Books > Mind, Body & Spirit > Fortune-telling & divination > General
Gerald Burger is een van die land se bekendste sieners. Gedurende 2019 het hy die hoofkarakter in sy eie reeks, Die Siener, wat op kykNET uitgesaai is, geword.
Die reeks het op die stasie se top 10-programme geboer. Dit is nou nog op Showmax beskikbaar. Die Siener: deur die oe van Gerald Burger bied 'n in-diepte blik op die lewe van 'n heldersiende.
'n Individu wat geseen is met die gawe om met die bonatuurlike te kommunikeer, om onwelkome gaste te help om na die "anderkant" oor te gaan.
In this newly revised and updated edition, unlock the secrets of
your dreamlife with the most comprehensive A-Z reference book on
dream interpretation you'll ever find. Have you ever wondered what
your dreams are trying to tell you? Now you can finally find out.
Packed with fascinating information, The Dream Dictionary from A to
Z is an extensive collection of the symbols that appear in your
dreams and how to interpret what they mean for you. Dreams are
universal, and every culture throughout history has tried to unlock
the secrets of the unconscious mind through the interpretation of
dreams. Understanding the unique meanings of dream symbols can help
in the way you experience your waking everyday lives and even
foretell the future. Designed to be kept right near your bed, The
Dream Dictionary is organised from A to Z, so you can easily look
up instant answers about the people, places, and ideas that you
dreamed the night before. You'll also discover the various meanings
and interpretations of your dreams. For example, cats in dreams can
represent the secretive side of a person's nature, and they can
also denote a desire for sex or a warning of hidden dangers. Now
with newly updated entries including social media, money and
television, as well as chapters such as 'The 50 Most Common Dreams'
and 'The 10 Dreams You Should Never Ignore'. Whatever your dream
symbol or experience, you'll find an amazing treasure trove of
thousands of interpretations in The Dream Dictionary.
Mother Shipton, alias Ursula Sonthiel is generally supposed to have
been the second greatest English seeress, after the legendary
Merlin, but it is certain that her prophecies were added to in the
19th century by a Mr Charles Hindley. The problem of authenticity
grew more puzzling with the publication of even more 'Shipton'
prophecies by 'Nexus' magazine. The author is convinced that
despite these additions, at least 50 years and probably as much as
170 years worth are still missing. This work was written long
before the Nexus prophecies were published and not only fills the
gap, but goes far beyond it, as the reader will discover. We await
the criticism, attacks and cries of outrage that will surely be our
lot, with amused anticipation.
Affirmations for manifestation and self-love are paired with Divine
messages and energetic representations of angels. From renowned angel
tarot and oracle creator Radleigh Valentine.
YOU are deserving of a powerful, magical life. The affirmations and
angelic messages in this deck are here to remind you of this truth. The
archangels, special purpose angels, and your guardian angels want you
to feel happy, fulfilled, loved, and abundant―all you have to do is ask
for their support. Each of the 44 cards in this deck pairs affirmations
with the heavenly messenger most aligned with the topic, along with
vibrant channeled art representing each angel’s energetic field.
Combine Divine energy with the power of affirmations to manifest the
magical life you deserve!
Change Your Child’s Behaviour is more than just a do-it-yourself guide to the often fraught business of dealing with what society in general would define as naughty or difficult behaviour from children. In accessible, non-judgemental and jargon-free terms, Anchen Witthuhn sympathetically examines the reasons why little ones or preteens may exhibit a variety of challenging behaviours either at school, in the home or in their daily interactions with others.
Dealing head-on with sensitive issues such as discipline, anger management, exposure to inappropriate electronic media and the continuous need for firm, gentle and positive reinforcement, the book goes to the root of the problem.
Through a practical, structured individual programme of daily messages, relaxation techniques, feedback and appropriate material, Change Your Child’s Behaviour provides sensible and stress-free solutions to a rangeof widely experienced problems.
Reading Tea Leaves is your ultimate guide to the ancient art of
tasseography - divination with tea leaves. Traditionally a homespun
form of divination often practiced by women, tea-leaf reading gave
glimpses into the drama of daily life - who was stopping by after
supper and if a letter was on the way. The process is simple: brew
yourself a cup of loose-leaf tea, settle down somewhere comfy, and
sip it intentionally. Once you've reached the bottom of the cup,
the tea leaves that remain will take the form of shapes and symbols
that can give you guidance, spark your intuition, and even give you
a hint of the future. Originally published in 19th century but now
updated for modern readers, Reading Tea Leaves will teach you
everything you need to know to begin reading the leaves yourself.
Inside you'll find a dictionary of symbolic meanings to help you
successfully interpret the images you see in the cup, along with
ten illustrated example readings to allow you to hone your
interpretive skills. The art of reading tea leaves is a
warm-hearted invitation to celebrate the small, magical moments we
encounter every day.
Spoopy Tarot is a kawaii treat for all the spooky season
tricksters, featuring the classic tarot deck reimagined with cute
li'l ghosts, nasty witches, and other fun stuff that goes bump in
the night. Instead of the fool's journey, Spoopy Tarot follows a
spirit floating through a haunted house, encountering 78 extremely
adorable versions of traditional tarot archetypes in the major and
minor arcana.
Vulnerability is life's great teacher and the key to unlocking your
own wandering heart. Your journey into clarity and truth starts
here. With guidance from this enchanting new divination deck, it is
your turn to step out of your comfort zone and into yourself.
Best-selling poet Reyna Biddy has made a name for herself as a
speaker of hard truths and an advocate of self-love, a journey that
she continues with her intentionally designed 40-card deck and
guidebook, Wandering Heart Deck. In conjunction with captivating,
inclusive illustrations by Brazilian artist Muri Lugh on themes of
self-reflection, spiritual growth, and ancestral connection,
Reyna's gentle and poetic voice makes it beautiful and easy to tap
into who you are, who you have been, and who you want to be.
The power of this book will work, even if it is not read.
The entire purpose of this book is: The full activation of the inner and outer senses, in order to dissolve the enslaving programs of belief systems.
How did the Oracle of Delphi obtain her prophecies? Can you access
information just by holding an object? Are itches actually
messages? Is it really possible to read the future in the bottom of
a teacup? In this condensed book, experienced seer Jewels Rocka
outlines the theory and practice of divination, using illuminating
examples from all over the world. Packed with useful information
and miniturised reference tables, this is the essential pocket
volume for the travelling prophet. "Fascinating" FINANCIAL TIMES.
"Beautiful" LONDON REVIEW OF BOOKS. "Rich and Artful" THE LANCET.
"Genuinely mind-expanding" FORTEAN TIMES. "Excellent" NEW
SCIENTIST. "Stunning" NEW YORK TIMES. Small books, big ideas.