Books > Gardening > Gardening: plants > Flowers
This scarce antiquarian book is included in our special Legacy
Reprint Series. In the interest of creating a more extensive
selection of rare historical book reprints, we have chosen to
reproduce this title even though it may possibly have occasional
imperfections such as missing and blurred pages, missing text, poor
pictures, markings, dark backgrounds and other reproduction issues
beyond our control. Because this work is culturally important, we
have made it available as a part of our commitment to protecting,
preserving and promoting the world's literature.
Containing Particulars As To Descriptions, Culture, Propagation,
Etc., Of Plants From All Parts Of The World Having Bulbs, Corms,
Tubers, Or Rhizomes, Orchids Excluded.
Have you ever killed an African violet? Kent and Joyce Stork killed
their first violet too! They soon mastered the skills for growing
the plant and eventually wrote for the "African Violet Magazine,"
the official publication of the African Violet Society of America,
Inc. for over ten years. Their column "For Beginners" explained the
basic elements of growing violets in an entertaining and
straightforward way that anyone could understand.
Now these columns have been adapted and edited to provide even
the most novice grower with a step-by-step guide, whether the goal
is simply to keep violets alive or to exhibit the plants in
competitive shows.
Rural Essays
A. J Downing; Edited by George William Curtis; Contributions by Frederika Bremer
Discovery Miles 13 680
Ships in 10 - 15 working days
This scarce antiquarian book is included in our special Legacy
Reprint Series. In the interest of creating a more extensive
selection of rare historical book reprints, we have chosen to
reproduce this title even though it may possibly have occasional
imperfections such as missing and blurred pages, missing text, poor
pictures, markings, dark backgrounds and other reproduction issues
beyond our control. Because this work is culturally important, we
have made it available as a part of our commitment to protecting,
preserving and promoting the world's literature.
Have you ever had a question on how to grow African violets but
could not find the answer? Now your dilemma is solved and you will
be able to quickly find the information for which you are looking.
With this book in your hands you will no longer have to guess when
it comes to growing beautiful African violets, crowned with dozens
of gorgeous blossoms. The primary theme of Mel Robey's third book
on African violets is: Getting Back to the Basics. The reader will
find answers to 250 of the most common questions the author has
been asked since the publication of his first book on these popular
houseplants. He combines a unique knowledge of horticulture with an
easy to understand writing style. 250 Questions and their answers
are covered in ten chapters Chapter 1 Introduction Chapter 2
Getting To Know Your Plants Chapter 3 Plant Food Essential For
Healthy Plants Chapter 4 Potting Mixtures: Key To Being Successful
Chapter 5 Containers For Growing Beautiful African Violets Chapter
6 Proper Watering Techniques Important Chapter 7 Those Ugly Pests:
Insects, Diseases, and Other Unsightly Problems Chapter 8
Propagation Is Easy Chapter 9 The Environment Around Your Plants
Chapter 10 Light: Its Role In A Plant's Life Glossary You will find
answers to questions such as: .What can be done to solve the
problem after a white, salty crust has formed on the potting soil
surface and rim of the pot? .Does the type of fertilizer I use have
any influence on how well my African violets bloom? .Are there any
simple ways to sterilize my potting mixture? .If you could pick one
problem that causes African violets the most trouble, what would it
be? .Why are the flower buds on my African violet dropping off
beforethey open? This is very discouraging
Originally published in the late 1800s, this is a delightful book
on gardening that still contains much information of relevance to
today's gardeners. Many of the earliest books, particularly those
dating back to the 1900s and before, are now extremely scarce and
increasingly expensive. Home Farm Books are republishing these
classic works in affordable, high quality, modern editions, using
the original text and artwork Contents Include - The General
Management of the Garden - Lawns, Paths, Beds, and Border On the
Duty of Making Experiments - Some Neglected but Handsome Plants -
The Conservatory and Greenhouse - The Tool Shed and Summer House -
Roses and Aateurs - Enimies of the Garden - The Rockery - Trees,
and How to Treat them - Shrubs- The Inns and outs of Gardening -
The Profitable Portion - Annuels and Biennials - Window-Boxes -
Table Decoration - The Propagation of Plants - The Management of
Room Plants - Various Hints
Originally published London 1905. The author with his many years of
experience details all that is necessary to secure the successful
cultivation of the "Queen of Flowers." This is a fascinating book
for any rose enthusiast or flower gardener and also contains much
information that is still useful and practical today. Illustrated.
Many of the earliest books, particularly those dating back to the
1900s and before, are now extremely scarce and increasingly
expensive. Home Farm Books are republishing these classic works in
affordable, high quality, modern editions, using the original text
and artwork.
Originally published in 1926, this book is a detailed look at art
and practice of raising and cultivating Sweet Peas. The book
contains an exhaustive examination of every aspect of Sweet pea
cultur, and is still of great practical use to today's gardener.
Many of the earliest books, particularly those dating back to the
1900s and before, are now extremely scarce and increasingly
expensive. Hesperides Press are republishing these classic works in
affordable, high quality, modern editions, using the original text
and artwork. Contents Include: Sweet Peas: Their Origin, History
and Development The Raising of New Varieties Classes of Sweet Peas
Cultural Remarks The Cordon or Exhibition System of Culture Out of
Doors General Culture Cold Greenhouse Culture Enemies and Diseases
of Sweet Peas Sweet Peas for Indoor Decoration Seed Growing and
Saving Varieties Sweet Peas of the Future
1923. With 48 illustrations. A popular book with descriptions on
the wild flowers in Nature's garden. Some of the varieties depicted
in this volume are: Spiderwort Family; Lily Family; Amaryllis
Family; Buckwheat Family; Crowfoot Family; Poppy Family; Sundew
Family; Witch-Hazel Family; Geranium Family; Buckthorn Family;
Evening Primrose Family; Milkweed Family; Mint Family; Madder
Family; Lobelia Family; and many more.
When The Youthful Knee Is Bent, And To Heaven Is Humbly Sent
Grateful Prayer, -- Bending From His Throne Above Full Of
Tenderness And Love God Is There!
CONTENTSThe Use of Flowers - The Snowdrop - The Arbutus - The
Crocus - The Anemone - The Narcissus - The Dandelion - The Lily of
the Valley - The Violet - The Pansy - The Mignonette - The
Buttercup - The Forget-Me-Not - The Hyacinth - The Marguerite: A
Daisy - The Peony - The Sunflower - The Clover - The Bachelor
Buttons - The Rose - The Lily - The Passion Flower - The Mandrake -
The Marigold - The Orchid - The Verbena - The Water Lily - The
Poppy - The Iris - The Thistle - The Columbine - The Goldenrod -
The Gentian - The Chrysanthemum - The Rosemary - L'Envoi
This lovely book chronicles Dorothy Maclean's connection with the
intelligence of nature. It brings together for the first time most
of her Deva flower messages. These are truly Seeds of Inspiration.
It includes several black and white flower illustrations created
specifically for this book by artist Deva Berg.
The author was an ardent lover of roses and having carefully
studied them over many years, wrote this book with the hope that
there may be some little thing gained in these pages from his own
experiences in rose growing which may interest, and possibly help,
the reasoned Rosarian, by using the simplest language, and
explaining the different branches of rose culture in the most
detailed manner possible, and also by a careful choice of
Theodore James, Harry Haralambou
Discovery Miles 3 670
Ships in 12 - 17 working days
One of the most popular of all spring-flowering bulbs, the tulip
has a history that is as colourful as the flower itself. In the
1600s, in the heyday of "tulipomania", these blooms were rare, very
expensive and considered status symbols by European aristocrats.
Today, just about all of us can afford to "tiptoe through the
tulips" right in our own gardens. This easy-to-use, abundantly
illustrated guide tells novice and expert gardeners everything they
need to know to successfully grow many exquisite varieties of
tulip, from the bizarre Parrot to the classic Rembrandt.
Roses remain the all-time favourite flower and the vast majority of
gardeners cultivate them in smaller gardens. This visually stunning
book is the first to focus on the roses that are particularly
suited to small gardens. It will appeal in particular to gardeners
who value roses for their distinctive beauty, colour and scent, but
who have smaller plots, a buiser lifestyle or a subtly different
approach to planting. From a lifetime's experience of roses, Mark
Mattock advises on the best roses to plant and maintain
successfully. Exciting, essential and authoritative, this book
stands alone in the advice it gives and in the allure of its
beautiful photography.
' How to Grow Plants from Seeds is a great little book - a
hand-holding, step-by-step guide with clear pictures and
instructions. It demystifies the process and covers flowers as well
as vegetables and herbs. A most useful present for anyone wanting
to get started on sowing seeds.' Country Living 'Whether you want
to grow a cutting garden or a harvest of fresh produce, discover
the basic rules for success.' The Garden How To Grow Plants From
Seeds does away, once and for all, with the idea that there's
something difficult about growing direct from seed. There's no need
to rely on the professionals to raise seedlings for you: seeds are
not only cheap to buy and environmentally friendly but, if you
follow a few basic rules, they're also fantastically rewarding, not
least because a single packet will usually leave you with plenty of
spares to swap with fellow enthusiasts. Whether you're a novice or
an experienced gardener, if you want to nurture an impressive
cutting garden or aim to have a bounteous harvest of fruit and
vegetables, here's what you need to know, presented in a
straightforward and accessible way. You'll discover the basic rules
for different seeds, their sowing preferences (Indoor, under cover
or direct- to-plot? Surface-sow or cover up? Water or spray?), how
long they take to germinate, and how to prick out, pot on and raise
your infant plants to become sturdy, productive adults. The book
opens with a basic primer showing how seeds work, to give every
grower the best chance at success. This is followed by extensive
chapters on raising food and flowers from seed with plenty of
detailed plant profiles included, and finally there's a guide to
collecting seeds from your plants and how to save and swap - so
that you, too, can become a seed evangelist.
In Anatomy of a Rose, Sharman Apt Russell eloquently unveils the
"inner life" of flowers, showing them to be more individual, more
enterprising, and more responsive than we ever imagined. From their
diverse fragrances to their nasty deceptions, Russell proves that,
where nature is concerned, "wonder is not only our starting point;
it can also be our destination." Throughout this botanical journey,
she reveals that the science behind these intelligent plants--how
they evolved, how they survive, how they heal--is even more
awe-inspiring than their fleeting beauty. Russell helps us imagine
what a field of snapdragons looks like to a honeybee; she
introduces us to flowers that regulate their own temperature,
attract pollinating bats, even smell like a rotting corpse.In this
poetic rumination, which combines graceful writing with a
scientist's clarity, Russell brings together the work of botanists
around the globe, and illuminates a world at once familiar and
Bulbs are truly magical members of the gardening world - buried
treasure. The strange, twisted, sometimes ugly tubers, corms, and
true bulbs planted and forgotten in the fall will erupt into some
of nature's most spectacular, unique and colorful blooms in the
spring and summer. It is the early bulbs that mark the end of
winter and the start c spring in most of the gardening world, but
many bulb species perform their magic in the summer, or even
autumn. This is the most comprehensive, up-to-date book on
bulb-gardening now available. Its plant encyclopedia includes many
new developments in bulb horticulture not found in any other book.
And unlike other books, which a largely alphabetical listings of
bulb species, this refreshing book is an overall presentation of
planning, planting, and caring for bulbs in the garden.
A true story of one of the world's strangest plants and humanity's
oddest obsessions: the orchid, brought to book by the author,
traveller and self-confessed orchid obsessive. From the Orinoco
River to the hothouses of Kew, and the clandestine nurseries of
Europe to the peat bogs of Minnesota, this is a dark and humorous
tale of orchid smugglers, ice-cream makers and visionary breeders;
of courruption, murder and moths with 12-inch tongues; and of the
vicious, bizarre world of international plant politics and the wide
range of gentle people whose overriding passion is the cultivation
of these beautiful, fragile flowers.
The author believes gardening in the middle South, where seasons
have no definite boundaries but merge imperceptibly, could and
should be a year-round pleasure. She takes us through the cycle of
seasons, telling which plants are most suitable to which season.
The book includes tables giving blooming dates of over eight
hundred varieties of plants which were recorded over a period of