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Books > Computing & IT > Applications of computing > Databases > Data security & data encryption
Recently, IT has entered all important areas of society. Enterprises, individuals and civilisations all depend on functioning, safe and secure IT. Focus on IT security has previously been fractionalised, detailed and often linked to non-business applicaitons. The aim of this book is to address the current and future prospects of modern IT security, functionality in business, trade, industry, health care and government. The main topic areas covered include existing IT security tools and methodology for modern IT environments, laws, regulations and ethics in IT security environments, current and future prospects in technology, infrastructures, technique and methodology and IT security in retrospective.
Information Macrodynamics (IMD) belong to an interdisciplinary science that represents a new theoretical and computer-based methodology for a system informational descriptionand improvement, including various activities in such areas as thinking, intelligent processes, communications, management, and other nonphysical subjects with their mutual interactions, informational superimposition, and theinformation transferredbetweeninteractions. The IMD is based on the implementation of a single concept by a unique mathematical principle and formalism, rather than on an artificial combination of many arbitrary, auxiliary concepts and/or postulates and different mathematical subjects, such as the game, automata, catastrophe, logical operations theories, etc. This concept is explored mathematically using classical mathematics as calculus of variation and the probability theory, which are potent enough, without needing to developnew, specifiedmathematical systemicmethods. The formal IMD model automatically includes the related results from other fields, such as linear, nonlinear, collective and chaotic dynamics, stability theory, theory of information, physical analogies of classical and quantum mechanics, irreversible thermodynamics, andkinetics. The main IMD goal is to reveal the information regularities, mathematically expressed by the considered variation principle (VP), as a mathematical tool to extractthe regularities and define the model, whichdescribes theregularities. The IMD regularities and mechanisms are the results of the analytical solutions and are not retained by logical argumentation, rational introduction, and a reasonable discussion. The IMD's information computer modeling formalism includes a human being (as an observer, carrier and producer ofinformation), with a restoration of the model during the objectobservations.
In multimedia and communication environments all documents must be protected against attacks. The movie Forrest Gump showed how multimedia documents can be manipulated. The required security can be achieved by a number of different security measures. This book provides an overview of the current research in Multimedia and Communication Security. A broad variety of subjects are addressed including: network security; attacks; cryptographic techniques; healthcare and telemedicine; security infrastructures; payment systems; access control; models and policies; auditing and firewalls. This volume contains the selected proceedings of the joint conference on Communications and Multimedia Security; organized by the International Federation for Information processing and supported by the Austrian Computer Society, Gesellschaft fuer Informatik e.V. and TeleTrust Deutschland e.V. The conference took place in Essen, Germany, in September 1996
This book provides a survey on different kinds of Feistel ciphers, with their definitions and mathematical/computational properties. Feistel ciphers are widely used in cryptography in order to obtain pseudorandom permutations and secret-key block ciphers. In Part 1, we describe Feistel ciphers and their variants. We also give a brief story of these ciphers and basic security results. In Part 2, we describe generic attacks on Feistel ciphers. In Part 3, we give results on DES and specific Feistel ciphers. Part 4 is devoted to improved security results. We also give results on indifferentiability and indistinguishability.
Even in the age of ubiquitous computing, the importance of the Internet will not change and we still need to solve conventional security issues. In addition, we need to deal with new issues such as security in the P2P environment, privacy issues in the use of smart cards, and RFID systems. Security and Privacy in the Age of Ubiquitous Computing addresses these issues and more by exploring a wide scope of topics. The volume presents a selection of papers from the proceedings of the 20th IFIP International Information Security Conference held from May 30 to June 1, 2005 in Chiba, Japan. Topics covered include cryptography applications, authentication, privacy and anonymity, DRM and content security, computer forensics, Internet and web security, security in sensor networks, intrusion detection, commercial and industrial security, authorization and access control, information warfare and critical protection infrastructure. These papers represent the most current research in information security, including research funded in part by DARPA and the National Science Foundation.
The volume contains the papers presented at the fifth working conference on Communications and Multimedia Security (CMS 2001), held on May 21-22, 2001 at (and organized by) the GMD -German National Research Center for Information Technology GMD - Integrated Publication and Information Systems Institute IPSI, in Darmstadt, Germany. The conference is arranged jointly by the Technical Committees 11 and 6 of the International Federation of Information Processing (IFIP) The name "Communications and Multimedia Security" was first used in 1995, Reinhard Posch organized the first in this series of conferences in Graz, Austria, following up on the previously national (Austrian) "IT Sicherheit" conferences held in Klagenfurt (1993) and Vienna (1994). In 1996, the CMS took place in Essen, Germany; in 1997 the conference moved to Athens, Greece. The CMS 1999 was held in Leuven, Belgium. This conference provides a forum for presentations and discussions on issues which combine innovative research work with a highly promising application potential in the area of security for communication and multimedia security. State-of-the-art issues as well as practical experiences and new trends in the areas were topics of interest again, as it has already been the case at previous conferences. This year, the organizers wanted to focus the attention on watermarking and copyright protection for e commerce applications and multimedia data. We also encompass excellent work on recent advances in cryptography and their applications. In recent years, digital media data have enormously gained in importance."
Block ciphers encrypt blocks of plaintext, messages, into blocks of ciphertext under the action of a secret key, and the process of encryption is reversed by decryption which uses the same user-supplied key. Block ciphers are fundamental to modern cryptography, in fact they are the most widely used cryptographic primitive - useful in their own right, and in the construction of other cryptographic mechanisms. In this book the authors provide a technically detailed, yet readable, account of the state of the art of block cipher analysis, design, and deployment. The authors first describe the most prominent block ciphers and give insights into their design. They then consider the role of the cryptanalyst, the adversary, and provide an overview of some of the most important cryptanalytic methods. The book will be of value to graduate and senior undergraduate students of cryptography and to professionals engaged in cryptographic design. An important feature of the presentation is the authors' exhaustive bibliography of the field, each chapter closing with comprehensive supporting notes.
Integrity and Internal Control in Information Systems is a state-of-the-art book that establishes the basis for an ongoing dialogue between the IT security specialists and the internal control specialists so that both may work more effectively together to assist in creating effective business systems in the future. Building on the issues presented in the preceding volume of this series, this book seeks further answers to the following questions: What precisely do business managers need in order to have confidence in the integrity of their information systems and their data? What is the status quo of research and development in this area? Where are the gaps between business needs on the one hand and research/development on the other; what needs to be done to bridge these gaps? Integrity and Internal Control in Information Systems contains the selected proceedings of the Second Working Conference on Integrity and Internal Control in Information Systems, sponsored by the International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP) and held in Warrenton, Virginia, USA, in November 1998. It will be essential reading for academics and practitioners in computer science, information technology, business informatics, accountancy and edp-auditing.
Steganography, a means by which two or more parties may communicate using "invisible" or "subliminal" communication, and watermarking, a means of hiding copyright data in images, are becoming necessary components of commercial multimedia applications that are subject to illegal use. This is a comprehensive survey of steganography and watermarking and their application to modern communications and multimedia. It helps the reader to understand steganography, the history of this previously neglected element of cryptography, the hurdles of international law on strong cryptographic techniques, and a description of the methods you can use to hide information in modern media. Included in this discussion is an overview of "steganalysis", methods which can be used to break stenographic communication. This resource also includes an introduction to and survey of watermarking methods, and discusses this method's similarities to and differences from steganography. The reader should gain a working knowledge of watermarking's pros and cons, and learn the legal implications of watermarking and copyright issues on the Internet.
Chaos-based cryptography, attracting many researchers in the past decade, is a research field across two fields, i.e., chaos (nonlinear dynamic system) and cryptography (computer and data security). It Chaos' properties, such as randomness and ergodicity, have been proved to be suitable for designing the means for data protection. The book gives a thorough description of chaos-based cryptography, which consists of chaos basic theory, chaos properties suitable for cryptography, chaos-based cryptographic techniques, and various secure applications based on chaos. Additionally, it covers both the latest research results and some open issues or hot topics. The book creates a collection of high-quality chapters contributed by leading experts in the related fields. It embraces a wide variety of aspects of the related subject areas and provide a scientifically and scholarly sound treatment of state-of-the-art techniques to students, researchers, academics, personnel of law enforcement and IT practitioners who are interested or involved in the study, research, use, design and development of techniques related to chaos-based cryptography.
This book presents a state-of-the art review of current perspectives on Communications and Multimedia Security. It contains the Proceedings of the 3rd Joint Working Conference of IFIP TC6 and TC11, arranged by the International Federation for Information Processing and held in Athens, Greece in September 1997. The book aims to cover the subject of Communications and Multimedia Systems Security, as fully as possible. It constitutes an essential reading for information technology security specialists; computer professionals; communication systems professionals; EDP managers; EDP auditors; managers, researchers and students working on the subject.
This book introduces readers to the tools needed to protect IT resources and communicate with security specialists when there is a security problem. The book covers a wide range of security topics including Cryptographic Technologies, Network Security, Security Management, Information Assurance, Security Applications, Computer Security, Hardware Security, and Biometrics and Forensics. It introduces the concepts, techniques, methods, approaches, and trends needed by security specialists to improve their security skills and capabilities. Further, it provides a glimpse into future directions where security techniques, policies, applications, and theories are headed. The book represents a collection of carefully selected and reviewed chapters written by diverse security experts in the listed fields and edited by prominent security researchers. Complementary slides are available for download on the book's website at Springer.com.
This book provides an overview of current Intellectual Property (IP) based System-on-Chip (SoC) design methodology and highlights how security of IP can be compromised at various stages in the overall SoC design-fabrication-deployment cycle. Readers will gain a comprehensive understanding of the security vulnerabilities of different types of IPs. This book would enable readers to overcome these vulnerabilities through an efficient combination of proactive countermeasures and design-for-security solutions, as well as a wide variety of IP security and trust assessment and validation techniques. This book serves as a single-source of reference for system designers and practitioners for designing secure, reliable and trustworthy SoCs.
In this book about a hundred papers are presented. These were selected from over 450 papers submitted to WCCE95. The papers are of high quality and cover many aspects of computers in education. Within the overall theme of "Liberating the learner" the papers cover the following main conference themes: Accreditation, Artificial Intelligence, Costing, Developing Countries, Distance Learning, Equity Issues, Evaluation (Formative and Summative), Flexible Learning, Implications, Informatics as Study Topic, Information Technology, Infrastructure, Integration, Knowledge as a Resource, Learner Centred Learning, Methodologies, National Policies, Resources, Social Issues, Software, Teacher Education, Tutoring, Visions. Also included are papers from the chairpersons of the six IFIP Working Groups on education (elementary/primary education, secondary education, university education, vocational education and training, research on educational applications and distance learning). In these papers the work in the groups is explained and a basis is given for the work of Professional Groups during the world conference. In the Professional Groups experts share their experience and expertise with other expert practitioners and contribute to a postconference report which will determine future actions of IFIP with respect to education. J. David Tinsley J. van Weert Tom Editors Acknowledgement The editors wish to thank Deryn Watson of Kings College London for organizing the paper reviewing process. The editors also wish to thank the School of Informatics, Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics of the Catholic University of Nijmegen for its support in the production of this document.
Security of Data and Transaction Processing brings together in one place important contributions and up-to-date research results in this fast moving area. Security of Data and Transaction Processing serves as an excellent reference, providing insight into some of the most challenging research issues in the field.
Learn how applying risk management to each stage of the software engineering model can help the entire development process run on time and on budget. This practical guide identifies the potential threats associated with software development, explains how to establish an effective risk management program, and details the six critical steps involved in applying the process. It also explores the pros and cons of software and organizational maturity, discusses various software metrics approaches you can use to measure software quality, and highlights procedures for implementing a successful metrics program.
The first Annual Working Conference ofWG11.4oftheInter nationalFederationforInformation Processing (IFIP), focuseson variousstate of the art concepts in the field of Network and Dis tributedSystemsSecurity. Oursocietyisrapidly evolvingand irreversibly set onacourse governedby electronicinteractions. Wehave seen thebirthofe mail in the early seventies, and are now facing new challenging applicationssuchase commerce, e government, ....Themoreour societyrelies on electronicforms ofcommunication, themorethe securityofthesecommunicationnetworks isessentialforitswell functioning. Asaconsequence, researchonmethodsandtechniques toimprove network security iso fparam ount importance. ThisWorking Conference bringstogetherresearchersandprac tionersofvariousdisciplines, organisationsandcountries, todiscuss thelatestdevelopmentsinsecurity protocols, secure software engin eering, mobileagentsecurity, e commercesecurityandsecurityfor distributedcomputing. Wearealsopleasedtohaveattractedtwointernationalspeakers topresenttwo case studies, one dealing withBelgium'sintentionto replacetheidentity card ofitscitizensbyanelectronicversion, and theotherdiscussingtheimplicationsofthesecuritycertificationin amultinationalcorporation. ThisWorking Conference s houldalsobeconsideredasthekick off activity ofWG11.4, the aimsof which can be summarizedas follows: topromoteresearch on technical measures forsecuringcom puternetworks, including bothhardware andsoftware based techniques. to promote dissemination of research results in the field of network security in real lifenetworks in industry, academia and administrative ins titutions. viii topromoteeducationintheapplicationofsecuritytechniques, andtopromotegeneral awarenessa boutsecurityproblems in thebroadfieldofinformationtechnology. Researchers and practioners who want to get involved in this Working Group, are kindlyrequestedtocontactthechairman. MoreinformationontheworkingsofWG11.4isavailable from the officialIFIP website: http: //www.ifip.at.org/. Finally, wewish toexpressour gratitudetoallthosewho have contributedtothisconference in one wayoranother. Wearegr ate fultothe internationalrefereeboard whoreviewedallthe papers andtotheauthorsandinvitedspeakers, whosecontributionswere essential to the successof the conference. We would alsoliketo thanktheparticipantswhosepresenceand interest, togetherwith thechangingimperativesofsociety, willprovea drivingforce for futureconferen
In this contributed volume, leading international researchers explore configuration modeling and checking, vulnerability and risk assessment, configuration analysis, and diagnostics and discovery. The authors equip readers to understand automated security management systems and techniques that increase overall network assurability and usability. These constantly changing networks defend against cyber attacks by integrating hundreds of security devices such as firewalls, IPSec gateways, IDS/IPS, authentication servers, authorization/RBAC servers, and crypto systems. Automated Security Management presents a number of topics in the area of configuration automation. Early in the book, the chapter authors introduce modeling and validation of configurations based on high-level requirements and discuss how to manage the security risk as a result of configuration settings of network systems. Later chapters delve into the concept of configuration analysis and why it is important in ensuring the security and functionality of a properly configured system. The book concludes with ways to identify problems when things go wrong and more. A wide range of theoretical and practical content make this volume valuable for researchers and professionals who work with network systems.
The book introduces new techniques that imply rigorous lower bounds on the com plexity of some number-theoretic and cryptographic problems. It also establishes certain attractive pseudorandom properties of various cryptographic primitives. These methods and techniques are based on bounds of character sums and num bers of solutions of some polynomial equations over finite fields and residue rings. Other number theoretic techniques such as sieve methods and lattice reduction algorithms are used as well. The book also contains a number of open problems and proposals for further research. The emphasis is on obtaining unconditional rigorously proved statements. The bright side of this approach is that the results do not depend on any assumptions or conjectures. On the downside, the results are much weaker than those which are widely believed to be true. We obtain several lower bounds, exponential in terms of logp, on the degrees and orders of o polynomials; o algebraic functions; o Boolean functions; o linear recurrence sequences; coinciding with values of the discrete logarithm modulo a prime p at sufficiently many points (the number of points can be as small as pI/2+O: ). These functions are considered over the residue ring modulo p and over the residue ring modulo an arbitrary divisor d of p - 1. The case of d = 2 is of special interest since it corresponds to the representation of the rightmost bit of the discrete logarithm and defines whether the argument is a quadratic residue."
Biometrics such as fingerprint, face, gait, iris, voice and signature, recognizes one's identity using his/her physiological or behavioral characteristics. Among these biometric signs, fingerprint has been researched the longest period of time, and shows the most promising future in real-world applications. However, because of the complex distortions among the different impressions of the same finger, fingerprint recognition is still a challenging problem. Computational Algorithms for Fingerprint Recognition presents an
entire range of novel computational algorithms for fingerprint
recognition. These include feature extraction, indexing, matching,
classification, and performance prediction/validation methods,
which have been compared with state-of-art algorithms and found to
be effective and efficient on real-world data. All the algorithms
have been evaluated on NIST-4 database from National Institute of
Standards and Technology (NIST). Specific algorithms addressed
include: Computational Algorithms for Fingerprint Recognition is designed for a professional audience composed of researchers and practitioners in industry. This book is also suitable as a secondary text for graduate-level students in computer science and engineering.
Data mining is becoming a pervasive technology in activities as diverse as using historical data to predict the success of a marketing campaign, looking for patterns in financial transactions to discover illegal activities or analyzing genome sequences. From this perspective, it was just a matter of time for the discipline to reach the important area of computer security. Applications Of Data Mining In Computer Security presents a collection of research efforts on the use of data mining in computer security. Applications Of Data Mining In Computer Security concentrates heavily on the use of data mining in the area of intrusion detection. The reason for this is twofold. First, the volume of data dealing with both network and host activity is so large that it makes it an ideal candidate for using data mining techniques. Second, intrusion detection is an extremely critical activity. This book also addresses the application of data mining to computer forensics. This is a crucial area that seeks to address the needs of law enforcement in analyzing the digital evidence.
This monograph on Security in Computing Systems: Challenges, Approaches and Solutions aims at introducing, surveying and assessing the fundamentals of se- rity with respect to computing. Here, "computing" refers to all activities which individuals or groups directly or indirectly perform by means of computing s- tems, i. e. , by means of computers and networks of them built on telecommuni- tion. We all are such individuals, whether enthusiastic or just bowed to the inevitable. So, as part of the ''information society'', we are challenged to maintain our values, to pursue our goals and to enforce our interests, by consciously desi- ing a ''global information infrastructure'' on a large scale as well as by approp- ately configuring our personal computers on a small scale. As a result, we hope to achieve secure computing: Roughly speaking, computer-assisted activities of in- viduals and computer-mediated cooperation between individuals should happen as required by each party involved, and nothing else which might be harmful to any party should occur. The notion of security circumscribes many aspects, ranging from human qua- ties to technical enforcement. First of all, in considering the explicit security requirements of users, administrators and other persons concerned, we hope that usually all persons will follow the stated rules, but we also have to face the pos- bility that some persons might deviate from the wanted behavior, whether ac- dently or maliciously.
This book provides a comprehensive overview of the fundamental security of Industrial Control Systems (ICSs), including Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) systems and touching on cyber-physical systems in general. Careful attention is given to providing the reader with clear and comprehensive background and reference material for each topic pertinent to ICS security. This book offers answers to such questions as: Which specific operating and security issues may lead to a loss of efficiency and operation? What methods can be used to monitor and protect my system? How can I design my system to reduce threats?This book offers chapters on ICS cyber threats, attacks, metrics, risk, situational awareness, intrusion detection, and security testing, providing an advantageous reference set for current system owners who wish to securely configure and operate their ICSs. This book is appropriate for non-specialists as well. Tutorial information is provided in two initial chapters and in the beginnings of other chapters as needed. The book concludes with advanced topics on ICS governance, responses to attacks on ICS, and future security of the Internet of Things.
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