Books > Law > Jurisprudence & general issues > Legal skills & practice
Was ist Recht eigentlich? Woran liegt es, dass Menschen auf Regeln
reagieren und wovon hangt es ab, dass sie es nicht oder nicht genau
tun? Wie entsteht Gerechtigkeit und wie muss ein Rechtssystem
beschaffen sein, um Gerechtigkeit zu gewahrleisten? Was eigentlich
ist Wettbewerb und wieso handelt es sich dabei um ein Grundprinzip
moderner Rechtsordnungen? Dies sind einige wichtige Grundfragen,
die weltweit alle Systeme des Rechts im Kern betreffen. Das Buch
versucht, in knapper, klarer und verstandlicher Sprache hierauf
Antworten zu geben.
No occupation in America supplies a greater proportion of leaders
than law. They obviously lead law firms, but they also sit at the
helm of a vast and diverse array of businesses across America,
including 10 percent of S & P 500 firms. And of course, a
strikingly large percentage of our political leaders are attorneys,
including half the members of Congress. This raises two obvious
questions: why do we look to lawyers to lead, and why do so many of
them prove to be so untrustworthy and unprepared? In Lawyers as
Leaders, eminent law professor Deborah Rhode not only answers these
questions but crafts an essential manual for attorneys who need to
develop better leadership skills. She contends that the legal
profession attracts a large number of individuals with the ambition
and analytic capabilities to be leaders, but often fails to develop
other qualities that are essential to their effectiveness. The
focus of legal education and the reward structure of legal practice
undervalue the interpersonal skills and ethical commitments
necessary for successful leadership. Although some lawyers are
sufficiently gifted to need little reinforcement, Rhode shows that
the vast majority of law school graduates need to develop the
leadership characteristics that she profiles. They know it too.
According to one survey, almost 90 percent of attorneys stated that
their law schools did not teach them leadership skills. Given the
importance of the topic, it is surprising how little the profession
has done to develop leadership skills. The first serious treatment
of the subject, Lawyers as Leaders will be essential to law school
instructors who teach leadership courses (a growing field) and any
attorney who finds him or herself in a management position.
Smallkit ermoeglicht es Studenten oder wenig erfahrenen
Programmierern, Anwendungsprogramme mit professionellem Look and
Feel in wenigen Wochen (inkl. Einarbeitungszeit) zu erstellen. Es
wurde bisher in mehreren Programmier- praktika fur
Wirtschaftsinformatiker sowie in Diplomarbeiten eingesetzt. Die
erzielten Resultate bestatigen, dass der Einsatz von Application
Frameworks mit in akzeptabler Zeit meisterbarer Komplexitat in der
Ausbildung ausserst motivierend und stark qualitatsverbessernd
wirkt. Die Studierenden sind dadurch in der Lage, in einem Semester
einfache Anwendungsprogramme wie Graphikeditoren,
Buchhaltungsprogramme, etc. zu entwickeln. Dies ist ohne den
Einsatz von vorgefertigten Bausteinen unmoeglich und bietet
ausserdem die Moeglichkeit, in professionelle Fertigungstechnik,
namlich der Systementwicklung mit Einbezug von Halbfabrikaten,
einzufuhren. Literatur [Apple89] Apple Computer; MacApp 2.0;
Product Documentation; 1989 [Digitalk88] Digitalk Inc; SmalitalkIV
Mac, Tutorial and Programming Handbook; Product Documentation; 1988
[NeXT89] NeXT Inc; System Reference Manual: Concepts (Preliminary
1.0); Product Documentation; 1989 [ParcPlace90] ParcPlace Systems;
Objectworks lor Smalltalk-80 Re1.4; Product Documentation; 1990
[Weinand89] Weinand A, Gamma E, Marty R; Design and Implement?tion
01 ET ++, a Seamless Object- Oriented Application Framework;
Structured Programming, Vol 10, No 2; Springer; 1989 Weitere
Publikationen uber Smallkit: Stritzinger A., Architecture and
Dynamics of Smallkit: : 'In Easy-To-Leam Application Framework.
Proceedings 01 the TOOLS Pacilic 1990 Conlerence, Sydney, Australia
Stritzinger A., Smallkit - A Slim Application Framework. Joumal 01
Object-Oriented Programming, Vol. 4, No.
Studying Scots Law provides a highly readable account of the
educational and training requirements for entry into the Scottish
legal profession and provides essential information on law courses
throughout Scotland as well as giving useful advice on study
skills. Studying Scots Law provides law students with an invaluable
source of reference throughout their studies. The new edition
provides invaluable information on how the approach to teaching and
studying has changed during Covid restrictions and the facilities
universities have put in place to support students during this
time. As well as a general background it also provides guidance on:
- The nature and forms of legal education and what to expect from a
study of the law - Advice on applying to university, studying,
essay writing and exams - Treatment of electronic sources for study
and research - Information on education funding