it's also what
trips you up after you've been burned. Maybe a friend constantly lets
you down. A leader or organization you respect turns out to be
different than they portray themselves to be. A spouse cheats on you. A
family member betrays you. You're exhausted by other people's choices
and starting to question your own discernment. And you're wondering, If
God let this happen, can he even be trusted?
How can you live well and step into the future when you keep stumbling
over trust issues? Lysa TerKeurst says it's not simply about finding
better people to walk with. It's about developing the stability you
long for within yourself and with God, so you don't become cynical and
carry a broken belief system into every new relationship.
In I Want to Trust You, But I Don't, Lysa shows you how to:
• Identify which of the eleven relational red flags are stirring up
distrust, so you can pinpoint why you're feeling uneasy
• Stop having more faith in your fears coming true than God coming
through for you by asking crucial "what if" questions to better process
your doubts
• Recognize when a fractured relationship can be repaired by
considering a reasonable list of characteristics necessary for
rebuilding trust
• Understand the physical, emotional, and neurological impact of the
betrayals you've experienced and start healing from the inside out
In a world where so many things feel alarming, this book will give you
a peace that isn't dependent on unpredictable people, circumstances,
and experiences. Instead, it offers practical and biblical ways to make
real progress toward healthier perspectives, relationships, and a
future you can authentically look forward to.
This book is an illuminating guide on critical, sensitive and
salvation-based topics that will intrigue, educate, inspire and
above all promote the doctrine of salvation as the focal point of
the entire Bible. The book highlights the fact that humanity's
greatest need has never been the food that satiates his hunger, the
building that gives him shelter, the status that makes him relevant
or anything that caters to his physical needs, albeit it consists
of topics that discuss humanity's daily needs and how they can be
acquired in line with God's word. It adequately emphasises that the
salvation of souls constitutes the greatest need and should occupy
the top echelon of our priorities. The scripture says that faith
comes by hearing and hearing the word of God (Romans 10:17). But
what happens when the word is not correctly taught, or correctly
taught but not completely broken down and hence not properly
understood? This book breaks down biblical lessons in a manner that
will be easily understood by readers. Many have read the Bible and
taught from it wrongly because they missed the central theme of the
Bible which is the salvation of our souls but the words in this
book have been written to help the reader avoid reading the Bible
amiss and achieve this precious and priceless gift - salvation -
that will make existence in this world a meaningful one. The
lessons readers will learn are drawn from the context of the
scriptures, the express commands of God and from the lives and
experiences of several biblical characters. Readers are made to
examine some biblical characters' strengths and flaws, successes
and failures and extract valuable lessons that will guide them on
the journey through life. While people can scan through the Bible
and get a general understanding of the stories within these
chapters, this book will draw the readers' attention to vital
lessons they may not have noticed.
Celebrating Sundays provides readings from the Christian tradition
that offer commentary on every Sunday Gospel reading in the three
year lectionary. In the middle of the sixth century, St Benedict
wrote 'Let the inspired books of both the Old and the New
Testaments be read at Vigils, as also commentaries on them by the
most eminent orthodox and catholic fathers' (Rule of Benedict, IX)
and this set the pattern for worship and preaching which prevails
today. All the great patristic names are included here: Augustine,
Bede, Ambrose, Gregory the Great, Aelred, John Scotus Erigena,
Origen, Cyril of Alexandria and dozens besides. An invaluable
companion for preachers and for personal reflection on the Sunday
lections, this makes an ideal gift for confirmation, ordination and
anniversaries of priesthood.
God's treasures are within reach for all of us, if we only listen
to find the love that passes all understanding. During times of
difficulty or joy, the words in this book can bring calmness,
wisdom and peace. Anyone can read these inspirational poems and
feel uplifted by their message, for the radiant joy of the Lord is
apparent in every line.
'n Reis na innerlike vrede en wysheid - Hierdie 365 oordenkings verken elke aspek van die Gebed om kalmte en hoe jy dit daagliks op jou lewe kan toepas.
Ons lewe is gejaagd. Ons omstandighede – goed en sleg – stoot ons hiernatoe en daarnatoe. Ons voel asof gebeurtenisse buite ons beheer ons lewe bepaal. Ons smag na vrede, na ’n plek waar veiligheid en rus is. As antwoord op hierdie soeke na vrede herinner die geliefde predikant en skrywer Trevor Hudson lesers aan die beproefde wysheid in die alombekende Gebed om kalmte:
God, skenk my die gemoedskalmte, om die dinge te aanvaar wat ek nie kan verander nie, die moed om die dinge te verander wat ek kan, en die wysheid om te weet wat die verskil is.
Hierdie 365 oordenkings verken elke aspek van hierdie gebed en hoe jy dit daagliks op jou lewe kan toepas. Namate jy die Gebed om kalmte gebruik as gids om elke dag in vriendskap met jou Here en Skepper te lewe, sal God se geskenk van vrede jou lewe vul en deur jou vloei waar jy jou ook al bevind. Elke oordenking word afgesluit met ’n praktiese voorstel hoe jy hierdie gebed elke dag kan uitleef. Só sal jou lewe ál meer op God gefokus word, en sal jy die innerlike vrede ervaar waarna jou hart smag.
Trevor Hudson is ’n Metodistepredikant, en tans ook betrokke by The Institute for Creative Conversations by die Northfield Metodistekerk in Suid-Afrika. Trevor se bediening behels onderrig, die aanbied van lesings en naweekseminare dwarsoor die land, sowel as internasionaal. Hy is die skrywer van verskeie boeke, waaronder ’n Dieper verhouding met God, Gebed om kalmte en Vrae wat God ons vra.
Christians of all traditions have long regarded the writings of Tom
Wright as a rich source of guidance for living faithfully in
today's world. His bestselling books, including Simply Christian,
Simply Jesus, and Surprised by Hope, have inspired and encouraged
millions all over the world. Now, whether you are new to Wright's
books or already a fan, you can draw on their wisdom each day with
On Earth as In Heaven. A devotional book to take you through the
entire year, it offers a thoughtful selection of 365 daily
meditations that feature short passages from his classic works. The
devotions begin on Easter Day, the first day of new creation, and
then follow the seasons of the Christian year to end with a second
Easter and the invitation to begin again. Reflecting on the
biblical themes of beauty, power, spirituality, justice, truth,
freedom and love, these daily meditations will invigorate and
sustain you as you cultivate a Christ-like life 'on earth as in
heaven'. Presented in a beautiful hardback, this 365 devotional is
a book to cherish and return to time and again for anyone looking
for daily encouragement and inspiration. It is an ideal gift for
any fan of Tom Wright's books, and also makes a perfect
introduction to his writers for new readers. Drawing on the very
best of Tom Wright's wisdom and guidance, On Earth as in Heaven is
a devotional that will equip you to live faithfully and joyfully,
growing closer to Jesus every single day.
How do you live a full life? Perhaps the better question is, how do you
really live when life throws you sucker punches, when you face
obstacles that seem to snuff out your faith, when you lose something or
someone precious to you? In The Fight to Flourish, Jennie Lusko
encourages women to suit up and thrive, not just in the dailies of
monotony and routine but even in the most desolate of places. Using the
backdrop of her second-born daughter Lenya’s passing into heaven five
days before Christmas in 2012, Jennie invites readers to embrace
whatever destination they’ve landed. She teaches how, through the good
and the bad, they can learn to grow, be strong, draw near to God, and
be a blessing to others. It is in this sacred space of pain and promise
that women can begin to flourish.
15 Steps to Effective Prayers a " Knowing how to Pray with Results!
will teach you how you can pray effectively and get results by
doing so. Our walk and spiritual growth depends on our prayer life!
This book aims to show every Christian the importance of such a
prayer life from the viewpoint of an experienced Prayer
Intercessor, Sharon Downer. The author will teach you the
importance of praying continually, praying for others, praying for
miracles and communicating with the Lord, which will help you build
a closer relationship with Him through prayer. Ita s a must read
for every Christian as prayer moves mountains.
"These encounters bring amazing changes to our life, resulting in more
faith, surrender, power, understanding, and fruit." – Randy Clark,
bestselling author of Power to Heal
“The subject of Heaven on earth is one of those strategic themes and
Candice Smithyman is one of those anointed chosen messengers.” – James
W. Goll, God Encounters Ministries
This is the key to supernaturally shifting atmospheres!
Many Christians assume that only a few gifted individuals can move in
the miraculous, but the Bible teaches that all believers have unlimited
access to the supernatural power of the Holy Spirit.
When you discover your identity in Jesus, cultivate a heavenly mindset,
and access the authority you have received in Jesus, you can
immediately release the power of Heaven into your everyday
circumstances. This is the key to changing atmospheres and
circumstances around you.
Candice Smithyman is a prophetic voice who has learned to move in the
supernatural by accessing an open Heaven. Now, she wants to mentor you
to do the same.
Releasing Heaven will…
• Encourage you to confidently enter the supernatural realm as a
citizen of Heaven.
• Empower you to release miracles by praying from a heavenly dimension.
• Impart principles for accessing your heavenly riches every day.
• Teach you how to release the vats of heaven for your need and the
needs of others.
Begin accessing the Heavenly realm to change your world today!
Passing the Plate shows that few American Christians donate
generously to religious and charitable causes -- a parsimony that
seriously undermines the work of churches and ministries. Far from
the 10 percent of one's income that tithing requires, American
Christians' financial giving typically amounts, by some measures,
to less than one percent of annual earnings. And a startling one
out of five self-identified Christians gives nothing at all.
This eye-opening book explores the reasons behind such ungenerous
giving, the potential world-changing benefits of greater financial
giving, and what can be done to improve matters. If American
Christians gave more generously, say the authors, any number of
worthy projects -- from the prevention and treatment of HIV/AIDS to
the promotion of inter-religious understanding to the upgrading of
world missions -- could be funded at astounding levels. Analyzing a
wide range of social surveys and government and denominational
statistical datasets and drawing on in-depth interviews with
Christian pastors and church members in seven different states, the
book identifies a crucial set of factors that appear to depress
religious financial support -- among them the powerful allure of a
mass-consumerist culture and its impact on Americans' priorities,
parishioners' suspicions of waste and abuse by nonprofit
administrators, clergy's hesitations to boldly ask for money, and
the lack of structure and routine in the way most American
Christians give away money. In their conclusion, the authors
suggest practical steps that clergy and lay leaders might take to
counteract these tendencies and better educate their congregations
about the transformative effects of generous giving.
By illuminating the social and psychological forces that shape
charitable giving, Passing the Plate is sure to spark a much-needed
debate on a critical issue that is of much interest to
church-goers, religious leaders, philanthropists, and social
This elegant journal features a beautifully designed interior with thought-provoking prompts, encouraging Scriptures, and lines for journaling.
Stop and ponder, delight in God's love for you, and express your thoughts in the space provided..