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Books > Science & Mathematics > Biology, life sciences > Zoology & animal sciences > Invertebrates > General
This is the first book to provide a detailed treatment of the field of larval ecology. The 13 chapters use state-of-the-art reviews and critiques of nearly all of the major topics in this diverse and rapidly growing field. Topics include:
Thisisnotintendedtobeacomprehensivetextbookofentomology andarachnology, butratheraconcisesynthesisofcertainbasic informationrequiredfor BSc(Hons)andMSc(Entomology) examinations. Theapproachisprimarilyfunctional: forinstance, theskeletalandwaterproofingpropertiesofthearthropodcuticle arediscussed, butnotitsbiochemistry;andIhaveincludedonly thosepointswithwhichIbelievealladvancedstudentsofthesub. jectoughttobefamiliar. Someaspectsaretodayregardedas outdated;othersdonotappearinanycurrenttexts, butIhave includedthembecauseIconsiderthemtobeimportant. Innoway, therefore, shouldthisberegardedasabookofreference. Tobe frank, itconsistsofamassofoversimplificationsandunqualified generalizationswhichareintendedtoclarifythecomplexprinciples underlyingthem. OncetheseprincipleshavebeenthorougWy grasped, thereaderwillhaveacquiredasufficientlybroadapproach tobeabletogetthebestvaluefrommoreadvancedtreatises. MythanksareduetoDrs. JohnDalingwater, AndrewMilner, andespeciallyPaulHillyardfortheiradviceonpalaeontological matters;toProfessorsEinarBursellforpermissiontouseFig. 8, takenfromhis An Introduction to Insect Physiology(Academic Press), NeilF. HadleyandtheEditorsof American Scientistto reproduceFigs. 52,53, andtoF. SchallerforFig. 42fromachap terhewroteinGupta(ed. ) Arthropod Phylogeny(VanNostrand Reinhold). Finally, IwouldliketoexpressmygratitudetoRoy Abrahamsforredrawingthefiguresshowinginsectwingvenations andtoEileenBerghfortypingthemanuscript. Thebookwas completedduringtenureofaLeverhulmeEmeritusFellowship whichIampleasedtoacknowledge, whileProfessorN. A. Mitchison FRSkindlyprovidedmewithaccommodationinUniversityCol. lege, London. J. L. CWUDSLEY-THOMPSON Contents 1 PalaeontologyandPhylogeny. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1. 1 TheEarliestArthropodanFossils. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1. 2 TheFirstTerrestrialArthropods. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 1. 3 EvolutionintheArthropods. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 1. 3. 1 EmbryologicalConsiderations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 1. 3. 2 ComparativeMorphology. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 1. 3. 3 MonophyleticorPolyphyleticOrigins. . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 FurtherReading. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 2 ImplicationsofLiveonLand. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 2. 1 TheSignificanceofSize 10 2. 1. 1 Size, SkeletonsandAllometry 11 2. 1. 2 AllometricGrowth 12 2. 2 WaterRelations 12 2. 3 TheConquestoftheLand 14 2. 4 . TheIntegument 14 2. 4. 1 TheEndocuticle 15 2. 4. 2 TheExocuticle 15 2. 4. 3 TheEpicuticle 16 2. 5 GrowthandEcdysis 18 2. 6 Respiration: Lung-BooksandTracheae 19 2. 7 NutritionandExcretion 21 2. 7. 1 Nutrition 21 2. 7. 2 Excretion 22 2. 8 EcologicalConsiderationsofSize 23 FurtherReading 25 3 TheConquestoftheLandbyCrustacea. . . . . . . . . . . . 26 3. 1 TypesofAdaptation. . . . 26 3. 2 TransitionfromWatertoLandinAmphipoda 26 3. 3 TransitionfromWatertoLandinDecapoda 28 3. 4 TransitionfromWatertoLandinIsopoda 30 3. 4. 1 Morphology 30 3. 4. 2Physiology. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 3. 4. 3 Behaviour 34 VIII Contents 3. 5 Conclusion 35 FurtherReading. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 4 InsectPhylogenyandtheOriginofFlight. . . . 37 4. 1 AncestryofInsects 37 4. 2 TheOriginofWings 38 4. 2. 1 Apte10taandtheAncestryofSpiders 39 4. 3 Paranota1Theory 40 4. 4 TrachealGillTheory . 42 4. 5 SelectionforFlight 43 4. 6 PhylogenyoftheLowerInsectOrders . 44 4. 6. 1 Fossil
The nervous system is particularly fascinating for many biologists because it controls animal characteristics such as movement, behavior, and coordinated thinking. Invertebrate neurobiology has traditionally been studied in specific model organisms, whilst knowledge of the broad diversity of nervous system architecture and its evolution among metazoan animals has received less attention. This is the first major reference work in the field for 50 years, bringing together many leading evolutionary neurobiologists to review the most recent research on the structure of invertebrate nervous systems and provide a comprehensive and authoritative overview for a new generation of researchers. Presented in full colour throughout, Structure and Evolution of Invertebrate Nervous Systems synthesizes and illustrates the numerous new findings that have been made possible with light and electron microscopy. These include the recent introduction of new molecular and optical techniques such as immunohistochemical staining of neuron-specific antigens and fluorescence in-situ-hybridization, combined with visualization by confocal laser scanning microscopy. New approaches to analysing the structure of the nervous system are also included such as micro-computational tomography, cryo-soft X-ray tomography, and various 3-D visualization techniques. The book follows a systematic and phylogenetic structure, covering a broad range of taxa, interspersed with chapters focusing on selected topics in nervous system functioning which are presented as research highlights and perspectives. This comprehensive reference work will be an essential companion for graduate students and researchers alike in the fields of metazoan neurobiology, morphology, zoology, phylogeny and evolution.
This book attempts to summarize what we know about inseet-plant relationships without beeoming too involved with untestable hypo- theses. It is not intended to be eomprehensive and we have deliberately excluded diseussion of aquatie organisms and fungi. Our definition of inseet herbivores is intentionally broad. It includes all inseets whieh feed on plants, although we have emphasized those whieh feed primarily on the photosynthetie tissues. Some referenee is made to seed predation but pollination eeology is excluded. We thank Ors P.H. Smith and M. Luxton for their helpful eommenb on the manuseript but we accept full responsibility for any mistakes whieh may remain. Finally, we thank the various publishers and a uthor~ who gave us permission to use copyright material. 7 I Introduction The net primary produetion of the 300000 speeies of vaseular plant whieh inhabit the dry land surfaee of the earth has been estimated at 9 about 115 x 10 t per annum. This represents a massive resouree potentially available for exploitation by the herbivorous inseets, which themselves probably number in exeess of 500000 species.
INSECTS PROVIDE an ideal medium in which to study all the problems of physiology. But if this medium is to be used to the best advantage, the principles and peculiarities of the insect's organization must be first appreciated. It is the purpose of this book to set forth these principles so far as they are understood at the present day. There exist already many excellent text-books of general ento mology; notably those of Imms, Weber, and Snodgrass, to mention only the more recent. But these authors have necessarily been preoccupied chiefly with describing the diversity of form among insects; discussions on function being correspondingly condensed. In the present work the emphasis is reversed. Struc ture is described only to an extent sufficient to make the physiological argument intelligible. Every anatomical peculiarity, every ecological specialization, has indeed its physiological counterpart. In that sense, anatomy, physiology and ecology are not separable. But regarded from the standpoint from which the present work is written, the endless modifications that are met with among insects are but illustrations of the general principles of their physiology, which it is the aim of this book to set forth. Completeness in such a work is not possible, or desirable; but an endeavour has been made to illustrate each physiological characteristic by a few concrete examples, and to include sufficient references to guide the student to the more important sources. The physiology of insects is to some the handmaid of Economic Entomology."
Courses on the invertebrates have two principal aims: (1) to introduce students to the diversity of animal life and (2) to make them aware that organisms are marvellously integrated systems with evolutionary pasts and ecological presents. This text is concerned exclusively with the second aim and assumes that the reader will already know something about the diversity and classification of invertebrates. Concepts of whole-organism function, metabolism and adaptation form the core of the subject-matter and this is also considered in an ecological setting. Hence, the approach is multi-disciplinary, drawing from principles normally restricted to comparative morphology and physiology, ecology and evolutionary biology. Invertebrate courses, as with all others in a science curriculum, also have another aim - to make students aware of the general methods of science. And these I take to be associated with the so-calledhypothetico deductive programme. Here, therefore, I make a conscious effort to formulate simple, some might say naive, hypotheses and to confront them with quantitative data from the real world. There are, for example, as many graphs in the book as illustrations of animals. My aim, though, has not been to test out the principles of Darwinism, but rather to sharpen our focus on physiological adaptations, given the assumption that Darwinism is approximately correct. Whether or not I succeed remains for the reader to decide."
There has been a considerable upsurge in interest in insect bio chemistry and physiology in recent years and this has been reflected in a notable expansion in the number of original papers in this field. Whereas insect physiology has tended to receive ample attention from reviewers, the same has not always been true for the more biochemical aspects of insect research. This book is a venture to help redress the balance. No attempt has been made to cover all aspects of insect biochemistry, but rather a few topics have been selected which seemed to us to merit a review at the present time. One reason for this increased interest in insect biochemistry is perhaps the growing realization that insects can be very useful organisms to act as model systems for the experimental study of general biochemical principles. One remembers, for instance, that Keilin's perceptive observations on the flight muscles of living bees and wax moths led to his discovery of the cytochromes. The fundamental unity of biochemistry has long been accepted as a dogma by the faithful and the insect kingdom provides no exception to it. The main biochemical processes in insects are being revealed as essentially the same as in other life forms but, as so often found in comparative biochemistry, there are interesting variations on the central theme."
by Professor L. E. Eastham Formerly Professor of Zoology in the University of Sheffield Most books are written with the intention of supplying some particular need, but few end with such single purpose. Mrs. Mellanby's is no exception, for while the author planned this work to serve as a guide to the school pupil, which function it fulfils in an admirable way, it will also prove of value to the teacher, the university student and the amateur naturalist. While it may be argued that it is not the function of the Uni versities to teach Natural History in the commonly accepted sense, it will always be the aim of Zoologists to know more about animals, what they are and do, where they live and why they live in particular environments. It is unfortunate, in view of the fact that the majority of students of Zoology enter the teaching pro fession, that the increasing load of instruction in morphology, physiology, cytology, genetics, evolution and the like frequently makes a personal study of animal life in relation to environment almost impossible. The fortunate ones visit the sea for a fort night's course in Marine Ecology; the others take posts in schools without even this respite and set about converting their academic learning to a school curriculum. The result is an undesirable and often slavish imitation of university method in the school class room."
It is now generally accepted for a variety of reasons - morphological as well as physiologica- that the visual systems of arthropods provide a suitable model for the study of information proces sing in neuronal networks. Unlike the neurophysiology of the visual pathway in the frog and the cat which is more than adequately documented, recent work on the compound eye and optical ganglia of spiders, crustaceans, and insects has scarcely been summarized. In order to fill this void so that others, especially vertebrate neurophysiologists may become familiar with the advan tages of these systems, our group at Zurich University organized here in March 1972, a European meeting to discuss the anatomical. ! neurophysiological and behavioral knowledge on the compound eye and the visual. pathway of arthropods. Systems analysis was regarded as the main theme of the conference, but systems analysis of a network of neurons cannot be done as a mere "black-box" maneuver. The conference therefore tried to reconcile neurophysiology and behavioral analysis in order to make predictions about a necessary and sufficient neural structure. The "wiring dia grams" of such a structure might then be confirmed histologically. Hence the aim of the conferen ce was not to deal only with the structure and function of the compound eye - i. e.
The idea that socialism could be established in a single country was adopted as an official doctrine by the Soviet Union in 1925, Stalin and Bukharin being the main formulators of the policy. Before this there had been much debate as to whether the only way to secure socialism would be as a result of socialist revolution on a much broader scale, across all Europe or wider still. This book traces the development of ideas about communist utopia from Plato onwards, paying particular attention to debates about universalist ideology versus the possibility for "socialism in one country". The book argues that although the prevailing view is that "socialism in one country" was a sharp break from a long tradition that tended to view socialism as only possible if universal, in fact the territorially confined socialist project had long roots, including in the writings of Marx and Engels.
Praise for Everyone Leads "If America is going to continue to thrive in the twenty-first century, we must strengthen our sense of community. In Everyone Leads, Schmitz lays out the challenges for those of us who have a passion to make a difference and, more important, the strategies to spark lasting change from the grassroots up. His unique perspective and experience make this a must-read for community activists."--Geoffrey Canada, president and CEO, Harlem Children's Zone "This moment in history demands that we stop waiting for others--especially others living in Washington, D.C.--to solve the problems and right the wrongs of our times. Now, more than ever, we must mine the most underutilized resource available to us: We the People. Everyone Leads shows us how."--Arianna Huffington, president and executive editor, Huffington Post Media Group "Social change has always come from the leadership of the many, not the few. Everyone Leads shows us how we can all step up and contribute to social change."--Tavis Smiley, author, broadcaster, philanthropist "Every nonprofit can learn from Public Allies' example that the leadership we need to solve problems exists within our communities. Everyone Leads is a guide to inclusion, collaboration, and community building that will inspire readers to see leadership and opportunity in places we don't usually look."--Sterling Speirn, CEO, W.K. Kellogg Foundation "Schmitz has produced the road map we need for this 'all hands on deck' moment when we need a new spirit of collaborative leadership and action to face the problems of our day. Reading this book, we are not surprised that Michelle Obama learned from Public Allies how to build leaders and build communities."--Harris Wofford, former United States Senator, and CEO of the Corporation for National and Community Service under President Bill Clinton Register at www.josseybass.com/emailfor more information on our publications, authors, and to receive special offers.
The measurement of metabolic rates is central to important questions in many areas of physiological research. Unfortunately these measurements are anything but straightforward, with numerous pitfalls awaiting both the novice and even the experienced investigator. The original edition of this work, published in 2008, quickly became the principle "how to" manual for the field. It successfully de-mystified the topic, explaining every common variation of metabolic rate measurement. Background information on different analyzer and equipment types allowed users to choose the best instruments for their application. Respirometry equations, normally a topic of terror and confusion to researchers, were derived and described in sufficient detail to facilitate their selection and use. In this new edition, the content has been thoroughly updated and a decade of new literature incorporated. New chapters on room calorimetry, human metabolic measurement, and metabolic phenotyping have also been added. Measuring Metabolic Rates is aimed at experimental biologists, physiologists, and any professional scientist involved with metabolic measurement. This practical handbook will also be of relevance and use to graduate students.
Nel 1925, Economo e Koskinas pubblicarono l'atlante piu accurato e completo sulla citoarchitettonica della corteccia cerebrale umana mai realizzato. Una sintesi del contenuto dell'atlante venne in seguito resa disponibile in tedesco e tradotta in italiano, inglese e francese. Il valore scientifico di quest'opera e divenuto piu significativo negli ultimi vent'anni con l'avvento delle tecniche di neuroimaging funzionale, le quali consentono persino di rilevare specifici focolai di attivazione nella corteccia cerebrale umana durante l'esecuzione di compiti cognitivi. Questa riedizione in italiano e stata ampliata rispetto all'originale con l'aggiunta della mappa dei solchi e dei giri del cervello. Inoltre, e stata inclusa la tabella delle corrispondenze tra le aree individuate da Economo e Koskinas e quelle descritte da Brodmann. Il volume sara di grande interesse per tutti coloro che desiderano approfondire la relazione tra la struttura del cervello e le sue funzioni; rappresentera inoltre un utile strumento di lavoro per i professionisti che utilizzano le neuroimmagini nella loro pratica quotidiana, quali neurofisiologi, neuropsicologi, neuroradiologi, neurologi e neurochirurghi.
Walk near woods or water on any spring or summer night and you will
hear a bewildering (and sometimes deafening) chorus of frog, toad,
and insect calls. How are these calls produced? What messages are
encoded within the sounds, and how do their intended recipients
receive and decode these signals? How does acoustic communication
affect and reflect behavioral and evolutionary factors such as
sexual selection and predator avoidance?
This book explores different disease models that have been successfully validated in this nematode, either to unravel disease mechanisms or to perform drug screenings. This nonpathogenic organism has helped to firstly identify genetic mechanisms important in cancer (Ras and Bcl oncogene signaling), aging (insulin signaling), and nervous system development (UNC-6/Netrin signaling). Human conditions such as aging/frailty (Chapter One), metabolic syndrome (Chapter Two), neurodegenerative diseases (Chapters Three and Four) and neurodegeneration induced by chemicals (Chapters Three and Five) are recapitulated in C. elegans. The construction of transgenic animals that mimic the diseases, the advances in understanding molecularly these conditions, potential new treatments and limitations of the models are reviewed in these chapters. Notably, the authors that contributed to this book are from different parts of the world due to the widespread use of this nematode in research.
An ecologist's investigation of the social lives of butterflies Throughout his career, Henry Horn took a unique approach to the study of butterflies. This book brings together his findings with recent advances in behavioral ecology to provide an incomparable look at the social lives of butterflies, illuminating for the first time the marvelously diverse range of butterfly behaviors across several species. Social Butterflies features in-depth studies of five sympatric species-the Plain Ringlet, the Eyed Brown, the Great Spangled Fritillary, the Viceroy, and the Pearly Eye-showing how their social interactions span much of the range of behaviors observed in vertebrates. Drawing on decades of his own keen observations in the field, Horn describes the natural history and behavioral peculiarities of each species and develops models to explain characteristic aspects of their behaviors. He then emphasizes key departures from these models to challenge the notion that butterflies are simply preconditioned to react to stimuli, showing how some make decisions by observing how other butterflies interact with the landscape and each other. Along the way, he sheds light on butterfly territoriality, mating tactics, vagrancy, feeding strategies, and more. Charting new directions for future research, Social Butterflies poses intriguing questions about the complex and sometimes mystifying social behaviors of these marvelous creatures, making it essential reading for lepidopterists, ecologists, and anyone interested in the social behaviors of invertebrate species.
This authoritative guide enables accurate identification of the common components of the inshore benthic invertebrates of the British Isles and adjacent European coasts, as well as a substantial proportion of fish species. This new edition builds upon the strengths of the earlier work and is thoroughly revised throughout to incorporate advances in both the taxonomy and ecology of the organisms concerned.
The simplicity and lack of redundancy in their regulatory genes have made ascidians one of the most useful species in studying developmental genomics. In Developmental Genomics of Ascidians, Dr. Noriyuki Satoh explains the developmental genomics of ascidians, stresses the simplicity of Ciona developmental system, and emphasizes single-cell level analyses. This book actively accentuates the advantages of using ascidians as model organisms in an up-and-coming field of developmental genomics.
As sequel to Aquatic Animal Nutrition - A Mechanistic Perspective from Individuals to Generations, the present treatise on organic macro- and micronutrients continues the unique cross fertilization of aquatic ecology/ecophysiology and aquaculture. This treatise considers proteins and their constituents, carbohydrates from mono- to polysaccharides, fatty acids from free acids to fat, and waxes. It becomes obvious that these organic nutrients are more than only simple fuel for the metabolism of animals; rather, their constituents have messenger and controlling function for the actual consuming individual and even for succeeding generations. This aspect will become particularly clear by putting the organisms under consideration back into their ecosystem with their interrelationships and interdependencies. Furthermore, micronutrients, such as vitamins and nucleotides as well as exogenous enzymes, are in the focus of this volume with known and still-to-be-discovered controlling physiological and biomolecular functions. Aquatic Animal Nutrition - Organic Macro and Micro Nutrients addresses se veral gaps in nutritional research and practice. One major gap is the lack of com mon research standards and protocols for nutritional studies so that virtually incomparable approaches have to be compared. This applies also to the studied animals, since most approaches disregard intraspecific variabilities and the existence of epimutations in farmed individuals. Furthermore, recalling the Mechanistic Perspective from Individuals to Generations, dietary benefits and deficiencies have effects on succeeding generations. In most studies, this long-term and sustainable aspect is overruled by pure short-term production aspects. By comparing nutritional behavior and success of fishes and invertebrates, Aqua tic Animal Nutrition points out different metabolic pathways in these animal groups and discusses how, for instance, fishes would benefit when having some successful metabolic pathway of invertebrates. Application of novel ge ne tic techniques will help turn this vision into reality. However, a widely missing link in the current nutritional research is epigenetics regarding transgenerational heritages of acquired morphological and physiological properties. To in crease public acceptance, nutritional optimization of farmed animals based on this mechanism, rather than genetical engineering, appears promising.
Understanding of animal social and sexual evolution has seen a renaissance in recent years with discoveries of frequent infidelity in apparently monogamous species, the importance of sperm competition, active female mate choice, and eusocial behavior in animals outside the traditional social insect groups. Each of these findings has raised new questions, and suggested new answers, about the evolution of behavioral interactions among animals. This volume synthesizes recent research on the sexual and social biology of the Crustacea, one of the dominant invertebrate groups on earth. Its staggering diversity includes ecologically important inhabitants of nearly every environment from deep-sea trenches, through headwater streams, to desert soils. The wide range of crustacean phenotypes and environments is accompanied by a comparable diversity of behavioral and social systems, including the elaborate courtship and wildly exaggerated morphologies of fiddler crabs, the mysterious queuing behavior of migrating spiny lobsters, and even eusociality in coral-reef shrimps. This diversity makes crustaceans particularly valuable for exploring the comparative evolution of sexual and social systems. Despite exciting recent advances, however, general recognition of the value of Crustacea as models has lagged behind that of the better studied insects and vertebrates. This book synthesizes the state of the field in crustacean behavior and sociobiology and places it in a conceptually based, comparative framework that will be valuable to active researchers and students in animal behavior, ecology, and evolutionary biology. It brings together a group of internationally recognized and rising experts in fields related to crustacean behavioral ecology, ranging from physiology and functional morphology, through mating and social behavior, to ecology and phylogeny. Each chapter makes connections to other, non-crustacean taxa, and the volume closes with a summary section that synthesizes the contributions, discusses anthropogenic impacts, highlights unanswered questions, and provides a vision for profitable future research. |
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