Books > Professional & Technical > Technology: general issues > Engineering graphics & technical drawing
The finite element method is being used increasingly to solve
complex mathematical relationships in all areas of engineering. It
is particularly useful in aiding design engineers to select
appropriate and safe designs for structures, and to enable
prediction of what effects changes of use or structural
modifications have on the integrity and stress regime of individual
components. This book provides an introduction to PAFEC, one of the
most widely available and extensively used software packages, and
presents a logical and careful guide on how to construct data sets,
solve specific problems and use PAFEC most effectively, whilst
later chapters describe more complex analysis and relationships.
This is a book for professionals, consultants and postgraduate
students in civil, geotechnical and mechanical engineering who have
access to computer systems supporting the PAFEC software package.
Technical Drawing 3: Building Drawing is the third of three books
which together provide comprehensive coverage of all aspects of
secondary school technical drawing syllabuses. The books are also
suitable for Craft level courses such as engineering and building
related subjects and for industrial training courses where an
understanding of technical drawing is required. The three books may
be used together or seperately to suit a variety of needs. Using
numerous illustrations and easy-to-follow text, this book covers:
drawing office practice; freehand sketching; orthographic
projection; building construction drawing; foundations; floors;
wall openings; doors and windows; stairs; roofs; electrical wiring
plans; drainage and sanitation systems. Other features of this book
include exercises which may be used for self-study, revision or
evaluation, and a full index.
You are hereLearning Mastercam X5 Mill 2D Step-by-Step Learning
Mastercam X5 Mill 2D Step-by-Step James Valentino Joseph Goldenberg
Learning Mastercam X5 Mill 2D Step-by-Step Back to CAD / CAM / CIM
600 pages, Published: October, 2010 ISBN 9780831134235 $74.95 Add
To Cart Overview This unique text presents a thorough introduction
to Mastercam X5 Mill for students with little or no prior
experience. It can be used in virtually any educational setting --
from four-year engineering schools to community colleges and
voc/tech schools to industrial training centers -- and will also
serve as a reliable reference for on-the-job use or as a self-study
manual. The award-winning authors have carefully arranged the
contents in a clear and logical sequence and have used many
hundreds of visuals instead of wordy explanations. Two enclosed CDs
contain Mastercam X5 Demo and also include examples and exercises
from the text for student practice. Features * Emphasizes
student-friendly graphical displays in place of long explanations
and definitions. * Includes an overview of the process of
generating a word address program.* Presents numerous examples that
provide step-by-step instructions with graphical displays. *
Eliminates flipping between pages by featuring all explanations on
the same page as the example. * Contains exercises at the end of
each chapter. * Features a process plan for many machining
exercises to indicate the machining operations to be performed and
the tools to be used. * Contains a new chapter on Creating 2D Solid
Models by extrusion, revolving and Boolean Operations. * Contains
new material on editing solids and building a history tree for
imported solids. * Contains a chapter on Executing 2D Milling
Operations on Solid Models. * Contains new material on creating a
user defined tool plane and machining on the plane. * Contains a
new chapter on File tracking and Change Recognition. * Includes an
in-depth presentation of how to customize Mastercam X5 for user
applications in the appendix.
Digital Architecture employs computer modelling, programing,
simulation, and imaging to create both virtual forms and physical
structures, and it is becoming increasingly popular in today's
architecture landscape the world over. This book presents the
fast-shaping and actively progressing digital architecture scene in
China as it discusses the current status and trends in its
development, design, and construction, in the different dimensions
of digital architecture. It includes four parts: Theoretical
Explorations; Building Practice; Research Projects; and a
chronology of digital architecture in China. The first part
summarises the understanding and positioning of digital
architecture in China from the perspectives of construction, design
techniques, and design concepts. The second and third parts provide
readers with a wealth of information and resource through many
analytical diagrams, technical drawings, and construction and
completion images. This book is not only an academic review, but
also a lively account of digital architecture in China. This read
will feel like a visit to a vivid Chinese digital architecture
exhibition, and will be a welcome addition to any architecture
reference collection.
Engineering graphics and design applies itself to a wide field of
engineering technologies. This guide deals with drawing, isometric
drawing, assembly drawing, detail drawing as well as the use of
CAD. The text is learner-friendly and uses simple language. It is
logically set out and the text is supported by illustrated clear,
accurate diagrams.
unique book that meets your needs if you are studying industrial
technology, CAD, engineering technology, or manufacturing
technology. This book clearly organizes geometric dimensioning and
tolerancing fundamentals into small, logical units for step-by-step
understanding. Measurable performance objectives help you assess
your progress. Discussion questions promote interaction and
higher-order thinking, and practice problems ensure thorough
understanding of the concepts presented. FUNDAMENTALS OF GEOMETRIC
DIMENSIONING AND TOLERANCING 3E defines and fully encompasses the
revised ANSI/ASME Y14.5M-2009 to keep you current on these
important industry standards. This book is cited by top industry
professionals as meeting the highest "standards" for a GD&T
Geo-Metrics III is an extensively revised edition of a book on
geometric dimensioning and tolerancing, the technical drawing
language for designing and manufacturing component parts of a
mechanical product. This edition takes its reference from the
content of the ANSI/ASME Y14.5M standard as well as harmonizing
with the principles of related ISO international standards.
Geo-Metrics III is a guide and reference for anyone involved in
engineering design, drafting, manufacturing, quality and
verification of product.
This is the right book for users who liked the author's "Beginning
AutoCAD" workbook and want to learn more about AutoCAD's features,
including Xref, Attributes, and 3D solids. This clear, no nonsense,
easy-to-follow text is totally updated for AutoCAD 2016 and 2016
LT, and it offers several new and improved features. All exercises
are easy to print on standard 8 1/2" x 11" paper. For use with the
PC version of AutoCAD 2016 only. New Features include ... * Start
Tab page, containing two sliding content frames, Learn and Create,
enabling you to quickly access recent drawing files, templates,
product updates, and online resources. * DIM command, allowing you
to create dimensions based on a selected object. Improved Features
include ... * Enhanced Status Bar, giving you greater control of
the tools you want displayed. * Isometric Grid Pattern now displays
Lines instead of Dots. * Command Preview is enhanced to allow for
Blend, Erase, Scale, Stretch, and Rotate commands. * Improved
graphics with Line Smoothing and the display of perfect curves.
Cheryl Shrock recently retired as Professor and Chairperson of
Computer Aided Design at Orange Coast College in California, where
she had taught since 1990. She is an Autodesk (R) registered
author. Previous to teaching, she owned and operated a commercial
product and machine design company, using CAD to create and
document designs. This book draws upon both her teaching and
industry experience. Steve Heather has 30-plus years of experience
as a practicing mechanical engineer and has taught AutoCAD to
engineering and architectural students at the college level. He is
an authorized AutoCAD beta tester and a member of AutoCAD Connected
Desktop Customer Council. Steve lives near Canterbury, England, and
welcomes your questions or comments at: [email protected].
The gold-standard design and documentation reference for students
Architectural Graphic Standards, Student Edition condenses key
information from the definitive industry reference to provide
students with a powerful learning resource. Covering design and
documentation for a variety of projects, this book offers extensive
visuals backed by expert discussion to prepare students for work in
a modern professional practice. This new 12th edition has been
significantly updated to provide the latest information on
important architectural developments and movements, with detailed
coverage of sustainability, economy, technology, and more alongside
current building standards and best practices. The companion
website features sample curricula, student exercises, and classroom
projects to aid the understanding of developing designers, and
links to additional resources include professional associations,
manufacturers' websites, and architectural articles to help
students stay up-to-date as the field continues to evolve.
Architectural Graphic Standards is the gold-standard reference for
practicing architects, engineers, and builders; this Student
Edition introduces key elements in a way that's relevant to the
budding designer, along with ancillary materials that facilitate
internalization. * Delve into the design and documentation process
for building materials and elements, as used in today's real-world
practice * Discover the latest advances in sustainability, digital
fabrication, building information modeling, and more * Learn the
building standards and best practices for a wide variety of
architectural details * Examine thousands of illustrations, richly
detailed graphics, PowerPoint slides, and links to additional
resources Simply "knowing" graphic and documentation standards is
not enough; future architects and engineers must develop an
instinctual understanding and reflexive use of much of this
material. Architectural Graphic Standards, Student Edition provides
the depth and breadth of coverage they need, and the expert
guidance that will help them succeed.
There's simply no better resource for anyone learning about and/or
teaching CAD software than the Beginning AutoCAD Exercise Workbook.
Veteran AutoCAD experts and former instructors Shrock and Heather
have packed the 2021 version with a vastly improved interior design
layout, 30 in-depth lessons with hundreds of useful practice
exercises, all new screenshots, along with tried and true features
such as "CAD tips" and side-by-side metric/inch measurements. The
detailed, step-by-step format makes mastering AutoCAD much easier,
in or out of a formal classroom. Readers can download the provided
templates used for drawings in the book from the Industrial Press
website. New and/or Improved Features in Beginning AutoCAD 2021
Streamlined Trim and Extend command-Boundary edges are now selected
automatically, making trimming or extending objects far more
efficient. Revision Cloud enhancements-Users can use one value that
measures the chord distance between the end points of each cloud
arc to create more consistent revision clouds. Measure Geometry:
Quick Measure-The area and perimeter of closed objects (and even
multiple objects) can be measured with a simple click, all in one
go. Beginning AutoCAD 2021 contains more content than ever before,
yet has been redesigned and reduced by more than 100 pages, making
it more manageable to read and carry. There's simply no better
resource for anyone learning about and/or teaching CAD software
than the Beginning AutoCAD Exercise Workbook. Veteran AutoCAD
experts and former instructors Shrock and Heather have packed the
2021 version with a vastly improved interior design layout, 30
in-depth lessons with hundreds of useful practice exercises, all
new screenshots, along with tried and true features such as "CAD
tips" and side-by-side metric/inch measurements. The detailed,
step-by-step format makes mastering AutoCAD much easier, in or out
of a formal classroom. Readers can download the provided templates
used for drawings in the book from the Industrial Press website.
New and/or Improved Features in Beginning AutoCAD 2021 Streamlined
Trim and Extend command-Boundary edges are now selected
automatically, making trimming or extending objects far more
efficient. Revision Cloud enhancements-Users can use one value that
measures the chord distance between the end points of each cloud
arc to create more consistent revision clouds. Measure Geometry:
Quick Measure-The area and perimeter of closed objects (and even
multiple objects) can be measured with a simple click, all in one
go. Beginning AutoCAD 2021 contains more content than ever before,
yet has been redesigned and reduced by more than 100 pages, making
it more manageable to read and carry. Cheryl Shrock is a retired
Professor and Chairperson of Computer Aided Design at Orange Coast
College in California. The AutoCAD ExerciseWorkbooks are the result
of both her teaching skills and her industry experience. She is an
Autodesk (R) registered author. Steve Heather has more than 30
years of experience as a practicing mechanical engineer, and has
taught AutoCAD to engineering and architectural students at the
college level. He is a Beta Tester for Autodesk (R), testing the
latest AutoCAD software, and a member of the AutoCAD (R) Customer
Council.* Starting AutoCAD * Creating & Using a Template *
Selecting a Command * Drawing Lines * Erase * Undo and Redo *
Starting a New Drawing * Opening Multiple Files * Automatic Save *
Circle * Rectangle * Grid and Increment Snap * Transparency *
Object Snap * Zoom * Drawing Setup * Polygon * Ellipse * Point *
Break * Trim * Extend * Move * Drag * Explode * Copy * Mirror *
Fillet * Chamfer * Single & Multiline Text * Tabs & Indents
* Columns * Paragraph & Line Spacing * Editing * Coordinate
Input * Absolute Coordinates * Direct Distance Entry (DDE) *
Measure Tools * Moving the Origin * Displaying the UCS Icon * Polar
Coordinate Input * Dynamic Input* Polar Tracking * Using Polar
Tracking & DDE * Polar Snap * Offset * Properties Palette *
Quick Properties Panel * Array * Scale: Stretch: Rotate * Hatch
Types * Editing Hatch Set Properties * Linear, Continue, &
Baseline Dimensioning * Ignoring Hatch Objects * Editing Dimension
Text Values * Modifying a Dimension Style * Dimension Breaks *
Jogging a Dimension Line * Adjusting the Distance Between
Dimensions * Dimensioning Diameters & Radii * Angular
Dimensioning * Center Mark-Automatic & Manual * Centerline *
Flip Arrow * Creating a Multileader Style * Special Text Characters
* Dim Command... and much more!
Converse Lyapunov function theory guarantees the existence of
strict Lyapunov functions in many situations, but the functions it
provides are often abstract and nonexplicit, and therefore may not
lend themselves to engineering applications. Often, even when a
system is known to be stable, one still needs explicit Lyapunov
functions; however, once an appropriate strict Lyapunov function
has been constructed, many robustness and stabilization problems
can be solved through standard feedback designs or robustness
arguments. Non-strict Lyapunov functions are often readily
constructed. This book contains a broad repertoire of Lyapunov
constructions for nonlinear systems, focusing on methods for
transforming non-strict Lyapunov functions into strict ones. Their
explicitness and simplicity make them suitable for feedback design,
and for quantifying the effects of uncertainty. Readers will
benefit from the authors' mathematical rigor and unifying,
design-oriented approach, as well as the numerous worked examples.
This concise reference helps readers avoid the most commonplace
errors in generating or interpreting engineering drawings.
Applicable across multiple disciplines, Hanifan's lucid treatment
of such essential skills as understanding and conveying data in a
drawing, exacting precision in dimension and tolerance notations,
and selecting the most-appropriate drawing type for a particular
engineering situation, "Perfecting Engineering and Technical
Drawing" is an valuable resource for practicing engineers,
engineering technologists, and students. Provides straightforward
explanation of the requirements for all common engineering drawing
types Maximizes reader understanding of engineering drawing
requirements, differentiating the types of drawings and their
particular characteristics Elucidates electrical reference
designation requirements, geometric dimensioning, and tolerancing
errors Explains the entire engineering documentation process from
concept to delivery
CUDA is now the dominant language used for programming GPUs, one of
the most exciting hardware developments of recent decades. With
CUDA, you can use a desktop PC for work that would have previously
required a large cluster of PCs or access to a HPC facility. As a
result, CUDA is increasingly important in scientific and technical
computing across the whole STEM community, from medical physics and
financial modelling to big data applications and beyond. This
unique book on CUDA draws on the author's passion for and long
experience of developing and using computers to acquire and analyse
scientific data. The result is an innovative text featuring a much
richer set of examples than found in any other comparable book on
GPU computing. Much attention has been paid to the C++ coding
style, which is compact, elegant and efficient. A code base of
examples and supporting material is available online, which readers
can build on for their own projects.
The aim of this book is to provide professional engineers and
students of engineering with a sound working knowledge of the
finite element method for engineering analysis and engineering
design. This readable text will serve as a guide both to the
method, and to its implementation in PAFEC (Program for Automatic
Finite Element Calculations) software.
Scattering based numerical methods are increasingly applied to the
numerical simulation of distributed time dependent physical
systems. These methods, which possess excellent stability and
stability verification properties, have appeared in various guises
as the transmission line matrix (TLM) method, multidimensional wave
digital (MDWD) filtering and digital waveguide (DWN) methods. This
text provides a unified framework for all of these techniques and
addresses the question of how they are related to more standard
numerical simulation techniques. Covering circuit/scattering models
in electromagnetics, transmission line modelling, elastic dynamics,
as well as time varying and nonlinear systems, this book highlights
the general applicability of this technique across a variety of
disciplines, as well as the inter relationships between simulation
techniques and digital filter design. It provides a comprehensive
overview of scattering based numerical integration methods. It
reviews the basics of classical electrical network theory, wave
digital filters, and digital waveguide networks. It discusses
applications for time varying and nonlinear systems. It includes an
extensive bibliography containing over 250 references. Mixing
theory and application with numerical simulation results, this book
will be suitable for both experts and readers with a limited
background in signal processing and numerical techniques.
Engineering Drawing with CAD Applications is ideal for any
engineering student, needing a user-friendly step-by-step guide to
draughting, sketching and drawing. Fully revised to take into
account developments in computer aided drawing, and to keep up with
British Standards, this guide remains an ideal introduction to the
subject. It provides readers with the basic knowledge and skills of
draughting and takes them on to more interesting and advanced
engineering drawing techniques and procedures. This latest revision
of Ostrowsky's popoular Engineering Drawing represents a
comprehensive introductory course in engineering drawing and
sketching, and is sutiable for a wide range of college and
university engineering students. The author concentrates on the
techniques fundamental to effective drawing, key knowledge that is
needed wether the drawings are carried out by hand, or via a CAD
package. Copious illustrations and a clear, step-by-step approach
make this book ideal for distance learning and assignment-based
Broad coverage of digital product creation, from design to
manufacture and process optimization This book addresses the need
to provide up-to-date coverage of current CAD/CAM usage and
implementation. It covers, in one source, the entire
design-to-manufacture process, reflecting the industry trend to
further integrate CAD and CAM into a single, unified process. It
also updates the computer aided design theory and methods in modern
manufacturing systems and examines the most advanced computer-aided
tools used in digital manufacturing. Computer Aided Design and
Manufacturing consists of three parts. The first part on Computer
Aided Design (CAD) offers the chapters on Geometric Modelling;
Knowledge Based Engineering; Platforming Technology; Reverse
Engineering; and Motion Simulation. The second part on Computer
Aided Manufacturing (CAM) covers Group Technology and Cellular
Manufacturing; Computer Aided Fixture Design; Computer Aided
Manufacturing; Simulation of Manufacturing Processes; and Computer
Aided Design of Tools, Dies and Molds (TDM). The final part
includes the chapters on Digital Manufacturing; Additive
Manufacturing; and Design for Sustainability. The book is also
featured for being uniquely structured to classify and align
engineering disciplines and computer aided technologies from the
perspective of the design needs in whole product life cycles,
utilizing a comprehensive Solidworks package (add-ins, toolbox, and
library) to showcase the most critical functionalities of modern
computer aided tools, and presenting real-world design projects and
case studies so that readers can gain CAD and CAM problem-solving
skills upon the CAD/CAM theory. Computer Aided Design and
Manufacturing is an ideal textbook for undergraduate and graduate
students in mechanical engineering, manufacturing engineering, and
industrial engineering. It can also be used as a technical
reference for researchers and engineers in mechanical and
manufacturing engineering or computer-aided technologies.
Everything students need to learn about civil drafting in a single
volume. This text provides complete coverage of the design and
drafting principles and practice used in the civil drafting field,
and a working knowledge of the basic topics of mapping-in a
workbook format. Created with input from civil engineering industry
professionals and educators and content-tested in the classroom,
Civil Drafting Technology is a unique, comprehensive guide to civil
drafting in a clear workbook approach. Designed with the goal of
providing a foundation of work done by civil engineering companies
(associated drawings, skills, and terminology) and a broad
education in the civil drafting field, the book acquaints students
with the civil drafting discipline, mapping, computer-aided design
and drafting (CADD), surveying, locations, distances, angles,
directions, contour lines, site plans, horizontal alignments,
profiles, earthwork, detail drawings, and geographic information
system (GIS). Most of the drawings and maps are generated by
specialized CADD software, and a variety of data collected using
electronic surveying techniques. The book's 14 chapters each deal
with a specific subject area and provide realistic examples,
illustrations, review questions, and problems. The new edition is
substantially revised with a number of updates and improvements.
This book constitutes the thoroughly refereed post-proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Graph Drawing, GD 2001, held in Vienna, Austria, in September 2001.The 32 revised full papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 66 paper submissions. Also included are a corrected version of a paper from the predecessor volume, short reports on the software systems exhibition, two papers of the special session on graph exchange formats, and a report on the annual graph drawing contests. The papers are organized in topical sections on hierarchical drawing, planarity, crossing theory, compaction, planar graphs, symmetries, interactive drawing, representations, aesthetics, 2D- and 3D-embeddings, data visualization, floor planning, and planar drawing.
Human factors considerations are increasingly being incorporated into the product design process. Users are seen more as being important factors in the overall look and usability of products than just as passive users. We are now treated as cognitive and physical components of the person/product system. The author, who is one of the leading lights in the field of cognitive ergonomics, looks at approaches that assume that if a task can be accomplished with a reasonable degree of efficiency and within acceptable levels of comfort, then the product can be seen as fitting to the user. In this book it is argued that in practice these approaches can be dehumanising. People are more than merely physical and cognitive processors. They have hopes, fears, dreams, values and aspirations, indeed these are the very things that make us human. Designing Pleasurable Products looks both at and beyond usability, considering how products can appeal to use holistically, leading to products that are a joy to own.
For more than 25 years, students have relied on this trusted text
for easy-to-read, comprehensive drafting and design instruction
that complies with the latest ANSI and ASME industry standards for
mechanical drafting. The Sixth Edition of ENGINEERING DRAWING AND
DESIGN continues this tradition of excellence with a multitude of
real, high-quality industry drawings and more than 1,000 drafting,
design, and practical application problems-including many new to
the current edition. The text showcases actual product designs in
all phases, from concept through manufacturing, marketing, and
distribution. In addition, the engineering design process now
features new material related to production practices that
eliminate waste in all phases, and the authors describe practices
to improve process output quality by using quality management
methods to identify the causes of defects, remove them, and
minimize manufacturing variables.
What is AutoCAD? AutoCAD is the world's most popular computer-aided
drafting package for the personal computer (PC). It is a fully
functional 2D and 3D CAD program. Full 3D wire frame representation
was incorporated in the program with the launch of Release 10 in
1988. Release 11 brought additional 3D facilities in cluding some
solid modelling capabilities. These capabilities were enhanced with
Release 12 of the program for DOS and Windows. Its popularity has
made AutoCAD the de facto industry standard for PC-CAD with a host
of other program developers providing application software
conforming to the AutoCAD format. As a fully functional drafting
program, AutoCAD can achieve anything that can be drawn on a
drawing board. The main benefits of CAD come more from being able
to edit and exchange drawing information rapidly rather than simply
replacing the drawing board. Starting to use AutoCAD is a difficult
step as it requires a certain amount of new skill development. Once
you have made the commitment to learn how to use the program and
implement it in your everyday work the benefits will soon accrue.
You will quickly discover that there are many things that you can
do with AutoCAD that you could never do with a drawing board. With
AutoCAD your drawings become more than just black lines on a white
sheet of paper. The AutoCAD drawing is a database of information."