Books > Religion & Spirituality > Aspects of religions (non-Christian) > Religious experience > General
The content in this work is fiction, fiction in the sense that the
main character through which the eyes of this metaphysical and
philosophical journey is viewed, Charlie, is not a real character,
nor are his counterparts and foils through which he explores
various topics such as love, the meaning of existence or the
origins of the cosmos and how our understanding of these abstract
ideas have evolved since the dawn of civilization. But like any
work of fiction, the characters do have some basis in real
experience, from which of course nothing can be created. The intent
of the work is to explore the foundations and evolution of
knowledge and the boundaries between reason and faith, boundaries
which from the author's perspective are not quite as clear as some
might have us believe. And the point of going through the exercise,
the purpose as it were, is not only for the author to come to a
better understanding of how all our modern branches of science hang
together, how they have come to be given their socio-political and
historical context, but also for others to share in his journey and
perhaps learn something along the way. Since the birth of language
and thought even, going back thousands of years and even prior to
the dawn of civilization itself, mankind has attempted to answer
two fundamental questions, questions that have spurred countless
creative forces and branches of thought over the centuries; namely
who we are and from whence we came. The answers to these questions,
no matter what race, religion or creed the seeker might be, or what
philosophy or religion they might adhere to, are inextricably
linked to each other. This journey of trying to understand our
place in the world, and the origins of the universe itself, is an
ageless quest that in many respects distinguishes mankind from the
rest of the creatures on the planet. Furthermore, this very same
quest to answer the same questions fuels not only scientific
development but also is the basis for theology and religion, both
approaching the same set of questions with a different set of tools
and with a different mindset but both trying to answer the same set
of basic questions as to who we are and how we got here. From the
author's perspective, in order to answer these questions
effectively in the Information Age, we should have at least some
understanding of the history of our answers to these questions as
they have evolved over time. For we all build our collective
knowledge on those that have come before us, whether we recognize
this or not. And in turn, that in building this bridge, a common
metaphor used throughout the work, we must leverage the tool of
metaphysics, a term originally coined by Aristotle but in the
context of this work implies a level of abstraction that sits above
physics as we understand it in today's world but also provides a
conceptual underpinning to all of the branches of knowledge that
collectively make up our ?understanding? of the world and out place
in it. In doing so, it is the author's hope that we can not only
come to a more complete and fuller understanding of the answers to
these basic human questions that have plagued mankind since time
immemorial, but also at the same time perhaps develop a deeper
understanding of the problems of life in the Information Age and
how we might best approach them, or cope with them, in way that not
only benefits ourselves as individuals but to society as a whole,
to which our individual well-being depends upon whether or not we
recognize it or not.
This book is for the reader who takes interest in an age-old issue
that remains contemporary with every succeeding generation. When,
how, and why we are here are questions that have caused countless
generations of thinkers and laymen alike to intuitively seek at the
very least the semblance of an answer to questions that have become
more of an outlook than a science, and in turn spring up among the
problems of modern life as opposed to allowing for a resolution to
that which was intended to clarify instead of further complicate.
Free from the shackles and bias imposed by the various schools of
religious, scientific and philosophical thought, the examinations
offered herein are rooted in systematic analyses of the scientific,
philosophical, ethical, social and finally the religious; which in
turn allows for the explanation and justification of concepts that
enable the reader to adopt a perspective relevant to the
distinctions of absolute truth and relativistic assumptions. Our
age is accurately referred to as the age of advancement and
technology and for good reason. The rapid pace of progression over
the last century in the life sciences has contributed to a
broadened understanding of knowledge itself and its relation to the
psychological and sociological aspects of our existence. As a
result of the significant expansion of the sciences, the desire for
an understanding of "self" and simply of "why" has in many ways
been diluted, thus negating the never ending questions that once
tugged at man's conscious in the middle of the night for thousands
of years. Today's amazing achievements have laid the foundation for
a whole series of newer problems and questions that threaten
mankind as never before. The medical and biological sciences have
enabled us to have a life expectancy beyond that of prior
generations, however coupled with that are the problems of
population explosion, which in the not too distant future will give
rise to serious concerns. We have the ability to harness the power
of the atom, yet along with it comes the ability to destroy all
that we hold sacred. Taking into consideration the advanced age we
live in, how does one account for the remarkable complexity extant
throughout the known universe? Is one to assume that our
consciousness coupled with our overwhelming sense of purpose can be
attributed solely to "random chance" alone? The law of causation
deals with the need for a preceding event leading to the outcome,
and despite the fact that this scientific age has left its
handprint on every facet of life today, it has failed to satisfy
the innate question of simply,
.............................................. why?
The Bible states in the Scriptures that God has placed the
Christ Spirit within each one of us. In John 14:20, Jesus says "On
that day you will realize that I am in the Father, and you are in
me, and I am in you." Author Allen C. Liles, an ordained
non-denominational minister, wants us to consider using the daily
practice of meditation to help establish a direct link between us
and the Divine.
Rev. Liles shares the wisdom, guidance, insight and support that
he received from God and the Christ Spirit within us over a full
year of sitting in the silence every morning. He claims no special
relationship with God. Rev. Liles believes that each of us can
access the Holy Presence by becoming open and receptive to sitting
with God in meditation on a regular basis. His struggles during the
year included the illness of his wife, retirement from a
ministerial career, aging, caregiving, family issues with adult
children, financial concerns, and finding the courage to take life
one day at a time. No matter what your problems or concerns, Rev.
Liles's experiences in meditation offer hope for a happier,
fulfilled and more peaceful life in a time of turmoil and
Real Men Do Cry captures the wisdom of Nehemiah for the twenty-
first century.
Learn how God intervened to restore a remnant of his people in
Israel in the fifth century BC, a time when the nation's existence
had reached a desperation point. God's ways have not changed. He
still acts on behalf of those he is calling to follow him. As an
absolute sovereign, he expects complete obedience to his will.
See how God overruled the dominant powers of that time to
fulfill his purpose in the world. This practice has not changed.
God is still King; however many circumstances and the boasts of the
ungodly may seem to mask that fact.
Understand the true basis for prayer as God's people in any age
relate to their true King and persist in their obedience to
Are you sick and tired of the Enemy who plans to destroy your
life, your family, relationships, your health, and your dreams,
through fear, doubt, unbelief, and the insecurities brought on by
rejection and unworthiness? The thief comes to kill, steal, and
destroy and rob you of the promises of God given to his redeemed.
Jesus died on Calvary to forgive our sins and to make and bring
peace to us, and he took our punishment so that we could be healed
and receive every blessing in heavenly places.
In this book, you will receive biblical principles that, when
studied and applied, will bring the Word of God to life for you.
You will learn to walk by faith and talk faith in every area of
life. You will see that healing is God's will for his people. You
will see how the Enemy lays traps of unbelief to hinder you. You
will see that Jesus defeated Satan, and his power is broken.
My prayer for you is that you will receive understanding and
that the Lord Jesus will be glorified in your life in every area.
Having faith is having confidence that God will do what he promises
he will do. God never changes; his word remains the same. We are
changed from glory to glory
Matthew Robert Payne has thousands of followers on Facebook and has
written more than thirty books, available on Amazon. You might want
to know more about him and what he believes. You might want to
reassure yourself that his theology is sound so that you know that
you can trust him. One day as he was reading a really insightful
book about heaven, he came across a statement of beliefs that some
elders in heaven produced for a visitor to heaven. For the first
time, Matthew found a list of doctrinal statements that he could
back and support. In this short book, Matthew briefly outlines his
beliefs so that you know what makes him tick. Read what he believes
about the Godhead that he serves with all of his heart.